Cut Wide Open (A Bleeding Scars MC Book 1)

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Cut Wide Open (A Bleeding Scars MC Book 1) Page 10

by Abby Mccarthy

  “Fuck you,” I gritted out.

  “No, dear. I plan to fuck you. Let me ask you? Did you miss me? Miss my cock in that tight little virgin ass?

  “Why are you doing this to me?” I cried.

  “Why does a man of my power and wealth do anything? Because I can. Plus, I got word that you’re something to someone. Let’s just say, I knew who you’d belong too, even if you didn’t know it, and I wanted you for myself. I get to have the best toys.”

  The air whooshed out of my lungs. This was because of Gunner. I’d thought it, but I wasn't sure.

  He sat down on the bed. I still hadn’t turned my head to look at him. His fingers trailed along the branding on my back and I shuddered at his touch.

  “My mark on you makes me hard.”

  “Don’t touch me,” I said with way more bravery than I really felt. The truth was, I was scared out of my mind, but I didn't want him to see that.

  “You have a lot of fight. I like that.”

  I heard his belt buckle and I cringed at what would come next. Before I could even plan any type of defensive move, the leather was around my throat. The buckle bit into my skin and my breath was stolen from me.

  “On your stomach,” he demanded and then added, “You comply, you breathe.”

  I gasped for air as he loosened the belt. I did as he said and moved to my stomach. One hand palmed my ass as the other held onto the belt strap. “Where should I fuck you? Huh? Your asshole?” His fingers moved over my tight hole. I reflexively squeezed my ass cheeks together and was met with a tug on the belt, stealing my air.

  “You want your pussy instead?” he asked shoving his fingers inside of me. I wanted to scream out at the violation. My air was given back to me, but only long enough for me to suck in a lungful. I heard him spit and then his fingers were inside of me again, pushing in his saliva. Then, his dick was at my entrance and he was forcing himself inside.

  Tears slid down my cheeks as he slammed in and out over and over again.

  He’d loosen my leash as he thrust in, and then tightened it as he pulled out. I wasn't sure how long the assault went on for. He definitely didn't last as long as he did with the Viagra. My vision had tunneled in and out. I was so focused on breathing that by the time he was finished, and had released the belt, I barely moved as the door latched on his way out.

  Sometime later, the door opened. I braced. One of his men stood at the door. And thrust out a brush and two small bottles along with a pale pink nightgown.

  “Boss wants your hair taken care of.”

  Once the door closed again, I didn't wait to shower. I didn't care it was what he wanted. I needed the shampoo. I needed to wash his filth from me. I reveled in the fresh scent that replaced his musky one. I rubbed my hand over my throat and could feel the burn from the leather’s bite. I let the cold water numb it and stood under the spray until I could barely feel my body. When I was finished, I picked up the pink night gown. It was silk and skimpy, but I hadn’t had clothes for a long time, so I didn't think about the implications of wearing it; the low cut lace front, or what the lace slits might mean. I only thought about the fact that I was no longer naked.

  I laid down on the bed and tried to push all images of what just happened out of my mind. It was the only way I could seem to calm my racing heart. I thought about Gun, and how clumsy he was when he first learned to walk. I thought about how, one day, I would get out of this hell and I’d see him again. It wasn't an option for me not too. I needed to hold onto that. He was my whole world and I was his. I wouldn’t let him think I’d abandoned him. I know what that felt like and I loved him too much for that. I daydreamed about reuniting with my son. Eventually, I fell asleep.

  When I woke again, the familiar tray with the familiar sandwich was by the door, but there was no juice. I ate, like I did every time, and used the water from the shower to wash down the peanut butter. I slipped into the routine I had been in, and after I ate, I dropped to the ground and did push-ups. My arms, despite the fact that I had little food, were strong. I’d put my energy into my workout and kept my mind off of the fact that Enrico would probably be back. Sometime into my third set of sit-ups, the silky material against my skin started to feel different. It was as if a thousand soft threads were brushing up against my legs.

  My heart was fluttering and my mood seemed like it was changing. I didn't feel like I had, for however long I’d been here. Everything around me felt vibrant. As I continued to move, I realized that my nipples were now straining against the material of the nightgown. It was all I could do to get at them and tug. What was wrong with me? I felt hot and cold all at once. My skin prickled. The door opened, and I was sitting on the floor playing with my nipples. I didn't even stop because it felt so good. I paid no attention to whomever was. I finally felt something other than isolated agony, and my mind clung to the blissful sensation.

  “I see Molly’s working her charm.”

  Enrico stood in front of me. I knew I should be afraid, but for some reason, I couldn't grasp that emotion. He dropped a duffle bag on the cot and ordered me up. I didn't listen, so he grabbed me, making me stand, and then sat me down on the bed.

  “Do you feel good?” he asked.

  I nodded dreamily.

  “Open your mouth. This will make you feel even better,” he ordered and I complied. A small pill was placed in my mouth. I felt good and I wanted to feel better.

  “Good girl. I want to feel you wet on my cock.” He unzipped the bag and I watched in fascination as he pulled out a metal bar with thick leather cuffs on each side. He secured them to my ankles. I should’ve pulled back, but for some reason, I couldn’t.

  Next, he pulled something out of the bag that looked like an over-sized microphone. I watched Enrico, with his fancy suit and devilish eyes, smile like he couldn't wait for what he was about to do. He flicked a switch on and the black top started to hum. It was loud, the hum echoed around the room, sounding like a pulse. Then, it was being pressed to my core and my insides were coming to life. My pussy throbbed with sensation and it wasn't long before I was moaning into the pleasure.

  “Oh, yes!” I cried out. But maybe it wasn't a cry, but a plea? I wanted more. More of this pleasure that felt too great to handle. I wanted more of whatever he gave me that made me enjoy this, and I wanted to come. Another moment later, his lips were at my throat. It was the first time I’d felt them on me. Against everything in my head that said it was wrong, my body opened up to him, giving in to what was happening.

  His tongue lapped my skin, and the wet trail he left made me break out in tiny goosebumps. I could feel those, like I could feel the walls inside of me tighten as I let out a strangled scream. It was too much. Too good.

  Before I knew what was happening, he had me flipped over the cot and he was driving inside of me. I could feel everything. The way the blanket roughly scratched against my face. The cool cement floor against my knees. His cologne filled the room and his white dress shirt pressed against my back. Each sensation was like a tickle to my senses.

  His finger pressed at my asshole and my body betrayed me, rearing back into it. He slid his dick out and whispered. “Knew you’d be sweet, all wet for me.”

  And then he moved his finger away, pressed the large vibrator to my clit and slowly slid his dick into my ass. I was on fire. My knees trembled and sweat trickled into my eyes. Another orgasm tore through me and as my head was thrown back, the room spun. Traces of colors, followed my line of sight. The dull room was a prism of light and I was so caught up in it, I barely registered Enrico sliding out of me or the light trickle of wetness following after him as he left me behind. I didn’t even really notice when my cuffs were undone and I was left on the cot. My eyes danced in delight at the pretty rainbows and I had no idea that when the fog cleared, I would hate Enrico even more for what he’d just done.

  I awoke with one thought in mind, water. My throat was so parched all I wanted to do was drink. I moved to the shower, turned it on an
d stuck my head under the spray drinking as much as I could. My nightgown began to get wet. I suppose I had forgotten that I even had clothes on. And then, I remembered last night. Oh, God. I came. I didn’t fight. I enjoyed it. Guilt coursed through my veins and I immediately bent forward and threw up all of the water I just drank.

  I threw up over and over again. My body shook under the cold spray. How could I get off with him? That was the most vile thing to ever happen to me and I liked it. At that moment, I hated myself. I also hated Enrico even more. Feeding me drugs that made me enjoy sex with him was his own power play.

  He took my orgasm and my ability to consent. I felt dirty and no amount of cold water could wash away my filth.

  Chapter Fourteen Charlie

  “Eat,” one of Enrico’s men ordered. My peanut butter sandwich sat there from the day before. I ached from hunger pains, but I was so disgusted with myself that I couldn't stand to stomach anything. I stared at the wall and prayed the man would go away.

  “I said, eat.” I heard him shuffle behind me, then my hair was being yanked, and the sandwich was being shoved into my mouth. He stuffed the entire thing in gagging me. The thick, white bread mashed into a ball and blocked my throat. I tried to suck in air, but my airway was clogged. I coughed and gagged. The juice was poured over my mouth and I felt like I was drowning.

  My hair was let go and I backed to the side coughing and choking. The man in a black military uniform laughed, then said, “Next time you eat, you filthy pig.”

  The door closed behind him. The sound of his boots echoed down the hall as he walked away. Tears stung my eyes and I coughed and coughed trying to clear the rest of the food from my throat. I moved to the shower and again ran the water over my face, swallowing as much as I could. My hand was braced against the wall, when I heard the door open again. I turned to glare at the goon who just left, but was met with Enrico’s stare. It was the first time I’d seen him since he’d drugged me. My eyes immediately shot downward. I didn't want to look at him.

  “Heard you like to choke on things.” He prowled towards me. I wanted to strike out at him. I wanted to spit in his face and tell him how much I hated him. I didn't do that though. How could I? He’d already proven to me how much power he had over me.

  “Look at me,” he ordered and I did as he demanded. “If I send you food, you eat it.” I gulped as the water continued to pour over me. Trickles of water moved into my eyes and I blinked staring at the monster. He took off his coat and set it on the cot ,then rolled up his sleeves. He prowled closer to me. I wanted to flinch, but I wasn't sure what the consequence would be. His hand shot out and turned off the water. I was all too aware of the wet nightgown clinging to my skin.

  Enrico didn't miss it either as his eyes moved down my body. “Choke on this.” He unzipped his black slacks and pulled out his hard dick. Oh, how I wanted to bite him, but I didn't. I did like he said and I dropped to my knees. My throat burned and all I thought about the entire time was that someday I would figure out a way out of this. I would close down and do as he said, but one day I would be free. I had to for Gun. So, as he finished, that was my thought. I held onto Gun.


  As weeks passed, I knew all I was to him was a plaything. I’d been in the dungeon, as I referred to it, for God knew how long. Enrico was sometimes gone for days, and then he would return, and I would do as he said. I didn’t fight him. If he said I needed to be on my knees, I was. If he wanted my ass, I gave it to him. I could be quiet and compliant. It wasn't just that it was easier than fighting him, but somehow I had convinced myself that if I went along with it, it would be easier. It wasn’t. At night, I’d still cry, and each time after he left me, I felt less like a person and more like a receptacle. Sometimes, he would hurt me just to hurt me, but for the most part, he took what he wanted and left. I went back to wishing I was invisible and often, when the guards would come in, I thought I was. They didn't really look at me, and for that I was grateful. It was bad enough being raped by one man. At least the monster didn't share.

  I lived in a constant state of anticipation and fear. Every time the door opened, I fought the urge to curl into myself. I hoped he would take me from the dungeon and I’d figure a way out of this hell. I was determined that I would get back to Gun. I was staring at the wall that I’d memorized every crack and crevice of, when the door opened.

  “Come,” one of Enrico’s men ordered. I was afraid, not really sure what was going to happen to me. Maybe he was done using me, or maybe a new hell awaited me, what I didn’t expect was for the goon to lead me to Enrico’s room.

  Enrico’s room was opulent. I’d been in here once before when I’d first gotten here, but it was all a blur to me. The one thing I remembered was the black sheets on the bed. Images of Enrico raping my throat assaulted me, making me swallow back the bile.

  “You have specific instructions. You're to shower. There is makeup and things for your hair. A dress is in the closet. You're to accompany Mr. Santos’ to a dinner this evening. You’ll not speak to anyone. You will keep your eyes down. If you don't follow these rules, he will not hesitate to kill you in front of his company. Do you understand, Senorita?”

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  “Yes what, estupido puta.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  He looked smug as he closed me in the suite. I knew better than to look around. I didn't doubt that a camera would be on me. I’d already surmised that there was a camera in the dungeon. Besides the fact that Enrico made comments about getting off as he watched me, I’d spotted it in the ceiling. It was inconspicuous and blended in and if I hadn’t been searching the ceiling for exactly that, I’d never known it was there.

  Tonight, I would do as I was told. I would try to observe as much as I could, and I would do everything I could to stay safe. Well, as safe as one could be in the company of killers.

  I showered. There was a fresh razor, I assumed was for me. As I shaved, I wondered if I’d be able to remove the razer-blade and use it as a weapon? I gave it a pull to see if it would come loose and nicked the skin on my finger. He’d notice any new cuts on me. I needed to be more careful. I finished showering and saw the brand new make-up that was left for me on the bathroom counter. It was all better quality than the drugstore brands I was used to purchasing. I used bobby pins to secure my hair into an up-do, then used the black charcoal liner to darken my eyes and finished off my look with a dark red lipstick.

  Inside the closet, a black mini dress hung above a pair of red stilettos. They were all high fashion brands and I thought how funny it was that he didn’t want to dress me like the whore I’d been turned into. After slipping into the dress and the securing the heels, the door opened and in walked Enrico. He walked around appraising me.

  “You did well,” his thick accent appraised me. Although to me, it felt more like sharp shards being thrown at me. I didn't want his assurances. I kept my face devoid of any emotion.

  “Emanuel explained to you the rules for tonight?”

  “Yes sir. He did.”

  “You don't talk to anyone. Do you understand? You do as I say. I’m not done playing with you yet, and if you fuck this up, I’ll be forced to do something I’m not ready to do. Get it?”


  “Dammit. Yes, what?”

  Fuck, I’d screwed up. I waited for a blow as I quickly answered, “Yes sir.” The blow didn't come. I watched as Enrico opened a safe and took out two large, silver guns. He wore a holster over his finely pressed white, linen shirt and then put a suit jacket on top of them. I know he did this as a show to me. I couldn't help but notice the stacks of cash inside of the safe. Maybe I could use that one day? Maybe I could escape?

  I was dreaming about a way out of here when I’d heard, “Follow me, pet.” Enrico motioned me out of his bedroom. I passed by a vase and I momentarily thought about grabbing it and smashing it over his head, but then what? I needed to be smart. I needed to come up with a plan.

woman’s voice caught me off guard. “Fine, you win. I’m sorry. Now, let me out!” She banged on a door as we passed. I couldn't lift my head as much as I wanted to, but something about the way she yelled at Enrico made me think that she wasn't in the same boat as me. Enrico ignored her. There wasn't even a pause in his step. I wondered if she was who normally escorted him. She was quickly forgotten by me, as he led me through the mansion. I followed Enrico, and although my head was down, I tried to keep track of how many guards I’d seen. I counted six, and I inwardly cringed--that was a lot of men.

  We exited the mansion and a convoy of black SUV’s awaited us in the hot Colombian sun. This was the first time I’d been outside, and I was surprised to see that we were surrounded by what looked to be a jungle. Thick trees and shrubs surrounded his nicely manicured lawn.

  I was lead into an SUV. The air-conditioning was on full blast giving me a chill as I slid across the black leather interior. I kept my head turned towards the window, and noticed once we were past his property, the jungle thinned out and we were actually not far from an urban metropolis. There were people everywhere. Houses seemed to be stacked on top of one another and in every direction, there were herds and herds of people. I’d never been to New York, but I imagined that’s what it was like, crowded.

  Within ten minutes, we pulled up in front of a posh looking restaurant. As Enrico’s car came to a stop, the SUVs in our convoy pulled up on each side of his vehicle. Guards surrounded us as they ushered us into the restaurant. Every worker inside seemed to scurry away as we passed by. A hostess lead us to a private room in the back of the restaurant where there were men surrounding the table with women at each side of them.

  Before I sat, down Enrico grabbed my arm. “Be on your best behavior,” he whispered into my ear. A quick glance at the table told me no one paid his dominance over me any mind.


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