When the Heart Lies

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When the Heart Lies Page 7

by Christina North

  He closed the last two feet separating them, his eyes and voice commanding her attention. “Yeah. I think. And the only thing you’re in the middle of is a mess.”

  “Step back, Jackson! You’re out of line. Sorry your master plan of seduction didn’t pan out.”

  With a short burst of laughter, he began to turn away, but then turned back. After shaking his head with an incensed expression, he grasped and cradled her face, firm yet gentle, in one hand. He followed her eyes with his when she tried to look away from him. She gulped, attempting not to show how the sensations of his closeness both thrilled and terrified her.

  He whispered his next words in a sexy chanting way close to her lips. Too close. “Pleeeze—you were waiting all night for that kiss. Those dewy eyes, the seductive flirting, and best of all, the sweet lick of the lips as you readied them for me. You’re the mastermind of seduction, sweetie. Not me. Look at you. You’re ready for me now.”

  A grunt larger than she was escaped her, she lifted her leg, slammed her foot down on his and tore her face from his grasp. It must have hurt, but the blow only slowed him for an instant. He caught her arm as she passed him. She was moving fast, and when she sprung back round, her breasts pressed firmly into his hard muscled chest, her hips falling naturally at his groin which was equally as hard.

  In a mocking, angry display, she licked her lips as her eyes stayed steady with his. He released her with a light shove to creating distance between them. A split second later, he took her by surprise when he vaulted forward and seized her face with both hands, pulling her mouth into a forceful passionate kiss. Every muscle in her body released its tension, and the frosty brazenness she’d tried to maintain liquefied into a kiss that sent her reeling. Connecting, wanting. The moment she arched to meet him, he stepped away, smiled, and slowly licked his lips.

  With eyes dreamy and voice soft, he whispered, “Sweet dreams.” Mocking her right back. A flick of his brow was the cherry on top as he turned and walked away.

  He was almost out the door when she grunted and threw the hairbrush she grabbed off the dresser. It sailed past him, missing his head by a fraction of an inch. The emotional teeter-totter she’d been balancing in the middle of was on an incline. “Be careful with this one,” she reminded herself.

  Chapter 6

  Jackson lay sleepless in his bed, staring at the ceiling. He couldn’t get the picture of Kinsley out of his head. The way she waited for his kiss and watched his lips until they met hers. Either this case ended soon or he was going to lose every ounce of integrity he had. Somehow, he couldn’t bring himself to care.

  After waking up early, he headed to breakfast. Uncharacteristically, he passed up the buffet and got some coffee. Kinsley, was nowhere in sight. When he saw Scar, he signaled her to the table.

  “What the hell happened last night?” she asked.

  “What didn’t happen? I made things worse by taking her out of here. Things happened. I’m supposed to be helping, and I screw things up. Not to mention I can’t get her out of my head.” Kinsley was becoming his drug, and he needed to shake his addiction. “Now, on top of everything, I’m giving you far too much information.”

  “I thought you might be getting too involved. Please tell me you didn’t … ya know.”

  “No. Well, not really.”

  “Not really?” Her tone was unsympathetic.

  “Let’s just say things happened, and they shouldn’t have.” His palm cradled his head to the side while his fingers and thumb worked his brow and temple. Professional boundaries were nonexistent at this point. After a moment, he stopped and dragged his hand up to his chest in an attempt to clear the acid working its way up. He leaned back to search his jeans pocket, retrieved the last antacid from the roll, and popped the circular relief into his mouth.

  Scar left the subject alone. “What was all the yelling in the hallway about?”

  “We didn’t return until four. They found out we left the building.”

  “Shit.” Leaning back in her chair, Scar fell silent, but her spoon continued to tap an annoying rhythm against her coffee cup. “What do you think Pierce will say?”

  “Pierce will gripe, but he’ll bend my way.” He threw the plastic coffee stirrer he’d been chewing on onto the table. “The stuff between Kinsley and me is what I’m worried about. What was I thinking, letting things go so far? I’d like to kick my own ass.” Never had he compromised a case the way he had with this one. If he could, he would remove himself. He was beyond that option now. Sensing she needed him, he couldn’t walk away.

  Scar leaned forward, arms still crossed. “I’ll tell you what you were thinking.”

  He popped her in the head with his balled up napkin. “Not necessary.”

  She popped him back. “You’re such a man-child. Have fun with Pierce.”

  “Yeah, about time I face the old weasel.” He stood, and as he walked away, he reached out to muss up her hair like he use to when she was a kid, but since about age thirteen, she saw it coming and ducked. He headed down the hall to meet with Pierce.

  He knocked firmly on Pierce’s open door.

  “Come in.” It was evident from Pierce’s harsh tone he was cross.

  He entered the room, nodded to Pierce, and spoke in a determined tone. “I need to talk to you about last night.”

  “Talk to me? Or tell me to ignore it and let you walk out the door with no consequences? I should have never agreed to you posing as a patient.” Pierce slammed the pile of folders he held onto his desk. “Sit, we need to talk.”

  “I’m fine standing.”

  Pierce stood behind his desk, leaning forward onto his fists with stiff arms. With Pierce’s display of authority, Jackson glared at him. “Don’t try to turn this into something about you and me.”

  “Jackson, please.” He looked at him again, offering a seat with his hand. “I’d like to iron out our differences.”

  Jackson scoffed and shook his head. “That’s never going to happen.”

  Pierce rubbed his forehead and somberly lifted his eyes. “I did everything I could for your mother, Jackson.” His hand moved from his forehead and dragged downward. “You’re a grown man, but you still behave—it’s not like I pulled the trigger.”

  “You might as well have.” He leaned onto the desk across from Pierce with an inflexible stance and a fierce look. “I’m here to talk about Kinsley.”

  “Okay, Jackson, let’s talk. Do you want to risk assuming you know what’s best for Kinsley? What’s going on with you? Why are you getting involved with her? She’s married, and you’re well aware how that can end.”

  “I wasn’t assuming anything, and I certainly don’t need you to worry about me. We both agree, it’s my fault she was out of the building.” He leaned toward Pierce. “I need you to assure me you won’t give her a hard time because of my error in judgment. She feels bad enough. That’s all I’m here for.”

  “I’m a doctor, not a warden. She can leave any time she wants. However, she did miss two resting vital sign checks, and if anything had happened to her, it would’ve been on your head.” Pierce frowned and batted the air. “Relax already. I’m discharging her. She’s fine.” He glanced down at his desk, shook his head, and returned his eyes to Jackson’s. “I’ll always feel like I owe you something.” He reached out in an attempt to shake his hand.

  He looked at Pierce’s extended hand, and his face soured. “You don’t owe me shit.” He spun around fast and left.

  When he entered the hall, Scar walked right up to him. She was the one person who got him. He could unload on her without judgment. She understood him better than anyone did, and after talking to Pierce, he was glad to see her.

  “So, how’d everything go?” she asked.

  “He’s discharging her.” Even though he was happy for Kinsley, the thought of having to watch her from afar again was a downer.

  “Cool, she’ll be relieved. You okay?”

  He leaned flat backed against the wall and
attempted to maintain his usual confident stature. Every part of him dragged. The palms of his hands covered his tired eyes, and he massaged them. “Yeah, listen, I’m going to try to get a hold of Olivia. I wanna meet the guy I’m working for, or he can find someone else. I’m sick of working in the dark. Check on Kinsley. Don’t let her know I sent you.”


  “Thanks. We’ll get together when I get back. Call if you need me to pick you up.”

  He headed into Olivia’s office to get a meeting with the man who hired him. The large precinct in Le Grand was full of commotion as usual. He worked his way to Olivia’s office, stopping only when necessary to respond to greetings from people he’d become acquainted with over the years. His departure from the force to pursue private investigations was taken as a great loss to the department; he had been one of their finest investigators.

  He knocked on the counter, getting the attention of the cop nearby. “Is Olivia in?”

  “Yeah, I’ll tell her you’re waiting.” The cop picked up the phone and proceeded to spill his coffee over the files on the oversized, metal desk. “Shit.” Grimacing, he headed to get a paper towel.

  Jackson held in a chuckle and walked back to Olivia’s office as he usually did, or he’d be waiting forever.

  “Geez, Jackson, just walk in, why doncha. I get no respect around here,” Olivia said as she poured herself a cup of coffee.

  “What do you mean no respect? I always respect you.”

  “Yeah, maybe for a little while in the morning. Through breakfast anyway.”

  “I thought we weren’t going to mention that again.” The friends with benefits thing they had attempted was over as soon as he sensed she was falling for him. As much as people raved about it, someone always ended up wanting more.

  She exaggerated a disgruntled face. “Coffee?” She posed like a hostess with the pot of coffee kicking one leg back to feature the killer four-inch heels she wore. “Me?”

  He ignored her flirtation. To let him off easy wouldn’t be like her. No one would deny she was sexy and had personality to boot. Her short, curly black hair and the red lipstick she wore made her appearance similar to one of those Forties pin-up models. “No, I’m good. I’ll make this quick. Did you talk to the client?”

  “Yes, and he agrees now’s the time to meet. Only one problem. He’s in New York. He says he can get us on a plane in four hours. We’ll be landing mid-afternoon.”

  His jaw set. “Will you ever grasp the fact I hate to fly?”

  She made a funny face and shrugged.

  He swatted the air. “Whatever. Will we be back before morning?”

  She added a frown to the funny face and shook her head. “He set up a couple of rooms for us at a nearby hotel.” Now, she smirked.

  The woman had no shame when going after what she wanted. Usually what she wanted consisted of them ending up naked, and the scenario was getting far too frequent for comfort now that his feelings for Kinsley were getting stronger.

  “His name is Xavier Wentworth; he’s her father-in-law.”

  “Her father-in-law, huh. What’s his interest in her personal life?”

  “Said he wants to be sure she and Max are safe, and after the incident with her boyfriend, he wanted more information. When I called to tell him the police and ambulance were at Wayde’s house, he told me to make certain she was well cared for. I told him about Lakeside, and he arranged for her stay.”

  “What’s this guy like?”

  “Nice guy.” She bit down on her tongue—letting just the right amount of pink show a little. “Loaded, in every way.”

  “Oh, brother. You, too? What’s the attraction to old guys lately? And what’s with you and him?”

  “I spent some time with him. A long time ago. Never completely broke him down though.” She expelled a long growling grunt. “God, I was so into him. I was an intern in his legal department. He’s married. The relationship never went much beyond a causal affair. Something changed, and he ended things, but he was good to me and still is.”

  “What’s the husband like?”

  “Nick? Total ladies man, especially after Kinsley left, from what Xavier says. Drinks too much. If we do see Nick or run into anyone else, you’re my date.”

  His head dipped, and he looked at her steady from below his lashes. “Your date?”

  “That’s right, my date. What’re you, too good for me now? Unless it’s Jonathan, he knows me, and he’s aware you’re watching her.”

  “Why all the covert maneuvering, Olivia? What’s really up with this guy, and who the hell is Jonathan?”

  “Xavier’s very protective when it comes to his family. Jonathan’s his personal assistant. More like an old-fashioned butler, actually.”

  “Seems to me Nick should be the concerned one. I’d better go pack.”

  “Twelve-thirty flight, your ticket will be at Continental’s check-in. Oh yeah, bring dress clothes, Jackson.”

  He turned to leave while raising his hand, signaling he got the message. If he hurried back to the motel, packed, and drove straight to the airport, he’d make the flight, but the schedule left no leeway for sentimental goodbyes, and he had to forgo seeing Kinsley.

  ~ ~ ~

  There was a double knock at Kinsley’s door. She could barely open her eyes. It seemed like she hadn’t slept at all. “Yeah?” When she finally pried them apart and looked at the clock, she was surprised at the time.

  An unknown male voice spoke from behind the door. “You’re late for an appointment with Dr. Pierce. You have ten minutes.”

  Great. Today would be a fantastic day. She ran a comb through her hair and imagined what Pierce would have to say about last night. After pulling herself together, she headed to Pierce’s office.

  His door was open, so she stuck her head in. “Sorry, I’m late,” she said, trying to appear truly contrite.

  He leaned back in his chair, smiled, and waved her in. “Come in and have a seat.”

  She sat and waited, expecting a lecture.

  “What happened last night? Sounds like you got caught up in a bit of confusion.” Pierce’s tone sounded more concerned than angry, and he seemed uncharacteristically relaxed compared to their last visit.

  She lowered her eyes, embarrassed by her immature behavior the previous night. More than ever before, she felt conflicted. She had no business complicating her life any further. “I made a decision without thinking things through, and I ended up doing something stupid.” Really stupid.

  “Well, I’m glad you realize it was stupid. Aside from that, I want you to realize it was impulsive.”

  When he put his hand up in a gesture of understanding and made direct eye contact, she breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Once you’re aware you have the tendency to do impulsive things, you can consciously try to make a choice to review an action before engaging in it. I’m not judging you. You said yourself the pills were impulsive.”

  He made sense, and she agreed with him not only because she wanted him to discharge her, but also because he was right. If she hadn’t been impulsive and left New York, she wouldn’t be in this fix. “I’m curious, why couldn’t I make any phone calls yesterday?”

  “After an incident similar to the one you experienced, I find people are very emotional. Sometimes they need to think about what they really want and take time away from the conflict for solitary reflection. Does that make sense?”

  “Makes sense.” The way she went back and forth about calling Nick, he had a point. She wanted to call him, but in many ways, she remained afraid.

  “Yes. It’s a different approach, but I find it works. I’m told I have some old fashion ideas.” He smiled. “Let me ask you. Do you still need to make those calls today?”

  She shook her head. As she told Jackson, she should get out of this bind on her own. Or at least attempt to.

  “Well, I can see from your records and from talking to you, you’re an intelligent, healthy young woman. I’m
discharging you this morning. I’ll give you a prescription for Xanax in case you find yourself anxious like you were the night you came in.”

  It was amazing how cooperative he was being, but she wasn’t going to question her luck. She was glad to be leaving. “Do you think I need the pills?”

  “Just in case. Sounds like you have your hands full right now. It’s better to have some if you need them. You can fill the prescription at the pharmacy downstairs. Just don’t take them all at once.” Smiling rather handsomely and with good humor, he nodded, letting her know she was free to leave.

  It would take Wayde at least a couple hours to get Max ready and get to Lakeside. She stopped at the nurse’s desk to call him and then headed to her room to rest. She was at an impasse. Say goodbye to Jackson, or skip it? He clouded her judgment. The whole three months she’d been with Wayde, she’d only thought about being home again. That’s all she wanted to focus on. Maybe she was losing hope of ever going home again. Whatever it was, it was enough of an opening for her to allow Jackson to slip in and confuse things even more. She went over to the bed and slumped down into the softness. What was I thinking to leave New York with nothing but a small book advance? Nick would never have wanted her to leave with no money. At the time, she wanted him to worry. To care. She’d give up the love of a man for Max, but Nick had to at least care.

  Curled up and spooning her pillow, she imagined Jackson. To her, he was simply a pleasant diversion. That’s what she told herself. A man she could pretend would always look at her the way he did now and would love and want only her forever. He was a silly fantasy, but she chose to daydream anyway. She conceived the heat of his skin against her face, the firmness of his chest against her hand, and the smell of him. She could almost feel his hand on top of hers as it lay against his chest. Imagining him breathing, she synchronized her breaths with his and fell asleep sensing him next to her. The memory of a man she’d given up to be with Nick, a man who truly loved her, taught her how to relax and fall asleep that way. She wasn’t sure if she could give that up again.


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