Jackson Valley Shifters Complete Series: Bear Shifter Romance

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Jackson Valley Shifters Complete Series: Bear Shifter Romance Page 28

by Candace Ayers

  Before Todd could say a word, the bear dashed forward, swiping Todd’s arm and knocking the flashlight to the ground.

  Chloe backed up against the nearest tree.

  Todd was writhing and screaming on the ground. Chloe could smell blood. The bear took another swipe, slicing across Todd’s chest. It ripped the Wolverines jacket, and shredded the skin beneath.

  “HELP! HELP! HELP ME!” Todd cried out, his eyes darting toward Chloe in pleading.

  She sure as hell didn’t want to help. At that moment she wanted Todd dead. He would be getting what he deserved. The bear would be doing what Chloe herself wanted to do to him but was unable.

  The bear released another almighty roar, it’s fearsome jaw drooling in anticipation of its kill.

  Chloe hesitated, but then wearily she stepped forward—standing between the bear and Todd’s helpless body.

  “Stop,” she said calmly. “That’s enough.” She glanced back down at Todd. “For tonight at least.”

  The bear dropped onto all fours instantly as though Chloe’s command was its law. It stood silently, waiting for her bidding.

  “Help me! I need an ambulance!” Todd wailed pitifully.

  Chloe retrieved the flashlight, her hand trembling as she shone it on Todd. She saw immediately that the wounds were maybe a half-inch deep, but all across his chest, the arm wound more severe. He would need medical attention, stitches for sure, but she felt no urgency.

  “Take me home?” She said to the bear.

  The bear leaned forward, crouching down low. As gently as she could, Chloe climbed up on the soft, silky fur of its back, collapsing against the warmth and comfort in exhaustion.

  As she breathed in the scent of the bear, she knew for sure. It was Wesley. She had no idea how he’d managed to know where she was, or how he’d sensed she was in danger, and it didn’t matter. She was just overwhelmingly grateful that he had.

  She let herself be carried through the fields, lolling into a drowsy state by the slow pace of the bear, and the steady rhythm of its heartbeat, and the sudden drop from the adrenaline high.

  In hardly any time at all, they reached the road.

  The bear stopped by Todd’s car. The headlights were still on. Eli’s car was nowhere to be seen. Clearly, he’d done his bit by luring her here. Chloe wondered how much persuasion it had taken on Todd’s part to get him to agree to it. Eli had seemed like such a nice guy. It hurt and infuriated her, that he’d been so duplicitous—and that she hadn’t had a clue until it was too late.

  She slid off Wesley’s back.

  He moved away, giving himself some space.

  Chloe watched in amazement as he started to shift back into human form. She’d never seen it happen before. Her dad had never let her watch, or Uncle Derek. Shifters always made the transition in private. She knew that. The only person who her dad would allow to be present when he shifted was her mom, Heather.

  It looked painful and strange. The bear’s body contorting and shrinking in on itself at the speed of running water—but at the same time, there was something magical and awe-inspiring about the process, as if she was watching something being reborn.

  In a matter of moments, Wesley stood before her, completely naked.

  Chloe swallowed. Taking in the broad, solid muscle lit up in the headlights, her stomach tightened. She felt a tingling between her legs, the butterflies flickering in her abdomen.

  Wesley placed his hands between his legs, cupping his manhood behind them. Chloe blushed, and averted her eyes.

  “Are you hurt?” Wesley asked tightly.

  Chloe shook her head.

  “I’m taking you home.”

  Chloe hadn’t noticed his expression before, and now realized that it was set in a grim fury. She’d never seen such a look of anger on his face.

  “Thank you so much Wesley. I’m sorry—I can’t believe this happened…I don’t know what to say.” Chloe suddenly felt ashamed. He probably thought she was a stupid child, going out in the middle of nowhere with a stranger.

  “Don’t you dare apologize,” Wesley snapped. “None of this is your fault. I could fucking kill that dickhead. I swear to God.”

  “Better that you didn’t. I’ll tell the police everything. He’ll get his justice.”

  “A jail cell is too good for him,” Wesley spat in disgust.

  “As long as he doesn’t get to do this to another woman, that’s all that matters. I’m fine—thanks to you.”

  Wesley muttered obscenities under his breath, yanking the door open to Todd’s car. He took the keys out of the ignition and popped the trunk. A moment later, he returned wearing a pair of sweatpants that were too small and tight for him. They must have belonged to Todd.

  “Let’s get moving.”

  Chloe nodded, making her way to the car. She sat in the passenger seat hating the smell of the upholstery, hating everything about Todd’s flashy ‘toy’.

  “Feel free to total this car when you’re done with it,” Chloe stated grimly.

  “Don’t you worry about that—it’s going in the Huron River.”

  Wesley revved the engine, speeding away from Newport Road.


  Chloe unlocked the outer door to her building and Wesley followed her inside, taking in the beautiful arches and intricate carving of the old building. He was glad she lived in a place like this—clean, warm, and supposedly safe.

  He checked the door as it closed behind them, gratified to see that the building might have been old, but the door was sturdy, and there were two CCTV cameras in the lobby, pointing down at the entrance.

  Chloe led the way up a large staircase and stopped at the first-floor landing.

  She led him through another door, which opened up into a long corridor with the individual apartments on either side. They walked almost the entire length of the hallway in silence, until Chloe stopped outside her door.

  “This is me,” she whispered.

  She unlocked the door, opening it wide for Wesley to step inside.

  He did so, noticing how much this room reflected Chloe as a person. There were posters and books he remembered her having back in Jackson Hole. The place was also immaculately tidy, just like her room at home. But it felt comfortable and cozy.

  “It’s nice,” he said quietly.

  “Thank you.”

  “Do you want something to drink?” Chloe asked, moving toward the small kitchenette area that contained a sink, a kettle and colorful mugs hanging from hooks in the wall.

  “I’m okay, thanks.”

  He felt awkward, strangely out of place, even though her place seemed so familiar and home-like to him.

  “I guess I should call an ambulance,” Chloe added as she set the tea kettle on the small two burner stove.

  “No need. I heard him calling on his cell when we reached the car.”

  Chloe paused for a moment, and then nodded.

  “Of course, I forgot about that super-sonic hearing.”

  “If I was a bat, yeah.” Wesley tried to joke. Chloe pulled a face, rolling her eyes.

  “Sorry,” he muttered. He was trying to distract himself, just to stop from marching out of the room and hunting down that piece of shit—but dumb-ass humor wasn’t helpful right now.

  Chloe made an herbal tea, the scent of chamomile filling the room.

  “I should call the cops.” She added, making a move in the direction of her purse, before pausing and realizing that her phone had been destroyed.

  “Tomorrow,” Wesley insisted. The last thing she needed was to be put through the rigorous questioning of police tonight. “You need to rest, get some sleep.”

  When he saw her hesitate, he added, “I’ll watch over you. I’m not going anywhere.”

  Chloe moved toward the bedroom and Wesley followed, watching her sink down on the mattress. Wesley hesitated, then perched on the edge of an armchair that sat in the corner. He wanted to hold her, to comfort her, but just didn’t know how—or how welcome it
would be. She’d just been through an intensely traumatic experience. The last thing he wanted to do was make that worse in any way.

  “Sit with me, please.” Chloe said quietly.

  Wesley nodded, moving across the room. He sat down next to her, their arms brushing. He became aware that he was still bare-chested. The sweat pants he’d found rummaging through Todd’s gym bag in the trunk barely stretched to accommodate his thighs, but the couple of t-shirts that were in there were way too small to even attempt to slip into.

  “I can see if I have a t-shirt, if you’re cold?” Chloe asked doubtfully.

  Wesley shook his head with a half-smile. It was unlikely that Chloe would own anything that was going to fit his frame.

  “Why don’t you have a shower?” He suggested instead. “Then get into bed. I won’t leave unless you want me to.” He gestured to the chair. “I’ll spend the night right there.”

  “Please,” Chloe agreed.

  She stood up from the bed, and headed to the small bathroom that was across the hall from the bedroom.

  “I won’t be long.”

  “I’ll be right here.” Wesley said.

  Chloe shut the door, and Wesley was left alone.

  The moment she left, he felt his strength flee. He placed his head in his hands, wanting to yell with rage. His body started to shake and tremble. He couldn’t escape the thought of what might have happened if he’d been too late. Or not come at all. What if he’d left for Chicago the night before like Coach Fulchic had asked him to? He wanted to vomit.

  There was no greater shame, no greater degradation than that of a shifter who had allowed his mate to meet with danger. Especially at the hands of another male. Wesley shook with anger, hating himself for his weakness—hating what Chloe had gone through.

  When he’d felt Chloe’s fear and terror, he’d been a couple miles away in a hotel room that he’d booked for the night. Thank god he hadn’t stayed at the Detroit Marriott where the rest of the team was holed up, and had instead chosen to spend the last few nights nearer to where he knew Chloe was living. He could only imagine what would have happened if he were an hour away.

  The closer he’d gotten, he found he could taste it—he experienced everything Chloe was thinking and feeling as she did—the acid bile building up in her mouth, the pain in her legs as she ran, how her lungs were burning—and the horrible, ripping ache as she had thought of home, of how she had wished her dad was there to save her. That had torn at Wesley—ripped through his being and twisted his soul.

  Wesley was experiencing every excruciatingly painful repercussion that happened when a shifter abandoned his true mate.

  He had tried to outrun the feelings. Tried to expel them on the football field. All to no avail. None of it had worked. All he’d done was create pain and suffering—for Chloe, and for himself. His own pain he would have embraced and endured his entire life, but not Chloe’s.

  Wesley rose swiftly, stepping out into the kitchenette and splashing his face with cold water from the tap.

  The bite of the cold water brought him back to his senses. He moved back into the bedroom, back to the armchair. He would stay here tonight—and for as long as she needed him to feel safe.

  Chloe re-entered the room. She was wearing a camisole and shorts, with her wet hair tied back in a bun. Wesley’s heart stopped. He felt lust stirring in his groin, an instant, and obvious, hard-on pressing against the tightly stretched sweatpants. He turned away.

  Wesley cleared his throat.

  “You should get into bed. I’m going to be right here.” He willed himself to calm down.

  Chloe climbed in between the sheets. She looked beautiful but tired, soft shadows appearing beneath her eyes as she untied her hair and lay back against a pillow. The sight of her like this, vulnerable and sleepy, melted Wesley’s heart.

  “You can lie next to me. I mean, I want you to. Please?” Chloe said.

  “I don’t know if that’s a good idea–”


  He couldn’t refuse her. He moved onto the bed, lying stiffly on top of the covers. They turned toward each other, barely a hand-span between them. The bedside lamp lit up Chloe’s hair, and the intensity of her green eyes.

  “You don’t wear your bear,” Wesley observed, noticing her bare neck.

  “My friend took it for safe keeping. She wanted me to get over you. To move on.”

  “A friend here?” He asked.

  Chloe nodded.

  Wesley closed his eyes for a second, her words like a weapon that cut at him. She had missed him. She had wanted him. And he hadn’t been there for her.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered brokenly.

  Chloe sighed quietly, sounding inescapably sad.

  “It doesn’t matter.”

  Her hand reached forward, moving a strand of Wesley’s hair away from his temple. Wesley had always kept his hair “hippy long” as Tanner Holt, Chloe’s dad referred to it—just to the nape of his neck. He’d wanted to cut it short, many times, but Chloe had always made such an angry fuss that he’d stopped doing it—and hadn’t wanted to after he left her.

  Chloe smiled.

  “I’ve always loved your hair.”

  “I was just thinking about that. Your temper tantrums when I tried to cut it.”

  Wesley smirked as Chloe’s cheeks grew pink.

  “Temper tantrums were a long time ago,” she said.

  “I know.”

  “I don’t think you realize that I’ve grown up—not really, do you?”

  “Believe me, I know you’ve grown up,” Wesley replied gruffly. His body was painfully aware of how Chloe had grown up. His desire flared and burned whenever he laid eyes on her—and had done so ever since she was sixteen.

  “That boy tonight.” Chloe started, then hesitated. Closing her eyes briefly, she continued. “He’s from a wealthy, well-established family. He has a 4.0 GPA. He’s a star football player. He would have had a great career ahead of him. He would have taken me anyplace I wanted to go. Huge house, nice car…everything you always thought you couldn’t give me. I just want you to know that.”

  Wesley fell silent.

  The gaping hole in his logic, the reasons he stayed away from Chloe, were becoming more and more painfully apparent.

  “I should have given you the choice,” he said honestly. “I didn’t think you were old enough to make it logically. I should never have taken that away from you.”

  “No, you shouldn’t have.”

  “Do you think you can ever forgive me?” He asked quietly, looking into the deep pools of her eyes. Desperate to see a flicker of desire there—to see his own salvation.

  “Will you give me the choice now?”

  Wesley swallowed. His mouth suddenly dry as a desert.

  “Are you sure that’s what you want? Are you absolutely sure?”

  “Don’t patronize me, Wes. I’m not a child any longer, and I know what I want.”

  Wesley nodded slowly. “Yes.”

  “Then I want you, Wesley Reed.”

  He leaned forward, his body burning. He brushed his lips against hers, his fingers grazing her cheekbone. Chloe’s mouth parted, deepening the kiss and pulling him to her. He could feel his whole body drowning in her taste and delicious aroma, his tongue gently exploring her mouth as he grew so hard, he thought he might explode.

  He had only ever experienced a shadow of this intensity in his dreams of Chloe—touching her, holding her like this was visceral and almost painful.

  Wesley groaned, tearing his lips away from hers.


  “What’s wrong,” said Chloe, confused and breathless. He saw hurt flicker across her expression.

  “There’s nothing wrong,” he said quickly, “I just want—I want you to know everything first. You know I’m a shifter.” Wesley paused, unsure how to say the rest. “Which means that I have a mate. You do know what mates are to a shifter, right?”

  Chloe nodded slowly.
Her pained look turning to terror.

  “Wesley, not now. I don’t want to hear this right now. Don’t break my heart again.” To his surprise she moved closer, clutching his body like she never wanted to let him go. She buried her head in his shoulder, as if she didn’t want to hear him.

  “It’s you, Chloe.” He rasped. “You have to know it’s you. How would anyone else compare?”

  She moved back to face him, her eyes filled with unshed tears.

  “I don’t really know what it means,” Wesley continued. “Hell, until five years ago, I didn’t even know what a shifter was. But when I found out, I knew you were mine right away. That’s why I had to leave. You were so young—how could I burden you with something like that? The way it was explained to me…it sounded so final and absolute and at the time, you hadn’t even gotten a chance to date, to experience other guys.”

  Chloe smiled gently.

  “Well, I know exactly what it means,” she replied. “It means you’re an idiot, Wesley Reed. It means we were born to be together. It means I don’t have to try out other guys, nor do I want to. There’s no point. Me and you are forever. And there’s nothing scary about that.”

  She kissed him again. Wesley felt the armor surrounding his heart break and fall away. There was nothing to fear. She had known all along what being his mate meant—far better than he did. He was an idiot.

  He deepened the kiss. He no longer needed to hold back. He rolled his body, throwing the covers away from her. He wanted to see her—all of her. She clung to him, her thighs rubbing against his erection. He moved his hand down, burying it beneath her sleep shorts and finding the slickness at the apex of her thighs. He gently stroked the softness there, feeling her grow wetter and wetter beneath his touch. He reached his fingers upward, losing his mind, wanting to be buried deep inside her.

  Chloe rocked against his fingers, softly breathless and mewing. She cried out softly, and Wesley mouth covered her lips, swallowing up her moans of pleasure.

  He ripped the shorts away, then hurriedly pulled up her camisole. He took a sharp intake of breath as her breasts tumbled out, her nipples the same dark pink as her lips—swollen and taut. He covered them with his mouth sucking gently as she groaned, wrapping her fingers in his hair. She was perfect. More perfect than he’d imagined all those lonely nights when the only thing he could think of was her.


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