Bred by the Billionaire

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Bred by the Billionaire Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  He adjusted his collar, then opened the door. Tobias turned to her, his dark eyes focused on her alone. “Never run from me again.”

  Chapter Ten

  “Is this all the information you’ve got?” Tobias asked, looking up at the private investigator. After Maximus killed himself with an overdose, something in his gut told him he’d need some insurance in time to come. In his safe, he had every piece of dirty evidence that linked his parents to a great deal of shame and scandal.

  Call girls, underhand dealings, paying off people. Even the cover up of Maximus’s spiral. He was also able to obtain footage of his parents paying a man to beat an employee who wanted to expose them. The woman had left, but with a permanent limp that made employment difficult. For a long time, he’d been following their dealings, cleaning up their messes, and making sure that if there was ever a time to turn their threats against them, he’d have ammunition.

  Running a hand down his face in an attempt to clear the fogginess from his mind, he knew he had to step in. For Adora’s sake, he needed to put an end to it. Keep them silent.

  “That’s not all, sir. We’ve been made aware that they’re speaking to Hamilton.”


  “You called me on the weekend. Wanted me to include tabs on Hamilton.”

  “I remember.” The weekend hadn’t gone the way he’d hoped it would, and it pissed him off that he was searching for a way to be with Adora. Being without her wasn’t an option. He nearly lost his fucking mind not having her with him. The only reason he’d stayed away was to give her a chance to deal with her insecurities, but that was all.

  Seeing her today at college, feeling her body against him, everything became clear. He started to understand what his brother meant. He’d never understood what Maximus was searching for—why would he? Love wasn’t part of his life, never had been. Did he love Adora? He knew he couldn’t be without her, and even though it had only been about a week, it didn’t matter to him.

  He’d experienced how good her pussy felt wrapped around his cock, and he wasn’t going to live without that. The way his parents had looked at her, as if she was nothing but dirt, had sickened him. He’d seen the contempt they had for her mother, and he hated exposing Adora to that kind of shit.

  “What would happen if half this shit was exposed?” Tobias asked.

  “There would be an investigation to some business dealings of your father. Bennett stock could plummet, but it would depend on what aspect they control. There’s nothing attached to you.”

  “There’s enough here to keep them out of my business?” Tobias asked.

  He knew his private investigator wasn’t a fan of his parents, or their dealings.


  “Excellent. Until I say otherwise, this stays between us.”

  Tobias watched the man leave, and sat back staring at the file. It was collateral that he would need. His parents thought they could pay off the college, get Adora kicked out of the programs. They were already pinning cheating claims on his woman, and it had been only a couple of days since they’d met her.

  They crossed the line, and he was going to do everything he could to keep her safe, and if that meant taking on his parents, he’d do it. He hoped he wouldn’t have to bring down the company he’d worked hard to build up, but he had a feeling his threats would have enough impact on their own.

  What he wanted to know was why Hamilton was contacted. Adora didn’t need to deal with this kind of shit, and he’d make sure that she didn’t suffer because of his own family problems. He should have dealt with them a long time ago, but as always, he left them alone, and now his parents were taking steps to get rid of the woman he’d picked. And he’d never wanted a woman more.

  Glancing at the clock, he wondered if Adora would do as he asked, or if he’d have to go and chase her down.

  Seconds passed, and the sound of his personal assistant over the intercom came through.

  “Sir, I know you said to notify you when Adora Garcia arrived, but, erm, I’ve got a Maria Garcia here,” she said.

  Tobias sat up. “Are you sure?”


  What was Maria doing here?

  “Send her in.”

  There was only one way to find out.

  His PA opened the office door, introducing her again before leaving, closing the door behind her. Maria Garcia stood in his office, her hands clasped together, and looking so out of place, it was almost pitiful.

  He wondered if he should just wait to talk to her when her daughter arrived. They’d never been able to share much in conversation, and he didn’t want just anyone to know his business.

  “I’m sorry to disturb you.” Her accent was very thick, but her English impeccable. She talked a little slower, and each word was pronounced as if she wasn’t used to it.

  “You speak English?”

  Maria sighed. “Yes. It’s … not as good as Adora’s, but I try.”

  “Does Adora know?”

  The sadness in Maria’s eyes was clear. “No.”

  He stood up from his desk, rounded it, and perched on the end, folding his arms. “Why are you here?”

  “You’re going to hurt my daughter, like all men with power do.” She tucked some of her hair behind her ear, and for the first time, Tobias saw the woman that Hamilton had hurt. The sadness, the pain, the fear—it was all there.

  “I’ve no intention of ever hurting your daughter.”

  She shook her head in disbelief. “I’ve been fired from my post today. Your parents’ reach is … very far.”

  He stood up a little straighter at that.

  Maria sighed. “I don’t like to interfere, but I know my daughter’s education means the world to her. I want her to have what I never could. She deserves it so much. They’re going to take it away from her.”

  “I promise you, Maria, that will never happen. I would like to hire you in a permanent position.” He reached back, clicking the intercom. “Get me an employment sheet.” He turned back to Maria. “I was so busy focusing on how to win back your daughter that I didn’t think about you. That’s my problem, and I’m sorry.”

  His PA returned holding what he asked for. He thanked her, and waited for her to leave.

  “I won’t take that.”

  “Look, Adora is going to be mine. I’ve already got something in place for you, where you can live and not have to worry about another Hamilton.”

  He watched her pale.

  “You know about that?”

  “Adora knows, Maria. She knows who her father is, and what he did to you.”

  Maria looked away and he caught tears in her eyes. Even after all this time, she felt immense pain.

  “You loved him?”

  She turned back to him, wiping the few tears that had spilled down her face. “Why wouldn’t I?”

  “It’s just that most women…”

  “You thought I was after his money? I never was.” Maria offered a sad smile. “My English wasn’t very good when we met, and it has taken me a long time to learn. He was the love of my life, and he broke my heart, and every single promise he made me.”

  “I’m not like him.”

  “You like Adora now, but in time, she will not meet your standards. Your parents will tell you that she’s an embarrassment. You’ll choose money over her.”

  The way her eyes glazed over, Tobias saw she was reliving some kind of memory.

  “He promised to be with you?” Tobias asked.

  “I had a ring,” she said. “We were going to get married, but he picked wealth, and cast me aside like old garbage. I saw the news of his fancy wedding. The pain was unlike anything in the world. He got to move on. I didn’t. I don’t want that kind of pain for my daughter. I’m sorry, but you will never love my daughter, or give her what she deserves. If you’re a man of honor, of your word, you will let her go, to be with someone who’ll love her no matter what.”

  She nodded her head and left the way she ca
me. He didn’t try to stop her.

  He still held the employment form in his hand.

  There was no way he could live with Adora being with anyone else. She belonged to him, and only to him. He pondered Maria’s words. She’d known him for years, and even she believed he was incapable of love. Was he that much of a bastard?

  Love was overrated, he’d convinced himself. It made people do stupid things. He slipped off the desk, placing the form down, knowing his parents were slowly ruining any chance he had with Adora. Just because he wasn’t capable of feeling love, didn’t mean that he, himself, didn’t want her falling for him.

  He did.

  They were messing with his plans, and time was running out.

  “Sir, Adora Garcia is here to see you.”

  Just hearing her name make his heart skip a beat. Making sure his suit was impeccable, he let his PA know to send her in, and then not to allow for any interruptions.

  Adora entered and gave his PA a sweet smile. He went to his door, and flicked the lock in place before standing in front of his woman. Adora was his woman. She’d been his from the moment he took her virginity, and had her screaming his name.

  Neither of them spoke for the longest time. Just being near her made everything better.

  “Your parents are going to ruin my chances at college,” she said. “You have no idea how hard it was for me to make that happen.”

  “I’m not going to let them. You leave them to me.”

  She licked her lips, and her gaze landed on the floor at his feet.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  Finally, she lifted her head. “They’re going to ruin everything, and I don’t know what to do.”

  He cupped her face, wiping away her tears. In a quick selfish moment, he wondered if she was pregnant. Not to annoy his parents, but because he wanted to claim her as his own. This went far beyond pregnancy for an heir. He wanted her all to himself, and he was selfish enough to get what he wanted.


  Adora had debated coming to Tobias’s office.

  She knew the kind of reach his parents had. The lawyer that she’d said “no” to moments before seeing Tobias in the morning had been waiting for her as she left campus grounds. He’d let her know exactly how ugly his parents could be, and what they would do if she didn’t take the money. She’d not taken the money, and he told her to think about it. What he’d said though … they would destroy her.

  Any chance of the future she had planned would be completely wiped out.

  “What you do,” Tobias said, wiping her tears away, “is you let me take care of them.”

  She shook her head.

  “No, listen to me, baby girl.” He held her firmly, and she stared into his gaze, feeling herself once again falling for him. The feelings he evoked inside her, often made her wonder if she was crazy. They barely knew each other, but he made her heart pound and her pulse flutter. She got butterflies in her stomach, just by being close to him. Even his scent held her captive. “I know my parents. Let them think they can win. I’ve got everything I need for them to stay away from you. You’re not going to be abandoned. I’m quite insulted that everyone seems to think that’s what I’ll do.”

  She couldn’t help herself. She laughed, and he smiled with her.

  “I didn’t speak up for my brother, Adora. Let me speak up for you. Give me this chance to make something right between us.”

  “I want my education.”

  “They’re not going to take it away,” he said. “I’m already on it.” He ran his thumb across her lip. “I’ve never asked for anyone’s trust or faith in me, Adora. I’m going to ask for yours. Trust me to make this right.”

  The sincerity in his voice, and the need in his eyes, she knew he meant every single word, and because she didn’t want to hurt him, she nodded her head.

  He slammed his lips down on hers, and she melted, feeling utterly spineless. The hands on her cheeks moved to sink into her hair, holding her in place as he devoured her lips.

  She moaned.

  Gripping his arms, she held him tightly as her nipples budded, and heat flooded between her legs. She wanted him, wanted to be owned by him, claimed and chosen.

  When he took her bag and placed it on the floor, she didn’t stop him. Nor when he began to remove her coat, sliding the buttons through each loop until it opened up. He pushed it to the floor, and she fiddled with the single button that kept his jacket together. His chest was rock hard, and she teasingly ran her fingers down his shirt, feeling those ripped abs.

  “We shouldn’t do this here.”

  “I don’t care what we shouldn’t or should do. I only know what I want, and right now, I want to feel my dick deep inside you. Hear you scream my name.”

  They tore at each other’s clothes, and when they were both down to their underwear, Adora failed to care. He’d seen everything already, and hadn’t walked away.

  Tobias lifted her up in his arms, and she gasped as he swept the contents off his desk, the clutter crashing down on the floor. He dropped her on the edge, a feral need in his eyes.

  Gripping the edges of her panties, he slid them down her thighs, and threw them over his shoulder.

  He spread her legs and she cried out as his fingers slid deep inside her pussy. Closing her eyes, she thrust up to meet his touch.

  “No, look at me, baby. I want you to see who is touching you. Who is going to be fucking you, and who is going to be putting his baby inside you.”

  She opened her eyes and groaned as she saw two of his fingers thrusting into her pussy.

  “Who do you belong to?”

  “You,” she said, without hesitation.

  He pulled his fingers out of her pussy, and watched as he sucked them from her cream. “You taste so fucking good.”

  “You’re dirty,” she barely managed to say.

  “Damn right.” He went to his knee, and his tongue replaced his fingers, teasing her pussy, stroking over her clit, then down to plunge inside her. There were no words for the pleasure he took. She felt so exposed with the massive windows surrounding them. On display for the entire city.

  She was merely his to use, and the pleasure went to the next level as he sucked on her clit. He used his teeth, creating just the right kind of pain that made it almost unbearable, and yet, she didn’t want him to stop.

  “Such a pretty pussy,” he said, murmuring the words against her.

  The pleasure started to build, her body sensitized and jolting as her orgasm neared. She knew she was going to explode, and warned him of it, not able to hold back if she tried.

  He didn’t give her a reprieve, and when she came, he continued to lick her pussy until she begged him to stop. Tobias pressed a kiss to her clit before standing between her thighs. “I love watching you come. I’d keep you like this all day if I could.”

  There were no words, as she watched him slide his rock-hard cock along her slit. Her cream coated his length as he toyed with her, teasing mercilessly when she wanted him inside her.

  “Look at how wet you are.”

  He moved toward her entrance, and she gasped as slowly, inch by inch, he began to fill her, going deeper. His hands skimmed up her thighs, resting on her hips.

  “Now that is a sight I love to see.” His gaze lifted to her. “Your cunt wrapped around my dick, and it’s squeezing me, Adora. It wants me inside. You want me to fuck you?”


  He gripped her hips and slammed the last inch inside her. He hit a spot that had her screaming his name, begging for more. She was so full, so consumed by everything Tobias.

  The massive oak desk stayed in place as he pulled out of her, only to slam in deep.

  “You’re mine, Adora. This pussy is mine. I’m going to take care of you. You, our baby, everyone.” His hands stroked up her body, cupping her breasts. “Soon, they’re going to be full of our baby’s milk. I want to watch you feed our child.”

  He continued to rock inside her, and ther
e was something in his voice as he told her what he wanted. She heard the passion, the need, and something else.

  His hands returned to her hips, and she cried out as he began to fuck her, pistoning his hips like a machine. His cock slid in and out of her, pounding deep. Suddenly, he pulled out, and flipped her over so that she was bent over the desk. His fingers stroked her ass, parting her cheeks as he found her entrance once again.

  She knew she was wet and heard the moisture as he slid inside.

  “Look at the city, Adora. No other woman holds the kind of power that you do.” He pushed some of her hair off her neck, and sucked over her pulse. “You have me. All of me.”

  Did she?

  Could she have gotten his love even though he didn’t believe in it?

  The look in his eyes, the way he held her, the feel of him surrounding her, she could almost convince herself it was all real. Could she allow herself to be drawn in by those promises? It was all too good to believe, and yet, why not?

  She gripped the edge of the desk to secure herself, and moaned as he began to tease her once again, touching her pussy, working her clit, setting her on fire with need as he fucked her from behind. The pleasure was overwhelming as she came a second time.

  “Fuck, that feels so good. I love that only my dick has been inside your pussy. You’re all mine, Adora. All mine, and no one will take you from me.”

  He rode her hard, fucking her with a passion that he’d not showed her before his parents turned up. The pleasure was almost to the point of pain.

  His cock was rock hard as it claimed her over and over. The grip he had on her hips would leave bruises, she knew that, and still, she didn’t care.

  She cried out his name as he brought her to a third mind-altering orgasm. It rocked her entire body, leaving her a convulsing mess of post orgasmic bliss. This time, she heard his own groan as his cock pulsed inside her, the flood of his cum, filling her pussy.

  The only sounds to be heard in the office was of their heavy panting. Tobias kissed her shoulder. “When I’m with you, everything else fades away, and we’re the only two people left, Adora.” He turned her head, and she saw that thing again in his eyes.


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