Adventures of Alexis Davenport Series

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Adventures of Alexis Davenport Series Page 34

by West, Shay

  “You’re nuts. Mr. Reardon will have kittens if you don’t do a play this year. Besides, I don’t always have to get the lead roles.”

  “Well, if you’re sure...”

  “Geez! Just try out for the damn part and whoever gets it, gets it!” Jennifer said.

  The three girls walked to their Spanish class, chatting about the coming try-outs that weekend. It would be the first of two plays for the year. Alex was a little nervous about getting a lead role. Thus far, her lines had been fairly easy to memorize; a lead role meant much more work and it would be more obvious if she messed up.

  As they waited for class, Alex cringed when she saw Beau and Catelyn saunter down the hall with their arms around each other. She kept her eyes glued to the floor, refusing to allow them to see how much they bothered her.

  “If looks could kill—”

  Amy kicked Jennifer and shushed her loudly.

  Alex ignored them both. She could feel the hatred flowing from Catelyn like the stench of an unwashed football player. By some lucky blessing, Alex didn’t have one class with either of her tormenters. Jennifer and Amy weren’t quite as lucky.

  “Well, if it isn’t the geek squad.”

  “You’re one to talk, dork.” Jennifer rolled her eyes at Simon.

  “I’m not the one traipsing about on stage and spending all my free time in the library.” Simon tried unsuccessfully to tuck his mop of hair behind his too-large ears. His face had gained about a million more freckles over the summer vacation.

  “Just because I happen to want to do better than C grades...”

  “It’s only high school, Jenn. No reason to try too hard. I mean, what’s it gonna matter in the long run?” Paul asked. He tugged his pants up around a slimmer waist than what he sported at the beginning of summer.

  Alex hid a smile as Paul and Amy shared a look. Amy had definitely noticed Paul’s weight loss. She had always thought the two of them would make a cute couple. Now if only Simon would find himself a girlfriend.

  “So did your mom ever change her mind about you getting a permit?” Jennifer asked.

  Alex shook her head. “No such luck. I’m gonna be a senior before I get to drive.”

  “That’s so lame, Alex. I mean, everyone gets their permit when they’re fifteen,” Jennifer said.

  She sat through Spanish class daydreaming about driving her friends around in a fancy sports car, cruising North Avenue on a Friday night, beating every car as they gunned their engines at the green lights.

  “Senorita Davenport, preste atención, por favor!”

  Alex jerked to attention and blushed as her notebook fell off the desk. “Lo siento, señor Gonzales.”

  Trying hard to ignore the giggles from the rest of the class, Alex stared at the board as though riveted by what the teacher had written there. Though normally quite adept at reading Spanish, the words looked like gobbledygook. She forced her mind to focus for the rest of the class, for fear of being called out again in front of everyone.

  “So what’s up? See anything lately?”

  Alex turned to Jennifer. “Not since the end of summer.”

  “That’s a good thing, right?”

  “I guess so. But if the traveler is still messing around, then I should have been called back by now.”

  “Maybe he’s busy doing other stuff.”

  “Like what?”

  “Well, maybe he’s a grown up and has a job. Maybe it’s hard for him to find time where he can be alone to travel.”

  “Guess that could be it. Either way, I suppose I’ll travel when he does.”

  “In the meantime, you’re free to have some fun! So what did your mom say about going out this weekend?”

  The girls chatted about their double date with Drake and James while they walked to the parking lot. As they got into Jennifer’s car, a surge of jealousy made Alex’s stomach muscles clench. She wanted so badly to get a license. It was embarrassing having to bum rides from her friends or have her mom drive her places. It’s not fair!

  “You know, I could take you out sometime and let you drive my car. It’s an automatic so it’s pretty easy.”

  “But we’d get busted if we got caught. I don’t want to have mom refuse to let me drive until after I move out,” said Alex glumly.

  “You’d only get in trouble if she found out. Kids do it all the time. We could do it some night in a parking lot when there’s no one around.”

  Alex bit her lip. She never thought of driving Jennifer’s car. A thrill of excitement made her face break out into a grin. “I guess we could do that sometime. As long as there’s no one around.”

  “It’ll be fine, trust me!”

  Alex’s mood improved considerably as they talked about when and where her first driving lesson would take place. They finally settled on the fairgrounds out in Orchard Mesa. The parking lot was big and it was empty unless there was a rodeo or concert going on.

  “We can do it before our date. I’ll come get you early,” Jennifer said as Alex got out of the car.

  “Sounds like a plan!” Alex waved as Jennifer gunned the engine of her Pontiac and backed out of the driveway, tires screeching as she sped off.

  She watched television and waited for her mom to get back from the new store. The only homework she had was reading a chapter of history, which was a subject she already knew so it wasn’t as though she had to read it. Alex looked through the guide on the TV and finally settled on a History channel program about the black plague. Definitely not going to be going back to this time on history!

  It took all of Alex’s willpower to hide her secret. She felt a little guilty about going behind her mom’s back but the thought of being the only sophomore without even a permit squashed the guilt like a spider beneath her shoe.

  As she got ready for bed, Alex wondered if she shouldn’t force the mirror to change to the Roman woman so that she could travel back and gather information about the time period and maybe figure out who she was supposed to protect. The enormous yawn that split her face decided for her. Maybe tomorrow.


  DRIFTER GRITTED HIS TEETH and slowed his pace, waiting for the other man to catch up. Why does he insist on walking so damned slow?

  “You in some sort of hurry?”

  “As a matter of fact, I am.” Drifter quickened his pace, hoping the man would take the hint and pick up his feet. “Besides, don’t you have a wife in Colorado to get home to?”

  “The way you’re walking, I could say the same for you.”

  Drifter ignored the jab. The man knew he wasn’t married. I don’t have time for a family.

  The two men walked to the waiting helicopter, taking special care to duck as they moved below the propeller. As soon as their safety belts were secure, the chopper rose into the air, heading for the nearest Marine base.

  Drifter leaned his head back and closed his eyes. The unexpected mission to Africa had thrown a wrench into his time traveling plans. Max Poder had wanted to send someone else, but it would have aroused suspicions not to send his top men on this particular intelligence-gathering mission. There were already too many people noticing how much time he was spending with his superior officer outside the call of duty. He and Master walked a fine line; they mustn’t do anything to jeopardize their ultimate mission.

  As soon as I return, I will kill the meddling girl.


  “NOW JUST TURN slowly and park in that spot right there.”

  Alex maneuvered the car in between the white lines, grinning when she felt the tires touch the concrete parking stop.

  “Told you it was easy,” Jennifer said, as she climbed back into the driver’s seat.

  “Still sucks I can’t drive a car of my own. It’s not like I can drive your car around.”

  “Well, at least you’ll know what you’re doing when you do go to get your permit.”


  The girls met Drake and Josh at Boston’s the Gourmet Pizza for dinne
r. After getting a table, the girls headed to the bathroom to check their make-up.

  After checking her reflection, Alex thought she could use some more lip gloss. She grabbed a shimmery pink shade from her purse and turned back to her reflection.

  Not now!

  Her familiar image shifted to that of the handsome, strong Roman woman. The image was warped but the closer the woman moved to her polished bronze mirror, the more solid her features became.

  “Alex!” Jennifer hisses. “Is it happening?”

  Alex barely managed a croak. Her arm moved up of its own accord, reaching toward the hand of the woman reflected in the mirror. Why does this have to happen now? Pain lanced up her arm as her fingers made contact with the glass of the mirror, which had now turned into silvery pudding.

  “Fight it, Alex! What if someone comes in?”

  Alex barely felt Jennifer shaking her arm, trying to get her to respond.

  This jerk better not ruin my date with Drake!


  ALEX GROANED and grabbed her head, as much from fear of someone walking into the bathroom back at Boston’s as from pain. I wonder if they would cart me off in an ambulance or something? That thought made her cringe. If the doctors thought she was dead, they would put her in the morgue.

  Get a grip, Alex!

  She shut down the morbid thoughts and focused on trying to figure out who she was. As she glanced around the room, she marveled at how strong she felt. Alex had always been slender, but never athletic. This woman’s arms were lean and tan. Alex turned her arms back and forth, watching the muscles rippling below the surface of her skin. Her stomach was flat and her hips flared out from her tiny waist. Alex help up a shapely leg, wishing she herself had such long legs. Even this woman’s feet were perfect.

  Alex sighed and turned to the polished bronze mirror. She would never call this woman beautiful. But there was something striking about her nonetheless. There was a strength and dignity etched into her features that added a level beyond beauty.

  The fact she was nude suddenly occurred to her. Oh, great job, Alex. And in front of the open window. She grabbed a garment off the back of a wooden chair and draped it expertly around her body and over her shoulder. Her feet made no sound as she padded across the lush furs to the window.

  The darkness was absolute. She could see a few feet of thick walls on either side of the window. The song of the crickets was interrupted by faint voices. They were too far away to make out.


  The woman’s name popped into Alex’s head. I can’t believe I’m a Spartan princess! War and weapons, especially those of the medieval era, had always fascinated her. Thought she would never admit it to anyone, she wanted to learn to fight with a sword or use a crossbow. I wonder if Drake would think I was sexy if I had a sword at my hip?

  Alex found a suit of armor and weapons against the wall. She ran her hands over the surface of the large round shield. The woman she inhabited was well-versed in the use of the shield and weapons. Her mind buzzed with the names of variable battle tactics.

  If I’m Arachidamia, then that means I might be getting ready to fight Pyrrhus. Her knowledge of the Spartan princess was sparse. A Spartan noble by the name of Cleonymus asked Pyrrhus to back his claim to the Spartan throne. Pyrrhus attacked Sparta in 272 BC. Arachidamia led a group of female soldiers and fought Pyrrhus, who then retreated in defeat.

  So what could be going on here? Alex paced the room, trying to figure out who the Traveler was going to try to kill, or save. He could be after Cleonymus, or maybe trying to help Pyrrhus win the battle by killing key generals in the army.

  It’s no good trying to guess. I’ll find out soon enough.

  Although she wasn’t a bit tired, Alex thought she should try to get some sleep. She might be fighting a battle soon.


  Arachidamia’s personal servant brought Alex some fruit and bread to break her fast. The sunlight shining through the open windows revealed more about Arachidamia’s quarters. They were spacious, yet sparsely furnished. There was only a large bed made of some sort of dark-colored wood, small trunk with brass knobs carved in the shape of a lion head, and wardrobe with knobs that matched one on the front of the trunk. The walls were bare, but the floors were covered in luxurious furs. A basin and pitcher painted shades of blue and green sat on a small wooden table.

  It was strange to wander about the room with the windows wide open. Arachidamia’s room was on the ground level. Anyone walking by could look in and see her in her most private moments. Ankhesenamun’s rooms had been on the top floor of the palace. Alex had felt safer from prying eyes.

  I seriously doubt commoners are allowed to roam around here. The only people outside my window will be servants. Alex’s feelings of propriety were quite different than those of Arachidamia’s. Having both her own thoughts and feelings and those of the other girl was strange to say the least.

  Alex mentally kicked herself. She had meant to ask Gavin where the spirits of the other girls went when she was living in their bodies. It creeped her out imagining them being still inside their own bodies, just shoved aside, able to see and feel everything but not able to respond. Like being in a coma maybe. She refused to entertain the thought that their spirits were floating in the universe somewhere just waiting for her to leave and go back to her own body.

  She dressed hurriedly, expertly tying the piece of cloth around her body. The clothing covered everything of importance, and yet hid nothing. If Mom ever caught me in something like this… Alex tried to keep the blush from creeping to her cheeks; Arachidamia wouldn’t be embarrassed by the typical dress of her people.

  Alex guessed that the time couldn’t be much past ten o’clock and yet the heat was already stifling. The garment she wore allowed the slight gusts of wind to penetrate, cooling her skin. It didn’t take long for Alex to appreciate the scarcity of the clothing. She had to admit that it felt sort of good to be able to wear so little clothing, especially since Arachidamia had the body for it. The girl’s limbs were so strong and supple, and each step she took reminded Alex of a graceful feline on the prowl.

  So what does a Spartan princess do with her day anyway? As she spotted Arachidamia’s fighting gear, the answer came to her. This girl was no frilly princess, to lie about embroidering or gossiping all day; she was a woman of Sparta, and as such, was as strong as any man. Alex grabbed the shield and spears, an eagerness filling her that could only be coming from Arachidamia.

  As Alex walked to the practice yard, she felt eyes following her from a shadowed alley. Rather than run in fright, Alex found herself moving closer to the unseen lurker in eager anticipation. She glanced furtively to the left and right before darting in between the buildings to meet the man waiting there for her.

  His arms enveloped her in a rough embrace, nearly crushing her against his muscular chest. He pushed her against the rough stones. Alex’s mouth opened eagerly as he kissed her.

  “I thought you’d never come,” the man whispered hungrily.

  “I always go to the practice yard at this time,” Alex whispered. She ran her fingers through his hair.

  “I always fear you won’t come.”

  Shivers ran down Alex’s spine as the warmth of his breath tickled her ear. His hands roamed across her flesh, causing her to shiver despite the heat of the day.

  “Cyrano, we must stop. Someone will see!” The truth of things flooded Alex’s mind and she reluctantly pushed the devastatingly handsome man away. Her heart sank as she watched the muscles in his jaw clench in frustration.

  Alex knew that their love was forbidden. Cyrano was far beneath Arachidamia’s station, and her father would never agree to such a match. Arachidamia was to marry a man worthy of a Spartan princess. She hated the idea and wanted no such match. Cyrano captured her heart from the moment they first locked eyes on one another. It had been like an arrow piercing her heart; she didn’t stand a chance. Their rendezvous started out innocently enou
gh at first, quickly blossoming into a love filled with such fiery passion that Arachidamia feared they would both burn.

  If anyone found them in such a compromising position, Cyrano would be put to death. Her own reputation would be tarnished, and her suitor may refuse to marry her, thus adding to her father’s shame.

  “I can’t stand by and watch you marry a man you don’t love, Damia! I don’t see why we can’t flee Sparta.” Cyrano stepped so close to Alex that she felt his heart beating though their chests did not touch. “I can’t give you the life of a princess, my ‘damia. But I can offer you a life of devotion and love that Augusto can never give you.”

  Alex closed her eyes, conflicting emotions raging through her as a result of Arachidamia’s feelings for Cyrano. Her heart wanted to run back home and pack clothing and jewels, steal horses from her father’s stables, and ride like the wind from Sparta with Cyrano at her side.

  And yet she knew she could never do it. She was a princess of Sparta, and it was her duty to marry whomever her father chose. If he lost the alliance with Augusto because of her selfish actions, it could go very badly.

  “You know I must remain and do my duty.” Alex held his hand to her cheek. She closed her eyes, basking in the warmth of his love.

  “I knew the answer before I voiced the question.” Cyrano backed away a fraction of an inch.

  The distance between them seemed as large as the Grand Canyon to Alex. Their love could never be. It’s not fair! She was glad that modern day women could choose who they would marry. I’d never let my parents tell me who to be with for the rest of my life.

  “I must get to the practice yards. They will wonder why I’m so late.” Alex gazed into Cyrano’s brown eyes, drowning in their glorious depths. She gave him one last kiss and ran out of the alley, unwilling to let him see the tears coursing down her cheeks.

  Alex arrived at the practice yards, wanting nothing more than to take out her frustrations on a human being. It was becoming more familiar to have the thoughts of Arachidamia mixed in so fluidly with her own, and yet it felt strange to Alex to be filled with battle-lust. She’d never invited a confrontation in her life and had never even been in a fist fight before. But the thought of whacking someone upside the head with a broad sword felt as natural to her as breathing.


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