Adventures of Alexis Davenport Series

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Adventures of Alexis Davenport Series Page 51

by West, Shay

  “I can’t believe you’re choosing him over me.” Alex shook so badly she thought her knees would give way.

  “It’s not as hard as you think when you act like this. I have a right to spend time with whomever I choose and I also have a right to expect my nearly adult daughter to treat my friends or boyfriend with respect.”

  “Boy...boyfriend?” Bruce asked.

  Alex and Patricia looked at him for the first time since Alex began her tirade. He opened and closed his mouth a few times before turning and walking out of the store. But not before Alex saw the sappy smile plastered on his face.

  “We’ll discuss this later, Alexis. You best get back to the other store.” Patricia turned her back on Alex.

  “I’m not discussing it any more. You want to see him, fine. But leave me out of it.”

  “What is it you have against Bruce? He’s perfectly nice!”

  Alex turned to face her mom with tears running freely down her cheeks. “He’s nice now, sure. But what happens down the road, Mom? What happens when he starts drinking and sleeping around and ruins everything? Will you pack up and move us somewhere else and ruin my life again? You probably would and not even care, wouldn’t you?”

  Alex’s voice broke at the end and a sob broke through her tightened throat. Each word she had spoken, her mom’s face had gone a shade paler. By the time Alex was done her mom was sheet-white and looked like she was about to faint.

  “Alex, it wouldn’t be like that...”

  “You don’t know that. Guys are lying, cheating bastards and we don’t need one in our lives screwing things up.” Alex walked out of the store and back into the storeroom, ignoring her mom’s cries for her to stop.

  Rather than return to the women’s store, Alex wasted time in the back so she could get it together before being around other people. She walked into the small bathroom to splash some water on her face. When she saw her reflection she burst into tears at seeing her father’s hazel eyes staring back at her. Anger and bitterness welled from deep inside, threatening to choke the life out of her. She gripped the sides of the sink to keep from hitting something. Sobs ripped from her constricted chest, making her sound like an injured animal.

  “Alex, are you back here?”

  Her aunt’s voice echoed through the storeroom. Alex tried to answer but she literally couldn’t draw a breath. She absently wondered if it was possible to suffocate because of crying. Death by crying!

  The knob to the bathroom door turned as her aunt frantically tried to get into the bathroom. Alex reached out blindly and unlocked the door.

  “Alex, my God, what is it? What happened?” Karen gathered Alex into her arms.

  Alex couldn’t say how long she cried on her aunt’s shoulder. If anyone asked, she wouldn’t be able to tell them what she had said. But words came pouring out from some dark place where they had been hiding for years, just waiting to come out. Her aunt never said a word, just held her, rocked her, and smoothed her hair.

  When the sobbing subsided somewhat, Alex pulled away from her aunt and almost started crying again when she saw the mess she had made on her aunt’s blouse. Karen simply stood and got a box of Kleenex from the bathroom and brought it to Alex.

  “If you need to get back, I’ll be okay now, I think,” Alex said.

  “I have Chloe watching the front so I’m here as long as you need me,” Karen rubbed the back of her head and neck.

  “I’m sorry about losing it while at work. It won’t happen again.”

  Karen hugged Alex with one arm. “It’s okay. We can’t always choose when our emotions need to come out. At least you did it back here and not in front of customers,” her aunt teased. “And I think you’ve been keeping too much inside for too long.”

  Alex tried to remember what she had said while sobbing against her aunt’s shoulder. I hope I didn’t say anything about the time travel stuff! “Yeah, I guess I have.”

  “Honey, you have to know that just because your father left doesn’t mean that every man will be like that. Look at your uncle Mark and me. He’s not a thing like Gary. And neither is Bruce.”

  “But how do you know? Dad wasn’t always like he was at the end.”

  Karen hesitated before replying. “Is that what your mom told you?”

  “No. But I don’t remember him being drunk like that or being mean when I was little.”

  “Honey, your dad was always like that. Your mom was able to hide it from you easier when you were little is all. But Gary was always a womanizer and a drunk.”

  Alex cringed at the venom in her aunt’s voice. She remembered another time when she had eavesdropped on a conversation where she heard something she wished she could take back. It wasn’t easy learning your dad had hit on your aunt.

  “Why did she stay with him?”

  “Gary swept your mom off her feet. And while he was a slime ball, he could also be charming and attentive. Your mom and Gary got married so young. And when you have a child, it complicates things.”

  “So you think Bruce is good enough for mom?”

  “I have only talked to him once but I’ve been in this town for a long time and people talk, especially rich ladies with nothing else better to do than spend money. And not one has anything bad to say about Bruce. In fact, more than a few are jealous of your mom. Seems Bruce is considered quite the catch and no one else has been able to get him to do more than say a few nice words.”

  “Really? Out of all the ladies he could have he picked mom, huh?” Alex sniffed.

  “Your mom is pretty amazing, Alex. And she really does deserve someone in her life to make her smile again. Besides you and me and C.C.”

  Alex knew her aunt was right and the knowing made her want to lock herself in the bathroom and cry for another few hours or so until she purged the guilt eating at her insides.

  “Honey, I know why you fought so hard to keep Bruce away. What Gary did to you and your mom was inexcusable and tore your life apart. But you guys made it and have a good life here. Everything happens for a reason, Alex, I truly believe that. But life can’t happen if you build walls so high that no one can get in. We can try to protect ourselves from getting hurt but those walls will also keep out people and things that bring us joy.”

  “I just don’t want my life turned upside down. I can’t go through that again.” Alex shook her head, feeling the crushing weight of bad memories.

  Karen kissed her on the top of her head. “I know, honey. But this time will be different. Bruce really is a good guy. He didn’t leave his wife. She passed away. People have nothing but good things to say about him. Give him a chance. I’m not saying you have to call him ‘Dad’ right away but it might be nice to spend some time with him and your mom.”

  Alex caught the tone of rebuke in her aunt’s voice and her face reddened. It took her a minute to raise her head. It felt stuffed with cotton or more like nasty mucus. Alex thought it was impossible that the human body could produce that much mucus and not totally dehydrate.

  “Let’s get you cleaned up. It’s quitting time soon.” Her aunt helped her to her feet.

  Alex once again entered the bathroom and groaned aloud when she saw her face in the mirror. She barely looked like herself with her eyes red and puffy. The rest of her face was a blotchy mixture of normal skin tone and raw red.

  As she blew her nose she wondered what she was going to say to her mom. Even though she felt horrible about the confrontation earlier, part of her was still angry that the two of them had been talking about her. And she still wasn’t totally convinced that her mom spending so much time with Bruce was a good idea. But she would rather be forced to have dinner once in a while with the guy than have this strained relationship with her mom.

  She walked slowly back to the men’s store, wishing she could put this task off. She hated apologizing even when she was in the wrong. Especially when she was in the wrong. And in the wrong big time. At least Bruce isn’t there.

  Her mom was closing out
the cash register. She turned and stopped when she saw Alex in the doorway. Alex’s wanted to die at the look of hurt in her mom’s eyes. They were red-rimmed so it was obvious she had been crying. She put the drawer down on the edge of the counter.

  Alex’s eyes filled with tears again – how can I possibly have any left? – and she walked to her mom and hugged her tight.

  “I’m so sorry, Momma. I didn’t mean what I said earlier. I’m afraid, so afraid.” That was all Alex managed to get out before another bout of crying stole her ability to speak.

  “Afraid of what, Lexi? That I’m going to run away with him?”

  “No,” Alex pulled away so she could look at her mom. “I’m afraid that he’ll run away from us.”

  Her mom laughed a little and held her close. “Oh, honey, I know how you feel. Believe me. Bruce has been after me to go on a date with him for the last year.”

  “Wait, you’ve put him off for a year and he is still around?”

  “Apparently he’s patient as hell. I kept him at arm’s length but he persisted and I finally gave in. I figured a date or two couldn’t hurt. And then before I knew it, I realized that I enjoyed his company. A lot.”

  Alex smiled a little at her mom’s blushing. “He must really like you to wait for that long.”

  “I guess he does,” Patricia stammered.

  “I’m not saying I’m all of a sudden fine with this but I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to give the guy a chance,” Alex mumbled.

  “That’s all I ever wanted, Lexi. Why don’t we get out of here. If I remember correctly, you and I have a driving date, don’t we?”

  “If you still want to.”

  “Absolutely,” Patricia said.


  Later that night Alex sent a text to Jenn about what happened that afternoon, leaving out most of the things she had said to her mom and Bruce. There was no need to tell her everything.

  -Just don’t do any traveling without me there. You need someone to watch your back now that Lane might know who you are

  -I won’t

  -When do you think you want to try to connect with the nurse again?

  -So busy the next few weeks with the play and work. Not sure. Will let you know

  -K. See you Monday morning

  Alex got ready for bed, in better spirits than she had been in a long time. It felt so good to have adults on her side with the time travel stuff and the emotional tsunami that had overtaken her earlier left her exhausted, but purging all of that negativity was the first step in healing.

  She closed her eyes and sleep took her almost immediately.


  “I’M TELLING YOU, he has to go.”

  Drifter tried to stand at ease in Max Poder’s office but anger tightened his muscles making it impossible to relax.

  “One doesn’t simply get rid of a high ranking Marine officer, no matter how difficult he’s being,” Max said.

  “It’s more than him following me around. I’m telling you, I think his niece is the Traveler who has been thwarting me at every turn.”

  “Highly unlikely. Whoever heard of a Traveler passing into a body in the present time? You must have heard wrong.”

  “I didn’t hear wrong. Lance Corporal Jensen clearly said ‘Uncle Mark’ before reeling in confusion, claiming she had no memory of how she got outside. And the girl didn’t have to travel into someone in the present time. Traveling back in time doesn’t have to mean years or decades. A few minutes or hours in the past is still traveling back in time.” Drifter tried to keep his voice steady.

  “Perhaps she had some sort of medical condition—”

  “Like my medical condition?” Drifter threw as much sarcasm into his tone as he could without stepping over the line. Like it or not he was still in the presence of a higher ranking officer.

  “What occurred yesterday is of no concern. You still have a job to do. Find a way to keep Mark off your tail so you can do it. Is that clear?”

  “Yes, Sir.” Drifter turned on his heel and stalked out of his Master’s office. His fury must have shown on his face because people made it a point to avoid him as he made his way to his barracks.

  He couldn’t believe Poder refused see what was right in front of him. Lane didn’t know much about Mark but he knew that he only had one niece which meant only one person who would ever call him Uncle Mark. He wanted to jump on a plane, head for Grand Junction, and kill the girl but he couldn’t disobey an order from a superior officer.

  Or from his Master.

  If the girl dares to return to Lance Corporal Jensen, I’ll leave base, permission or no.

  Drifter spotted the very woman he had been thinking about walking toward him. She saluted in perfect form, though she looked a little confused. He glared at her and smiled a little at the look of utter and complete shock on the woman’s face. He turned and watched her walk away, visions of how he would kill her flashing in his head. He could kill with nothing more than his bare hands.

  But killing the girl would raise eyebrows and questions would certainly be asked. Mark would suspect him and would stop at nothing to see him convicted. Besides, killing AJ Jensen before the Traveler was inside her body did him no good at all. The meddling girl would only hone in on someone else.

  Drifter walked into the barracks and grabbed his laptop out of his footlocker. He had a long way to go before he memorized the journal article Master had told him about. The formulas were complicated and science wasn’t exactly his strong suit. His mind was distracted and he couldn’t recall more than a few sentences at a time. He slammed the top of the computer and paced the room, hoping it would clear his head. All he could think of was looking into Lance Corporal Jensen’s dark brown eyes as he choked the life out of her.

  As was his usual practice when his anger threatened to boil over, he went to the shooting range to take out his anger on a paper target. It wasn’t as good as shooting at a real person, but beggars couldn’t be choosers.


  Mark watched Drifter leave the barracks and head for the shooting range. He had witnessed the man’s reaction to Lance Corporal Jensen and had been ready to step in if Lane looked like he was going to do more than intimidate the poor woman.

  If Alex is right, Jensen doesn’t even know why he’s glaring at her.

  He shook his head at recalling the conversation he had with his niece. It was a tough story to swallow. If he hadn’t heard his fellow officer call him something only his niece ever called him and if Alex hadn’t told him things Jensen couldn’t possibly know, he would never buy it. Mark considered himself of sound mind and body and every instinct was screaming at him that his niece was right and that she was in grave danger. He had served with Lane Stygian for many years and knew what the man was capable of.

  Do you really?

  If what Alex said was true, Stygian was more than a cold-blooded killer. He was hell-bent on changing the past for some purpose Mark couldn’t begin to fathom and that would have far more disastrous consequences than a murder or two.

  And his seventeen-year-old niece was the only one who could stop him.

  Mark was glad she had confided in him. The thought of Alex facing not only a man who could travel through time but a highly trained killer as well made his skin crawl. He vowed to do whatever it took to keep Alex safe. If that meant trailing Stygian every second, then that’s what he would do. Maybe if he made Lane’s life difficult, he would give up on his mission.


  Mark snorted and headed to the headquarters building for a debrief. As he walked across the hot pavement, he hoped it didn’t mean a mission away from base. If he had to leave, there would be no one to watch Lane Stygian. And it wasn’t as though he had someone else he could tell this story to. What frightened him more was the fact that he was seriously considering going AWOL if the debrief meant he was on an away mission.

  He opened the door and tried to relax as he took a seat at the large round table. It was a full hous
e which made him relax further. In the past when he had been sent on an away mission, there had been only six others present. A full room generally meant that he wouldn’t be going anywhere.

  “Worried you may be going off base?”

  Mark jumped at the sound of Lane Stygian’s voice coming from right behind him. “Why would that worry me?” Mark said, surprised at how calm his voice sounded.

  “Oh, I don’t know. If you were gone, you couldn’t follow me around.” Lane met his stare with a small smile that never reached his flat gaze.

  “Follow you? What are you talking about?” Mark fought the urge to wipe his sweaty palms on his pants.

  “Don’t play dumb with me. I’ve known you too long for that.”

  “Why are you worried about me following you? Afraid I might catch you doing something you shouldn’t be?” Mark said, hoping to put Stygian on the defensive.

  Lane laughed, drawling curious stares from those seated around the conference table. “Whatever you think you know believe me, you’re way off the mark.”

  “And what do you think it is that I think I know?”

  Lane shook his head. “I’m as highly trained as you. It’s going to take a lot more than that to get me to talk.”

  Mark set his jaw and curled his hands into fists under the table. “I really don’t care what you’re up to.”

  “You need to work on your skills at lying,” Lane said with a whisper.

  Further talk was cut off by the entrance of a senior officer carrying a clipboard under her arm. She called for attention and directed the man standing to her left to pass out several packets of information.

  Mark tried to focus during the meeting but as soon as he knew he wasn’t going off-base any time soon, his thoughts drifted and he tried to think of a way to keep an eye on Lane without being so obvious about it. If they weren’t on a military base, he could probably set up some sort of surveillance equipment. But there was no way he could do that here without someone asking why. It wasn’t as though he could tell anyone that his niece could time travel and that Lane Stygian was also a time traveler and that Alex had to somehow stop him.


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