Discovering Aether

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Discovering Aether Page 9

by Emily James Taylor

  “Well, honestly one of the reasons I wasn’t around yesterday was, I figured Nao would be taking up a lot of your time getting ready for the dance tomorrow. And I definitely did not want to bother you two since you told us what you’re wearing is a surprise.” Kevin smiles knowingly at me.

  Yes, it’s true, I was with Naomi a lot yesterday. But I was too distracted with them being busy to care about her plans.

  “Also, we thought it would be a good idea to get extra training in before we went. Nolan really wants us to be careful and I think it’s a good idea,” Kevin continues, pulling me from my thoughts.

  “Do you really think something bad will happen?” I ask him as I run my fingers through his red locks.

  “Adi, anything could happen. I hope that it’s a great introduction to our community and that you can find your other connections. But it’s a good idea to be careful and safe. We finally found you, well you found us, and we will do everything in our power to keep you happy, safe, and well cared for,” Kevin states sweetly. He reaches for my right hand and kisses it.

  It’s sweet that they want to protect me. Still, I’m not some little child. I may be new here, but they should be able to relax and know that I’m capable of going to a party and able to watch out for things on my own.

  Yes, I have a rare, powerful element inside me and people may want to abuse that, but I can stand on my own two feet. I am so frustrated; they need to take me seriously. Squaring my shoulders, I give Kevin's hair a light tug to make sure he's paying attention to what I'm about to say.

  "Look, you two need to be able to rely on me for things, too. I don't just need you to protect me. I need you to let me handle things as well. We're a team now, and it's time you all remember that and include me. I can navigate a party. I am strong - I don't just need protectors, I need partners." I give his hair another tug, "I don't want you to forget that." I take my fingers from Kevin's hair and place both hands on the side of his face, searching his eyes to decipher if he understands me, what I'm trying to get across.

  He grabs both of my hands and places them on his chest and beams at me. My cheeks become heated - it's the dimples, I'm going to start blaming the dimples on my frequent blushing. I'm supposed to be annoyed, but when he busts those bad boys out, I start to cave.

  “First off, we know you can take care of yourself. And once you get the hang of your powers, I personally think you’ll be the one protecting us. Right now though, we still know more about this world than you do. Nolan is being pushy about it more than me, I know. But he had a difficult upbringing with his family and he doesn’t trust them.

  “I think he needs us to be on top of our game so he can have a sense of control over the situation, whatever control he can get. Eventually, he’ll open up to you about his family and why he's acting this way. The way his father treated him growing up?" Kevin shakes his head, "It wasn't pretty and Nolan's got reason to freak out the way he is now. Trust me - trust us - to have your back, at least this one time, Adi."

  I start to open my mouth to ask him what Nolan’s father could have done, but before I get the words out, Kevin puts his finger over my lips. “No, Adi. I won’t tell you his history, don’t even think to ask me that. It’s up to him to decide when he wants you to know. He may be a harder sell on not protecting you from everything, but know he doesn’t think you really need him too. It’s so he can feel better about the situation. I honestly thought you would have a harder time convincing him to let us go then you did the other day,” Kevin finishes.

  I pull myself off of him and give him a quick kiss on the lips. “Well, where is Nolan?”

  “He’s still down stairs training. Why don’t you go check on him? I bet you could settle his nerves.” He grabs me around the waist, pulls me towards him and kisses me on my forehead. “I’m going to keep searching the Horus database for anything new before we head out tomorrow.”

  As I turn to walk away, water hits the backside of my head. “Did you just use your element to squirt water at me?” I ask indignantly. He holds his hands up and shrugs, feigning innocence. His face cracks in a smirk and I break out into giggles.

  I walk into the training room and find Nolan laying in between two dirt piles that have different colored tulips growing from them. I lay down next to him, grab ahold of his left hand and squeeze. Scanning his body, I take in his amazing features. All he’s wearing is a pair of blue gym shorts. Sweat rolls off of his abdomen and chest. His eyes were closed, but when I squeezed his hand he snuck a quick peek at me for a second.

  “Why are you laying here?” I ask him. He opens his eyes fully and turns his body towards mine.

  “I’m trying to relax. Since training seems to be doing nothing for me, I figured I could lay down surrounded by flowers and just breathe.” He turns onto his back and closes his eyes again.

  “Who knew I would end up living with a badass guy that loves flowers.” I laugh out loud trying to lighten the mood and all I get back from him is a smirk. He doesn’t even deign to open his eyes.

  “I can’t help but find beauty in them. Here watch this,” he says, sitting up on his elbow. I look over as he moves his right hand and points it towards a yellow tulip. The tulip stem grows, twirling and crossing over itself. It spreads over us until it is within my reach.

  “The yellow tulip represents hope and cheerful thoughts. I want to have hope, Adaline. Hope in the future and Horus. But it’s not going to happen if my father stays in charge. I need you to understand. I have faith in you and what you can do, I just don’t have faith in the people who are going to surround us tomorrow.”

  Nolan sighs and drags his hand down his face in frustration. He takes a deep breath, "Can you trust me to call the shots, at least for the party? I know you're far from weak, but you’re still learning. One day, I know that you're going to be a force to reckon with. I'm not trying to dictate you or anything like that. But, I need to be in control of this situation. Being around people like my father, I just can't help but be this way. We just found you and I can't let anything happen to you. I need to know if something goes down tomorrow, if I tell you do something, can you do what I say and not ask questions until later?"

  His eyes plead with me to understand where he's coming from, but I can't help but feel that he knew what I was coming down here to talk to him about.

  “Did Kevin text you after I left him and was on my way down here?” I ask with a wry smile. He finally lets out a laugh.

  “Yes, he did. I get that you can take care of yourself. I just need to be able to protect you as well. You’ve never met these people. I know them. I understand their positions and how their minds work. You have to have some self-preservation around them. Honestly, it would help me as well, I really don’t like the idea of us being there, so I’m trying my hardest to take all the precautions we need. It makes me feel better.” He shrugs unapologetically.

  Control really is an issue for Nolan. Man, his dad must have really screwed him up. Hopefully, by letting him take the lead this time, he’ll trust me enough to tell me more about his past.

  “Okay Nolan, I will try my best to listen to you and let you be in charge tomorrow night. But don’t count on this happening all the time.” He leans over me with a huge smile on his face and kisses me gently. He deepens it and pushes his tongue through my lips as his hand tugs on my curls. He pulls back slightly and looks into my eyes. Something moves in my peripheral vision. The tulips. They flourish all around us growing taller and bigger than I’ve ever thought possible. More spring up from the dirt mounds, creating a sheltered little glade in the gym. I think I found a way to help Nolan lose control. I thrust my tongue into his mouth and press my body into his.

  “You look gorgeous.” Naomi pushes me towards the bathroom mirror. She had me sit on the toilet for the last hour and a half, making me promise not to peek.

  The face that greets me is one I have a hard time recognizing. She smoothed my auburn curls, with Moroccan Oil that also makes it shine. Eve
n my frizz has been tamed. Naomi pulled my hair to one side and pinned it so that it flows over my right shoulder and down towards my waist.

  Naomi applied a vibrant green eyeshadow to my lids, highlighting the flecks of green in my blue eyes. She blended it with some greys and blacks that give my eyes a smoky, night time look. The mascara she applied makes my lashes look a million miles long. Finally, my lips are coated with a nude, shimmery lipstick.

  The strapless dress hugs my breasts and waist, accentuating my curves. At my waist, the dress flows loosely to just a quarter inch from the floor. The back is low cut, almost revealing the top of my ass. I fell in love with this dress when I first tried it on. Now, with Naomi’s help and my brand new, nude Valentino heels that match my lips, it looks even more amazing.

  Naomi places her arm around my waist and admires her handiwork in the mirror. She’s in a gold gown that clings to her body and ends a few inches above her knees. It looks spectacular with her deep red hair that she left down.

  “I’m going to get my boys together and we are heading out; Kevin and Nolan will be over when they are ready.” Naomi gives me a squeeze and skips through the bathroom door.

  The bathroom door snicks closed, snapping me out of my revelry. I make my way out of the bathroom and into the sitting area. This suite at the Horus safe house in New York is massive. The building takes up the entire block. It has the same sign on it as our building in Philadelphia. I asked Nolan when we arrived what the deal with the saying was. He told me it’s a saying that all Alchemists learn at a young age, that their parents try to ingrain those words in them. Strive for a better life.

  Apparently, if an Alchemist is traveling or needs help, all they have to do is find another Alchemist and say those words or look for a building with the sign. I asked him how they are able to keep so many places like these a secret from everyday people. He replied that as long as they pay their taxes on the buildings and keep everything up to date, nobody notices. People tend to only pay attention to things that are put right in front of them, all the buildings have been around for a very long time and all the signs look faded, so no one thinks anything of it. Kind of like I did when I first saw their building, but I was drawn to it. I can see how buildings are passed over when they look a certain way. That’s kind of a scary thought, honestly. How many things have I gone through life ignoring? Could I have known who I was sooner if I’d just been paying more attention?

  Lowering myself carefully into a beautiful mahogany armchair, I wait for Kevin and Nolan. In a few minutes I’ll be meeting their parents. I’m so nervous, my palms are sweating and my knees are shaking of their own accord. Kevin assured me his family will be sincerely happy to meet me. When I asked how nice Nolan’s family will act towards me, he calmed some of the pressure when he told me that they will come off as the nicest people I will ever meet, even he hasn’t seen the bad side of Nolan’s father. Leaning back in the chair, careful not to crush my curls, I contemplate the best way to introduce myself to the nine parents I’ll meet in a short time.

  A knock at the door startles me from my thoughts. I stand from the chair, walking over to the sound. Stopping in front of the door, I smooth my dress with my hands. I grip the glass knob and swing open the door, revealing Nolan and Kevin looking utterly delicious. Butterflies take flight in my stomach.

  Nolan’s olive skin looks darker in his white suit. His dark brown hair is slicked back, whatever mousse he used gives it extra volume. My hand itches to reach out and run my fingers through it.

  Kevin is rocking a black suit that has a white undershirt with a red tie, making his gorgeous red hair shine. His dimples are out again thanks to the wicked grin he’s wearing. I never thought going weak in the knees was a real thing but these two handsome men staring at me the way they are, with lust filled eyes, the saying finally makes sense to me.

  “You look breathtaking, Adaline,” Nolan all but growls as he steps forward and gives me a peck on the cheek. “We are lucky to have you on our arms tonight.” He takes a step back, making room for Kevin to give me a kiss as well.

  “You’re so beautiful, Adi,” Kevin breathes as he sticks his elbow out. I link my arm through his and stand at his side.

  “Thank you, guys,” I say shyly, playing with my hair with my free hand. Nolan steps up to my left side presents an arm as well and I wind my arm through his. The boys lead me down the hall to the marbled staircase that leads to the main floor. As we descend the stairs, the sound of a soothing, quiet harmony greets us. From the open doorway of the ballroom, I spot a chamber orchestra set up in the far corner of the room, arranged in a semi circle.

  The New York safe house isn’t set up like ours. Instead of having a huge gym on the main floor, they have a small gym on each floor with bedroom suites. The main floor has a couple of meeting rooms and a huge ballroom for events planned by the Council. Inside, couples dance around the room in what looks like a waltz.

  The room is sumptuously decorated with rich wallpaper, tables covered with heavy tablecloths and elaborate centerpieces. My scanning eyes find the ceiling, Kevin told me about the intricacy of it yesterday. Into a gold background, hieroglyphics are etched and painted with a variety of colors. While I can’t figure out what the drawings say, I can see there are birds, lines, and even a few crosses among the symbols. Kevin mentioned it describes the story of Osiris and Horus, that’s it’s the story all Alchemists tell their children. Horus represents light and Osiris death. It shows Osiris’s murder by Set, God of the Desert.

  Set wanted the throne for himself and hated that his younger brother, Osiris, ruled. He tricked Osiris into a wooden chest, sealed it and threw it in the Nile. Osiris’s wife, Isis, created her son Horus to defeat Set and rule after she found Osiris’s body in the trunk of a tamarisk tree. She also performed a ceremony so his spirit could return to his body but because his spirit had left this world and went to the Land of the Dead, he was not able to live here anymore. That is how he became the King of the Underworld, the God of Death.

  There’s also a section that shows the boat race that Horus wins against Set and the aftermath when they divide the land with Horus taking the throne. Set decided they should have a boat race where the boats were both made of stone. But Horus tricked Set by building his with wood covered with limestone plaster. Set’s boat sunk, so he transformed into a hippopotamus and attacked Horus’ boat. Horus won but before he could kill Set, the other Gods intervened. Horus was made King and sent Set into the desert. Horus was then named the God of Light.

  I guess their political parties really are named after the Egyptian Gods. It’s amazing, the images they have created look so ancient, I wonder how long they’ve had this ceiling. It must have been when both their parties worked together because the depictions show Horus and Osiris in a good light. But it does depict Osiris who was the ruler before Horus as the one destroyed. It’s almost like a prediction of what happened to their parties.

  “You ready?” Kevin tugs on my arms and I take my focus off the ceiling. Looking up at him, I nod with a smile.

  “Yep, let’s do this.” Nolan winks at me as he steers us towards the center of the back wall. There are three groups of people standing there and one looks to have Naomi and Lincoln. I bet they’re talking to her and Kevin’s parents. When we reach them, Kevin let’s go of my arm.

  “Mom,” he calls out, walking us towards a short, blond woman who looks to be his age. She steps out and hugs him tightly. Wow, Alchemists really do stop aging. I don’t see anyone that looks older than thirty around me. Pulling away from the tender embrace, she approaches Nolan and me. She gives Nolan a distracted nod, but her attention is all on me.

  “My name is Hadley Stafford,” she says with a warm smile. “You must be the surprise Naomi told me Kevin had when I asked her why she was grinning earlier.” She sounds genuine and even though she looks my age, she comes across with a motherly warmth.

  “I’m Adaline Jacobs, Kevin and Nolan’s Nucleus,” I answer, with a
hesitant smile. Hadley squeaks loudly, clasping her hands together. She is definitely Naomi’s mother, they’re so much alike.

  “My boy finally has his Nucleus and a beautiful one at that.” She hugs me tightly and with real warmth, like she’s welcoming me into the family. The smell of fresh snow tickles my nostrils. “It’s so wonderful to meet you, dear. Who are your parents?”

  I knew this questions would be coming so I smile just as warmly as she is. “My father’s name was Easton Jacobs and I never knew who my mother was, just that she left us.” I state confidently, not caring if they look down on me for it.

  Hadley’s face changes halfway through my words. Not really a look of concern but more like one of confusion. Two men and a woman come and stand around her while we talk. They must be Kevin and Naomi’s other parents.

  “Oh dear, when we detained him a couple years back, he never said he had a daughter still out in the world. We had no clue. He was in hiding for many years.” Hadley tries to comfort me with her words, but it doesn't help my growing unease.

  They know who my father is. Wait, a few years back? Does that mean he’s still be alive?

  “Wait, how long ago did you see him? Detained? Do you still have him?” I question, my urgency to get answers makes me almost lurch forward and grab her. Nolan places his arm around my waist and tugs me to his side.

  One of the men surrounding Hadley, this one with deep red hair, steps forward. I bet he is Kevin’s biological dad.

  “I’m Casey Whelan,” he says, his Irish accent is light. “I was the one who stumbled onto him. That was about two and half years back. We had come across three Osiris individuals using their elements on an individual who began creating a tear. Before either of them had a chance to finish, my team and I took them by surprise and detained them. When we brought him in, we were trying to find out why he had been attacked but Hadley figured out who he was. Easton Jacobs was a name he used for hiding, the name our community knows him by is Tobias Jones.” I gasp in shock at hearing that my father might not really be dead. Casey continues, “He had always been with Osiris until about eighteen years ago when he disappeared. We all thought this could be an opportunity to bring him back to our side. But he told us our side was just as a destructive as Osiris. I sent Hadley to get Thomas, hoping another Aether in the room could help. He took my team and I by surprise, he had been on the run for years. I assumed he had no time for training, but he threw the table at me, when I got out of the way, he grabbed me by the head and slammed it against the wall. When I came to, my whole team was unconscious and he had disappeared again. We have no idea where he is.”


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