Southern Shifters: Lion for Her (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Southern Shifters: Lion for Her (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 2

by Brandy Walker

  Gage shook his head. “You’ve got questionable taste then. It’s a pretty bitter whiskey from a local distillery the owner of this joint likes.”

  “Figures. I’ve always had questionable taste though,” she laughed. “Hoping some time here will change that.”

  Gage shrugged and glanced around the bar. “Sometimes a change of scenery can do wonders for a person.” Maddie had the impression he talked from personal experience. He turned his gaze back on her. “Running from something…or someone?”

  Maddie lowered her feet back to the ground, and turned in Gage’s direction. Her cousin’s taste couldn’t be called questionable. The man she was mated to—yes, mated, she had the bite mark to prove it—was a handsome devil. Short, dark blond hair and lean hips and long legs. He was built with solid muscle and sex appeal. And, he was completely devoted to her cousin.

  Lucky bitch.

  “Not running from anything or anyone. Just trying to get some breathing room from a failed relationship. What better place to do that than here?” She waved her hand to encompass the noisy room.

  “So, we aren’t going to see some guy rolling up, begging you to come back to him?”

  She snorted. “Nope. He’s already moved on; and now that he’s been with his new skank, sorry, girlfriend, it’ll take a whole host of vaccines and years of clean bill of health certificates for me to even think about touching him.”

  Gage grimaced. “Harsh.”

  “Necessary.” She sighed and looked around the room. “Where’s my lovely cousin anyway? I was hoping we could catch up without having to be on our feet.”

  “She’ll be down in a bit. She’s making sure your room is ready for you. You don’t mind staying here, do you?”

  “Hell no, I don’t mind. Saves me from having to look for a place, and it’ll make carpooling a breeze. I appreciate you guys getting me in here. I didn’t do a lot of planning before I hit the road.”

  “You’re family. Wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  Sienna took that lull in conversation to show up. Gage pushed his chair back and dragged her onto his lap. Maddie had to suppress a wistful sigh that tried to escape when he captured Sienna’s mouth in a deep lip lock.

  At some point, she had to look away when they didn’t come up for air. What they had was what she thought she’d had with Mack. Clearly, she was wrong. Sienna and Gage were perfect together. He doted on her. Touched her. Kissed her. Made sure every male in a twenty-mile radius knew she was taken and loved. That he’d do bodily harm if they even thought about looking at her cross-eyed.

  Mack would, at best, hold her hand in public near the end of their relationship. Some of her pissy attitude about the man faded at the realization. It didn’t make her change her mind about his dick falling off though. A girl had to be allowed some hurtful thoughts about the man that dumped her.

  Her chuckle must have caught the attention of the couple next to her. Sienna’s face came into view, an eyebrow raised. “What’s so funny, cuz?”

  “Oh, nothing. Just thinking about my ex.”

  “And you find your ex funny? I didn’t think you had fond thoughts about him.”

  “When I think of his dick falling off and the reaction that would cause, I find him hilarious.”

  Sienna’s eyes popped open wide before laughter flowed from her chest. “That is funny.”

  “Hey,” a very affronted Gage said.

  Sienna patted him on the cheek. “Don’t worry, babe. I don’t want your dick to fall off. I like it, a lot.” She giggled and kissed him quickly.

  Maddie canted her head to the side and studied them. “So…”

  Sienna mimicked her. “Yes…”

  “A shifter?” She leaned forward and sniffed the air. She rocked back in her seat when she caught a familiar scent. “I mostly smell wolf, but you’re,” she inhaled more of his scent. “Part feline, and I don’t know what else. It’s something I’ve never smelled before.

  Gage’s dark brows shot up in surprise, and Sienna’s mouth dropped open.

  “How do you know about shifters?” Her cousin sounded both surprised and angry. “I thought I’d have to break it to you, then find a way to keep you here forever. They kinda frown upon humans learning about shifters.”

  “I have my ways,” Maddie smirked.

  Sienna’s gaze turned on her mate. “Do you know? Oh my god, you didn’t tell her, did you?”

  “Babe, why don’t you think about that for a second.”

  Sienna’s brows drew down in confusion. It really was mean of Maddie to keep her hanging, but a girl had to have some fun.

  When Sienna came up empty, she nudged Gage with a sharp elbow to the ribs. “Tell me.”

  “Think about it. She scented me.”

  That seemed to do the trick. Sienna’s eyes rounded again, and her mouth dropped open. “You?”

  “Me,” Maddie replied.



  “What? I haven’t heard of that.”

  “Half lion. Half tiger.”


  Maddie couldn’t help the snicker of amusement that escaped. “The usual way I’d guess. Though, I’d prefer to think my parents never had sex.”

  “That’s not what I meant, dork. Our dads are brothers.”

  Maddie smiled. “My dad was adopted, remember?”

  “Oh yeah.” She scrunched up her nose like she did when they were growing up, and she was finally figuring something out. “I never would have guessed he was a shifter, and how did my dad never know?”

  Maddie shrugged. “I guess dad kept it a secret, afraid grandma and grandpa would toss him out on his ass like his biological parents did. As soon as he could, he moved from Sweetwater up to a more shifter-friendly place.”

  “Well, will wonders never cease. I wish I would have known all of this sooner.”


  “Because then it wouldn’t have come as much of a shock when I did find out.”

  “Yeah, but then you probably wouldn’t have met him,” Maddie nodded her head in Gage’s direction. “Everything happens for a reason. I hope,” she murmured, the last two words not needing to reach anyone else’s ears.

  Sienna reached across and grabbed Maddie’s hand, squeezing it tight. “It does, and I know I forgot to tell you earlier, but I’m glad you’re here.”

  Maddie smiled and flipped her hand over to squeeze her cousin’s hand back. “Me too, but I am dead on my feet. If you want me to be of any use tomorrow, I need to sleep.”

  “But it’s still early.”

  Gage shifted Sienna off his lap and stood. “I’m sure Maddie could use a bit of a catnap. Being on the road for any length of time will zap most people. And did you see the size of that tiny ass car? Her liger probably felt like it was locked up in a cage.”

  Sienna wrapped her arm around his waist. “Ha ha, I get it. A cat nap.”

  “That’s sounds like the best idea I’ve heard all day.” Maddie stood and stretched.

  Sienna rolled her eyes and led them out of the bar. She got Maddie situated in her room, and minutes after she and Gage left, Maddie was face down on the bed and headed into slumber.

  Chapter Four

  Madison stretched her arms over her head before rolling over in bed. The soft comforter beneath her felt different than the one she usually slept with. And the pillow left a lot to be desired. Where they fuck was her memory foam, squished to just the right softness pillow?

  Peeling her eyes open, she took in her surroundings and cringed. This was not her room. She rose up and propped herself up on her elbows.

  “And this isn’t even my fucking house,” she said, confused beyond belief about where she was. She didn’t remember drinking the night before. No, wait…she’d had a shot of fire-in-the-pit-of-her-stomach scotch before crashing for the night.

  It wasn’t until she got up and looked out the window, the morning dawn barely breaking signaling the beginning of a new d
ay, that she remembered where she was. The Neutral Zone in Deals Gap. Home of hybrids and outcasts; or as she liked to think of them, the shaken and stirred. Pure breeds didn’t have anything on them. They were the best of both worlds. Speed. Strength. Power. Skill. They got all of the good parts and only one or two of the bad. Well, she was constantly told her short fuse was one of the bad.

  “Whatever,” she mumbled and searched for her bag. Finding it propped up on a chair, she dug through and pulled out clean clothes. A shower to wash off the road grime from the day before was in order before she tracked down some coffee. Preferably a strong, dark brew, which knocked most men on their asses.

  It didn’t take long for Maddie to get cleaned up. She harnessed her dark hair into a bun. Slapped a miniscule amount of make-up on. No need to scare the natives so early in her stay there. She’d give it a couple weeks before she went back to au natural. She slipped into a pair of tight but well loved jeans, and pulled on a simple light pink T-shirt. Bending over at the waist, she made sure the girls didn’t fall out of her bra or shirt. Satisfied, she laced up her sneakers and went in search of her beloved friend, coffee.

  Her trek downstairs was uneventful, and she easily found the huge industrial kitchen. She hoped like hell she’d be able to find what she searched for, or someone who could point her in the right direction. On her second spin, in her attempt to take in the entire room, Sienna showed up.

  “Oh, thank god,” Maddie said, breathing a sigh of relief. “Coffee?”

  Her cousin chuckled. “Give me a minute and I’ll get it going.”

  “If I’d known where everything was, I would have started it already.”

  “That’s fine. You’ll get the hang of this place in no time.” Sienna glided through the room and Maddie tracked her movements. She made mental notes of where everything was, so next time she wouldn’t have to rely on someone else.

  “Why don’t you sit down over there?” Sienna pointed to the island and the three stools pushed up under it.

  She could take a hint when it was given. Maddie sat and waited. When Sienna pushed a mug over to her, along with sugar and creamer, Maddie ignored the offerings and picked the cup up, taking her first life-saving sip. “So good. Thank you.”

  Sienna chuckled and fixed her own drink. “You ready for your first full day?”

  Maddie finished off her coffee and set it down before answering. “I am now.”

  “Good. Grab whatever you need and let’s take off. I’d like to get started a little earlier today. Gage and I hope to have a little “us” time this afternoon.”

  Maddie raced back upstairs and grabbed her small backpack. She tossed her wallet, phone, and charger in there, just in case she needed them. Strapping it onto her back, she met Sienna and Gage out front. Sienna hopped on the back of Gage’s motorcycle.

  “I thought we were carpooling.”

  “Sorry, I know we planned on it, but Gage is going to pick me up right when we close.”

  “Alright, give me a second so I can get my keys.” She turned to head back inside when a guy came out of Dark Moon.

  “No need doll, you’ll be riding on the back of my bike.” He grinned, and his too damn pretty face lit up. A flush rushed to Maddie’s cheeks at the thought of wrapping her body around the man. In her life, she’d only been that close to one man, Mack. She’d hugged Van, but he always pulled away quickly.

  The man whose bike she was supposed to get on the back of, held out his hand. “I’m Greer.”

  “Madison, but most people call me Maddie.” She slid her hand into his, the calluses on his palm sending a wave of tingles up her arm and down her spine.

  “Don’t let that pretty face fool you, Maddie,” Gage said. “He’s one badass dude and a whole heap of trouble.”

  Maddie laughed and climbed onto the back of Greer’s bike once he was situated. She leaned into him slightly and took a sniff. “You smell like cat and wolf too.”

  “That’s an awfully developed nose you’ve got there,” Greer said over his shoulder, wariness lacing his voice. He fired up the motorcycle, drowning out anything she could have said to soothe the suspicious thoughts he might have had about her.

  It took them no time at all to get from Dark Moon to Sweet Retreat. Greer pulled them to a stop and she got off. “I’ll be back to pick you up later. I’m sure Sienna will call Gage when she’s ready. I’ll come over with him.”

  Maddie nodded, and he put the bike back into gear. She dropped her hand on his arm. He shot her a questioning look.

  “We develop and train our sense of smell starting in middle school. Where I’m from, it’s a good idea to know whom we’re tangling with. Being able to sniff out the parts that make the whole keeps us out of trouble.” She winked. “For the most part.”

  Greer chuckled and backed up. “You’re a boatload of trouble, aren’t you girl? I’ll see you later.”

  She waved as he drove off and waited by the door for her cousin, who was lip-locked with her mate again. She was beginning to think the reason they came in early was so those two could make out.

  Maddie dug out her phone from her backpack and shot a text to her mother; letting her know she’d made it safely, and that she was staying at Dark Moon for now. It was something she’d forgotten to do the day before.

  By the time she put the phone away, Sienna had unglued her face and waved goodbye to her mate.

  “Let’s get this donut party started. Maybe if you pick things up really quick, I’ll be able to take a couple days off.”

  “I’m here to serve.” Maddie sketched a bow, and the women giggled.

  Chapter Five

  Two weeks had gone by since Madison first showed up in Deals Gap. In that time, she’d met new people, learned all there was to know about making donuts, and found she loved riding on the backs of motorcycles. Big, fat, vibrating-her-to-near-orgasm motorcycles. There may have been a time or two that she’d rushed to her room after getting home to masturbate and tip over that blissful cliff she’d clung to the edge of during the ride.

  Her relationship with Greer had turned into friendship, even though he flashed flirty smiles and made ridiculous innuendos at a near constant pace. Something her libido wasn’t too thrilled about; but hey, at least she had a guy friend to talk to again.

  That didn’t mean she didn’t miss the previous confidant she’d left back home. Her mother gave her random updates on Mack, but nothing about Van.

  Mack had already dropped Sheila and was dating another woman. Her mother couldn’t remember the girl’s name, and Maddie really didn’t care. What she did care about was that every time she mentioned Van’s name, her mother clammed up. Maddie took it to mean he’d found a woman of his own, and that he didn’t care she’d left town.

  It made her heart ache to think he could forget about her so quickly. Maybe he’d been waiting for the day he wasn’t beholden to her because of her relationship with his brother. She didn’t know, and at the rate she was going, she wouldn’t ever know.

  The sound of a motorcycle could be heard rolling to a stop out front of the bakery. Her ride for the evening had arrived. Whoever it was, since the guys rotated giving her a ride, was earlier than expected. The sound of the bell tinkling drew her out of the back baking area.

  “You’re a bit early,” she said, looking down, brushing the flour from her boobs.

  “I’d say I was a bit late.”

  Maddie’s head popped up at the sound of that deep penetrating voice. Her eyes widened, as her gaze fell on the one man she thought she’d never see again. The liger within chuffed in approval in a way she had never done before.

  “Mack?” Her mouth dropped open and her brows furrowed as she took in every muscled inch of the man she’d just been thinking about. Except she wasn’t so sure it was Mack. There was something different about him. He had a possessive glint in his eyes she’d never seen before. At least not when it came to her.

  “You wound me.” He placed his hand over his heart wit
h a pained expression on his face.

  Maddie peeked around him at the motorcycle sitting in front of the store. Her Van didn’t ride. At least not that she knew of. He was the steady brother. The rock solid he’ll-be-there-whenever-you-need-him guy. Mack was the wild boy, the one she expected to run out and buy the biggest, fastest bike available. He didn’t give a damn what people thought, and did whatever he wanted. The twins were polar opposites. And she could admit, like most girls at the time, she was lured in by Mack’s untamed attitude. He was the dark and dangerous bad boy of the pair.

  “Can you really not tell?” His face crumpled in disappointment. A flicker of disbelief crossing his features.

  “My Van would never ride one of those things, would he?” She wasn’t too sure what she really knew anymore. Mack had thrown her a curveball when he’d dumped her, and she started to second-guess the mating call she used to feel around him.

  If the past two weeks taught her anything, it was that the mating call, when it hit, it hit hard and without question. Sienna and Gage were proof of that, along with their friends Dean and Niki. None of them could keep their hands off their mates.

  The corner of his mouth curved, and his eyes twinkled with mischief. The second that happened, she knew without a doubt who the man in front of her was.

  “Van,” she whispered. “Holy shit.” Maddie ran the short distance between them, and threw herself into Van’s arms. Her chest made contact with his, and she swore she felt sparks of electricity light her up.

  His surprised umph and step back told her he hadn’t expected her to do that, and it took her mind off the feeling that arced through her body. He chuckled and juggled her in his big arms, getting a better grip. “That’s more like it,” he rumbled near her ear. The shockwaves of his voice sent a pleasurable tingle down her spine.

  * * *

  Van stuck his face into the crook of Maddie’s neck and took a deep breath. Sweet vanilla and sunshine washed over him, tugging at his cock. He opened his mouth against her skin and licked, unable to resist. His lion hungered for the taste of the woman he couldn’t get off his mind, and the one he knew was his mate.


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