Blood and Magic (Blood and Darkness Book 1)

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Blood and Magic (Blood and Darkness Book 1) Page 9

by Melissa Sercia

  I turned toward Aldric. “Can you give us a minute?”

  He was already making his way out of the room before I could finish my sentence. He paused in the doorway to throw me a quick wink.

  It was comforting to know that I no longer had to explain my intentions to him, but it would take some getting used to. I had always kept my emotions closely guarded.

  Valentina hesitated before she spoke. “I haven’t seen that look on your face in a long time. I’m happy for you.”

  I knew she wanted to be happy for me, but her tone was sad and wistful. Her eyes watered. “You’re in love again.”

  I let out a deep sigh. “It’s more than love. I wish there was another word to describe it. It’s not like before. This is different.”

  Valentina bit her lip and lowered her head. “I know. That’s what scares me. Everything is different now. You don’t need me anymore.”

  My heart sank. “Don’t say that. I will always need you. No matter who else comes into my life.”

  She shook her head. “Gray, it’s all right. You don’t have to pretend to make me feel better. Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”

  Her despair was killing me. “I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you. When I was under that spell, you never abandoned me. You risked everything to get me back. So I am not going to abandon you. We’re in this together. Like it or not, you’re stuck with me.”

  A smile returned to her face. “Okay, okay. Don’t go getting all soft on me now.” We both chuckled, but her eyes still flickered with apprehension.

  It was almost morning when The Keeper called for the three of us to join him in the Library of Covens. He had changed out of his ceremonial attire into a pair of black slacks and a gray wool sweater.

  His crisp appearance startled me every time. His age slipped through my fingers. During the ceremony, he commanded the room like an ancient mage. He seemed a thousand years old. Now, on this new day, he looked relaxed and boyish.

  The Keeper regarded each one of us as we stood before him, but he fixated on Valentina. “You are a warrior. Fierce and loyal. But there is a fire that rages within you, and it must be grounded. If not contained, it will burn everything and everyone around you.”

  Valentina’s mouth gaped open. “Excuse me?”

  The Keeper raised his hand to silence her. “Like Gray, you must link with another. Someone who is the opposite of fire. You will balance each other and be stronger together. You must seek this one out.”

  With nostrils flared and fists clenched, Valentina snarled at The Keeper. “And where will I find this one who is going to tame me?” Her cheeks flushed as red as her hair.

  The Keeper smiled but took a step back. “I didn’t mean to offend you. I only wish to warn you of your nature and encourage you to channel it into another. Besides, he may need you more than you need him.”

  The wheels must have been spinning in her head. Her eyes darted back and forth between me and The Keeper at record speed. She searched my face for answers, but I was as confused as she was.

  Her temper flared. “Who am I supposed to link with it?”

  The Keeper proceeded with caution. “I can’t say, but I believe this link to be true. You will feel it when he crosses your path.”

  Valentina huffed. “Great. Now I’m going to stare at every Witch I meet like I’m a crazy person. Thanks.”

  I burst out laughing. “How’s that any different from how you’ve looked at anyone before?”

  She snorted. “Whatever.”

  Aldric chuckled.

  She shot him a look of contempt. “I see this amuses you. Forgive me if I don’t share the sentiment.”

  Valentina spun on her heel and stomped off. I rolled my eyes and started after her.

  The Keeper put his hand on my shoulder. “Let her be.” And that’s exactly what I did.

  Aldric and I lay beside each other in front of the hearth in his room. The warmth from his body and the heat from the flames enveloped me. Beads of sweat dripped down my back. My clothes weighed me down like heavy armor that I needed to shed.

  A tingling sensation shot up my thighs with an ache to feel his skin against mine. I sat up to face him and pulled off my shirt. I let my fingers linger on the straps of my bra before peeling that off as well.

  He drew in a sharp breath at the sight of my bare breasts. His eyes followed my hand down as I unzipped my pants and pulled them off, revealing nothing but soft flesh.

  His breath quickened in anticipation. My hands stroked his chest as I slid his shirt up and over his head. I traced the ridges on his stomach, making my way down. He swallowed hard as I removed his belt. His legs twitched from the weight of my hands as I slid off his pants. I leaned back so my eyes could drink him in. His naked flesh was smooth, and it glistened against the firelight like a god’s.

  Without hesitation, he pulled me on top of him. My heart raced as his lips met mine, intoxicated and consumed by the taste of him. His tongue danced around mine while he pressed his lips down harder. His hands squeezed and clawed at my flesh with urgency as we slid into each other. My body trembled with each wave. Harder and faster until we both cried out.

  I collapsed onto his chest, snug inside his arms.

  “I don’t ever want to leave this room.” I nestled in closer to him as he stroked my hair.

  “Who says we have to?” He shot me a mischievous grin and slid on top of me. We rocked back and forth until the dawn broke through our window and the fire turned to ash in the hearth.

  It was the first morning in over four hundred years that I didn’t have to reach for a blood bag. I was grateful that Aldric would never have to endure that. It was a torture unlike any other. To be hungry—no—starving for the one thing you loathed the most. To be a predator hiding in the shadows, threatening to snap at any moment. To be consumed by bloodlust. It was exhausting.

  I never thought I would see the day where I would be free of that curse. This morning’s light brought me new hope and the possibility of salvation. I no longer needed the taste of blood, and I would never have to harm another human again. This was how it should have always been.

  I had to stop the Consilium from making new Dhampirs.


  We trained night and day until our bones were close to cracking. The Keeper taught us how to use our magic. How to channel it through each other. We learned how to push energy outward for force attacks, how to shield ourselves, and how to turn simple ingredients into powerful potions. After a week of this, we moved down into the catacombs to practice combat.

  Aldric impressed me with how fast he adapted. He was quick and agile. He moved like an ancient. It was that Bannister blood, fierce and persistent in its desire to be superior.

  Valentina spent some of the time watching us, and some of the time joining in. She was highly skilled in hand-to-hand combat and proved to be a great sparring partner for Aldric. Relentless in her attacks, I think she enjoyed it a little too much.

  We were getting stronger, faster, and smarter. But we weren’t the only ones. The Consilium was out there, building an army. I pushed myself harder at this thought. I pushed until my flesh broke open and I could barely breathe.

  The Keeper was satisfied with our training. “It is time you return to New Orleans. You will be safe within the Three Blind Mice. Formulate a plan of attack and seek out those who will aid you. The Consilium is strong. You will need all the help you can get.”

  Seven’s ship glowed like a beacon in the harbor. My chest tightened. The Hall of Secrets had become my sanctuary. My shelter from the storm. Now that we were leaving, panic spread through my veins. We had no idea what would be waiting for us in New Orleans. We left it in a state of chaos.

  I rubbed the crescent necklace between my fingers. I thought of our goddess, Diana, and how she created The Order of The Keepers to guard our secrets. How she created the Sang Magi to bring her and Apollo’s children together again. Reunited by the magic of Nectunt. Forever link

  I thought of all this and realized that Valentina was not the only one with a fire raging inside her. The Keeper was right. We needed a plan. Diana wanted us to be free, but Tobias wanted to turn us into slaves. I couldn’t let that happen.

  Aldric watched me. His brow furrowed, sensing my uneasiness. I shook it off and forced a smile. I didn’t need him worrying about me too.

  Seven sauntered down from the ship to greet us. “Darlings, you both look as beautiful as ever. Memory does not serve you justice… Aldric.” Seven gave him a dismissive nod.

  Aldric chuckled and patted him on the back, almost knocking him over. “How’s it going, pal?”

  Seven looked back and forth between us in disbelief and then burst out laughing. “Aldric, you sly fox. I leave you alone with these vixens for five minutes and you come back as strong as an ox. Well done.”

  He winked at Aldric and slapped him on the back. Aldric stifled a cough as he stumbled forward. Seven chuckled and whisked Valentina aboard the ship.

  Aldric cleared his throat a few times and wiped his brow. “Why does he always have to one up me?”

  I smiled and linked my arm through his as we walked onto the ship. “He’s a pirate. That’s what they do.”

  The ship came to life as we pulled out of the harbor. I acclimated faster this time. Instead of being suffocated by its power, my magic danced alongside it. Valentina, on the other hand, looked like she was going to be sick

  She was deep in her own thoughts when I joined her at the front of the ship. “Do you think The Keeper was right about me losing control? That I need someone to link to?”

  I knew this had been weighing on her. “I think we’re all on the verge of losing control. It’s in our nature. But we can find balance when we have another to anchor to.”

  Valentina’s eyes welled up. “What if I don’t find him in time? I could destroy everything.” Her hands trembled as they gripped the railing.

  I wrapped my arm around her. “Don’t worry. Nothing exists for nothing. You will find him, or he will find you. Diana wills it. Of this I’m sure.”

  She nodded, but her grip remained firm on the rail. Her eyes fixated on the Louisiana coastline as it neared.

  New Orleans was intoxicating. There was a quiet chaos that existed underneath its organized fringe. I drew in a deep breath and let the scent of jasmine fill my lungs. My heart raced, falling in with the pulse that ran through the city. It was as if everywhere else was ordinary and this was where the magic lived.

  We said our goodbyes to Seven and made our way through the Quarter. The Three Blind mice was packed with patrons when we arrived. We moved through the bar with ease, only stopping for Aldric to greet his staff and shake hands with a few regular customers.

  We were almost past the dance floor when the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. Aldric’s heartbeat quickened above the music. Valentina’s nose crinkled as her hands shot toward her daggers.

  There was a presence here, and it wasn’t human.

  I scanned the room, searching for the source. Aldric nodded toward the stairs just as something stirred above us. It was coming from inside his apartment. In one swift motion, the three of us dashed up the stairs.

  The presence grew stronger as we crept down the hall. It scurried around Aldric’s loft. With weapons drawn, we surrounded the door. The presence stilled. It knew we were here.

  I took a deep breath and kicked the door in, knocking it off its hinges. The room was dark. The only light came from the street lamps reflecting off the stained glass windows. My skin tingled and my muscles ached.

  A figure swished past me, faster than I was ready for. It darted back and forth, making it impossible to predict where it would go next. Valentina crouched down beside me, snarling and ready to pounce.

  The shadow moved past me again, trying to knock me over. Aldric sprang on it, taking it to the ground. They wrestled around, taking turns smashing each other into the floorboards. Valentina went into a frenzy, looking for an opening as they tumbled around the loft. The sound was deafening. Snarls, furniture breaking, bones cracking, and flesh being torn. It was madness. I had to get to Aldric.

  Aldric and the figure crashed into one of the windows, spilling in more light from the street. I rushed in between them.

  A cold hand smacked down against my cheek, sending me flying into the wall. I stumbled forward, and then staggered back. My head was spinning. The shadow lunged toward me again and slammed its body into mine. The force knocked the air out of my chest.

  It wrapped one hand around my throat while swatting Aldric and Valentina away with the other, pushing them over like paper dolls. Magic. His eyes glowed red, inches from my face.

  My stomach dropped. “Nicholas Bannister.”


  Nicholas tightened his grip as I tried to jerk away.

  “It’s been a long time, Gray.”

  “Not long enough,” I spat.

  His eyes shifted from red to black. With lips pursed into a menacing smirk, he ran a scaly hand through his silvery hair. He was just as vile as I remembered.

  Aldric and Valentina started toward him. Nicholas’s hand shot up. “Not a step closer or I will snap her in two.” Aldric grabbed Valentina’s arm and pulled her to a stop.

  I burst into laughter. “You and I both know that didn’t work out so well for you the last time, now did it? Save your empty threats for someone else.”

  Nicholas’s eyes darkened, shadowed with resentment. “You’re lucky Tobias wants you alive. Otherwise, I would have killed you a long time ago.”

  I snickered. “Like I said, empty threats.”

  Aldric sped forward and moved in between us. “Hello, Uncle. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  Nicholas grinned wide, his fangs protruding out from behind his lips. “All good things I hope.”

  Aldric took another step, fists clenched. “Let’s just say I won’t be inviting you over for Christmas dinner.”

  Nicholas wiped his brow with a yellow handkerchief, right before he threw it at me. “Clearly this bitch has poisoned your mind against me. There are two sides to every story, Aldric. It is I who is the victim here. If it were up to me, she would be punished.”

  Aldric blew up. “Punished for what? For being turned against her will? You disgust me. I can’t believe I’m related to you.”

  I reached for Aldric’s hand. “Don’t bother. He lives in his own delusions.”

  Nicholas snapped, “Keep telling yourself that, Gray. I can only rest easy knowing that not every bad deed went unanswered for. It’s a shame you didn’t get to say goodbye.” He looked directly at Aldric.

  Aldric stiffened, his rage building. “What is that supposed to mean?”

  Nicholas laughed. “Don’t be naïve, Aldric. Did you really think we would let Elemi get away with what she did? Keeping you from us all these years. She committed treason. You are family and belong with us. It was not her place to hide you away. Don’t worry, I made sure it was quick.”

  Aldric’s knees buckled, his breath escaping him.

  I lunged at Nicholas. “Elemi was your sister. How can you be that heartless?” I was beside myself as Aldric gasped for air.

  Nicholas’s eyes shifted back to red as he raised his voice. “She disobeyed a direct order. Trust me, if she hadn’t been my sister, her death would have been slower and much more painful.”

  I spat at him, “You’re a monster.”

  He erupted into laughter. Valentina flew and landed on his back. He flung her off, knocking her to the other side of the room. She hit the ground whimpering. Aldric leaped at him, but he deflected, sending Aldric crashing into the fireplace. He hunched over and cried out in pain.

  Nicholas started toward Valentina. I darted in front of him, blocking his path. “Enough. What is it that you want?”

  Nicholas looked me up and down. “It’s not what I want that matters. I came as a warning. From Tobias. Stay out of our way, or there will be consequences.
And they will be far worse than you could ever imagine. Next time, it will not be a polite request.”

  My heart was beating out of control. Aldric staggered to his feet, coughing up blood. He limped forward—injured, but still intact. Looking at Nicholas, his eyes darkened. “I’m going to kill you. I’m going to rip out your throat, and the only thing you’ll be requesting from me is mercy.”

  Nicholas smirked. “Ah, spoken like a true Bannister.” Before Aldric could respond, Nicholas dashed out of the room like a bolt of lightning.

  Dhampirs don’t sleep. We brood and we dwell. We sit for hours in silent contemplation, retreating within ourselves to block out the noise. That is what the three of us did for the remainder of the night.

  The air was bitter and thick with uncertainty. Quiet, except for Valentina slurping blood bags in the corner. Our physical wounds would heal quickly, but the other damage, not so much. I couldn’t wait to return the favor.

  The light was blinding as it bounced off the broken shards of stained glass. A kaleidoscope of pinks, blues, and yellows colored the floor around us. I fixated on it, unable to move. With old wounds reopened, I was filled with despair.

  Aldric stood and helped me to my feet. He pulled me in close and wrapped his arms around me. The warmth from his body was soothing. I buried my head in his neck, breathing in a mixture of salt and sandalwood. He ran his hands through my hair, kissing my forehead.

  Valentina staggered over to us. Her hair sprang out in every direction and her lips were smeared with dried blood. It was the most unkempt I had ever seen her. Her voice cracked as she spoke. “I’m sorry about Elemi.”

  Aldric choked back a sob. “She raised me. Risked her life for me. She didn’t deserve this.”

  My heart ached. I felt every emotion that passed through his body. It was agony. Waves of anger, pain, sadness, guilt. Everything was amplified and on constant repeat.


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