Blood and Magic (Blood and Darkness Book 1)

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Blood and Magic (Blood and Darkness Book 1) Page 15

by Melissa Sercia

  A ceremonial dagger, willow bark, and honeycomb spilled out. My head buzzed as the screaming intensified. All their anguish and sorrow were accumulating into one giant ball of torture. I shoved a piece of honeycomb into each of their mouths before taking one for myself.

  Valentina came close to biting me as I pried her mouth open. Aldric snatched the dagger and sliced open his hand without hesitation. I did the same as he was already dripping blood onto the willow bark. We clasped hands, trembling and bracing each other.

  The ground shook as we willed our magic to thread together. Valentina flopped on the ground, her eyes threatening to roll back. C’mon. Take the sacrifice, dammit. I squeezed Aldric’s hand tighter. “Focus.”

  We tried again, this time using every ounce of energy we had. I forced my mind into his and imagined tiny golden threads, interlocking and dancing together. He thrusted back. White and blue sparks, like stars, rained down. A calm settled in. It was working. The screams turned to soft whimpers, then whispers, and then silence.

  “Val.” I could barely move my limbs as I crawled over to her.

  “I…I’m okay.” She was as pale as snow.

  “Here, drink this.” She eagerly took the blood bag and gulped it down.


  “I’m good. My head almost exploded, but other than that, I’m good.”

  Relief washed over me. Then dread. We almost didn’t make it. And these trials would only get harder from here. What if we’re not ready for this?

  “What have I gotten us into?”

  Aldric shook his head and knelt beside me. “Stop. Don’t doubt yourself now. Look how far we’ve come.”

  I choked back tears. “We almost died. I should have started the offering right away. I shouldn’t have waited.”

  Aldric sighed. “Darlin’, they got in your head. You were disoriented. We all were. But you did it just like I knew you would.”

  I couldn’t take that chance again. I needed to focus. To be better prepared. I shrugged and backed away from him. He meant well, but I could not shake this feeling of dread. Maybe it was residual feelings from the Mourning Fields. Maybe it was something else. But it was nagging at me like an open wound.

  The guardian demons would be coming soon. They paroled the outer edges of the Elm, protecting the Reflection Siren. There was no way to slip past them. We would have to fight with weapons we had never used before. Our magic would be useless.

  We finished off the last of the honeycomb to heal any damage that might have been inflicted on our minds. Valentina slurped down another blood bag while Aldric readied his frost bow. The arrows were designed to shatter on impact, inflicting shards of glass into their targets. Valentina and I were both armed with daggers and throwing knives. We stashed them in every crevice we could find. She also chose a battle axe while I settled for a longsword to carry in my dominant hand. It felt strange and unfamiliar, but it would have to do.

  The Elm was far off in the distance, but visible. It was a straight shot through an open field that would soon be littered with demons. The ground rumbled as we marched. It was faint at first but shook harder the further we went. They were coming.

  “Get ready,” I whispered.

  Valentina nodded, her eyes glowing a vibrant shade of red. I took a deep breath and felt mine go black, like a switch. Aldric’s were a milky shade of white. I drew in a sharp breath. I had never seen his eyes change before. It was magnificent.

  The rumbling was louder than thunder. The ground started to crack and separate. With weapons drawn, we held our positions. The wind picked up as the guardian demons came into view. They charged toward us like a stampede of wild horses. But these things were not horses.

  With two heads and the bodies of lions, they moved with a speed unlike any other creature I had ever seen. They growled and snapped their jaws as they inched closer to us. I swallowed hard. There were only six of them. They were either over confident, or I had underestimated their strength.

  We scattered as they crashed toward us, barely dodging the first attack. I spun around as one lunged at me. I ducked and slid underneath it, its slimy skin just barely grazing my cheek. I leaped up as it came back around and slammed into it, knocking it backward. It growled and charged at me again, sending me flying.

  Pain shot through by back as I hit the ground. I rolled quickly to the side as it sprang up in the air. Moving behind it, I thrust my sword into its back and ripped in and sliced its body completely in half.

  One down. It was like a dance and I was finding my rhythm. The sword was a part of me, like another limb. I flowed through it without effort. It knew my moves before I did.

  Everything became a blur of blood, slashing, and snarls. I scanned the field for Aldric. He had one in a headlock as he stabbed it in the eye with a dagger. The demon lunged at him when he backed away, right before he shot it with a frost arrow. Shards of glass exploded out from its body, spraying blood and chunks of flesh all over the ground.

  The next one came at me faster. I dodged to my left, but not quickly enough. Its jaws clamped down on my wrist, flinging me forward to my knees. With my free hand, I swung my sword around and slashed into its neck. I pulled my wrist out just as it was about to tear it from my body. It came at me again, its head barely connected to its neck. Just die already.

  It charged again, but this time I slid out of the way and brought down my sword on what was left of its neck, slicing its head clean off.

  Valentina was on her back, a demon snarled over her. I sprinted toward her but stopped as she pulled out two daggers and gutted open its stomach. She grunted and pushed it over before it could fall on her.

  A frost arrow sped past me. I spun around and braced myself for another attack. The demon sprang up and the arrow pierced its eye. Blood and flesh rained down upon me as it exploded in mid-air. Trembling, I spun around again, ready for another attack.

  Aldric jogged toward me. “It’s over. We got all of them.”

  I couldn’t breathe. My heart was beating out of control. My arms were stiff and sore. I could barely lift my sword. I scanned the field. It was completely still. The rumbling was gone. The stench of rotting demon flesh singed my nostrils. I had to force down the bile that was rising in my throat.

  Valentina huffed, wiping at the blood covering her arms and chest. “Ugh. I am so ready for a shower.”

  Aldric looked at me with concern, his eyes now back to their usual shade of blue. “Are you hurt?”

  “I’ll live.”

  My wrist was throbbing, and my body ached with exhaustion, but other than that, I was still in one piece. Aldric looked more handsome than ever. Sweat glistened down his face, casting a fresh glow on his skin. His cheeks flushed the same way they did in the bedroom. Fighting looked good on him.

  I shot him a grateful look. “Thanks for having my back out there. You were amazing.”

  He winked at me. “I learned from the best.”

  My face flushed. Even covered in demon blood, he still managed to send tingles up my spine.

  “Wow. Really? In this mess you two are still flirting?” Valentina shook her head at us in disbelief.

  My cheeks grew hotter. Aldric smirked and winked again. For a moment, I almost forgot that we were in Hell.

  “We need to keep moving.” The Reflection Siren was already calling to us.

  A sweet melody hummed in my ears, luring me to her. Could they hear it too? Did it sound the same?

  She was the bringer of dreams and nightmares. She would drag out your highest hopes and deepest fears and bring them to life. I had many, but what I feared the most was myself.


  The Siren’s magic was all around us. Her beauty radiated, soft and willowy like an apparition surrounded by flowers. The ground was blanketed in thousands of petals from deep reds, ambers, and golds to emerald greens, violets, and chocolate browns. But there was only one flower I wanted, and it was at her feet.

  “You ready for this?” Ald
ric didn’t look like he was.

  I nodded. “Remember, we have to stay together or we’ll get lost in our own minds.”

  Valentina crinkled her nose. “What if all three of us get lost?”

  My chest tightened. That was the last thing I needed to think about. The Keeper warned me it could happen.

  “We need to stay focused. If we work together, we’ll find our way out.”

  Aldric turned toward Valentina. “Gray’s right. Let’s just stick to the plan and get out as quick as we can.”

  Valentina shook her head in agreement, but her eyes told a different story. A fear I had never seen in her before.

  I took a deep breath and faced the Siren. Her face contorted into a sinister smile. Behind her were the bones of the ones who tried and failed before us. Once they were completely lost in their own minds, she fed on their flesh. I shivered, forcing away images of being eaten alive. I couldn’t fall apart now. Everyone was counting on me.

  We clasped hands, with me leading and Aldric in between us. My free hand trembled as I reached for the Narcissus flower. The Siren’s wicked smile widened as we moved closer.

  I glanced back at Aldric once more. “Don’t let go.”

  My whole body trembled as I wrapped my hand around the stem. Everything went black.

  I was falling. Free-falling through endless space. Were those stars twinkling in the distance? The darkness gave way to sparks of light flashing by me as I tumbled down. I clenched my teeth, afraid they might shatter. My skin was thin like paper. Like it might slide right off. This wasn’t real.

  I couldn’t feel Aldric’s hand. Panic clawed at my chest. The wind whipped around me like a hurricane. I was being sucked into a tunnel. Was I dying? My chest rattled in its cage while my lungs struggled with each breath. I flailed out my arms in every direction, but my limbs weighed me down. It was like trying to run underwater.

  Endless falling. The wind picked up more speed, sucking me further into its embrace. Where was I?

  On the brink of madness and close to losing consciousness, I stopped fighting it. I couldn’t endure this black hole any longer. It was empty. A void that sat in the pit of my stomach like a gnawing ache. It burned my insides, threatening to rip me apart, limb from limb. I fell faster, tumbling down. Nausea set in.

  Debris flew past me. What was that? My heart dropped. Bones. I opened my mouth to scream, but nothing came out. Then, everything went still.

  A white light pierced my eyes. A reflection. White sand. I was hovering above a desert. There was movement below. People fighting. Blood ran through the sand like a river. Bodies missing limbs. Heads scattered in disarray. So much blood.

  The bitter stench stung my nose and filled my mouth. I held my breath. I was moving further down, slower now. Hundreds of soldiers crashed into each other without mercy. Faceless creatures against three warriors.

  I gasped. It was us. All three of us. Me, Aldric, and Valentina. We were there, fighting. How could this be happening? How could I be down there and up here at the same time? Were they seeing this too?

  We were outnumbered. Run! They couldn’t hear me. I screamed again, but I was invisible. My voice did not exist. I can’t watch this. I cried out. One of the faceless came down on Aldric and sliced him in two. Valentina’s head flew off as another faceless attacked her from behind. No. I was sick. Tears streamed down my face as I choked on my own screams. My throat turned to sandpaper. This can’t be real.

  The Siren hummed a sweet tune, coating my ears like honey. I closed my eyes, taking deep breaths. I was still floating down. My feet hit the ground. I opened my eyes. Everyone was gone. Vanished. The blood, the bodies, everything. I was completely alone. What have I done?

  I wanted to lie down and die with them. I did this. I killed them. They died because of me. Fighting for me. I didn’t deserve them. I deserved to be alone. To wander this desert for eternity with no one to blame but myself. This was my punishment.

  My legs collapsed from under me and my knees hit the sand hard. I feared the tears would never stop. They ran down my face like heavy rain. But no one would cry for me.

  “Poor Gray. Always feeling sorry for herself.” His voice was dark and raspy.


  I looked up as he towered over me. “How…how are you here?”

  His lips formed into a smirk. “Because you wanted me here, Gray. I’m in your head. They’ve all left you, except for me. I will always be with you.”

  I shook my head. “No. You aren’t real. None of this is real. I don’t want you. Get out of my head.”

  He laughed. “This is your dream, Gray. You brought me here. We belong together.”

  No. This was the Siren, messing with me. I didn’t want him. I couldn’t. I would not.

  “Get away from me.” I scrambled to get off the ground.

  Dragos laughed harder as he grabbed me by the shoulders. His breath on my face smelled of honeysuckle and tobacco. Why did he always smell so good? No. Stop it, Gray. You have to get away from him.

  “You remember how good it was, don’t you, Gray? How you never wanted me to stop.”

  Heat radiated from his lips, just inches away from mine. He was pulling me in. The Siren sang louder. My head was spinning, our lips almost touching. The sweet scent of honey lingered between us, teasing my senses.

  I could just…let go. Surrender. Was this what I wanted? To close my eyes and melt into…Dragos? My hands trembled as I looked up at him. A chill ran through me. His eyes, they were hollow.

  I shoved him hard and ran. There was a tiny light in the distance. I ran toward it.

  “Aldric, where are you? Aldric?” I screamed his name as loud as I could.

  I would not give up. I had to fight.

  “Please, Aldric. Don’t let me go.” My tears turned to sobs but I kept running.

  “Gray, come back to me. I need you. Gray.”

  My heart raced. Aldric. He could hear me.

  “I’m coming. Aldric. Wait for me. I’m coming.”

  Aldric’s voice shook with desperation. “Gray! Where are you?”

  Where was I? I’m in a desert. No. That’s not right. Then it hit me. I was still in the Siren’s song. None of this was real. It never was. It was time to get out of here.

  I looked around wildly. Where was he?

  “Gray, focus. Use the link. Find me.”

  I spun around in circles. His voice was getting louder.

  “I’m coming, Aldric. I’m coming.”

  I shouted as I ran in the direction of his voice. I pictured the link, a silvery cord connecting me to him. I focused on it and nothing else. I charged ahead, ignoring my aching limbs. My blood rushed to my head as I clung to the link for dear life. I screamed his name as I ran. I had to live. I had to get back to him. It was the only thing that mattered. His love was in my bones. I hungered for it like blood.

  The desert faded away, peeling back like the layers of an onion. The ground was now jagged and sharp. My heart sank. I was running toward a cliff.

  A lump formed in my throat. I would have to jump. There was nothing behind me anymore. I took a deep breath and said a silent prayer to Apollo. Inches away from the edge of the cliff, my stomach dropped. I screamed as I leaped out into the abyss. It roared out of me like thunder.

  I braced myself for the fall, but in one quick swoop, he caught me. Aldric’s strong arms wrapped around me.

  “I got you.”

  A fire, hotter than the sun, spread through me. Our eyes locked and everything went black again.

  Daylight blinded me when my eyelids fluttered open. Aldric’s arms were still around me. I looked around the meadow, my head throbbing. It was still and quiet. The Reflection Siren was gone, and in my hand was the Narcissus flower.

  We did it. Delirium set in. I couldn’t stop laughing. We passed her test. Aldric helped me up, laughing with me. We stood face to face. I kissed him without warning. He pulled me in tight, running his fingers through my hair. My lips physically ac
hed for him. My heart beat fast as we broke away, gasping for air.

  His eyes were glassy. “I thought I lost you.”

  Guilt stung me. Pushing images of Dragos out of my mind, my stomach turned. “You could never lose me.”

  He smiled but shot me a concerned look. “Gray, the visions…what was it like for you? What did you see?”

  A chill came over me like a dark cloud. I shook my head. “I don’t want to talk about it. Not now. Not here. Let’s just get Valentina and get out of here.”

  A shadow passed through his eyes as he stared at me. “Later then.”

  I nodded, but I had no intention of telling him anything that I went through in there.

  I ran over to Valentina. She was on her knees, completely still, expressionless. As if she was in a trance. “Val, it’s time to go. Are you okay? Val, get up.”

  Nothing. No response. She stared straight ahead, but she wasn’t staring at anything at all. She must have let go of my hand. No. This couldn’t be happening. I fell to my knees in front of her.

  “Aldric, do something. She’s not getting up.”

  Aldric shook her shoulders. “Val, you’re scaring us. C’mon, snap out of it.”

  She was there, but she wasn’t. She didn’t even blink. Dread washed over me.

  My voice was hoarse. “We have to get her back to the ship.”

  Seven sprang into action. He lifted Valentina out of Aldric’s arms as if she weighed nothing. He was already calibrating our way home before we were even on deck. I swung my leg over the railing as the ship lurched forward.

  Seven took Valentina below deck to the sleeping quarters. A few minutes later, he returned with panic in his eyes. This man did not fear anything, but he was genuinely scared for her.

  “What happened? How did she get like this?”

  I lowered my head. “It’s all my fault. I let go of her hand. I promised her…”

  Aldric cupped my tear streaked face in his hands. “This is not your fault. We don’t know what happened. Val is strong. She is going to come out of this.”


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