Blood and Magic (Blood and Darkness Book 1)

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Blood and Magic (Blood and Darkness Book 1) Page 21

by Melissa Sercia

A part of me was curious. Another part of me still wanted to rip his throat out. And a secret part of me wanted to see him one last time. Valentina led me to one of the bedrooms. Dragos stood at the window. I took a deep breath and shut the door behind me.

  “You wanted to see me?” My stomach was full of butterflies. His skin glowed in the firelight and he had let his hair grow just enough to reveal his curls, half-slicked back away from his forehead.

  “I’m on your side too, Gray.”

  My heart raced. “You were spying on us?”

  A soft smile formed across his lips. “I went to the study to see if you were okay. I overheard you and Aldric. I didn’t mean to intrude. He does love you.”

  I swallowed hard. “I know. I love him too.”

  There was a quiet tension in the space between us. A space full of regret and unanswered questions. Even now, he was the only one who could do this to me. Make me feel a hundred different emotions at once, both toxic and electrifying.

  Dragos walked over to me. He cupped my face in his hands. I drew in a sharp breath but did not move away. “I will win you back someday. I don’t care how long it takes. I will spend eternity making up for what I did. You belong with me.”

  His eyes were clear, focused. No sign of mischief or trickery. He meant it. And it terrified me.

  “Dragos…we can never be together. Ever. You and I are too dark. Too toxic. Aldric is my light. We balance each other. Lift each other up. You and me…all we do is tear each other down.”

  Dragos frowned, shaking his head. “No. We challenge each other. You make me better, Gray. I make you stronger. Aldric holds you back. He makes you complacent. You will realize this in time.”

  I sighed again. Dragos was relentless. A wave of a nausea hit me. He was never going to give up.

  “I have to go. Try to stay out of trouble.”

  I don’t know why, but I stopped at the door and turned back around to look at him.

  He winked, his face lighting up. “Farewell for now, my love. I’ll see you soon.”

  A pang of guilt stabbed me in the chest as I made my way back downstairs. I didn’t do anything wrong, but that exchange didn’t feel right. Not where Aldric was concerned.

  Downstairs in the study, Seven was taking his leave. Our small victory at Infitum had given us a window of time to rest and regroup. We would call on him again, but for now, he had his own matters to attend to. Besides, we no longer needed him to navigate the Sea of Magia. The Keeper had given us one of his ships, so we could come and go as we pleased.

  And now it was time to go.

  New Orleans was a welcome sight. We had changed, but the city was just as enchanting as we had left it. Bright and vivid, it coursed with energy. Laughter and dancing filled the streets over the scents of sugar and bourbon.

  However, as news of what I had done at Infitum began to spread, so did fear and unrest among the covens. Witches murmured in the shadows as we passed, crossing to avoid us. We were outcasts now.

  Josephine was nowhere to be found. Considering I failed to bring her Tobias’s head, I wasn’t in too much of a hurry to meet up with her. I suspected she was with Samuel, who was surprisingly missing from the battle. I could only imagine what he had poisoned her mind with.

  Walking into the Three Blind Mice, I felt like I could relax for the first time in months. Aldric jumped behind the bar and poured us each a glass of whiskey. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, savoring every drop.

  Aldric studied my every move. “Talk to me, darlin’. What’s on your mind?”

  I didn’t know where to begin. I didn’t know how to describe what I was feeling. From the pity and shame that came over me as I felt Pythia’s magic leaving her body to the darkness I felt as it entered into mine. How do I explain the explosion of emotions that caused me to break the ground in half? I didn’t quite understand it myself.

  Everything was amplified and quiet at the same time. The duality within me was fighting its own war with itself. He couldn’t possibly understand. No one could. Exhaustion was setting in just thinking about it.

  “Can we talk about what happened tomorrow? Right now, let’s just enjoy being together.”

  Aldric nodded and kissed my cheek. He took my hand and I let him lead me upstairs.

  The loft looked just as we had left it. Aldric’s clothes were scattered around the room, along with half-smoked cigars and empty whiskey bottles. I chuckled as I surveyed the mess. It made me feel normal, something I thought I would never feel again.

  Aldric took me in his arms. As I leaned in to kiss him, I spotted something out of place.

  There was an envelope on the coffee table. It was propped up against an empty bottle, much like the one I had left for Aldric. Except this one had my name on it.

  My chest tightened as we exchanged a puzzled look. I opened the envelope with caution, pulling out a slip of paper.

  Aldric tensed. “What does it say?”

  I shook my head, puzzled. “I don’t understand.”

  It was a drawing, one I wasn’t familiar with it. I handed it to Aldric. His brow furrowed as he turned the paper over.

  “Look at this.”

  On the other side was another drawing. A serpent. And it was signed with only one letter.


  Aldric looked up at me. “A message from Jane?”

  I shook my head, uncertain. “Possibly, but how and when would she have left this for me? And what does it mean?”

  My pulse was racing.

  Aldric took the note out of my hands and set it on the table. He sighed, running a hand through his pale blond hair.

  “Let’s not worry about this now. We’re here together and far away from Tobias. That’s all that matters.”

  He took my face in his hands and kissed my lips, soft and sensual. I let myself surrender to it. I felt strong. Safe. Loved. For the first time in a long time I felt like I had a real family. A home. Despite Tobias getting away, everything else had fallen into place. It was a small victory, but a victory nonetheless.

  But as happy and content as I was, I couldn’t ignore the nagging in the back of my head. Tomorrow would bring more questions. More uncertainty. More blood would be shed. More enemies made. And then there was the darkness inside me, dormant, but simmering and waiting at the core of my soul.

  The future was uncertain.

  They were all waiting for me to die, but I was still very much alive.

  There was only one thing that I was certain of. This war was just beginning.


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  Please Add Your Review! And don’t miss book two, FLESH AND BONE

  Don’t miss book two of the Blood and Darkness series with FLESH AND BONE and discover more from Melissa Sercia at

  Three months after the victory at Infitum, Gray’s dark magic has grown stronger and threatens to consume her. She fights against it at every turn. But when her partner Aldric mysteriously disappears, she must rely on her powers to find him.

  * * *

  With zero leads and nothing but a strange drawing to go on, Gray seeks allies in the Hall of Secrets. During her search for Aldric, she discovers a mysterious cult, an ancient curse, and a family secret that is darker than she could ever imagine—an organization deadlier than even the Consilium.

  * * *

  In the wake of this new threat to humanity and her kind alike, Gray must rely on the one person she distrusts the most—Dragos. As her former lover and recent enemy, he knows more than he lets on. Traveling through the streets of New Orleans to the shores of Scotland, to the Romanian woods, and all the way back to the Underworld, Gray must find new magic and raise an army.

  * * *

  With the fate of humanity and Aldric’s life hanging in the balance, Gray shall embrace her dark side once and for all, but in doing so, she may have to make a choice between love and survival of the sp
ecies—or risk losing both.


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  When I first conceptualized Blood and Magic four years ago, I had no idea where it would end up or if it would ever make it into your hands. It has been an incredible journey. There are so many wonderful people I would like to thank for helping me take Blood and Magic from a dream to a reality.

  First, I’d like to thank my amazing editor, Amanda Roberts. Thank you for championing my book and for putting up with all of my commas! You have been instrumental in bringing Blood and Magic to the world and I will forever be grateful.

  Thank you to Tina Moss and Yelena Casale, my publishers at City Owl Press. You are patient, intuitive, and so supportive. I couldn’t ask for a better team for Blood and Magic.

  I’d also like to thank these amazing writers and innovators, who have taught me so much about the craft of writing and the joys of being part of such an amazing writing community. Thank you to Faye Kirwin, Kristin Kieffer, Jenny Bravo, Katie Golding, Zoe Ashwood, and all of the wonderful writers I’ve met through Storycrafter, Story Social, and Authors 18, and my fellow City Owl Press authors. You all inspire me.

  To my mom, Linda Campbell, I’m so proud to be your daughter. You taught me how to be strong, independent, courageous, and to never give up on my dreams. You’ve always supported my passions and I love you with all of my heart for everything you do. I couldn’t have done any of this without your love and support.

  To my dad, Giovanni Sercia, thank you for always believing in me. It’s not easy having daughters, but you handle it with grace, love, and a lot of patience. I’m also happy that my book will get you to start reading again! And thanks to Marji Sercia for putting up with all of us!

  To my sister, Jennifer Sercia, you are amazing. Thank you for being the best sister and friend. I love you so much and I just know all your dreams are going to come true. Just remember, people change...Love you sis.

  Thank you to my aunt, Charlene Deaver, for showing me the literary classics as a child and for your endless support. To my uncle John Deaver, for keeping Aunt Charlene happy and keeping us all entertained. To my cousin, Kathleen Dunagan, your journey has inspired me and taught me that anything is possible.

  To my family across the pond in England, thank you for your love and support! I love you all! To my family in Sicily, grazie and ti amo tutti. I hope to see all of you soon.

  To my extended family, Jenny, Morris, Fiona, and Joanne Driels, thank you for always being in my corner and encouraging me to go after my dreams.

  I want to say a special thank you to my best friend Renee Infelise. You believed in Blood and Magic from the beginning and there are not enough words to express how grateful and blessed I am to have you in my life.

  I also want to thank some of my dearest friends, Julie Brooks, Serena DeWinter, Brennan Kennedy, Jessica Such, Tiffany and Randy Werner, Joe Manuguerra, Ben Lawley, and David Protelsch. Thanks for your support and for always being there even if we don’t see each other every day.

  And finally, I’d like to save the best for last, and thank the love of my life, Christopher Driels. You have stood by me through thick and thin. You have supported every endeavor and every passion I’ve had with unwavering loyalty, strength, and love. You make me laugh everyday and I’m so lucky to have found you. I love you so much. Thank you for loving me too.

  About the Author

  MELISSA SERCIA writes all things Fantasy and Science Fiction. She is the author of Blood and Magic, book one in the Blood and Darkness series. Melissa lives in California with her man and her cat. When she's not building whimsical fantasy worlds and slaying demons, you can find her in the kitchen cooking with a glass of wine in her hand.


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  About the Publisher

  City Owl Press is a cutting edge indie publishing company, bringing the world of romance and speculative fiction to discerning readers.

  Additional Titles


  By: Melissa Sercia

  Gray is a Dhampir—a woman alive, but also dead. With supernatural powers and an insatiable need for blood, her existence is cursed.

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  By: Melissa Sercia

  Gray’s dark magic has grown stronger and threatens to consume her. But when her partner Aldric mysteriously disappears, she must rely on her powers to find him.

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  By: Melissa Sercia

  Will Gray send the demons back to the Underworld or watch her world burn to the ground?

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  By: Yelena Casale & Tina Moss

  USA Today Bestselling Authors

  Cassie Durrett dreams of the darkness. And lives the nightmare.

  Award Winning Urban Fantasy

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  When the world fears you, being Gifted is a curse.

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