Magic & Mistletoe: 15 Paranormal Stories for the Holidays

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Magic & Mistletoe: 15 Paranormal Stories for the Holidays Page 8

by Aimee Easterling

He looked up at her with piercing eyes. She took in his beauty. With thick auburn hair and a powerful build, like a Greek god. And, since he was completely naked, she could see that he was perfectly formed. In every way.

  Kelley continued to chant. An insistent warmth pulsed in her core, and she licked her lips. She wasn’t going to mate with him here, no matter what sort of magic this freak performed. But maybe she could help him.

  Zee knelt by the man running a finger around the frostbitten skin around his neck. He continued to look into her eyes, and the emerald green reminded her of the Russian forests from her youth. She traced her finger around his frozen skin, trying to warm him.

  Her awareness of the creepy old man seemed to fade into the distance, as her body seemed to swell in her threadbare gown. Now, it was just her and this beauty.

  The man straightened, leaning into her. So close to him, she could feel the heat radiating off his perfect body. His breath warmed her neck as he whispered, “You must stop him.”

  “Stop who?” She ran her fingers through his hair, admiring its soft waves. “You’re perfect,” she whispered. “I’ve never met a human like you before.”

  Where were they? She couldn’t remember. She only knew that she wanted his perfect body against hers, and that she needed him to stop talking. He smelled faintly of cloves and cinnamon.

  She pressed her lips to his, and warmth suffused her body.

  She had left everything behind to come to New York. Of course there had been no other choice. Not after what she’d done. But still she would have been so lonely.

  She kissed him harder. One hand in his hair, the other touching his chest. His nakedness left no question about his desire.

  This man didn’t know her. Didn’t care about her past. She needed him now.

  The man whispered in her ear, “The collar.”

  Gently, he kissed her neck, and her back arched into him.

  Then, he whispered, “There’s a pin at the back. You need to remove it.”

  He loved her. She was sure of it.

  Her body was on fire now, and she needed to quench it. There was only one way she could do that.

  She caressed his throat, running her hands along his neck. The tip of her finger caught on the pin at the back of his collar. Heat coursed through her. She ached for him.

  “The pin,” he whispered.

  She would do this one thing for him, and then he’d kiss her again. She drew the pin from the collar. There was a clunk as it fell to the floor.

  The man’s eyes widened. For an instant they blazed green. Then his body contorted as he pushed her aside. Kelley shouted, and the heat that had infused her was gone, fast as a storm wind snuffing out a candle. Fur sprouted from the man’s skin as he transformed into a black hound, midair.

  Kelley’s face had gone pale. “What have you done?”

  A deep growl reverberated through the kennel as the hound prowled toward the sorcerer. The beast leapt for Kelley’s neck. Blood spurted from his throat, and Zee closed her eyes.

  When she opened them, the hound had transformed into a man again. He stood in front of her, his body covered in a thin sheen of sweat.

  “Thank you,” he said, “For saving me.”

  He was still naked. Still gorgeous. Zee looked away, her cheeks flushing. “I have no idea what just happened.”

  “He cast a powerful love enchantment. That sort of magic is forbidden by most of the gods.”

  She crossed her arms. “And what was all that about angels and beasts?”

  “He thought if he was able to breed a fae with a hellhound, he would be able to create an army powerful enough to topple the gods.” The man shook his head. “Angels trapped in the bodies of powerful beasts.”

  “And I’m the angel, I take it?”

  “Fae are the closest creatures on earth to angels.”

  She snorted, crossing to snatch her coat from the floor. “I don’t know about that. I may look cute, but I’m no angel.”

  “So that’s why I like you.” The man walked back to his cage. From a pile on the floor he dug out a black shirt and a pair of wool trousers. After slipping into them, he pulled on a twill coat from the floor.

  He opened the door to the kennel and a cold winter breeze rushed into the room. Zee shivered as the man stood in the doorway. His shoulders framed a striking silhouette against the moon.

  “Well, are you coming?” he said at last.

  Zee’s teeth chattered. “Who are you?”

  “My name is Kester.”

  “Kester,” she said. “I don’t suppose you could get me a job?”

  He arched an eyebrow. “I think we could make an excellent team.”

  From the Author

  Dear Reader,

  We hope you enjoyed this short story. It was a challenge to write something so short, but we think it turned out pretty well. Well, certainly better than things turned out for Mr. Kelley. ;)

  If you’re intrigued, you can read more about Zee and Kester in our novel Infernal Magic.

  Happy Holidays,

  Nick & Christine

  Santa Meets Mrs. Claus

  A Shifter Christmas Romance Story

  J.L. Hendricks

  This book is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  Copyright (c) 2016 J.L. Hendricks

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions, and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials.

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. It may not be sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy.

  First Edition November, 2016

  All rights reserved. Copyright © 2016 J.L. Hendricks


  “There is nothing like the feeling of a cold, biting wind as it whisks through your fur, is there Christian?” Kris called out via the mental connection to his younger brother while they were running in their shifted form. Christmas had just ended and the two sons of the current Santa Claus were taking in the last run of the year. That night was the last of 1979, midnight would ring in 1980 and the year the eldest son, Kris, would have to find his mate. The younger son, Christian, was free to choose whom he wanted and when he wanted. However, Santa’s successor was not. It was his duty to find just the right mate who would soon become Mrs. Santa Claus.

  “The smell of the hearth with mom’s beef stew cooking is pretty good too! I don’t know how she does it, but those spices always get my nose twitching and my stomach growling, even when I’m not hungry.” Christian ran around a sixteen foot Spruce tree before getting right on his brother’s haunches.

  “Kris, we are getting too close to the highway. Let’s head back for some of mom’s stew. Just thinking about it is making me hungry.” Christian slowed down to turn back home, but his older brother kept going.

  “You go home little brother, this is my last night of freedom. I plan on enjoying it as long as I can. You know what tomorrow will bring.” Kris sighed mentally and kicked his speed up a notch.

  “Fine, but I’m not saving you any stew! You’ll have to go catch a few rabbits or something if you stay out much longer.” Christian was known for his eating habits. But knowing who his father was, it all made sense. Santa Claus didn’t have a ‘bowl full of jelly’ for no reason. It was a widely known fact that in addition to milk and cookies, Santa ate very large meals all year long.

  Christian went home to his mom, Mrs. Claus, and proceeded to eat an entire pot o
f stew before anyone realized that Kris was overdue. “Christian, I want you to go and get your brother. I know this is his last night, and it’s tradition to have fun with your friends, but we have a long day tomorrow. I got word from all of the local clans that every eligible she-wolf plans to attend the festivities. Apparently, everyone wants to be the next Mrs. Claus.” The current Santa went and sat down next to his mate, took her hand in his, and kissed it.

  The current Mrs. Claus sat there quietly pondering what life would be like when it came time for her to step down. After a moment she spoke up, “Santa, we really should change the bylaws. It isn’t fair that the successors don’t get to enjoy New Year’s Eve with their friends one last time. Maybe Kris will do that once he succeeds you dear.” She squeezed Santa’s hand in return and then stood up. “Well, I am tired. For once, I am going to head to bed early. Christian, please see to it your brother isn’t out too late tonight.” She smiled at her younger son and left the room. Santa stood up and followed her to bed.

  Christian was a good son, most of the time. That night was one where he chose to not do as he was told, at least not right away. He took off and shifted to his wolf form and ran to a couple of his favorite places.

  Some of his closest friends were celebrating the New Year just outside a cave with a bonfire and some non-alcoholic Champagne. Since the entire clan was Arctic Wolf shifters, the cold never bothered them. Alcohol didn’t affect them the same either. A normal human could get drunk off a couple glasses of Champagne, but not a wolf. Their metabolism was so fast, that they burned off the alcohol before it could do anything. Most of the wolves preferred non-alcoholic drinks since they were much cheaper, and most tasted better too.

  “Hey, Mikey! How goes it?” Christian had shifted back to his human form and joined his friends around the fire.

  “Christian, have you seen the new she-wolf from the Barrow Pack? She arrived early with her parents. Her dad is the alpha of their pack.” Masha was one of Christian’s best friends and part Russian. He fancied himself as a ladies man.

  “Masha, let me guess, she is hot and still single tonight so you want to meet her. Right?” Christian shook his head as he laughed at his friend. “When are you going to learn, girls are nothing but trouble. I bet she is here because she wants to be Mrs. Claus, not because she is interested in my brother.”

  Christian slapped his forehead as he remembered his Mom’s request. “Come on guys, I have to go find my brother and bring him home. I totally forgot Mom wants him in bed at a decent time.” He chuckled. “She thinks he needs to look his best tomorrow when he meets all of the eligible she-wolves! Can you imagine? They could care less how he looks, only that he is going to be the next Santa.” Christian kicked a few rocks as he walked away from the party.

  “Hold up, I’ll go with you if we can stop by the lodge first. I just want to get a good look at the girls before they start throwing themselves all over your brother tomorrow.” Mikey slapped Christian on the back as they walked away.

  “Count me in!” Nolan, another friend of theirs, yelled as he followed them away.

  “Me too!” Masha yelled as he followed them in the windy, cold evening.


  “Hey, check that one out! She’s hot! I wonder what her coat looks like. Is it silky like most she-wolves?” Masha was practically drooling as he eyed all of the single wolves who showed up early for the matching festivities.

  “Christian, check out that one, she is the Barrow Alpha’s daughter! Isn’t she beautiful?” Mikey had visions of him and that she-wolf running through the forest together spinning through his head.

  Nolan smiled at her and then said to his buddies, “I wouldn’t mind snuggling up to her on a cold winter’s night.” He raised his eyebrows suggestively. “Know what I mean?” Then he nudged Christian in the ribs.

  Christian didn’t hear anything his friends said. He was too mesmerized by the beauty of the girl in question. His body temperature increased along with his pulse. The boy could see or hear no one, except for the pretty girl. A wolf’s senses were much more sensitive than a human’s, and he could smell her from across the clearing. She had a soft peppermint scent mixed with the pine scent of the forest.

  She called to him on a primal level. Christian started to walk towards her without even realizing what he was doing. He couldn’t even think of anything, or anyone except for her.

  The girl felt his eyes on her and turned to see a handsome, young man coming her way. At first, she thought he might be the oldest son she was here to meet. He had the look of an alpha, as well as the aura. As he got closer, she wanted to bow to him. She had heard the tales of what it was like to be in the presence of the Kringle family, but she had never met any of them.

  The legends say that when a Kringle alpha is near, you can’t help but to be in awe and feel the need to bow. When Santa himself is near, you want to take a knee. It is supposed to feel like someone is pouring out their love on you and all you can do to return the love, is bow or kneel. She felt that, right then and there. Without breaking eye contact she smiled at him and sniffed the air. It was a masculine scent, pine mixed with vanilla and something else. She couldn’t put her finger on the scent, yet. But she would.

  “Hi there. My name is Christian.” The boy put his hand out to the girl and she timidly shook his hand.

  “Hi, I am Isabella. Nice to meet you.” She coyly smiled at him and then looked down. She knew he wasn’t the eldest Kringle boy, but she didn’t care. This boy sent her heart racing. All she wanted to do at that moment was shift and take a run with him.

  “Where are you from?” Christian ran a hand through his hair as he tried to think of more questions to ask the pretty girl.

  “We just arrived today from Barrow. My father is the pack Alpha.”

  “Oh, so I guess you are here to meet my brother?”

  “That is what my father wants, yes.” She fidgeted with the bracelet on her petite wrist.

  “What do you want?” Christian asked with a whisper of hope in his voice and heart. He knew she was off limits, at least until his brother decided against her, but she called to his heart. There was something special about this girl. Something he hadn’t noticed in anyone so far.

  “What I want isn’t important.” The girl looked over to see her father scowling at her. He was heading in her direction.

  “What does that mean? Of course it is.” Christian scratched the back of his head and furrowed his brow.

  “I am an alpha’s daughter, it is expected that I will mate with an alpha. Something I won’t have a choice in.”

  “That is just silly! I would never force my daughter to mate with someone she wasn’t in love with. “

  “It is all about stre…” She closed her mouth before finishing her sentence as her father approached looking very mad.

  “Bella, what are you doing? I told you not to speak with any boy, except for Kris. You know the rules. Let’s go back to our room, now. Your evening is over.” He looked at Christian and scowled at him.

  Christian wasn’t used to being treated so poorly, even by other Alphas. He was after all, the son of the Ultimate Alpha. No one was ever rude to their family. “Excuse me, Sir. I was not finished speaking with your daughter.” He stood up straight and emitted the aura of a Kringle at full strength.

  Not a single Alpha could escape feeling the hand of magic that was circling them now. Even though Christian wasn’t an Alpha, he was a Kringle. Every person within ten feet of him kneeled when he used his power. Including Isabella’s father.

  “Forgive me. I did not realize you were a Kringle. We were told the family had retired for the night. Had I known you were a Kringle, I would have encouraged Bella to speak with you.” He stood up as Christian released the hold he had on everyone. Those in his presence smiled and felt like the weight of the world had been lifted off their shoulders because of the love they had just received.

  Except for Isabella’s father. He was now worried he had offen
ded Kris, the wolf he hoped would choose his daughter to be the next Mrs. Claus. He knew the two Kringle sons were only one year apart, but he did not know which was which.

  Christian put his hand out. “I am Christian, and you are?”

  “Monty. It is a pleasure to meet you.” He shook hands with the youngest boy and was disappointed that he wasn’t the eldest. However, he felt this could be good. Their lore prohibited any male from trying to mate with the eligible she-wolves until they were rejected by the heir. Maybe Christian was helping his brother by checking them out to see who was of good stock and who wasn’t.

  Monty put his arm around his daughter and said, “It is getting late. We have an early morning tomorrow. It is time to leave the party.” He then looked to Christian. “Christian, it was nice meeting you. I hope to see you and your brother tomorrow morning at the breakfast feast.” He turned and walked his daughter away from the party. She looked back over her shoulder and gave Christian a small smile.

  Masha walked up to Christian and put his arm on his friend’s shoulder. “Come on, we have to find your brother. I don’t want your mom coming after me with her rolling pin because we didn’t bring Kris back early enough.”

  Christian laughed, “Dude, that was one time. And you totally deserved it too! She had worked long and hard on that batch of gingerbread men. You knew better than to steal the entire batch! How many times have I told you, only take a couple. She never misses a few.” He shook his head and punched his friend on his shoulder as they turned and walked toward the highway.

  “One last run before the new year guys?” Nolan was taking his clothes off in preparation to shift to his wolf form. They all carried backpacks that stretched to fit their shifted forms. Normally, they carried two sets of clothes, in case they needed to shift on the fly and ripped their clothes in the process.


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