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Lightbringer Page 12

by Frankie Robertson

  A smile crept over her lips. He thinks I’m beautiful.

  Jared clenched his jaw on a hot spike of anger. Maybe he shouldn’t have said anything, but he couldn’t let Cassie go on thinking less of herself because of that selfish prick. Jerk was too nice a word for Andy. The bastard had lied to Cassie and betrayed the trust of someone he should have cherished and protected. The man should be pilloried. What a shame that punishment was no longer in fashion.

  It wasn’t that he wished Andy harm. No. Just a little justice.

  He got into the car and pulled back onto the road. They had another two hours of driving ahead of them, but first he stopped at the 24 Hour Mini-Mart and picked up a couple of disposable phones.

  “So why Pinetop?” Cassie asked, after leaving a message on Linda’s voice mail with her new number. “Wouldn’t it be easier to hide in Phoenix?”

  Jared shook his head. “We’re not trying to hide, just buy enough time to prepare. There are places of Power around Pinetop. Power I’ll need to defeat Aelziroth.”

  “I thought Sedona was the place with all those vortexes.”

  “It is, but Aelziroth can use them as easily as I can. The ones around Pinetop won’t be of any use to him.

  “How are they different?”

  “The ones in Sedona are…I guess you could call them natural. Undifferentiated. They’re remnants of Power from when the world formed. Anyone can use them. The ones in Pinetop are leftovers too, but they’ve been reshaped by thousands of years of worship.”

  “By Native Americans?”

  “Yes. It’s the intention behind the worship that matters, not the form. All prayers are heard, if they come from a true heart.”

  “That’s good to know. How come you don’t tell everybody? It would solve a lot of the world’s problems if you did.”

  That was a question long debated among Celestials, and Jared had sided with the faction that had not been among the majority. “The short answer is that to convince people, we’d have to reveal what we are or we’d just be another group of fanatics shouting on the corner. And exposing our true nature is forbidden.”


  “Providing proof would hamper the exercise of free will.” He couldn’t keep the tone of repeating an oft-rehearsed lesson out of his voice.

  Cassie considered him for a moment. “But you don’t agree?”

  Jared hesitated. “No. I don’t.”

  “So why don’t you tell? Can they stop you?”

  “They most assuredly can. But more than that, such a choice would lead me down the same path as that taken by Aelziroth.”

  Cassie shuddered at the memory of Aelziroth’s hate-filled gaze. “I can’t imagine you ever being like that.”

  “Thank you,” Jared said softly.

  “Why can’t Aelziroth use those realigned power thingies you mentioned?”

  Jared clenched his teeth. Aelziroth had been a friend once, but that had been long ago, even by Celestial reckoning. “He turned from the Light,” he said tightly. “He can’t use that which is attuned to it.”

  “So he is a demon.”

  Jared snorted. Celestials didn’t use that term either, but he said, “He’d probably like being called that.”

  “Where do Lightbringers fit in?” Cassie continued. “I saw enough to know you Celestials have different camps, but I’m not clear on the differences.” She tried to be as casual about it as if she were asking why he voted Democrat, but she knew it ran much deeper than that.

  Jared’s expression stilled, and he glanced over as if he wanted to see into her soul. After a moment he looked back at the road. “You saw a lot.”

  Cassie squirmed under his scrutiny. “Wasn’t I supposed to?”

  “Not that much.” He shrugged. “But you might as well know. That’s what makes me a Lightbringer. I think you, and everyone, ought to know the Truth. All of it. About Celestials, Progeny, the Gaians, and Fey. Lightbringers believe it’s only when humans have complete knowledge that you can truly exercise free will.”

  “But you’re not going around telling everyone about Celestials and demons. Apostates,” she corrected herself.

  “No.” Jared paused for a moment, then continued. “We, the Lightbringers, made a deal with Michael and Raphael. The Seraphim and the Guardians would stop messing with the laws of physics if we’d keep our mouths shut. We can whisper in someone’s ear now and then, give a hint, some guidance, but that’s it.”

  “You don’t seem happy about it.”

  Jared shrugged. “At least this way, humankind will figure things out for themselves eventually. That would be a lot harder for you if Celestials were flying around, burning bushes, and defying physical laws.”

  Humankind. His words reminded her how different they were. “And Gideon is a Guardian. As in Guardian angels?”

  Jared opened his mouth but Cassie cut him off. “I know, you don’t call yourselves angels.”

  Jared chuckled. “No. But the concept is close.”

  “But if I need protection, how come it’s not Gideon instead of you here?”

  “That’s complicated. He asked for my help because I’m familiar with how things work on the Terrestrial plane.” His tone turned grim. “I’ve been here for a while.”

  She’d seen something about that, but she stayed focused on the current situation. “Okay. But why all the running around? Couldn’t you just put me in a protective bubble, or something?”

  “We don’t work that way. Laws of Physics, remember?”

  “How do you work?”

  Jared shifted in his seat.

  She knew he wanted to tell her. He was a Lightbringer. “What can you do? That sword was pretty impressive. Can you do other tricks? Like parting the Red Sea?”

  Jared grimaced. “I told Michael that was a bad idea,” he muttered.


  “Never mind. ‘Red Sea’ is a mistranslation, by the way. It was the Reed Sea. And it wasn’t the dramatic demonstration of Power Charlton Heston made it look like. It was the result of natural forces. Mostly. We just gave Thera a little push. The volcano did the rest.”

  Cassie frowned, not quite following. “So you couldn’t have kept my car from exploding?”

  Jared winced. “Actually, I could have, if I’d perceived the threat sooner. That’s the kind of subtle miracle we’re allowed to do these days. We can give things a little nudge if it could possibly happen on its own.” Jared cleared his throat. “I could have kept the signal from reaching the explosive if I’d had just a bit more time to work. You wouldn’t have come so close to dying.” He touched her arm beside one of her scratches. “I’m sorry.”

  The feeling of warmth and unfounded intimacy returned. She felt his self-recrimination and frustration. “It’s not your fault. You saved my life.” Cassie paused, thinking. “You’ve revealed lot more than you’re supposed to, haven’t you?”

  Jared’s brow furrowed, then he shrugged. “Just following in the founder’s footsteps. That’s what Lucifer means, by the way: Lightbringer.”

  “Lucifer?” she exclaimed. Then she whispered, “As in, Satan?”

  “No.” Jared shook his head. “Satan means adversary. That’s Beelzebub. Lucifer is back on the Council along with Michael and Raphael.”

  So Milton had it wrong. She thought about the gift of knowledge he’d given her. How much trouble will that cause him? She’d seen enough to know Michael was all about Rules, and keeping Order, and not a big fan of sharing information. Why would he risk offending someone with that kind of power over him? Maybe Jared had done it because he was a Lightbringer, but she thought it was more than that. She hoped it was.

  They had a connection, but she wasn’t sure what that meant—to her or to him. She’d known Jared only two days, but now they knew each other better than some lovers. She’d glimpsed his heart, but she didn’t know what flavor of ice cream he liked. Everything was inside out.

  They rode in silence the rest of the way. Cassie fell
asleep, leaving Jared alone with his thoughts as the elevation rose and the vegetation gradually changed from scrub oak to juniper to pine.

  He sympathized with Cassie’s frustration at his lack of answers. There was a lot he’d like to know, too. He was hearing Cassie’s thoughts at times, quite unintentionally, and without touching. That shouldn’t be happening. And she’d seen the Celestial Sword he’d summoned from the other Realm. Is it because she has two bloodlines? Or was their connection something else?

  Cassie had raised some difficult questions. He hadn’t had many answers for her, and Michael would not be pleased with the few he’d given. He didn’t care. It had felt right to be open with her, as if a tight band around his heart had loosened, and Cassie needed to know what she faced, if she was going to survive. Aelziroth would laugh at the irony if he knew how far Jared had bent the rules in order to thwart him.

  Jared looked over at Cassie, her sleeping face softly lit by the glow of the dashboard lights. He smiled grimly. He’d break a lot more than rules to protect her.

  Cassie awoke as Jared stopped the car in front of a small log cabin. Pines crowded a porch that spanned the front, and a nearly full moon slanted patchy light through the trees. Two curtained windows bracketed the green painted door. Frost crisped the fallen needles underfoot, crunching softly as Cassie stepped out of the warm interior of the Benz and stretched. No road noise disturbed the peace.

  It’s so quiet. Or it was until a light came on and Cassie squeaked, her heart skipping a beat before she realized it must be motion sensitive.

  A little jumpy, eh? She chided herself.

  Jared turned. “It’s okay. We’re alone here.” He flipped on a light inside, and a warm glow poured out, silhouetting his lean body.

  Cassie couldn’t help appreciating the view. Her heart was already beating fast, and her body tingled as Jared’s words echoed in her ears.

  We’re alone


  “THERE’S ONLY ONE bedroom,” Jared said, half turned from her. He was afraid if she looked into his eyes, she’d see how much he wanted her. “I’ll take the couch.” He’d tried to keep that part of his mind shoved to the back when they’d touched. She must have seen it, but if he didn’t say anything, they could ignore the attraction they both felt.

  “If that’s what you want.”

  Jared closed his eyes. It wasn’t what he wanted. They had twenty-four, maybe forty-eight hours, before Aelziroth tracked them down. They should be spending every one of them either resting or preparing for battle. But in this quiet pre-dawn, what Jared wanted more than anything was to submerge himself in Cassie.

  His skin tingled in anticipation as she closed the distance between them, and he looked down to find her staring up at him. Her green eyes, like the warm Caribbean ocean, invited him to wade in.

  He lifted a hand to her cheek. Poets declaimed the petal softness of their lover’s skin. Solomon compared his bride’s cheeks to pomegranates. He wondered why they bothered. There really weren’t any words to describe what he was feeling.

  Cassie turned her face into his hand and kissed his palm. The heat from her mouth zinged up his arm, and he groaned. He should pull away, keep his distance, focus.

  But now she knows what you are, a part of him whispered. There’s nothing left to hide. Jared ran his thumb over her lips, and she parted them, nipping his flesh gently. Then she looked up at him, speculatively, from under lifted brows.

  Jared relaxed his mental shields. It wasn’t easy, even after having done it before.

  Cassie’s emotions flooded in like a rising tide. Gratitude for saving her life. Uncertainty, because she wasn’t used to making the first move. Desire fizzing through her blood—for him. Jared’s body leapt in response, uncaring if it was a good idea or not. And then he saw it, tucked away in the corner of her mind: Fear.

  The knowledge stabbed him. Jared pulled back. No, he had nothing to hide from her now—except his past mistakes. Had she already seen that deeply? Was that why she feared him? “You’re afraid of me?”

  Cassie glanced up, startled. “No!”

  He just looked at her, daring her to lie when she knew he could see the truth.

  “It’s not fear. It’s just a little…trepidation.” Her smile was self-deprecating. “You are an angel after all. A Celestial,” she corrected herself. “You’re not like other guys.”

  Jared groaned. His body was throbbing, insistent. Why did she start this if she wasn’t sure?

  “I am sure. I had a couple hours to think about this, after all. I wasn’t sleeping the whole time.”

  Jared paused in surprise. She was as attuned to his thoughts as he was to hers. He took her hand and searched her heart. She wasn’t hiding from him. Her emotions were a jumble, but she wanted him. Liked him. Her fear truly was only a reflection of nerves.

  “And you do have a really big sword.” The corner of her mouth quirked up.

  Jared stared for a half-second then snorted. “It’s not the size that matters, it’s how you use it that counts.”

  “Well then, I hope you know how to use it.” Cassie grinned and kissed his knuckles. Desire. Amusement. Affection.

  Jared lowered his head to hers as he pulled her close. His tongue traced her lips and Cassie opened to him. She pressed into his embrace, and his body came alive with sizzling flames where they touched. Her arms came around him as his hands roamed her back.

  He could feel her desire building as he stroked her, and it fed his own. Emotion boiled in his blood. He wanted her. He wanted her to want him. He wanted to please her.

  Jared lifted her in his arms and carried her into the bedroom. Her eyes widened, and as clearly as if she’d spoken, he sensed her alarm that she was too heavy for such theatrics. *You’re light as a feather, silly.* He pecked her cheek and she relaxed.

  I guess extraordinary strength is one of the perks of having a supernatural boyfriend, Cassie thought. Lois Lane, eat your heart out.

  *Boyfriend?* The thought surprised him.

  “Well what would you call yourself?” Cassie asked, trying to cover her embarrassment. I’m not used to this hearing-every-thought stuff.

  Jared lowered her to the bed and lay down beside her. “Lover,” he answered, kissing the sweet spot beneath her ear. She arched into it like a cat. *I’m not used to it either,* he confided. He’d only ever communicated this way with Gideon when his friend had taken human form, and then it was only superficial thoughts, as if they were speaking. This thing with Cassie went much deeper.

  A part of him whispered softly that he should be guarding against this extraordinary sharing, not indulging it, but his blood was clamoring too loudly to pay it much heed.

  Cassie pulled back a little to peer into his eyes. He heard her thought before she spoke it aloud like a weird echo. “Are you sure? I’d rather not have you all full of regrets tomorrow.”

  *Of course I’m sure.* He started to lower his lips to hers, to reassure her, but the concern filling her clear green gaze brought him up short. She was worried for him. For him. Her blood raced just as his did, but she would set her hunger aside if that’s what he needed.

  “Well, duh,” she said.

  He felt humbled, and more aroused than ever. “There will be no regrets tomorrow.” He put all the conviction he had into both thought and voice. No matter the consequences, he would not turn away from this extraordinary gift she offered.

  Extraordinary? A smile colored her thought.

  *No pressure,* he replied.

  Cassie laughed, and Jared kissed her eyes and nose and mouth. Her lips were sweet and soft, her tongue playful. Her hands roamed over his back, into his hair, down to his butt. With every touch his heart beat faster. He wanted to feel her hands everywhere, and she seemed just as eager. He shared her delight as she explored, and he nibbled down to her collarbone. His hand slipped underneath her shirt so he could savor the delicate heat of her.

  Cassie flinched, and he felt her self-doubt flare.
br />   “You are not fat.” He looked into her mind and saw all the images that lied about what was desirable. “You’re beautiful. And I’ve been around long enough to know.”

  A spark of curiosity supplanted her discomfort. “How long have you been around?”

  “Later,” he said, pulling her shirt over her head.

  For a moment Cassie’s uncertainty flared again. Would he think her bra boringly plain? Would he be turned off by the squidgy roll at her waist? But then she saw Jared’s dark chocolate eyes had grown molten as he gazed at her, and the heat of his appreciation swept over her like a wildfire.

  He thinks I’m beautiful. She drank his admiration like nectar. He wasn’t just saying what he thought she wanted to hear. She felt what he felt and knew the truth of it in her heart.

  And at that moment, though his need was carefully leashed, she was everything he desired.

  That truth flooded her with confidence. Cassie lifted her arms in invitation. She wanted him. She wanted to take him into herself, give him what he needed, and accept everything he offered.

  Jared’s arousal flared like a summer wildfire, and Cassie gave herself up to it, not caring if the flames consumed her.

  Touching, being touched, hands gliding over flesh. They shared each other’s thoughts and sensations. His hunger fed hers, and she didn’t feel any embarrassment when he unhooked her bra. He drew it from her, kissing the marks it left behind on her skin. He cupped her breasts like treasures, suckling one, then the other. Sharp pleasure sparked between her legs.

  “You have me at a disadvantage,” Cassie said when he paused a moment and her mind cleared enough to speak. She unbuttoned his shirt and pushed it from his shoulders, savoring the smooth texture of his skin stretched tautly over firm muscles. His surprise that touching him could give her such pleasure surprised her in turn.


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