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R.I.C.O. Page 5

by C. J. Hudson

  Jazmine’s finger trembled on the trigger as she turned back to look at Jamaal.

  “You know what, muthafucka? Even after tonight, I was still going to give it to you because I wanted to fuck you. But you just had to try to take it, didn’t you, nigga? Fuck killing you. I should shoot yo’ fucking dick off,” she told Jamaal, slowly lowering the gun until it was pointed at his groin area.

  Jamaal’s eyes got huge. They began to water. His mouth fell open. “Wait, don’t shoot. Please, don’t shoot,” he begged.

  “Yeah, that’s right, muthafucka, beg,” Jazmine commanded.

  Sunny chuckled. She thought the situation was funny as hell.

  “He ain’t worth it, Jazmine. Give it here.” Reluctantly, Jazmine placed the pistol in Sunny’s hand.

  “You okay?” she asked. Jazmine nodded slowly as she unsuccessfully tried to wipe away tears. At that moment, it didn’t matter to Sunny that she and Jazmine had never gotten along. All she saw was a fellow female about to be abused, degraded, and molested by a sorry-ass man.

  “Let’s go, nigga.” Sunny waved the gun toward the steps, letting Jamaal know that it was time for him to get the fuck out. As they walked up the stairs, Sunny made sure that she and Jazmine were five or six steps behind Jamaal just in case he got the dumb notion to try something slick. Every few seconds, he would turn around and glare at Jazmine. He wouldn’t soon forget the knot that was forming on the side of his head.

  “Nigga, take your bitch ass on up the stairs and stop looking at my girl!”

  There it was. A bond that neither of their fathers had been able to create between the two young ladies was formed in the span of half an hour. All because of a thirsty, lust bucket, adolescent male who couldn’t take no for an answer.

  “And the next time you see us in the street, nigga, go the other muthafuckin’ way. Now, get the fuck out of my house,” Jazmine yelled. He was still halfway in and halfway out of the house when she slammed the door, hitting him in the back.

  “Damn, I know that shit hurt,” Sunny said as Jazmine continued to stare at the door. “You sure you’re okay?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I’m good. I just can’t believe that nigga tried to pull some bullshit on us.”

  “Damn, girl, I thought you was about to body that nigga,” Sunny said.

  “I shoulda bodied his ass.”

  “No, you did the right thing.”

  Jazmine gave Sunny a strange look.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “You seem to know a lot about how it feels to kill somebody. Is there something about you that I need to know?”

  “Uh, no,” Sunny lied. The two of them hadn’t bonded well enough for her to trust her with that kind of information.

  “You sure about that? ’Cause down in the basement when I was thinking about blasting that fool, the look on your face made me think that you weren’t new to that shit.”

  Jazmine was digging into her business, and Sunny didn’t like it. She quickly changed the subject. “What time is it? Didn’t your father say that they were going to be back in a couple of hours?”

  “It hasn’t been that long. We’ve got about an hour left. Come on.”

  “Where the fuck are we going?”

  Jazmine didn’t answer. Instead, she moved to the kitchen and poured herself a drink.

  “I would offer you one, but you’re underage.”

  “So are you.”

  “I’m 20.”

  “So am I, and the last time I checked, the legal age for drinking is twenty-one, so don’t start that bullshit. We’re the same damn age, so if you get a drink, I want one too.”

  “Fine, bi . . . uh, Sunny,” Jazmine said, correcting herself. After fixing them both a drink, she placed the bottle under the sink and replaced the liquor that she’d poured out with water.

  “You sneaky bitch,” Sunny said, laughing.

  Jazmine shrugged and put the bottle back into the cabinet. The two girls stared at each other as they stood there, sipping their drinks.

  “So, are we just gonna stand here and stare at each other, or are we gonna squash this beef between us?” Sunny asked.

  “I thought we just did,” Jazmine responded.

  Sunny had no idea how much Jazmine appreciated her stopping Jamaal from raping her. As soon as she placed the knife to his dick and forced him to get off her, Sunny, in her eyes, immediately became her best friend. Jazmine walked over to Sunny and held up her glass.

  “To a new friendship?” she asked.

  “I guess so, bitch,” Sunny said, clicking her glass together with Jazmine’s. After taking another sip, Sunny reached into her pocket and pulled out the money that she’d extorted from her new friend.

  “Here, girl. The only reason I made you pay me was because you were acting like a supreme bitch.”

  “Yeah, I know. Sorry about that.”

  “No, you ain’t. Stop lying.” The two of them burst out laughing.

  “By the way, my father is giving me a late birthday party next weekend. If you want to swing through, that’s cool with me,” Sunny said casually.

  “What the hell is a late birthday party?”

  “A damn party that he was supposed to give me for my birthday a few months ago but didn’t.”

  “Oh. Yeah, I’m down. I’ll be there.” After finishing their drinks, the two young ladies spent the next hour getting to know each other.

  “Damn, I thought they would have been back by now. I wonder where the fuck they at?”

  “Girl, that ain’t shit but a fuckin’ setup. They left us together for this long on purpose.”

  “You think so?”

  “I know so,” Sunny said confidently. “They did this shit so we could get to know each other.” Jazmine slowly nodded as she pondered Sunny’s words. The more she thought about, the more sense it made.

  “Oh shit,” she said as she ran to the living room and came back with her computer.

  “What’s good?” Sunny asked as she watched Jazmine furiously tap on the keyboard.

  The one thing that Turiq didn’t know about his daughter was that she was a whiz with computers. He’d slipped up and let her overhear that he had cameras in the house. He wanted to monitor what she was up to at all times. Being as good with computers as she was, Jazmine easily found a way to hack the camera system. Now, whenever she wanted to engage in some foolishness when her father wasn’t at home, she would simply go to her bedroom and cause the system to loop. That way, when Turiq checked his cameras, it would appear that

  Jazmine had never left her bedroom. After disengaging the loop, Jazmine grabbed Sunny by the wrist and took her upstairs to her bedroom.

  “The fuck are you doing?” Sunny asked. Jazmine smiled devilishly as she showed Sunny her computer screen. Sunny’s eyes roamed over the video of an empty house. There were four separate scenes.

  “Jazmine, what the fuck am I supposed to be looking at?”

  Instead of answering her, Jazmine clicked on the scene in the basement.

  “This is a video of the basement about an hour ago.”

  “An hour ago?” Sunny asked, amazed. “That’s impossible. An hour ago, we were down there about to fuck up a nigga,” she laughed.

  “I know. I hacked the server and looped the video. I also spliced the video to make it look like we came upstairs right after they left. As far as my father knows, we’ve been in my bedroom since he left.”

  “Damn, you a sneaky-ass ho, I see,” she said.

  Jazmine simply shrugged her shoulders. “With a father as protective as mine, it pays to know how to get around shit.”

  “I know the feeling. My father be on my ass too.”

  The two young ladies chatted and got to know each other. By the end of the night, they discovered that they had much more in common than they originally thought.

  Chapter 5

  Sporting a broad smile and a rock-hard dick, Pee Wee lay back on his king-size bed with his fingers locked behind
his head. His freaky side piece Flora had just reminded him how good she could be in the bedroom when the mood struck her. Either he was too dumb to know or too sprung to care that the mood only seemed to strike her when he broke her off a piece of change. He was still turned on by their little role-playing episode of him being a pastor and her being a choir member in his congregation. Pee Wee was indeed a sick, twisted individual and would surely burn in hell for the blasphemy he and Flora had just committed. He looked puzzled when Flora came back into the room with a twisted expression on her face.

  “The fuck wrong with you?” he asked her.

  “This shit ain’t right. You got me up in here screwing in my best friend’s bed. Where they do that shit at?”

  “Everywhere in America, so miss me with that bullshit.”

  “Man, this shit just ain’t right.”

  Pee Wee frowned. Her complaining was beginning to make his dick deflate.

  “You know, that’s funny. I ain’t hear none o’ this shit when you asked me to pay your fuckin’ car note last month.”


  “I my ass,” Pee Wee said angrily. “And I damn sure didn’t have to hear your mouth when you texted me this morning and asked me to help you because you were behind on your fuckin’ rent. Now, all of a sudden, after the fact, you want to start feeling bad? Fuck outta here.”

  “I’m just saying, Pee Wee, my girl is in Cincinnati taking care of her sick mother, and we’re in here betraying her like this?”

  Pee Wee stared at Flora for a few seconds before bursting into a fit of laughter.

  “Taking care of her sick mother? I thought you bitches told each other everything,” he said. “That bitch hasn’t been to her mother’s house since she got down there.”

  A perplexed look fell across Flora’s face. “Wait, she ain’t in Cincinnati?”

  Pee Wee just shook his head. “Yes, she is. Pay fuckin’ attention. She’s down there, all right. But she ain’t at her mama’s house. That bitch is probably somewhere in a hotel with her legs cocked up in the air getting fucked by her ex.”

  “And just how do you know that?”

  “Don’t worry about all that. Let’s just say that her mother is a greedy bitch who would sell her own soul for a few bucks.”

  Flora felt like a fool. She couldn’t believe that her friend hadn’t spilled the tea to her about what she was planning to do. Flora just shook her head. She and her mother didn’t get along all that well, but she could never see her mother betraying her that way.

  “Now, enough about that bitch. I’ll take care of her when she gets back. It’s time for you to show me what that mouth do.”

  Although Flora still felt bad about her actions, her son needed braces, and she needed to find a way to pay for them. And besides, it’s not like she wasn’t enjoying the sex. She looked on as Pee Wee stroked himself back to hardness. Licking her lips, she crawled into the bed and slithered between his legs. Pee Wee moaned as Flora pushed her thick lips over the head of his penis and down the shaft. He was just beginning to enjoy the blow job when his cell phone buzzed. He ignored it and started pumping in and out of Flora’s mouth. It buzzed four more times before finally getting on his nerves enough to make him answer it.

  “Whoever the fuck this is better have a damn good reason for disturbing me,” he yelled into the phone.

  “Li’l nigga, who the fuck you think you talking to?” Darnell shot back. The sound of Darnell’s voice caused Pee Wee to sit up straight. His dick popped out of Flora’s mouth so fast, it sprang up and slapped her in the bottom of her nose.

  “Oh shit, I’m sorry, boss. I didn’t know it was you.” Pee Wee hadn’t been expecting Darnell to call. After he, Turiq, and the rest of the crew followed him home, he’d been told that after checking on the corner dope boys they employed, he was free for the rest of the evening. The fact that it was Darnell calling him instead of Turiq made him nervous. Darnell never called anyone but Turiq.

  “So, what’s good, boss?” he asked nervously.

  “Whatever the fuck you’re doin’, put that shit on hold. We got some shit we need to handle.”

  “Oh, cool. What’s going on?”

  “Li’l nigga, stop asking so many damn questions. Just be ready in ten minutes.”

  Darnell hung up without saying another word. Pee Wee, whose real name was Preston, thought it was disrespectful that Darnell always called him “li’l nigga” when he was a year and a half older than Darnell. But he had the good sense not to speak about it. Pee Wee had introduced Darnell to a few cats who needed a supplier, and as far as he knew, the operations had become more lucrative because of it. In his opinion, he was doing a hell of a job. But that’s the problem with having an opinion. Not everyone shares the same one that you have. As soon as Darnell had disconnected the call, Pee Wee jumped out of bed and started getting dressed.

  “What the fuck? I thought you wanted to screw some more,” Flora said.

  “Some other time, baby. I got important shit to handle.” Pee Wee continued to get dressed until he noticed that Flora wasn’t doing the same.

  “The fuck is you doing?” he asked.


  “I can see that. Put your fuckin’ clothes on. I told you I had to go.”

  “I can’t stay here till you get back?”

  “What? Bitch, are you high? Hell no.”

  “Fine, then. I’ll leave.”

  “I know you will.”

  “Well, can I at least have a few dollars so I can get something to eat tonight?”

  Pee Wee sighed as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a crumpled twenty-dollar bill.

  This bitch, he thought to himself.

  “Here, and don’t think yo’ ass is foolin’ me,” he said, throwing the money at her.

  “This all you gon’ give me?” she asked, ignoring his last statement.

  “You damn right! I just gave your ass bread to pay your damn rent! And like I said, you ain’t foolin’ me. Yo’ ass ain’t hungry. You just trying to cop some fuckin’ weed.”

  Flora didn’t even try to deny it. She couldn’t. She loved weed more than a fish loved water and copping her a sack was precisely what she’d planned on doing with the money. After getting dressed, she quickly left. She hadn’t gotten ten feet outside of Pee Wee’s place before she was texting her cousin to tell him that she was on her way to pick up a dime bag. Five minutes after she left, Pee Wee came out of his front door and was surprised to see Darnell and Turiq standing outside of Darnell’s SUV waiting on him. The large truck looked even more daunting, with the two gangsters standing beside it.

  “What’s good, boss, Turiq?” He spoke to both men.

  “Where’s your cell phone?” Darnell asked in a no-nonsense tone.

  “Uh, right here,” Pee Wee said, unclipping it from his waist.

  “Let me see it.”

  Without questioning his boss, Pee Wee handed him the phone. He was shocked when Darnell dropped it on the ground and stomped on it. The plastic and electrical device were crushed under the pressure provided by Darnell’s boot. Darnell then reached into his pocket and pulled out a brand-new iPhone X.

  “Here, take this. It’s your new phone. Everyone in the crew has one.” Turiq then opened the back door to the truck and motioned for Pee Wee to get inside. Thoroughly confused now, Pee Wee did as he was told. When he climbed inside and saw who the occupant was sitting next to him, he nearly passed out. Wrapped in plastic from head to toe was the freshly deceased Anthony Warren. His pale white face had begun to turn an awful shade of blue. Pee Wee was in a state of shock. He only snapped out of it when Darnell and Turiq got in the front seat and slammed the doors.

  “Oh shit!” he screamed. “What the fuck happened to Jeff?”

  “First of all, his name isn’t Jeff, dumb ass. It’s Anthony Warren.”

  “As in Detective Anthony Warren,” Turiq added.

  “Det . . . De . . . Detective?”

  “Yeah, muthafu
cka, detective. You brought a fuckin’ cop into our organization, fool.”

  “Oh God, boss, I didn’t know, man! I swear to God I didn’t.”

  Darnell and Turiq looked at each other for a few seconds before turning around and focusing their evil eyes on Pee Wee. Pee Wee could feel the anger radiating off his boss. He’d fucked up, but he had no idea how. He’d done all the necessary research on the man who he thought was Jeffery Coles, but somewhere along the way, he’d made a major miscalculation.

  “Do you know how much money this little fuckup of yours cost me?” Darnell asked, seething. “The dope this muthafucka was buying from me wasn’t going back into the streets. It was going into a police evidence cage so that they could use it later to send us to fuckin’ jail, you fuckin’ moron.”

  Pee Wee opened his mouth to try to defend himself, but the .45 caliber Smith & Wesson handgun Turiq had pulled and was now pointing at him pushed the words back into his throat.

  “Are you a cop, muthafucka?” Darnell asked in a low but deadly tone.

  “What? Fuck. Nah, boss. I ain’t no fuckin’ po-po, man!”

  Darnell shook his head. “I don’t know if I believe you, playa.”

  “Boss, I swear to God, man. I’m official.”

  Darnell looked at his second in command. “Yo’, ’Riq, you believe this nigga, man? You think he’s telling the truth?”

  Turiq cocked his head to the side as if he were pondering Darnell’s question. He then cracked a tight-lipped smile and slowly shook his head.

  “Nah, man. I don’t believe this lying-ass nigga.”

  Darnell looked at Pee Wee and shrugged his shoulders. “See, now we got a fuckin’ problem, man. My dude Turiq don’t believe you, and he’s normally a good judge of character, so if he thinks that you’re full of shit, then chances are that you’re full of shit.”

  Turiq cocked his pistol and aimed it square at Pee Wee’s forehead.

  “I’ma miss yo’ ass, li’l nigga,” Darnell said, an evil sneer plastered on his lips.

  “Boss, man, I swear, I ain’t no fuckin’ cop!”

  Turiq blew Pee Wee a kiss as he got ready to pull the trigger. It was something that Pee Wee had seen Turiq do many times before prior to ending an enemy’s life. He closed his eyes and got ready to meet his inevitable fate.


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