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My Dark Knight (gay biker romance) (Kings of Hell MC Book 2)

Page 1

by K. A. Merikan

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  My Dark Knight

  Kings of Hell MC #2

  K.A. Merikan

  Acerbi & Villani Ltd.

  My Dark Knight

  K.A. Merikan

  — Love or hate. Life or death. No in-between. No compromise. No rules in love and war.—

  Knight. Party monster. Handsome Savage. Doesn’t do monogamy.

  Elliot. Obsessive. Intense. Uncompromising.

  Newly single, Knight is done with relationships. All he's interested in is bringing down The Count, an Internet personality who is tarnishing his family name. An opportunity to crush him comes when the audacious clown shows up at the Kings of Hell MC clubhouse to film for his YouTube channel. But when Knight meets Elliot, the man behind The Count, he no longer knows what to do with him.

  Knight has never seen a more pathetic creature than Elliot. He’s also never met anyone who needed him more. Skinny, messed up, and a bucket of trouble as thick as tar, everything Elliot does seems to be a wordless death wish. No matter how much Knight hates Elliot’s alter ego, under the makeup and theatrics hides a fragile young guy with a passion for history, and Knight can’t help but catch Elliot every time he falls.

  Elliot has bad taste in men. Always hopelessly attracted to violent brutes, his favorite is a long dead serial killer. But he gets more than he’s bargained for when he seizes an opportunity to meet the man of his dreams. The ghost is manipulative and dangerous, offering Elliot all he’s always wanted, for a price he can’t possibly pay.

  Elliot is faced with an impossible choice between two men.

  One alive, one dead.

  One carnal and honest, one drizzling sweet, poisoned promises into his ear.

  One unwilling to commit, the other promising an eternity together.

  And Elliot doesn’t settle for half-measures. He craves a love that is all or nothing, passion that will consume him, and desire to burn him alive.

  Elliot is ready to either get that, or die trying.


  Themes: enemies to lovers, protector, cruelty, motorcycle club, alternative lifestyles, demons, tattoos, impossible choices, deception, crime, self-discovery, healing, black magic, gothic, commitment, ghosts, possession

  Genre: Dark, paranormal romance

  Erotic content: Scorching hot, emotional, explicit scenes

  Length: ~145,000 words (Book 2 in the series, can be read as a standalone, but it’s recommended to read book 1 in the Kings of Hell MC series first)

  WARNING: This story contains scenes of violence, offensive language, and morally ambiguous characters.

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance of characters to actual persons, living, dead, or undead, events, places or names is purely coincidental.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transferred in any form or by any means, without the written permission of the publisher. Uploading and distribution of this book via the Internet or via any other means without a permission of the publisher is illegal and punishable by law.

  Text copyright © 2017 K.A. Merikan

  All Rights Reserved

  Cover design by

  Natasha Snow

  Table of contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  The Engagement


  About the author

  Other books by K.A. Merikan

  Chapter 1

  Knight pulled Jake’s head off his dick once he unloaded his cum into that hungry, waiting mouth. Neither of them spoke, both panting. Jake still had a bulge at the front of his jeans proclaiming to the world just how horny he was.

  “Good boy…” Knight smiled and leaned down to stroke Jake’s cheek as his muscles started getting lazy in the afterglow of orgasm.

  Jake’s eyes had that glazed-over look Knight always liked to feel all over his skin. Awe and admiration that never failed to get him warm on the inside and flexing his muscles that bit more.

  “Ready for round two, Prospect?” Joker grinned widely and gestured for Jake to come over. He stood by the window and stubbed out a cigarette.

  “Yes, sir!” Jake was quick to say as he crawled over to Joker, his cheeks red.

  “That mouth’s never full.” Knight laughed and stuffed his dick back into his pants. It would be hard to let go of having Jake’s eager lips on Knight’s cock whenever he asked, but one day Jake would stop being a prospect. Then again, Knight doubted Jake’s hunger for cock would wane because of it, so there was that.

  “Joker! Knight!” Beast yelled somewhere in a far-off corridor. “Stop playing around! We’re all waiting!”

  Joker groaned and gently pushed on Jake’s forehead. “Keep that mouth open for me when I come back.”

  Jake nodded with a serious expression, as if he’d been given a responsible task. To be fair, having someone’s dick in your mouth was a pretty important responsibility. Not that Knight’d ever given head, but he could imagine that was the case.

  “Coming!” Knight yelled in the general direction of Beast’s voice and started walking.

  “Or not-coming,” Joker whispered as he followed.

  Knight made his way down the corridor, knowing that it would be a busy club Church meeting. Many things needed to be dealt with after the hiatus in the club’s not-entirely-legal operations. Their former president, King, had been the one to facilitate all the deals with Mr. Magpie, an underworld jewelry and arts dealer from New York. Seventy percent of the club’s income came from that partnership, so King’s death had temporarily put the Kings of Hell MC into limbo. With all the illegal cargo gone from the clubhouse, Knight got permission to inform the authorities about the two-century old bodies found on club grounds. Understandably, the police had been suspicious at first, but ca
rbon dating of the old bones soon cleared the club’s name. With the skeletons and other evidence safe in an appropriate research facility and a new agreement with Mr. Magpie in place, business could resume.

  Knight’s life hadn’t changed much since his best friend, Beast, made him vice president. He still had fun with his brothers, still fucked the prettiest girls and the sexiest boys, and he was still the designated electrician on call. Now he also had to make a fuckload of phone calls and send out dozens of emails, all coded in case of the police looking into their trade more closely.

  He didn’t mind it much. Negotiating terms with sellers and buyers of the expensive jewelry and precious stones they traded in came to Knight as easily as it had to King. It took being a bit of a risk-taker and loads of charm—both of which had always come easily to Knight. If only the whole process didn’t take up so much of his time.

  Knight was perfectly suited for the tasks his prez, Beast, passed on to him, but they came with an amount of responsibility Knight hadn’t anticipated when he accepted the VP patch. New duties made a considerable dent in the time he could dedicate to partying and his other needs, but then again, the new position came with the perk of taking over the former president’s apartment—possibly the largest and slickest of bachelor pads in existence.

  All in all, though, between the tasks Knight was newly in charge of, transporting stolen jewelry, and making sure the ancient building of their clubhouse had a stable supply of electricity, his days became much busier than he was used to.

  “These need to be taken to Mr. Magpie’s,” Beast said as soon as they all sat down, and he pushed a small, rattling box of rubies to one side of the antique table in their gatherings room.

  The latest transport from the West Coast was in, and most of the members were busy sorting all the jewels and precious metals by type and buyer. Some pieces of jewelry would be sold as they were, others needed to be slightly modified or transformed into raw materials. Rev was coordinating the process, and after twenty years in this business, had enough skills to deal with some of the process in a designated area within the clubhouse. As problematic as the huge, old building sometimes was, it came with many secret rooms that were undetectable to random visitors.

  “How big is the risk? Should I go on my own?” Gray asked. Despite being the youngest patch, after being trained for his job since early adolescence, he was one of the club’s major assets, and so he was often the person of choice for solo work. Particularly when said work required for him to silently dispose of problematic people.

  Fox licked his lips, as if the reddish stones made him thirsty. “They are natural rubies. High in demand. Expensive as fuck.”

  Within the past two decades, natural rubies had upstaged diamonds in price due to a curiously dwindling supply. There were artificially produced gems, of course, but their worth remained steady. No wonder Mr. Magpie was ready to pay elevated prices for genuine pieces.

  Beast lowered his voice and leaned forward, looking at Gray. “Fox could go with you. I think he might need a break from the kids—”

  A loud, particularly nasty bundle of swear words flew from the office nearby where Fox was trying to get to grips with their finance records, without much success.

  “And the accounting,” finished Beast, prompting all of them to nod.

  Rev tapped his thick fingertips, yellowed from his smoking habit, against the table and looked at his son with pride. “Gray needs no backup. But a man can’t always work alone.”

  “I’m fine,” Gray was quick to say, sinking back into the chair.

  Knight dove his hand into the box of rubies and watched the gems slide between his fingers. If he had a girlfriend, he might have tried to negotiate keeping one for her, but after the recent relationship fiasco he decided women were more trouble than they were worth. He’d much rather spend his hard-earned cash on a new sound system. Pretty ladies were still queuing up for his dick, so there was no point in seeking another girl of his own anyway.

  Beast put his hands on the table and leaned closer to Gray, frowning slightly as he pondered both options. The frown looked menacing on his face, twisted by burn scars and boldly tattooed, but Knight knew him well enough to read the expression as concern. “You’re fine now, but we need to make sure you don’t always have to deal with this stuff on your own. You’ve been giving Jake some kickboxing lessons. Maybe you could intensify those, train him up a bit?”

  Rev snorted. “We all know Prospect’s dying for attention.”

  Beast harrumphed. “We should vote him in soon. He’s been waiting for his patch long enough and showed dedication throughout that time.”

  “Once he’s a member, will he still suck my dick when I ask him to? I might decide my vote based on that information,” Joker said. With his unnaturally wide mouth stretched into a smile and pale hair formed into spikes he did resemble a scary clown, and he had a personality to match the looks.

  Beast’s lips trembled in a way they always did when he tried to remain serious in face of dumb comments. “I don’t know, brother. I suggest you ask him.”

  Knight was sure Jake would still come running any time he asked. When Jake had first become a hangaround at nineteen, he had that all-American boy-next-door look Knight didn’t usually care for, but two years on, the muscular boy was slowly coming into his own as a man with some ink and a few scars to show for it. He was a good lay, devoted like a puppy, and always ready to do what the club needed. Knight supposed the guy deserved a reward for all this wait, even if he wasn’t sure whether Jake was mature enough for all the responsibilities that came with being patched in.

  “Yeah. Let’s vote once everything calms down.”

  “Agreed,” Gray said, and all the others voiced their approval.

  Rev lit himself a cigarette. “At least with the cops and archaeologists gone from the property, we can do business again. Mr. Magpie wasn’t happy with the wait. It was unnecessary hassle to dig up those corpses.”

  Joker grinned. “Oh, come on, indulge Knight. He’d wanted to get his hands on those deadies for months.” He wiggled his eyebrows at Knight. “Did you get to touch the bones you really liked?”

  The snorting turned into a choir, with the quietest sound coming from the office. It seemed Fox wasn’t as focused on the accounts as he ought to be.

  Knight straightened his back, deflecting the mockery with a wide smile. “Laugh all you want. This was a monumental discovery. One of those bodies was missing an arm, exactly like Laurent told us.”

  Beast locked his lips and leaned back in his chair, no doubt thinking about his partner, who knew more about the sinister forces living in their clubhouse than anyone else. He was also the reason why they were all stuck in the somewhat desolate former asylum. Out of solidarity with their prez though, no member would dare complain about it.

  Knight didn’t exactly understand the mechanics of it all himself, but in essence, the grounds the building had been erected on were haunted by a demon. Said demon had allowed Laurent to travel through time and skip over two hundred years to join them in 2017. Beast later made a pact with the entity to keep his lover. Knight wasn’t complaining, since it so happened that Laurent was his great-great-great uncle from the time when the Merciers first arrived on American soil, and so he held the key to answers Knight had been dying to hear for years.

  Still, he didn’t envy Beast having to deal with the sulphur-smelling being that lived in the endless corridors of the building. It was very rare for anyone else to catch a glimpse of it, but Knight could tell every time Beast was forced to interact with it. He returned grumpy, tense, and somewhat pale. Just like he was now.

  Beast cleared his throat and absentmindedly touched the rubies. “At least we showed the cops we can cooperate with them when needed. Hopefully that will keep them away from this place for a while. It might be time for me to pay Mr. Magpie a visit as the new prez, so it’s a good thing that the exhumation ended before that. The trade and transport agreement King n
egotiated with Magpie still stands, but we have to make sure that the relationship remains personal.”

  A few glances slid over Knight, and he couldn’t help but grow tense. This would mean that the important day-to-day decisions would be on his shoulders for a while. And making important decisions was far more complicated than choosing what gun to take on a run or which chick to take upstairs. But he agreed to take over as vice president, and he would not disappoint his friend. He was smart. He could do it.

  “Hah, maybe if I’m left in charge, the demon’s gonna try and negotiate a deal with me too.”

  Beast’s eyes shot daggers at him. “Just ignore him when he appears. Trust me.”

  Knight grinned, spreading his arms wide. “Hey, if I could stay forever young and never worry about getting my cock sucked, it would be a deal worth half the blood in my body.”

  Beast opened his mouth but didn’t get to say anything when a frantic knocking ruined the peace of the gatherings room.

  “What?” shot Beast in anger.

  The knocking stopped, and as the door slowly opened, Jake’s handsome tanned face was revealed. “Sorry to distract you all during church, but there’s an intruder on the grounds.”

  The stunned silence that followed ended with Beast standing up so fast his chair barely kept its upright position. “What? Where?”

  Jake cleared his throat. “I’d have gotten rid of him, but he looks weird. And he’s lurking by that grave by the giant boulder, where the bodies were found.”

  Knight shot up, rushing to the window, which faced the area mentioned by Jake. A brass spyglass—a fancy gift from Mr. Magpie himself—was kept on one of the shelves nearby, and he grabbed it on the way, pushing the window open.

  As soon as he spotted the movement and the figure, he froze, unable to believe his own eyes. The white powdered face with artificially reddened cheeks and lips, a pale wig with elaborate curls pinned to the sides, the shiny blue and silver costume, the cane, and finally, the selfie-stick with an Iphone, told him exactly who this was.


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