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My Dark Knight (gay biker romance) (Kings of Hell MC Book 2)

Page 40

by K. A. Merikan

  Did it matter if people started thinking he was gay?

  But he loved girls. And he loved to have a man touch him too. And he liked sampling all the pleasures, with as many people as he could. But if this was how he identified, why couldn’t he just forget everything and fall into the threesome on offer?

  Maybe it wasn’t about Elliot in particular, Elliot as a man, but Elliot as someone who needed him? Nao and Sonia wouldn’t miss Knight’s dick, but if Knight didn’t go upstairs and face whatever awaited him there, Elliot would eventually die. And even though Elliot had broken up with him, Knight couldn’t let that happen. No one in the world needed Knight more than Elliot. And not even just because of Fane. It was as if they were so evenly matched that Knight couldn’t imagine anyone taking Elliot’s place.

  Knight had never met anyone quite like Elliot, someone who made him feel this protective and at the same time so well understood.

  Knight rubbed his eyes and curled up on the sofa, not even interested in finishing his beer. Elliot would eventually get over Knight and find a man. Elliot had a massive appetite for dick, so remaining chaste was not an option. What if he chose some shithead again? Knight had to make sure they stayed close friends so that he could keep an eye on things.

  Nao’s hand on his thigh made him jump, and he realized he wasn’t paying attention to the girl-on-girl happening right in front of him. “Knight? Babe? If you’re not into it, we’re gonna go to mine, okay?”

  How had it even come to this?

  Embarrassment kept him from looking up for a full two seconds, but in the end he raised his head to look at Nao, a very flushed Sonia, and Nao’s fingers playing with Sonia’s exposed nipple.

  It was so fucking hot.

  And yet he couldn’t focus on them right now.

  “Sorry. I thought this headache was going away... but it’s not,” he finished, deflated and rose to his feet. Like some kind of eunuch, he wasn’t even erect. “Gonna lie down. Hope your nails are adequately trimmed.”

  Nao laughed and slapped his ass before he stepped away. “I’ve got toys in my room, so don’t you worry about that.”

  Knight forced himself to grin, but his lips fell back into their neutral position as soon as he left the room. If he couldn’t do a threesome with two amazingly hot women because his mind was preoccupied by Elliot, then he couldn’t wait another minute. He just needed to deal with it immediately, because his humiliation was some bullshit!

  Chapter 31

  Elliot was numb with all the thoughts pounding in his brain. Had he made the right decision about his relationship with Knight? All he knew was that he wanted Knight so badly it was making his heart bleed, and yet, if he got in any deeper, he would eventually regret it. Hadn’t Knight said that Elliot should respect himself? Elliot couldn’t be a doormat to the guy he loved, no matter how much it hurt to break it all off.

  Knight was the one lying to himself. Nothing would be the same after this. But Elliot could take it and for once stand his ground about what he wanted from a relationship.

  Since he didn’t really feel like focusing on anything, he asked Gray to put on a reality show about hoarders, and so they sat together, with Elliot looking at the screen while Gray read something on his reader. Sadly, Fane was getting increasingly agitated with having nothing to do, and the sensation of icy fingers clawing their way into Elliot’s flesh was constantly keeping him on the edge of pain.

  “Maybe he could ease our boredom? Spread those legs. Why would he resist?”

  Elliot hit the back of his head against the wall in frustration. It was just him and Gray now because at some point Jake had become strangely restless. He’d apologized profusely, and told Gray he needed to go. His face had been so red Elliot wondered if it wasn’t one of those obscure illnesses people got sometimes and then died. He hoped it wasn’t contagious.

  “He won’t do that,” Elliot whispered.

  Gray’s eyes darted his way in an instant. “What?”

  Fane grinned and reached for Elliot’s legs, pushing off the sheet and spreading Elliot’s thighs in wanton invitation.

  Elliot groaned, struggling against Fane’s grip. “Stop it! He’s being a shit,” he told Gray, ashamed that everyone had to fuss over him.

  “I’m what, you ungrateful cunt?” Fane hissed, flinging Elliot out of bed with such force his body crashed against the wall before falling on top of a stool that did nothing to breach his fall and instead delivered another painful punch with its edge to Elliot’s ribs.

  “I’m sorry!” Elliot was quick to say, even though the only thing he was sorry about was that he’d ever adored Fane in the first place.

  “Fuck!” Gray hissed and got to Elliot’s side, helping him up. “Should I tie you to the bed?” The suggestion was a pragmatic answer to the problem, and yet it only made Elliot more miserable.

  “Oh, yes. Let him do that.” Fane rubbed his hand against Gray’s crotch. “I like how calm he always is. I’m sure I’d put a stop to that expressionless visage given enough time.”

  Gray picked up Elliot and sat him on the bed, patting down both his legs. “Are you swelling anywhere? That looked dangerous.”

  “No, it’s fine. Just another bruise to the collection.”

  Fane sighed in exasperation. “You are useless at charming men. Haven’t you ended things with Knight? You’re free to pursue this one.” He stroked Gray’s hair even though his fingers dipped into his forehead. “Look at this pretty face. Wouldn’t you love to see it between your legs?”

  Gray hauled Elliot into a horizontal position. “I’m not letting this happen again.”

  Fane laughed and rolled into bed alongside Elliot. “That’s more like it. Go on. Touch him. How long are you going to watch people cleaning their own houses? Since when do paupers own this much anyway?” he asked, looking in the TV’s direction.

  “Thank you,” Elliot said, avoiding Gray’s eyes. This was so humiliating. “I’m so sorry. And for that time I stabbed you.”

  Fane shrugged. “Shouldn’t have been in my way.”

  Gray’s pale gaze met Elliot’s as he pulled out a bundle of rope from a leather satchel resting on his hip and tied one end to the back of Elliot’s straitjacket. “It’s fine. I know it wasn’t you.”

  The door flew open without a knock, so Elliot was sure it was Knight returning, but he had to sit up on the bed to see.

  Fane looked up lazily as well. “I thought he wouldn’t come back until tomorrow. Maybe he wants his bed vacated for some pretty thing.”

  Elliot groaned and looked at his knees. How long would Knight bear Elliot in his bed? In his room? In his life? It was inevitable that he’d grow tired of the unrewarding responsibility.

  Gray let go of the rope and stood up to face Knight’s tall presence. Emerging from the living area, Knight stood still on the last step, and his gaze only briefly touched Elliot before darting to Gray’s face. “Where’s Jake?”

  Gray’s shoulders relaxed. “Said he needed out. He didn’t look too good. Might be food poisoning.”

  Fane chuckled, putting his arm around Elliot’s shoulders. “Look how handsome he is. Maybe I should get my hands on him after all?”

  Elliot slouched with a deep sigh. He would never be free of Fane. Only now it was sinking in that he might have to live with Fane forever. One day, Fane would push him to commit some terrible crime, and Elliot would be powerless to prevent it.

  “No you won’t,” Elliot grumbled quietly, angered by the sole idea of someone else touching Knight. He knew had to get over that, yet had no idea how.

  “He was pushed off the bed, so I thought I’d tie him down,” Gray said.

  Knight’s Adam’s apple bobbed slowly, and he crossed his arms at the front of his chest, slowly turning his head to look at Elliot. There was a tension around his eyes and neck, and just seeing it had Elliot crumbling on the inside.

  “What happened?”

  Elliot flinched when Fane touched his neck and spoke. “He�
��s a bore. That’s what happened. I swear there is no worse kind of man. You would have been much more fun, Elliot if you haven’t rejected the Lord of Muff. It was enjoyable to watch him put his mouth on your tiny manhood. How about you two reconcile after all?”

  Elliot fought the shame at how useless he was and spoke, “I think watching reality TV for too long annoyed him. It’s fine.”

  “Are you back now?” Gray asked. “Can I go check on Jake?”

  Knight licked his lips, studying Elliot with an odd expression. Was he still thinking of the way Elliot accepted the blowjob, only to break up things five minutes later?

  “Yeah. I can deal with this myself.”

  Gray nodded, took the rope with him and packed his e-reader.

  “Did… everything go well?” Elliot asked, though he wasn’t sure what exactly Knight went off to deal with. Maybe he just needed space and work had been an excuse to avoid looking at Elliot.

  Fane got off the bed and stroked Elliot’s face on the way. “Go on, Elliot. He might never love you, but he does use his prick in the most delightful ways, doesn’t he? Where will you ever find a man like him again? I’m surprised you’ve managed to keep him for this long. He probably feels responsible for you. That’s better than nothing, considering how plain you are.”

  Knight waited for Gray to shut the door behind him and slowly approached the bed once they were alone. He pulled off his jacket, standing with his back to Elliot and not saying much as he then removed his shoes.

  “Knight? Is everything okay?” Elliot backed off on the bed, unsure what to make of the strange behavior.

  Fane laughed. “He’s undressing. This should be good. Enjoy this while it lasts.”

  Knight exhaled loudly and spun around before taking a seat on the edge of the mattress. His gaze settled on Elliot, but he seemed distracted, and his eyes kept spacing out. “No. I’m just tired. Beast... requests many things from me.”

  Elliot swallowed. “I promise not to be a bother. If you can’t sleep well with him in me, maybe you want to tie me up for a while? I know I’m enough of a bother as is.”

  Fane pushed his fingers into his hair. “Oh, for the love of God! Stop the whining! If I were him I’d have stuffed your mouth with something long ago just to get some peace. Or cut your tongue out for that matter.”

  Knight put his hand on Elliot’s shoulder, and it emitted a warmth so lovely Elliot wished he could just roll into it. Even though he was wearing fingerless gloves, the heat of his flesh was still palpable through the soft leather. But then the digits tightened, squeezed harder, until Elliot’s flesh became numb.

  “Knight? You’re hurting me…” He pulled away, swept by a wave of cold shudders. Was it possible that a man as generous as Knight would end up turning on him too? After all they’d been through?

  “Why wouldn’t he? Everyone tires of you eventually,” Fane said, making Elliot’s eye sting with the undeniable truth behind his words

  Knight exhaled and pulled Elliot closer, keeping him in a secure yet gentle embrace. “Sorry. I... I didn’t think. “

  Every tiny piece of Elliot’s being screamed out to stay in Knight’s arms and forget any other needs he might have, but he knew that wouldn’t end well for either of them. That he’d eventually resent himself for giving in to pressure and be forced to hide his jealousy. “Did something happen?”

  “No, why would you think that?” Knight asked, resting his hand on Elliot’s shoulder and pushing it farther, so that his hand rested on Elliot’s nape. The fingers moved several times, gathering the flesh and gently twisting it.

  Fane lay down next to Elliot. “He still wants your body. Spread your legs, and maybe he won’t throw you out right away. Because where would you go? I’m not staying at a pauper’s home!”

  Elliot looked away, feeling his face flush. “You’re… kneading me.” This situation would have been funny if it weren’t so weird.

  Knight groaned and rubbed his face against Elliot’s, hugging him again.

  Fane shrugged. “Maybe he’s worried that women don’t taste as good anymore. And he knows you’re to blame. He doesn’t love you. He couldn’t ever love you, and you made his life such an unnecessary whirlwind.”

  Knight exhaled and pulled away. “Maybe I should unfasten you.”

  “You think that’s a good idea?” Elliot asked, unsure what to make of it. Did Knight want to ‘set him free’ or something along those lines?

  Fane laughed. “Perfect! It’s a brilliant idea.”

  A loud banging on the door interrupted them.

  “Open up, Knight!” Beast yelled.

  Knight groaned, rubbing Elliot’s arms up and down. “You know the fucking code,” he called back so loudly his voice rang in Elliot’s ears.

  Within seconds, the door opened, and two pairs of legs stampeded through the living room and into the bedroom.

  “We agreed you’d wait for us, and now Gray’s telling me you came back and sent him away,” Beast was a heaving mass of tense muscle, pacing through the room. “You’re playing with fire!”

  “We want to be here to assist you if necessary,” Laurent added from a few steps away.

  Fane burst out laughing. “Another exorcism? This should be good. Maybe this time I could force your body to spasm, and pretend it’s working. Until your spine snaps in two. I did that once to one of my lovely boys.”

  “Please, no more exorcisms,” Elliot said quickly, closing his eye when Knight scooped him against his chest.

  “There’s nothing at all any of you can do for as long as that motherfucker is inside Elliot!”

  Beast groaned and stood closer. “Can’t we—you… pull him out somehow?”

  Fane laughed even harder. “Oh, this is simply precious. Such big men and so little power.”

  “Elliot, is he here?” Laurent asked and stepped closer.

  Fane’s attention instantly turned his way. “Yes, pretty snake. Come closer,” he said and also took a step toward Laurent. “I will have your body one day, and it will be the sweetest victory. What I’d wanted to do all those years ago, albeit in another form. Can you imagine, Elliot, how easy it will be for me to lure men in with that innocent face?”

  Elliot sighed deeply. “He’s here. He’s in me. I see a vision of him, but his actual being is in me. That’s why he can only affect my body and no one else’s.”

  The sheer despair on Knight’s face made Elliot look away, instantly feeling as if this was somehow his fault. Then again... it was, and it had been only by a narrow margin that Knight himself escaped Fane’s plot and didn’t have to endure the kind of torment Elliot was subject to.

  “That’s right. And if you don’t help me get into Laurent’s supple flesh soon, I will make sure you’re motivated to help me. One finger and tooth at a time.”

  Elliot’s eye watered and he looked into Knight’s face in desperation he didn’t dare voice. They couldn’t use Laurent. And yet, would torture lead Elliot down the path of betrayal? He would never forgive himself if he bent to the ghost’s will. Laurent had already escaped Fane once and didn’t deserve to go through the same again, trapped in one body with the man who tried to rape him.

  “Don’t come too close, Laurent. He wants to take over your body. It’s the last thing I want,” Elliot said even though he didn’t take his gaze off Knight.

  Knight’s blue eyes never strayed from Elliot’s either. He cupped Elliot’s face, petting it gently, as if he wanted to reassure him but couldn’t find the words. But there was nothing to salvage. The only way Elliot could be free of Fane was by dying.

  Elliot put his head on Knight’s shoulder, wishing they could kiss, but closeness would have to do. “He will never willingly leave. Maybe it would be better for everyone if you took me downstairs. If I… I mean—if he died there, maybe he’d be trapped again.”

  Laurent stepped closer but stayed behind Beast’s large frame. “What are you saying, Elliot? He doesn’t deserve to take one more life!”

/>   Fane’s cold, resentful face pressed against Elliot’s cheek and he hissed, rubbing his teeth against Elliot’s skin with each word. “How dare you! I am the only man you’ve ever mattered to! And that despite not even spending inside you once. You achieved nothing. You are nothing without me, and you dare disobey me?”

  Elliot bit down on his lip to fight back a sob, but Fane pulled away and looked around like a wolf sensing fresh meat.

  “Blood,” he whispered through Elliot’s lips, holding his jaw tightly. Without an ounce of care for Elliot’s wellbeing, he forced Elliot’s teeth on his tongue and made him bite down so hard Elliot drew blood. Quickly gathering inside Elliot’s mouth, it dribbled down his chin, forming a coppery line.

  Elliot focused his gaze behind Beast, and it was only then when he sensed the intense, salty scent in the air. There was a red drop on Laurent’s finger, its color so scarlet everything else faded into grayscale. Laurent dropped the pin he’d been secretly holding and stared at the bed from across the room while the blood beaded on his fingertip like a flower in bloom.

  “No… No! Take him out of here!” Elliot screamed at Beast, but Fane was already pushing out of his body through the fresh wound on Elliot’s tongue, and like a disease, he would infect Laurent’s skin, flesh, and bones.

  Laurent didn’t budge, and Beast only now turned around to realize what was happening. “Now? Knight? Now?” Laurent asked in a high-pitched voice drenched in panic.

  Time stood still.

  Knight was right in front of Elliot, his eyes focused and dark as he reached to Elliot’s face, rubbing his uncovered fingers in the fresh blood. And then he pulled, straining his entire body with effort until the icy cold that had been a permanent presence in every fibre of Elliot’s body suddenly eased.

  Fane screamed, and there was an edge of true fear to his voice as it clung to Elliot’s inner ears. Things happened all too fast, and as Elliot’s body slumped into the pillows, weightless and hot with fever, Knight stood, holding Fane’s lithe body by the throat with fists that burned with a blue fire.


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