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Body Shots

Page 21

by Anne Rainey

  Trent picked up the ropes he’d removed from Crystal. “I’ve got him. Get Crystal.”

  With Richard unconscious and Trent busy tying up his hands, Mac bent down and pulled Crystal into the cradled warmth of his arms. He got pissed all over again when he felt her body shaking like a leaf. He needed to get her out of there. He wanted her home, where she belonged. Safe.

  He forced his voice to sound soft and soothing, belying the way his mind still screamed for vengeance. “Shh, it’s okay now. You’re safe.”


  The sound of her voice was all it took. Relief swamped him. “Yeah, angel, you’re safe now.”

  She seemed to hesitate, as if trying desperately to comprehend his words, then she nodded. She wouldn’t look directly at him, and that bothered him. She just kept her face snuggled against the safe haven of his chest and held on tight. Mac was anxious to whisk her away from that horrid house.

  “Good girl. Now just relax and soon we will be far away from this place,” he said in a soothing voice. She seemed to obey, albeit reluctantly. He speared Trent with a look that conveyed his sense of urgency.

  The sounds of sirens rent the air. Soon the place was filled with police officers, and Richard was taken into custody, while Crystal was loaded into an ambulance.

  Several hours later, Mac and Trent had Crystal safely tucked in bed. Their statements had seemed to take forever. The only thing on Mac’s mind now was the fact that he’d failed to keep her safe. Hell, he’d be lucky if she spared him a glance when this was all over.

  When the doorbell rang, Mac rushed to answer it. Mollie stood on the doorstep, her gaze filled with worry. “She’s okay,” he murmured as he took her into his arms. “And Richard is in custody.”

  Mac desperately wanted to be alone with Crystal and Trent, but Mollie needed to see her friend for herself—to see that Crystal was really safe. And he knew Crystal needed to see Mollie right now, too.

  “Thank you for finding her,” Mollie said, her voice wobbly.

  Mac put his finger under her chin and tipped her face up. Her sad expression hit him first, but underlying that was the love she had for Crystal. It went deeper than friendship. They were more like sisters. “She’ll be glad to see you.”

  When they entered the bedroom, Trent was sitting on the side of the bed, his hand resting on Crystal’s blanket-covered thigh. Crystal looked over at Mollie, and while the two women stared at one another, something seemed to shift and change. Finally, Crystal smiled. Relief swept through Mac in an instant. It was the first smile he’d seen from her since her ordeal. It was a damn good sign.

  As much as he wanted to be alone with the two people he loved most in the world, it was still his first priority to aid Crystal in any way he could. Mac was grateful for Mollie in that moment.

  “Mac,” Mollie said, gaining his attention. “She’s going to need a few things if you’re up to getting them for her.”

  He turned and nodded. “Anything, just name it.”

  “I’m sure she’d be grateful for some of her own clothes, as well as a few toiletries.” Mollie crossed the room then and asked, “You okay, baby?”

  Crystal’s lower lip quivered. “I—I couldn’t do anything. I felt so . . . oh God, I felt so helpless.”

  In an instant, Mac and Trent were on either side of her. They wrapped her in an embrace as Trent said, “Shh, you’re safe now, baby. Don’t think about it anymore.”

  Mac smoothed his hand down her hair and whispered softly, “Trent’s right. Richard can’t hurt you. Not ever again.”

  After a short bout of tears, Crystal appeared to gather herself. She nodded. “I’m glad he’s in jail. It’s where he should’ve been ages ago.”

  “No argument here,” Mac gritted out. He didn’t move away, didn’t let go of her hand. He needed that small connection with her to know she was really and truly safe.

  “I’m sorry for being such a baby,” Crystal said. She smiled, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Thanks for . . . everything, you guys.”

  Mollie smoothed Crystal’s hair back with a compassionate hand. “From where I’m sitting, you look more like a survivor,” she replied. “Some TLC and a good night’s rest, and you’ll be good as new. You’ll see.”

  Crystal smiled slightly, and whispered a thank-you. Then she quickly rattled off a list of things she would need from her apartment, as if drawing on the last vestiges of strength she had. Grudgingly Mac left to get the things she’d asked for. The sooner he left to go retrieve them, the sooner he could be back with her again. She would be safe for the few minutes it would take to drive to her place and back.

  After Mac left the room, Trent stood and said, “I’ll go make some tea.”

  Crystal nodded. “That sounds wonderful.” After both men were gone, she let out a breath. “God, it’s all like a strange nightmare.”

  “Now that it’s just us girls, do you want to talk about it?” Mollie asked. “It might help.”

  Crystal was amazed at Mollie’s sharp observation. “How did you know I didn’t want to talk about it in front of them?”

  Mollie shrugged. “I’d have a hard time sharing something so traumatic with those two guys. They’re pretty intense.”

  Crystal’s heart did a little flip as she realized how lucky she was to have both Trent and Mac come to her aid. “I don’t know what I would’ve done if they hadn’t been there.” She shuddered. “I don’t know what Richard would’ve done.”

  Mollie frowned. “But they were there, and that’s all that matters.”

  Already Crystal felt better with Mollie there. She closed her eyes and rested against the pillow as she went over the evening’s events. “Richard showed up at Trent’s house and knocked me on the back of the head. I didn’t even see it coming.” She shook her head at her own stupidity. “Like an idiot, I thought that if he knew I didn’t love him anymore, he’d get the hint and let me go. I pleaded with him, but it only made him angrier.” She hesitated, trying to put Richard’s strange demeanor in proper perspective. “He’s always been abusive, both physically and emotionally. But this time he didn’t appear to want to harm me. It was almost like he’d convinced himself that he couldn’t live without me or something.” She swiped a hand across her face, pushing back strands of hair that clung to her cheek. “I’ve never seen him like that before. As if he’d lost all grasp on reality.”

  “God, you must have been so scared,” Mollie said, her voice full of concern.

  “When we got to that awful house, he took me upstairs and put me in the chair. He told me he’d rented it a few months ago. He’s been living so close and I didn’t even know.” She shuddered. “Anyway, I tried to get up, to get away, but he was ready. He tied my wrists, my ankles. He started questioning me about Trent and Mac. About our relationship. He said a lot of ugly things.” She looked up at Mollie, seeing her concern, and quickly finished her account. “He must have gotten Mac’s number from my cell phone. I don’t know, but after that he left me alone.” To her complete horror she started crying again, and through trembling lips she said, “I was so scared. I really thought he was going to kill Mac and Trent.”

  Mollie hugged her, soothing her the way only a best friend could. “They’re both way too tough to be brought down by a guy like Richard.”

  Crystal forced back the tears and nodded. “Yes, they are, thank God.” She remembered the moment Mac and Trent had stormed through the door, looking for all the world like conquering heroes. And she knew they’d always be her heroes.

  Mollie laughed. “And right about now, Mac is probably breaking all the speed limits trying to get back here. He’s been worried sick for you. He cares about you a great deal, honey. Trent, too.”

  “I hope so, because I think I love them—both of them.”

  “Damn right you do.” Both women jumped when they heard Mac’s deep-timbered voice.

  Mollie crossed her arms over her chest and gave Mac a stern look. “Just how long have you be
en standing there?”

  Mac strode to the bed and dropped all the things Crystal had asked for onto the end of it. “Long enough to know that Crystal loves me.”

  “I’d tell you how incredibly rude it is to eavesdrop, but it’ll have to wait until the room stops spinning.”

  Right away Mac was contrite. “Tell us what to do to make you feel better.”

  “Love me,” she whispered, taking a leap of faith. “Just love me.”

  “Always and forever, angel.”

  “Yeah, what Mac said,” Trent replied as he strode into the room, carrying a tray laden with tea. He placed the tray on the bedside table, then sat down beside her. “We’ve loved you from the first moment we saw you.”

  Crystal’s heart filled, and tears sprang to her eyes. “I feel like the luckiest woman in the world right about now.”

  Mac cocked his head to the side. “And why is that?”

  She reached up and kissed his cheek, then did the same to Trent. “Because I have the two of you. Almost makes me feel like a glutton.” She winked and let a small grin escape. “But not quite enough to give you up.”

  Mac took her face in his hands. “You’re amazing and the only woman we’ve ever wanted to share our lives with.”

  “Mac’s right,” Trent said as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and hugged her into his side. “You’re the only one, baby.”

  Crystal settled against Trent and realized how right it was to be there. “So, how about we go to Hawaii for my recovery?”

  Mac and Trent both chuckled. “Anything you want, baby,” Trent said, “it’s yours.”

  “Ditto,” Mac murmured.

  Oh God, she truly was the luckiest woman alive.


  One month later . . .

  Crystal stood on the balcony, staring out at the clear blue water. Hawaii was simply beautiful. And so much more romantic than she’d imagined. She’d been beyond pleased when Trent and Mac had offered to take her on a weeklong trip to the tropical islands. It was exactly what she’d needed to recoup from Richard’s Fatal Attraction episode. And although it had taken a ton of work to get Kinks 2 up and running, Mac and Trent had made it happen. God, they were amazing when they put their heads together. They’d designed the new club to bring in maximum profits, while still keeping a private club feel. Mac had agreed to take on the job of running the new club, while Trent handled the first Kinks. It worked out perfectly.

  The warm weather in Hawaii was perfect for sunning and boating. Now, as the cool night breeze off the water sent a chill down her body, Crystal watched the dark waves slowly rolling in, then back out again. It was their first night there. She wondered whether Trent and Mac would even let her out of bed to enjoy the sights. Or whether she’d let them out. She grinned at the thought, then heard a shuffling from behind. Turning her head, Crystal watched Mac and Trent striding toward her. They were dark, strong, and mostly naked. Her body stirred to life.

  “Why are you out here when we’re in there?” Trent asked.

  Crystal barely suppressed the need to moan. Trent’s deep voice always had the power to turn her on. Of course, his bare chest and sexy black boxer-briefs didn’t hurt, either. “I’m enjoying this beautiful evening. It’s amazing here, Trent. Thank you for this.”

  Trent took her in his arms and held her tight. “You’re welcome, baby.”

  Crystal pushed backward and peered to the left of Trent to see Mac in a pair of navy blue pajama pants, a sexy grin on his handsome face. “Why are you over there?” she asked.

  He leaned close and pressed his lips to her temple. “Because I want you back inside.”

  She stepped out of Trent’s arms and followed Mac into their suite. The hotel was beautiful, the room ridiculously expensive, and yet it could be a hole-in-the-wall for all she cared. Her sole concentration was on Mac and Trent in that moment as he tossed his pj’s on a chair and headed toward her, a gleam of wicked intent lighting his eyes.

  As if they’d done this a thousand times, Crystal walked backward until her knees bumped up against the end of the bed. Mac gently pushed at the center of her chest, knocking her back onto the gorgeous, ivory-colored comforter. She scooted up the mattress so that she lay in the center. Trent, in all his bronzed and dark-haired glory, stripped out of his clothes and spread out on the bed next to her, while Mac lowered himself on top of her. Their well-muscled bodies and the intensity in their deep eyes was enough to have any woman drooling, but the heavy weight between Mac’s legs had her aching and wet. She peeked over at Trent and realized he was every bit as hard.

  Mac pushed his pelvis against her, gaining her attention. With the single-minded purpose of making him squirm, Crystal began smoothing her right hand over his pectorals. She ran her fingers through the coarse dark curls that covered his chest, then inched her legs upward until they were wrapped around his lean waist. She let her sex slide along the length of his cock, luxuriating in his deep groan of satisfaction.

  “You make me crazy, angel,” Mac confessed as he teased his fingers down the front of her, setting off several little fires along the way. “Ah, soft as flower petals,” he groaned as he kissed her. His lips, so warm and firm, tasted hers with luxurious thoroughness, as if he wanted to spend a good long time pleasuring each and every part of her body with his mouth. When he flipped them both over, putting her on top, she started to protest. His pleasurable torture continued, distracting her. By slow degrees, he took playful licks of her tongue and nipped her lower lip with his teeth. When she felt a pair of masculine hands cupping and caressing her bottom, Crystal broke the kiss and looked beside her to see Trent propped up on his elbow. The intensity in his silver gaze scorched a path clear to her core. His fingers dipped into the cleft and touched her clitoris. Crystal moaned. He stroked her swollen pussy lips, and her body vibrated at the touch. “I love you.”

  “I love you,” she finally admitted, unable to contain the glorious feelings rioting inside her any longer. “Both of you.”

  Trent dipped his finger into her pussy, sinking deep, then murmured, “I fucking love hearing you say that, baby.”

  “Damn, me too,” Mac said, his voice a low rumble of sound in the quiet room.

  With Trent’s finger thrusting in and out, Crystal was having a hard time concentrating. Her body was on fire. “I didn’t think it was possible to love two men at the same time—until now.”

  “As long as we’re the only two men,” Trent said teasingly as a second finger joined the first. “And we’re going to want to hear you say those three little words a lot. Like, at least ten times a day.”

  “I have a little something for you,” Mac interjected.

  “You and Trent are all I need,” she said, meaning every word.

  In another heartbeat, Trent pulled his fingers free. She let out an unhappy whimper. “Come over here and I’ll give you more,” Trent invited as he moved to his back and held out his hand. Yeah, like she could say no to the dark-haired devil. Crystal slid off Mac and moved on top of Trent. True to his words, Trent’s fingers found their way between her legs. Soon he was pushing two of them deep inside her and driving her body higher and higher. When Mac reappeared on the bed, he was holding a small red gift bag. She might be turned inside out by Trent’s talented fingers, but even that couldn’t completely kill her curiosity. “What is it?” she asked.

  “Open it and see, angel,” Mac murmured.

  Crystal propped her head on her elbow on Trent’s chest and took the bag from Mac. She peered inside and her breath caught. “Oh Mac, it’s beautiful.” Her voice caught, and tears stung the backs of her eyes. She tugged it out and held it up. It was a diamond-encrusted sub collar with a heart dangling from it.

  “You have our heart, angel,” Mac whispered tenderly. “Always.”

  “Always,” Trent confirmed.

  Mac took the bag and collar from her trembling hand and gently placed them on the table next to the bed. “Later, we’ll put it on you. For now, the
re’s still the little matter of your pleasure.” She watched as he picked up a tube of lubricant and popped the top.

  With tender care, Trent pulled his fingers free of her pussy, then drove back in, harder and deeper. Crystal threw her head back and moaned. He stroked her clit and she trembled. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Mac move behind her. Large hands caressed her buttocks. A moan erupted from deep within Crystal as Mac let his lubricated finger drift back and forth over her puckered opening. She wanted him there. She was so hungry to feel both men buried deep inside her that she started pleading.

  Trent lifted and sucked one hard nipple, setting off a maelstrom of need inside her. Mac lowered his body over hers and kissed the base of her spine. “You want to be fucked, angel?”

  “Yes, Mac. God, yes!” she cried, pushing her ass backward to take more of his exploring finger.

  “Mm, that’s right,” Mac urged. “Take it.”

  A second slick finger joined the first, and little by little he stretched her, preparing her ass for the invasion of his cock. Crystal shuddered as Trent’s fingers moved in and out of her wet cunt, fucking her with slow precision, as if he had all the time in the world. Trent’s thumb pressed against her clit, his tongue licking and playing with her nipples. Mac’s warm, firm hand took hold of her hip and held her still while he pressed a third finger inside her ass. Crystal dropped her head to Trent’s shoulder as her body began to spiral out of control. When she squeezed her bottom, Mac cursed.

  “Goddamn. You make me crazy. So fucking crazy.”

  Crystal couldn’t concentrate on Mac’s words as sensation after sensation bombarded her.

  Trent flicked and teased her nubbin and whispered sweet words of encouragment as he suckled one needy breast, then the other. Mac kissed an arousing trail down her spine, and Trent rammed his fingers deep inside her pussy. Crystal lost it.


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