Garrett: A Bad Boy Rock Star Romance (Rock Hard Book 1)

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Garrett: A Bad Boy Rock Star Romance (Rock Hard Book 1) Page 9

by Lilian Monroe

  At this point, my heart was racing. I looked at Carter and Maddox, who were standing completely still, staring at the drama unfolding before our eyes. My head was spinning. This was way too much information for me to process. I’d been so worried about my own career, and my relationship with Garrett, that I never even considered why he’d been partying so hard for the past six months.

  It all started to make sense. Garrett’s face crumpled, and he shook his head.

  “I don’t want to hear any more of your lies, Brenda. If you release those photos, I’ll make sure everyone knows how long you cheated on me, and how you tried to ruin my career. Your days climbing up the Hollywood ladder will be over.”

  Brenda’s eyes widened as her whole body trembled. She opened her mouth but Garrett held up his hand.

  “It’s no use, Brenda. You know that the media is unkind to women, and generous to men. You’ll be ruined. Delete the photos, and get the fuck out of here.”

  His voice got stronger as he went on, and he spat the last words out. Brenda’s face crumpled and reached into her bag. She took something out and flung it at Garrett before turning around and sprinting down the hallway.

  “What the fuck?” Maddox said, glancing down the hallway. He looked back at Garret and shook his head. “And I thought I was having a crazy week.”

  Lacie smacked his arm and giggled.

  In shock, I looked after Brenda before searching the floor for whatever she’d thrown at us. Garrett leaned down and picked it up, opening his palm towards me.

  It was a small black USB key.

  “The pictures?” I said, breathless. Garrett looked at me and shrugged. I scrambled to get my laptop, and within minutes I saw the pictures that Garrett and I had exchanged. My cheeks flushed when I saw my near-naked body on the screen, but Garrett’s hand snaked down my spine to grab my ass. He growled in my ear as he leaned over the screen.

  “That’s still the sexiest picture I’ve ever seen,” he said.

  Maddox cleared his throat and the two of us jumped.

  “So… are we playing this show, or what?”

  Garrett looked at me, and I shrugged. A grin spread over his lips and he nodded to his bandmates.

  “Let’s light that fucking stage on fire.”

  Chapter 19 - Garrett

  The Mondays were fucking back. We were back with a vengeance. When we stepped out on stage, I breathed in the smell of the thousands of bodies in the audience, heard the crackling of the sound equipment and felt the heat of the stage lights on my skin.

  I hadn’t felt this good in months. I glanced at Carter and Maddox, who grinned at me. I nodded once, and stepped up to the microphone.

  The rest was a blur. I played so hard my fingers bled. I sang my fucking soul out on that stage, in front of the TV cameras that broadcasted us to millions of living rooms across the globe.

  We didn’t just light the fucking stage on fire. We burned the whole fucking stadium down to the ground.

  We were back.

  By the time the sound of the last note faded, I was rushing backstage. Morgan was there, waiting in the wings with her hands clasped against her chest. Her eyes were full of tears and her face was a mask of pure happiness.

  She looked so fucking beautiful, and so fucking mine.

  I wrapped my arms around her and lifted her up. She circled her legs around my waist and I pulled her to me. I crushed my lips against hers and kissed her harder than I’d ever kissed anyone. Our bodies fused together, right there beside the biggest stage in the country. She tangled her hands into my hair and moaned in my mouth as I held her against my broad chest.

  I could feel her hot little pussy against me, even through layers of clothing.

  She was mine, alright, and I was about to take her. All of her.

  I didn’t even see the rest of the band, or the event managers, or any of the dozens of people that we passed in our rush to exit the stadium. All I saw was Morgan: her lips, her eyes, her soft, sweet curves that would soon be pressed up against me.

  There are some perks to being famous. Cars, for example, are often ready outside of events to take you where you need to go.

  Lucky for us, a black limousine rolled up within seconds of me asking for it, and we slid in the back seat. The driver was dressed in a sharp suit, and he had a discreet, blank expression on his face.

  Yeah, he’d driven celebrities before.

  I gave him the address to my mansion in West Hollywood. The drive would take about twenty minutes, if traffic was good.

  Enough time to give Morgan the first of many leg-shaking orgasms.

  As soon as the car started moving, I crushed my lips against hers again. She moaned into me, wrapping her arms around my neck as she pulled me closer. My hands drifted up her blouse and rested on the soft curve of her hip as we devoured each other.

  “Your show was amazing,” she said, panting as her eyes shone with affection. “I’d seen you play before, but not like that.”

  “I did it for you.”

  And I knew that from now on, everything would be for her. I’d put my career on the line for her. I’d stop my partying ways for her. I’d do whatever it took to make sure that Morgan wanted to be by my side from now until the end of time.

  She’d gotten under my skin, and I knew in that moment that I was as much hers as she was mine. It didn’t matter how long we’d known each other. It didn’t matter who I was, or how we met, or what had brought us together. Our souls belonged together.

  My hand travelled up her milky white thigh as she moaned into my lips. She shivered as I moved my fingers to the inside of her thigh, stroking her leg softly up and down.

  She pulled away for a moment, glancing at the driver’s seat.

  “Let him watch,” I growled. “Give him something to jerk off to later.” She made a noise and I grinned. “Maybe not,” I laughed, and Morgan nodded.

  I pressed the button to raise the partition, and in a couple seconds we were alone. The car moved, turning and stopping and starting as we made our way back to my place. All the while, Morgan clawed at me, kissed me, held me, and I did the same to her.

  My hands ran up her thighs again, pushing her skirt up around her hips. I groaned.

  “I fucking love it when that sweet little pussy of yours is dripping for me.” She bit her lip, her eyes half-closed as she let out a sigh.

  I ran my fingers along the edge of her panties, loving the way she gasped for me.

  “You are the fucking sexiest woman I’ve ever seen, Morgan,” I growled again, hooking her panties in my fingers and ripping them down her legs. “I’m going to make you come so hard you forget your name.”

  I lifted her legs up onto my shoulders as she gasped, giggling. I could smell the sweet scent of her essence already, and it was making my already-hard cock even harder. With one long stroke of my tongue, I lapped up as much of her nectar as I could.

  She gasped, throwing her head back and shifting her hips towards me.

  “You like that, you dirty little girl?” I growled, letting my tongue swirl around her clit. “You like it when I eat your little cunt like this?”

  Morgan moaned and tangled her fingers in my hair. She pushed her hips towards me and I chuckled.

  “You want more?”

  “Yes,” she gasped.

  “You want me to eat this little pussy?”

  “Yes, Garrett.”

  “You better come all over this fucking tongue of mine.”

  And I dove my face into her. I ran my tongue up and down her slit, twirling it around her bud and then teasing her opening. She moaned as my mouth ran over her pussy, and squeezed her fingers into my hair when I pushed my tongue inside.

  I fucked her with my mouth, in and out of her sweet, wet opening as she bucked her hips towards me. My saliva mixed with her juices and ran down my chin, over the seat, down the crack of her ass until we were both messy with pleasure.

  The precum beaded at the tip of my raging hard cock as I t
asted her sweet pussy again and again. I sucked her clit as she moaned, pushing my head down on her slit as she neared the edge.

  I knew she would come. I wanted her to come all over my face, so I could taste the sweetness of her orgasm. I’d never tasted anything so good, or done anything as erotic as eating Morgan out in the back of a limo.

  One of her hands flew up on the seat and she gripped it, squeezing her thighs against my head as her hips bucked.

  “Come for me, my little angel,” I growled, lapping her up in long strokes. I ran my hand over her ass and down her cleft as she shivered, moaning my name.

  “You like it when I run my fingers over that tight little ass of yours?” I growled, twirling my tongue again. She moaned.

  When I spread her ass and swirled my fingers over her most private place, she moaned. I sucked her clit, swirling my tongue over it as my fingers teased the tight little star of her asshole. My cock strained so hard against my pants I felt like I would explode.

  I slipped my fingers through our juices and back over her ass. She moaned. When I slipped my finger inside and ran my tongue over her clit a little bit faster, she screamed.

  She screamed my name, bucking her hips as her whole body clenched and relaxed in quick succession. I could feel her hot little ass gripping my finger like a vise, and my mouth never left her dripping wet slit.

  She squeezed her thighs around my head and pulled my hair as the orgasm ripped through her body. Sweet honey flowed out of her and I lapped it up eagerly, moaning into her pussy.

  It wasn’t until she relaxed, panting as her heart raced, that I lifted my head and slipped my finger out of her. Her hair was disheveled, her skirt up around her stomach, her eyes glassy.

  She looked fucking incredible.

  She pushed her hair off her forehead and took a deep breath, looking at me and chuckling.


  Then, the car stopped and the intercom came on.

  “Mr. Wood, we’ve arrived.”

  I pressed the button to reply. “Give us a minute,” I said, and then turned to Morgan. “Babe, we’re just getting started.”

  Chapter 20 - Morgan

  My head was still spinning when we stumbled in the door. Waves of pleasure were still coursing through my veins from the orgasm that had just crashed over me. It felt dirty to like him fingering my ass as much as I did, but I couldn’t deny it. The pleasure was making my head spin.

  We’d hardly made it past the front entrance when I clawed at his pants as he unzipped my skirt, letting it fall to the ground. My hands trembled as I undid his fly, pushing his pants and underwear down and out of the way and dropping to my knees. I grabbed his massive cock in my hand, looking up at him as he stroked my cheek with his hand.


  “It’s my turn now, Garrett,” I said, and then I ran my tongue all along the underside of his velvety cock. I moaned as Garrett tangled his fingers into my hair. He moaned with me as I ran my tongue over his thick head. My tongue lapped up the salty bead of precum and Garrett shivered with pleasure.

  I curled my fingers around his thick shaft, barely able to wrap them all the way around. His cock was soft, and hard, and hot. I could feel the blood pumping to it as I took it in my mouth. My lips wrapped around the bulging head as more precum hit my tongue. Inch by inch, I took more of his cock into my wet, waiting mouth.

  Garrett moaned.

  “Fuck, babe that feels so fucking good,” he growled, his fingers wrapping a bit tighter into my hair. He didn’t push my head towards him, but gently guided my mouth onto his cock. I looked up at him and saw the ecstasy etched on his face.

  A wave of pleasure washed over me when I saw what I was doing to him. I kept stroking his shaft with one hand and taking his thick cock as far down my throat as I could manage. He stood there, groaning with pleasure.

  My center was pulsing. It was like a ball of flames had been ignited in the pit of my stomach. Every time I tasted his precum it grew hotter and hotter inside me.

  The wetness was dripping down between my legs, intensifying with every moan that Garrett made. I cupped his balls with one hand and stroked his cock, kissing the tip and looking up at him. His eyelids were heavy with pleasure. He smiled at me, moving his fingers under my chin.

  “How do you make me feel so fucking good, Morgan?”

  “I could ask you the same thing.”

  His eyes darkened, and a thrill passed through me. In one smooth motion, he wrapped his arms around me and picked me up. We crashed into the wall, our lips fused together and our bodies wrapped around each other. He pushed me up against the wall, and I could feel his thick, hard cock against my opening.

  “You want it?” He growled into my mouth.

  “So badly,” I replied, squeezing my legs around his waist as I tried to move my hips towards him. I wanted him so much it hurt. It ached. I felt a longing inside me, an emptiness. A need for him to fill me up completely and fuck me senseless.

  I couldn’t think of anything else except the head of his cock resting against my aching pussy. He crushed his lips against mine, shifting his hips ever so slightly, teasing me.

  “You want that fat cock buried deep inside your tight little pussy?” He growled again, pushing his cock a fraction of an inch further.

  “Yes,” I gasped, hooking my arms around his neck. I rolled my hips but he kept his cock just out of reach.

  “You’re mine,” he growled, teasing me with the tip of his cock. “Say it. Tell me you’re mine.”

  “I’m yours, Garrett,” I panted. “I’m completely, totally yours.”

  He plunged his cock into me, my slick opening sucking every inch of him inside until he was buried inside me to the hilt.

  I screamed.

  He felt so, so good. I couldn’t explain it. I couldn’t think, couldn’t speak, couldn’t do anything except ride wave after wave of pleasure. He dragged his cock in and out of me, fucking me against the wall in the entrance of his palatial mansion.

  I squeezed my eyes shut, panting and moaning as his hard cock drove into me again. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me away from the wall and walking with me towards the living room. His cock was still inside me when he sat down on the sofa, and I sank down on top of him.

  He pulled at my shirt, taking it off overhead and then unclasped my bra, tossing it away. I didn’t care where it went. I didn’t care about anything except him.

  He took my breast in his mouth, biting my nipple ever so gently between his teeth as I moaned and started to ride him. His hands ran up and down my naked body, grabbing my ass and spreading it wide before running up my spine and tangling into my hair.

  He pulled my head back, pushing me down on his cock as he kissed my neck.

  “You’re such a dirty girl,” he groaned. “I knew it as soon as you walked into my rehearsal space.”

  He thrusted inside me and I moaned.

  “You walked in like you owned the place, and I knew I’d make you mine. I bet no one’s fucked you like this before, have they?” He asked. He drove his cock into me harder, his balls hitting against me as he pushed himself deep inside me. His hand ran down my stomach and he started swirling his thumb around my clit.

  “Have they?” He repeated. “Has anyone ever made you come as hard as I have?”

  “Never,” I panted.

  “That’s right,” he said. “You’ve never had a cock this good, have you?’

  “No,” I gasped as he pushed his cock deeper inside.

  “Bounce on that thick cock of mine,” he groaned. “Ride me like the dirty girl you are.”

  I loved having him tell me what to do. I loved his hands on my hips, guiding me up and down. I loved him sucking my breast while I bounced on his cock, and I especially loved the moans that slipped out of his lips. I was like putty in his hands, and I couldn’t get enough of it.

  I let go entirely. I was completely under his control. He told me to ride him, and I did. He told me to come, and
the orgasm crashed over me. He told me I was his, and I knew it was the truth.

  I came on his cock as he whispered dirty things in my ear, kissing my neck and my lips and my breasts as his hands gripped my ass and slammed me down on his cock. I held on to him, afraid that I would come apart if I let go. Wave after wave of pleasure washed over me until I felt his cock get harder.

  When he pumped his thick, white seed into me, I came again. I felt his cock pulsing inside me, and my walls gripping him in response. I felt his seed splashing against my womb in thick ropes and I screamed. We shuddered and trembled together as our hearts beat as one and the breath slowly came back to our bodies.

  Gently, he slipped out of me and growled.

  “I want you to feel my cum dripping down your legs,” he said as he wrapping me up in his arms. “It’ll remind you that my cock is the only cock you’ll ever want or need.”

  “Why is that so hot?” I said, blushing. He leaned his lips down and kissed me gently.

  “Because it’s true. And you’re the only woman I’ll ever want or need.” He kissed the tip of my nose. “So it works out.”

  My eyes widened as he laughed. Garrett shrugged. “I know what I like, and I know what I want.”

  “And that’s me?”

  “That’s you.” He said, kissing me once more.

  I shivered against him, sighing contentedly as he picked me up and brought me upstairs to his bedroom.

  Epilogue - Garrett

  I ended up calling the CEO of Morgan’s company. Between the letterhead on the printed pictures, the USB that Brenda had thrown at me, and the unknown login recorded on my account, we had enough evidence to prove that Brenda and Marcus had conspired to sabotage both me and Morgan. Morgan told me she’d seen Brenda at her office, and that was later confirmed with CCTV footage.

  There was no denying that they’d tried to fuck us over.

  I called the CEO from my bed, with Morgan’s naked body cuddled into mine the morning after the awards ceremony. I explained everything to him as he stayed quiet on the other end of the line. He thanked me, and I hung up. Morgan looked at me with her big blue eyes, and I kissed her lips for what seemed like the millionth time. I’d never get sick of kissing them.


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