Garrett: A Bad Boy Rock Star Romance (Rock Hard Book 1)

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Garrett: A Bad Boy Rock Star Romance (Rock Hard Book 1) Page 11

by Lilian Monroe

  “Lethal or not, we have a job to do,” Morgan replied. Her face was drawn and she clenched her fists, glancing at the building. I knew her boss had backed her into a corner with this job, but Veronica and I were going to help her as much as possible.

  “Don’t worry, Morgan. You’ve got the dream team with you,” I said.

  Veronica nodded. “They won’t stand a chance. They’ll clean up their act in no time and they’ll be back to being America’s sweethearts.”

  “Can men be sweethearts?” I asked, laughing.

  Veronica elbowed me in the ribs and glanced at me sideways. “You know what I mean.”

  “Alright,” Morgan announced with a deep breath. “Let’s go meet these bad boy rock stars, turn them into nice choir boys and get them ready for their album launch.”

  We marched through the front doors just as the band’s manager, Tony, came down the hallway. He was a shorter man with a round potbelly. His shirt was a deep, wine red with wide lapels, and he spread his arms out wide. I could see the gold chain glinting against his hairy chest.

  “Morgan! You look gorgeous as always. And this must be Lacie and Veronica!”

  We all made the necessary introductions, and headed down the winding hallways. As the sound of music got louder, my heart started beating harder.

  I’d worked with celebrities before. I’d worked backstage at fashion shows and photo shoots, and it was unlike me to get star struck. But still, as we walked towards the sounds of the band and we rounded the last corner, my mouth was dry and my palms were sweating.

  This was The Mondays! The biggest rock band in the country—maybe the world! How could I not be nervous? I straightened my dress, glancing down at myself and wondering if a casual sundress was the way to go. Maybe I should have looked more professional? I mean, look at Morgan! Her white pencil skirt and blazer combination was just screaming ‘hot businesswoman bitch’ in the best possible way.

  I shook my head, blowing the air out of my nostrils and squaring my shoulders. Morgan was in front of us, and Veronica squeezed my arm. She gave me a wink and I nodded.

  We got to the door just as the song ended, and Tony ushered us through. Morgan went straight into business mode. She took a couple strides forward, extending her hand towards the lead singer, Garrett.

  “Morgan Matthews.”


  “Wood,” Morgan finished. “I’ve heard of you.”

  I didn’t hear anything else after that. Tony introduced me to the band, and they all nodded at me, but my eyes were glued on one man: Maddox Knight, the drummer.

  His eyes were the color of whiskey, and his hair was sandy blonde. My eyes drifted down to his bare chest, which was glistening with sweat from their rehearsal. He saw me looking at the tattoos that carved inky trails across his body, and something flashed in his eyes.

  Was I the one who had told the other girls to ‘hold on to their panties’? Because I was starting to think that I would need to take my own advice.

  I could feel the warmth creeping through my center, spreading from my stomach to my thighs as I watched the muscles in Maddox’s chest ripple and contract under his skin.

  He wasn’t like the guys I usually went for. I usually dated clean-cut guys with a normal, nine-to-five kinds of jobs. My ex-boyfriend had one tattoo, but it was easily hidden on his shoulder, and he’d gotten it when he was a drunken eighteen-year-old.

  Maddox was different. His eyes promised danger, and his body looked like it had been chiseled in marble. He stretched his arms overhead, running his fingers through his hair as he looked me up and down.

  Somebody—Veronica, I think—took me by the elbow and led me to a sofa. Maddox’s pale hazel eyes followed me, drinking in every move I made and sending endless thrills through my body.

  He’s just a regular guy. Just like anyone else. It doesn’t matter that he’s in a band.

  I tried to will myself to be normal. I tried to ignore the pulsing between my legs and the unmistakable wetness that was soaking through my underwear.

  God, I wish he would put a shirt on.

  But that was a lie. The last thing I wanted him to do was put a shirt on. My heart probably would have shattered if he’d covered that beautiful body of his with clothing. I sat on my hands to stop them shaking, and to stop myself from reaching out towards him.

  I wanted to touch him so badly it was making me ache in the best possible way.

  Finally, he looked away from me and over to Garrett, and they started playing for us. I sat back in the sofa, closing my eyes for a moment as the sounds pierced through my body and took me to another level.

  When I opened them, Maddox was looking at me. A grin played over his lips and I blushed. I tried to look away, to force my cheeks to stop getting so red, but it was no use. It felt like my whole head was burning up under his gaze.

  I couldn’t deny it: I wanted him. I wanted him in a carnal way that I’d never experienced before. My mouth was watering just looking at his muscled body move as he hit the drums harder than I thought was possible.

  “They’re good,” Veronica said to Morgan, almost reverently. Her eyes were glued on the bassist, Carter. “This is going to be the easiest job of my life.”


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  xox Lilian

  Twitter: @Lily_Author

  Facebook: @MonroeRomance





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