Desired: A Vampire Blood Courtesans Romance

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Desired: A Vampire Blood Courtesans Romance Page 6

by Monica La Porta

  Finally, the one hundredth glance at my cell phone confirmed fifty-five minutes had passed, and I could walk back to Mrs. Violetta. On my way to the alley, I noticed a swarm of people moving around the piazza as if following someone. Paparazzi shot pictures with dizzying speed, while several tall bodyguards parted the crowd and revealed the person at the center of the human storm. My heart skipped a beat when Fabian Laurentis emerged and locked eyes with me. For a moment, I stopped breathing. Then someone asked him about his next movie, and he turned to answer the question.

  I hurried toward the Spanish Steps and felt relief when the shadowed alley swallowed me.

  This time, Francesca led me directly back to the madam’s office.

  If Mrs. Violetta was surprised to see me so soon, she didn’t show it. Or maybe, she had known all along that I would come back.

  “So, what does a courtesan do?” I asked, dispensing with the formalities.

  Chapter Eleven

  While I waited for the madam to answer, I tried my best to still my shaking hands.

  “Blood courtesans are highly skilled companions, who devote their lives to pleasing their vampire masters,” Mrs. Violetta said. “They provide sustenance and physical release.”

  “Like sex slaves?” There were all those rumors about the blood courtesans being like the models who sold themselves to Middle Eastern sheiks and spent their youths caged inside harems.

  “Not necessarily. Only if you enter in a Dominant/submissive relationship with your master.”

  I blushed at the mere idea, and my hand went to my throat, distractedly brushing my scars. “Is it very common?”

  “Less than you would imagine, I suppose.” Mrs. Violetta chuckled. “You’d be surprised, but in most cases, vampires seek stability.”

  “But I heard they are not like human men—” My cheeks reddened. “I mean, of course they are not, but are they rough with the girls when—?” I didn’t know how to end the sentence, but Mrs. Violetta came to my help.

  “They are stronger than mortals, and they can be moody. They are also used to having their way in any circumstance.”

  At her answer, my eyes widened, and my mouth formed a silent O.

  “But—” she raised one finger. “—I always match my girl with the best possible candidate. If she likes to be controlled, I find a good Dom for her. If she’s shy and has never been introduced to sex, only a gentle, patient master will do for the inexperienced courtesan.”

  “Are there many of those vampires? The gentle type?”

  “Usually they are older. With age, they become wiser—like humans. But vampires don’t lose their youth and good looks.” She paused. “Keep in mind that they are demanding, and that for the length of your contract, you’ll be required to please your master in any way he desires.”

  “But what if he asks for something I’m not comfortable with?” There were a few scenarios that made me cringe, and I couldn’t even mention them out loud, but again, Mrs. Violetta heard my unspoken question.

  “As I said, I carefully vet the candidates, on either side of the bond. Hard limits are written black on white, and both parts must sign with their blood for the agreement to be valid. If either the courtesan or the vampire acts outside of the rules, the contract is void.”

  “Blood?” My mind couldn’t move past that detail.

  “Well, you will be feeding a vampire from your vein. Using a drop of your blood to validate your agreement seems appropriate, don’t you think?” She smiled at me. “Plus, vampires believe in the sacred bond of blood.”

  “I didn’t know.” In truth, I knew very little about vampires apart from Aunt Marella and her friend’s judgmental notions. Maybe, deep inside, I was a big bigot, too. I took a long pause, then I asked the two questions burning inside me. “How long does a contract last? And how much does it pay?”

  “Usually, the first contract is only valid for thirty days. If both parts are satisfied with the arrangement, the bond can be renewed. Sometimes, the contracting parties prefer to find different and more private living arrangements, outside of the agency.”

  “Are there many courtesans who remain with the same master?”

  “I’ve seen several contracts that eventually became life bonds.”

  “Between a human and a vampire?”

  “Eventually, the human opted to change.”

  “Did they become vampires?” The idea shocked me.

  “They did.” She sat more comfortably on her chair. “Regarding your second question, there is usually an auction, and the highest bidder wins. I take ten percent of the final sum, and you get paid half at the beginning—”

  “An auction? I will be paraded before a group of vampires?” If I had been shocked before, now I was aghast.

  “Technically speaking yes, but it’s not as bad as it sounds. Once a month, I rent the Hassler’s rooftop club, and organize a gala for my new courtesans where I invite clients who have expressed an interest in girls with attributes matching those of my girls’.”

  I let all the information sink, then asked, “Do you think you could find someone for me? An older vampire maybe? Someone who wouldn’t be put off by my lack of experience?”

  Chapter Twelve

  Three full days had passed since my conversation with Mrs. Violetta, who was now officially Madame V to me.

  Three long days during which I had more than one moment of doubt. Especially when I gave Carlo a scant three-day notice, and I informed the B&B’s lady that I would not need her room any longer. Soon after, I stored my bike and my shadow boxes inside Paolo’s stall and spent a whole afternoon hyperventilating.

  The thought that plagued my mind the most was how low I had fallen from my birth-given nobility. I was about to sell myself and lose my virginity to a stranger because I had not found a better way to save my home. As the auction drew closer, dread filled my heart, finally freezing me into numbness.

  Eventually, the morning of the gala arrived.

  Madame V and her army of helpers took charge of me as soon as I entered her agency. Before I could even step into her office, she had already presented me her staff: Raul, the hairdresser; Rosa, the makeup artist; Lara, the aesthetician; Carmine, the masseur; Maria, the personal shopper; and finally, Lorenzo, Bulgari’s manager, who had come straight from the store with a Prada briefcase chained to his wrist.

  “Let’s start the prep session,” Madame V said.

  Like a flock of exotic birds, they swarmed all around me. First, they studied my body, then my face, making suggestions on how to make my inner glow spark brighter, raising my hair to show my throat—all in all keeping me too busy to think of what was going to happen later.

  It was midmorning when the miracle workers agreed on a unified vision for me, and Maria produced a detailed sketch of my ensemble for the gala.

  “It must be Valentine Haute Couture,” the personal shopper said, showing me the gown she had drawn on the watercolor sketchbook.

  “Of course,” the others answered at once before I could compliment Maria’s noticeable artistic skills.

  “It’s settled then.” Madame V stood from her ultra-modern swiveling chair, and my beautification started in earnest.

  First, Lara waxed me everywhere, like truly everywhere, then she handed me to Carmine. The burly-looking man applied scented oils on my body and massaged my tight muscles until I was putty in his hands. He talked to me the whole time, and I discovered that beneath his rough exterior, the man was a teddy bear, very much in love with his geeky professor. Next, Raul cut my hair in soft layers that cascaded down my shoulders but refused to apply any highlights when I asked for them.

  “Dark, Italian Blond like yours is rare to come by in its natural form. I would never dare change it, no matter how much a client begs me,” Raul explained as he proceeded to style my hair into a messy chignon with a few locks falling to the side.

  “Thanks, I guess.” I couldn’t help but feel pleased, which was a sentiment I rarely experience
d. Madame V’s people had been making me feel beautiful with compliment after compliment. By the time Maria came back with a black Valentino piece, I almost believed I could pull off wearing such an evening gown without looking ridiculous.

  Helped by Maria, I put on the sleeveless dress that slid down my curves as if it had been tailored for my body.

  “Let me see.” Madame V made a circle with her finger and smiled at me when I completed a 360. “Perfect.” She then addressed Rosa, the makeup artist, who was waiting her turn. “She doesn’t need a lot, just enhance her eyes.”

  Rosa nodded. “That’s exactly what I planned to do. She’s naturally beautiful and virginal.” She made me wear a hairband to clear my face. With a few flicks of her wrist, she applied a light layer of foundation, some eyeliner, mascara, and a Chanel lipstick in a delicate shade of mauve.

  Finally, I was carted to Madame V’s studio where Lorenzo was waiting for me, and under everyone’s stare—the whole crew had regrouped by now—he opened his briefcase, revealing four stackable compartments filled with Bulgari jewelry. My eyes went as wide as saucers at the sight of the most beautiful necklaces and earrings I had ever seen. Gold, platinum, and diamonds shone under the spotlights in Madame V’s studio, but it seemed that I was the only one affected by the shiny bounty, because neither Madame V nor her team showed any surprise.

  “This and this,” Madame V said as she pointed at a necklace and its matching earrings. Her decision was followed by a nod from Bulgari’s manager, and a chorus of “yes” from the rest of the crew.

  Madame V took the jewelry from the briefcase and circled me. Lowering the braided choker to my front, she said, “This is what a princess should look like.”

  Her comment took my breath away, summoning memories I had suppressed a long time ago. Tears swelled in my eyes, but Rosa fanned her hands in front of me.

  “No crying or you’ll ruin your makeup,” she gently reminded me.

  I nodded and gulped down the sudden sorrow that Madame V’s words had brought forth.

  “Better,” Rosa said when she saw that I had my wayward emotions under control.

  Once my earrings were in place, Madame V veered me toward the chevalier mirror Raul had brought to the studio. “Look how beautiful you are.”

  The girl staring back at me was stunning. It was me as I would have looked if fate hadn’t torn my life apart.

  “What do you think?” Raul asked.

  “That you all did a fantastic job.” The dress had a low décolleté and showed my softness without being vulgar; the skirt flared slightly, giving me a siren look, and its rich black set off the cream of my skin. The hairstyle framed the light makeup Rosa had applied, highlighting the hazel in my slightly smoky eyes.

  “We had the perfect canvas,” Madame V said before turning to the others. “She needs a minute.”

  One by one, the team wished me luck and left the studio.

  I was alone with my thoughts for a few minutes and already starting to panic, when the madam called from the door. “Ready?”

  I might have nodded.

  She walked back in. “Are you nervous?”

  A void had formed in the pit of my stomach, pushing out all the euphoria I had experienced earlier. “I am terrified,” I confessed in a whisper, pressing my hand against my chest because my lungs had shrunk to walnuts.

  “It’s perfectly normal.” Madame V leaned over to take my free hand in hers. “The day of my gala, I was a mess of nerves.”

  “You were a courtesan too?” I was surprised by her revelation.

  “I was, and I’ll let you in on a little secret—” Her eyes lit, and her smile brightened. “Very few people know of this, but I was so nervous, I threw up on my master’s lap.”

  “Was he angry?”

  Madame V shook her head. “No, my master took the time to relax me, and our first time together was perfect.”

  Reminded of the big elephant in the room, I gathered some courage to come clean with the madam. “It will be my very first time tonight.”

  Madame V softly squeezed my hand. “I thought so and planned accordingly. The vampires I invited tonight have expressed their preference for virgins, and I know you’ll go home with your perfect match.”

  I blushed and brought my hand from my chest to my cheek to cool it.

  “Vampires love that.” Madame V caressed my face. “You’ll drive them crazy tonight.” She let both her hands drop, then stood and went to the coat hanger on the corner, from where she took a long, black cloak. “A bright new future awaits you, Stella.” After she had wrapped the cloak over my shoulders, she pointed at the door. “And it starts now.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  This time, when I crossed the Hassler’s entrance, the bellboy—who had treated me like a leper not even a week ago—bowed at me and stepped to the side as if he were admitting royalty. It would have been funny if I weren’t taut like a violin string.

  “Remember to smile,” Madame V said, but her tone was soft, not rebuking.

  I tried but only managed a grin, and she chuckled under her breath.

  “You’ll do great.” Madame V steered me toward the elevators, and we rode up to the rooftop.

  The young bellboy manning the cabin couldn’t stop staring at me, and my blush came back with a vengeance.

  “You’ll do more than great. The whole room will be at your feet,” Madame V said, lowering my trembling hand from my face with her steady one.

  When we stepped onto the rooftop, my lungs finally stopped working, and black dots swam in front of my eyes as I took in the room.

  The club was encompassed by an enormous greenhouse in the style of an English conservatory with white beams and gingerbread trims. Fairy lights hung from the transparent, high vaulted ceilings, and competed with the distant luminosity of the stars. The glass walls revealed the nocturnal cityscape with its Roman ruins, churches, and monuments highlighted by spotlights, the piazzas still crowded with people, and the millions of windows that sparkled in the darkness. Inside, the sight was equally bright. Spindly, whitewashed furniture and settees filled the room without overcrowding it.

  But what provoked my fainting reaction wasn’t the beauty of the setting; it was the people milling around.

  Besides Madame V, myself, Francesca, and a few other courtesans, including the girls I had seen the first day at the agency, the rest of the guests were men—one more handsome than the next, impeccably dressed, moving through the room with an easiness that spoke of their upper echelon status.

  Madame V spent the next hour introducing me to the first batch of vampires. So many names, so many beautiful faces, so many compliments. I couldn’t retain any of them in my mind, but I remembered to smile, and hoped and feared that one of those men would bid for me. The madam reminded me to nibble at the morsels of appetizers served throughout the night. She would press a flute of water in my hand, and I would drink. In the beginning, I couldn’t help but stare when one of the waiters offered crystals of a viscous, crimson beverage that I knew wasn’t red wine. Marcello, the vampire I was talking to, a blond with a chiseled jaw and turquoise eyes, took the flute and brought it to his lips, all the while looking at me with desire written all over his face. It flustered me, bringing forth the inevitable blush as I nervously bit my lower lip. At my reaction, the vampire’s expression changed; his desire became a stark hunger that scared me, and I automatically stepped back.

  “Forgive me,” Marcello said, his voice hoarse. “It wasn’t my intention to upset you.”

  “It’s okay.” I lowered my eyes, feeling the warmth receding from my face, for which I was relieved. I was even more grateful when Madame V came back and asked the vampire if he would excuse us for a moment. The man bowed to me, then to Madame V, and left.

  “I’ve just checked how things are going in the auction room.” Her eyes cut toward the private set of chambers at the other end of the rooftop. “Your bids are already coming in, and they are the highest I’ve seen in a
long time.” Madame V grabbed two prosecco chalices from a passing waiter and offered one to me.

  “They are?” I was pleasantly shocked, and strangely disappointed.

  All the vampires I had met so far looked like they had come straight from a fashion shoot, but I hadn’t felt a spark of interest for any of them. I had always entertained the romantic idea that I would lose my virginity to the man I loved, but maybe my lack of interest was a good thing. The contract would bind us for a month; it would be better to maintain a professional attitude toward my master, which would be simpler if I didn’t think I could fall for him.

  “Not only are they high, but since the auction is open, the vampires are outbidding each other to have you.” Madame V raised the chalice in a silent toast and sipped some of her prosecco.

  I brought my glass to my lips but I couldn’t drink more than a few drops of the bubbly wine. Madame V introduced several more vampires, but as the night progressed, all those faces and names became a blur. I told myself that it was for the best. I would spend thirty days with one of them soon, and there would be time to get acquainted with my master. I would hate it if I liked one of the vampires more than the others, only to discover that he wasn’t the one who had won the auction.

  The half-moon was high in the sky, a solitary star cradled underneath, when Madame V approached me with the biggest smile she had bestowed upon me to date.

  “It’s official. There are still ten minutes left before the end of the auction, but you are the highest-paid blood courtesan ever.” She took my hands and squeezed them, and only then I realized how cold I was because her skin felt as if it were burning against mine.

  “What do you mean?”


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