Book Read Free

Pulse Points

Page 24

by Mary Lynn Baxter

  “Matt Davenport,” Kasey said, her own fury rising at the sight of Ginger’s vile husband. “He works for Butler and—”

  Tanner stood, chopping off her sentence. “What can I do for you, Mr. Davenport?”

  Though Tanner’s tone was now smooth and clear, Kasey knew he was trying to come to grips with his anger. His eyes were hard and a muscle ticked in his jaw.

  “You can tell Kasey here to leave my wife alone.”

  “Get lost, Matt,” Kasey said before Tanner could respond.

  Ignoring Matt, Tanner turned to her. “Who is this guy?”

  “My cousin Ginger’s abusive husband.”

  “Hey, bitch, watch your mouth.”

  Before Kasey could react to that threat, Tanner’s hand flew out and grasped Matt’s shirt, jerking him within inches of his face. “I suggest you apologize to the lady.”

  “Let me go, you bastard,” Matt spat.

  “Not until you do what I said.”

  “It’s all right, Tanner,” Kasey said in an uneasy tone, realizing they had created a scene.

  “The hell it is.” Tanner tightened his hold on Matt whose face was crimson as though he was being strangled. “Apologize.”

  “All right,” Matt screeched. “I’m sorry, Kasey.”

  Tanner let him go so quickly and unexpectedly that he landed on his butt in the dirt. With hatred burning in his eyes, he scrambled to his feet. “You’ll be sorry for this. Just wait until Butler exposes you for what you are. You’re one of those greedy bastards who risks others’ lives in order to line your own pockets.”

  Kasey watched in horror as Tanner got back in his face and said, “Go right ahead and try it. But know that I’ll return the favor by letting the public know that Butler’s not the family man he pretends to be, that he works his mistress over on a daily basis.”

  Matt’s features froze but not before his mouth fell slack.

  “Now get the hell out of my sight before I knock the fire out of you.”

  As if Matt had no doubt Tanner would do just that, he turned and slithered off.

  “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

  After they were in the car, Kasey turned to him. “How did you know about Butler and his mistress?”

  “I didn’t. I don’t.”

  Kasey’s eyes widened. “You mean—”

  “Yep. I just made it up. Two can play this game, you know.”

  Kasey groped for a suitable comeback. When nothing came to mind, she merely stared at him while he started the car and drove off.


  “Hey, Kasey.”

  She looked up and gave him a smile, though it was less than enthusiastic.

  Ah, no matter, Don thought. Any way you cut it, a smile was a smile. Maybe she’d been thinking over his proposal, actually giving it serious consideration.

  “Look, I’m more than busy,” she told him. “Can’t this wait?”

  “Not really.”

  She seemed taken aback by his bluntness, which he tempered by a wide grin. “I have the promise of a new client. A real coup, in fact.”

  A light flared in her eyes. “Hey, that’s great.”

  Don plopped down on the edge of her desk like he had the right. “Want to hear about it?”

  “Of course, but now’s really not a good time. Tanner’s ads are due out today.”

  “By the way, I noticed where he’s back up in the polls.”

  “I saw that, too, which is good.”

  “We can take part of the credit.”

  “Some, you’re right.”

  He snorted. “Some. That’s way too modest. It’s your kick-butt-in-a-nice-way strategy that put him on the high road to victory. He ought to be kissing your feet.”

  “Even if that were the case, it’s not just me. It’s all of us.”

  “I’ll admit that.”

  Kasey angled her head. “Let’s get together later and talk.”

  He paused for what he thought was just the right amount of time, then leaned forward. “I hope you’re giving some thought to what we discussed over lunch.”

  He watched the high color drain from her face.

  “Actually I haven’t,” she said.

  Keep your cool, Hornsby. Don’t let her rile you. Remember you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. He shrugged. “Hey, no problem. I’m a patient guy. I can wait until you get accustomed to the idea.”

  Her eyes widened, then she said in a testy tone, “I’m afraid you’ll be waiting a long time.”

  Don smiled. “We’ll see. Meanwhile, I’ll continue to bust my ass and bring in more business. That’s how I’ll prove my invaluable worth to you.”


  He cut her off with a grin and a wave. “See you later.”

  When he reached his office he closed the door, ducked down behind his desk, pulled out his drug paraphernalia and took a quick snort. Instantly he felt the kick. If he had to, he could walk on fucking water.

  He chuckled out loud. Man, was he good, or what? By damn, he was going to get away with murder. Imagine that. And no one was the wiser, certainly not that inept Detective Gallain. Why, he couldn’t find his ass with both hands much less pin Shirley’s murder on him.

  Yeah, things were definitely going his way. He’d make himself indispensable to Kasey, and she’d come around to his way of thinking. It was just a matter of time. As long as he could get his hands on the magic white powder, by whatever means, then nothing could stop him.

  He headed to the workroom, laughing out loud.

  “What’s with you, Hornsby?” Red asked, passing him in the hall. “Get laid, by chance?”

  “Maybe,” Don quipped. “You jealous, by chance?”

  “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were on something.”

  “Yeah, right,” he muttered with another laugh as he kept on going. But when he reached the workroom and realized it was empty, he slumped against the wall like a deflated tire. He’d best be more careful.

  She hoped it wouldn’t come to firing Don. Kasey rubbed her forehead, then laid her pen down. He had turned into a major headache, one that had caught her unawares. What on earth had gotten into him? She still couldn’t believe his audacity.



  Go out with him?

  Double never.

  So how did she convince him of that without creating a big scene? Perhaps she couldn’t. If he didn’t come to his senses, perhaps he would indeed get his walking papers.

  Kasey shook her head, dismissing Don from her mind. He wasn’t worth worrying about. He’d get over his delusions of grandeur. If not… She let that thought trail off in her head.

  She had much more important items on her agenda. She’d talked with Brock last evening, and he and Nancy remained joined at the hip, much to her chagrin. She’d tried again to talk some sense into him, but her words hadn’t dented his resolve. In order not to alienate him completely, she’d finally backed off and moved to football and computers.

  Her son was having the time of his life. And while she was still opposed to his working for Tanner, it didn’t seem to be a problem, at least so far. Long distance definitely had its advantages. If Brock had been here, she wouldn’t have stood for it.

  Oh, yes, you would, she reminded herself. She wouldn’t have had a choice.

  Thrusting that unpleasant thought aside as well, Kasey got up and stretched her back. She’d been sitting behind her desk for hours working on their new client’s ads for the opening of a new store. So far, she was quite pleased with what she’d come up with. She hoped he would be, too.

  If the new deal flew, it would mean another windfall for the agency. That combined with what Brock was earning from Tanner would keep the wolf away from her door a bit longer.

  The phone jangled beside her.

  “Hey, Ginger,” she responded enthusiastically, easing back into her chair.

  “Matt has finally agreed to a settlement. You’re
the first to know.”

  “Well, praise the Lord. What changed his mind?”

  Ginger giggled. “I’m inclined to believe Tanner actually knocked some sense into him.”

  “Think so?”

  “Stranger things have happened. As far as I know, Matt’s never been bested by anyone. I’m just sorry I wasn’t there to witness Tanner making him a new buttonhole.”

  “It was something to see, all right.”

  “Matt’s talking about suing Tanner. That’s the way that jerk thinks.”

  “Surely he’s not that stupid.”

  “Trust me, he is,” Ginger said.

  “He’s no match for Tanner.”

  She had never seen that volatile side of Tanner. And while his actions had given her an incredible sexual rush, she would hate to be on the receiving end of his temper.

  “By the way, how is our hero?”

  Kasey let the “our” slide by. “Fine, I’m guessing. I haven’t seen him since the barbecue. He’s been hot on the campaign trail.”

  “It shows, too. Despite his run of bad luck on the construction front, he’s rebounded and is busting Butler’s balls in the polls again.”

  Ginger’s unladylike terminology drew a spontaneous laugh. “It appears that way.”

  “You sound down. Are you?”

  Kasey didn’t bother to contain her sigh. “Just a lot on my mind, that’s all.”

  “The unsolved murder, for one.”

  “I’m not looking over my shoulder quite as much,” Kasey said, “but the fear’s a constant niggling in the back of my mind.”

  “Damn, but I wish that idiot detective would nail the bastard.”

  “He’s waiting on me to do that,” Kasey declared in a despondent tone.

  “That’s why he’s an idiot.”

  Kasey chuckled again, already feeling much better just talking to Ginger. “When are we going to get together and celebrate your good news?”

  “Not until the divorce is a done deal. Knowing Matt, he’s liable to change his mind at any given moment.”

  “Hopefully that won’t happen.”

  “If not, I’m putting you on notice. We’re going to hit some clubs and find us a man.”

  Kasey laughed. “Heaven forbid.”

  “Don’t give me that. You need to get laid as bad or worse than me.”

  Kasey felt heat invade her face and was glad Ginger couldn’t see her. “I’m making no promises,” she said after clearing her throat.

  “Next time you see Tanner, give him a big hug for me.”

  “I’ll let you have that honor,” Kasey responded lightly.

  “I’ll look forward to it. Meanwhile, keep me posted on what’s going on.”

  “I will.”

  Kasey hung up only to have the phone jangle under her hand. Irritated at another interruption, she snapped, “Hello.”

  “Did I pick a bad time?”

  “Yes, no,” she said breathlessly.

  Tanner chuckled. “I’m glad the no came last.”

  “Are you home?”

  “Yep, for a while anyway.”


  “That’s your cue to say I’m glad.” His voice had dropped even lower.

  “Okay, I’m glad.”

  “And that you’ve missed me,” he pressed.

  Another silence, during which her heart refused to settle. He was flirting with her, and she was letting him. But when he turned on the charm which he was doing, she was doomed.

  “Okay, I’ll say it. I’ve missed you.” His voice had dropped another octave.

  She swallowed. “You didn’t call.”

  “Not because I didn’t want to, believe me. You were on my mind constantly.”

  Kasey crossed her legs and squeezed them. “I thought about you, too.”

  “That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

  “What?” She was being deliberately obtuse.

  “Admitting that.”


  He laughed warmly. “I want to see you.” He paused. “Actually I want to be inside you so badly I can’t stand it.”

  She gasped and clutched the phone tighter.

  “Does the truth shock you?”

  “You shouldn’t talk to me like that.” Her voice lacked conviction.

  “I have an obligation at a nursing home this evening. Come with me, please.”

  You can end this madness right now. Save yourself further heartache and pain. It’s a matter of a simple no.

  “All right.”

  Tanner slowed his gait to match Kasey’s as they made their way down another corridor of the nursing facility. They had attended a performance in the activity room put on by several of the residents. It had been a riot, especially since she hadn’t known what to expect.

  When they’d first arrived, she’d been shocked that Tanner hadn’t chose an upscale facility instead of a bona fide nursing home. Here, most of the residents were unable to care for themselves.

  “You’re really into this, aren’t you?” Kasey cut her eyes up to him.

  “I told you the elderly are one of my passions.”

  “It’s not for show.” Kasey’s sentence didn’t end with a question mark.

  Still, Tanner raised his eyebrows. “And you thought it was, just to get votes?”


  His jaw tightened, then he said in a fierce tone, “If I’m elected, I’ll make a difference. You’ll see.”

  “I hope you do. Nursing home abuse is on the rise and that makes me furious, especially since my mother’s in one.”

  “I keep thinking I might end up here one of these days myself.”

  “Me, too,” she said in a bleak tone.

  Before he could reply, a man in an electric cart came racing toward them. Kasey and Tanner both jumped aside just as the old gentlemen grazed a wall.

  “Hey, Sam, you’re driving a little fast, aren’t you?” Tanner said, trying to hold on to his laughter.

  “Damn cart,” Sam muttered. “I guess I’m going to have to trade it in for a new model.”

  “Looks that way,” Tanner responded, his lips twitching. “Meanwhile, though, you’d best be careful you don’t put more dents in it. It’ll lower your trade-in value.”

  “Thanks, Mr. Hart, I’ll keep that in mind.” He took off again, all the while muttering, “Galdarn vehicle.”

  Once he was gone, Kasey shifted her gaze back on Tanner. They both grinned.

  “How many times have you been here?” she asked as they continued down the hall.

  “Too many to count.”

  “You never cease to amaze me.”


  “Never mind,” she said, shaking her head.

  “Come on, there’s someone else I want you to meet.” He darted into the next room and she followed. A tiny, apple doll of a woman, with features to match, looked up. Instantly her face brightened. “Is that you, sonny?”

  “You bet.” Tanner leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. “So how’s my girl today?”

  “Oh, fair to middlin’.”

  “Good. I have a friend with me. Opal Puckett meet Kasey Ellis.”

  “Come closer, dearie. These old peepers aren’t what they used to be.”

  Smiling, Kasey did as she was told and grasped the old lady’s frail hand in hers. “Hello, Mrs. Puckett.”

  “Opal, dearie.”

  “Opal it is.”

  “So how’s Janie?” Tanner asked, motioning for Kasey to sit down in the chair across from Opal. He then took the one next to her.

  Opal lifted the doll that was in her lap and held it out to Tanner. “She’s not having a good day, either.”

  Kasey looked on, fighting a lump in her throat, as Tanner took the tattered doll and placed it in the crook of his arm, then began to rock. If she hadn’t seen this display of affection with her own eyes, she wouldn’t have believed it.

  Blinking back tears, Kasey smiled at Opal who took the doll from Tanner
. “Thanks for getting her to sleep, sonny.”

  “Any time, Opal.” Tanner stood. “We’re going now, but I’ll see you soon.”

  “You promise?”

  “Cross my heart,” Tanner said with feeling.

  “You come back with him, dearie.”

  Kasey spoke around her tears. “I will.”

  Fifteen minutes later they stood at the door of her apartment. Darkness had fallen, but the lights from the complex allowed her to admire Tanner’s face.

  His eyes burned down into hers. “Thanks for going with me.”

  “You’re welcome,” she whispered in a shaky voice.

  He reached out with the back of his hand and stroked her face. Her heart melted as their eyes continued to hold.

  “I want to kiss you so badly I can’t stand it.”

  Her lips parted. “What’s stopping you?”

  With a groan, he reached for her.


  Once inside the apartment, Kasey barely managed to lock the door before Tanner grabbed her again, his hot, moist lips seeking hers.

  Moaning, she wrapped her arms around his neck and met his tongue thrust for thrust. She was on fire for him and couldn’t exist another moment without him inside her.

  As if reading her thoughts, he began removing her clothes, then his. His mouth was adhered to hers as he backed her up against the wall.

  “Oh, Tanner,” she gasped when his fingers nudged her legs apart and entered her while his mouth moved to a nipple and sucked it.

  Once her head rolled back as she reached a shuddering climax, he lifted her by the buttocks and entered her. With lips locked on hers, he thrust high and hard. Moments later, they sagged breathlessly against each other.

  “I’m sorry,” he said roughly against her damp neck.

  Her heart faltered. She should be the one sorry, not him. “You are?”

  “Yeah, for my lack of patience.”

  “Do you hear me complaining?”

  He laughed as he nuzzled her neck. “It’s a good thing, since the wall seems to be a place of choice.”

  “Whatever works,” she muttered against his chest.

  “When I get my hands on you, I seem to go crazy.” He lifted her and carried her into the bedroom. They lay facing each other on the bed as Tanner reached out and stroked her face.


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