The Author's Friends

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The Author's Friends Page 3

by Shelly Douglas

  “Yes, sir.”

  He smacked her left cheek with the hairbrush, which caused her to wince and jump.

  “Oww, that hurts.”

  He paused and popped her right cheek.

  Carla grunted and started to stand but Michael’s hand on her lower back kept her in position.

  “Your spanking isn’t over, my darling girl. What did you think would happen if you were late?”

  “I would get a spanking, sir.”

  He pulled her panties down and rubbed the skin on her warm bottom before giving two more whacks to each side.

  “Ahh,” she uttered and flinched. Her eyes filled with tears ready to fall as she looked behind her.

  Michael gently put the hairbrush down on the table and smoothed her glowing backside. “I thought you wanted more rules. You were to drive straight home after work, and you deliberately disobeyed me.”

  “I’m so sorry; I don’t know what’s going on with me.” Carla turned around and fell into his arms crying.

  Michael pulled her onto his lap, stroked her hair and gently kissed her forehead, nose and lips. “You’ll get used to our new life - it will just take time. Are you sure this is what you want, Carla?”

  She managed to nod with her head down. “Yes, sir.”

  “Shh, shh, okay. Now let me see that beautiful bottom of yours.”

  She felt his rigid cock underneath her as she started to move. “Oh my, look who’s up,” she joked through her tears.

  Michael gently rubbed two fingers over her smooth pussy, reaching lower to part the soft folds of her labia. “So sleek, my love, I guess it’s no secret you do enjoy a good spanking. Let’s bend you back over the table, shall we?”

  Carla edged off his lap and carefully removed her bunched skirt and panties.

  “Fold them nicely and put them on the chair, please,” Michael directed in a gentle tone.

  She complied and waited for him to help position her back over the table. He smoothed the red spots on her behind and gently kissed the center of each cheek. “I could look at this breathtaking view all day, my sweet girl.”

  “Isn’t giving me pleasure after a punishment breaking one of the rules?” she asked. “I’m sure this would be an issue with the domestic discipline police.”

  “I come from a long line of rule-breakers, my dear.” Michael he traced his tongue down the crevice of her bottom, causing her to shudder. “You like that don’t you, baby doll?”

  “Please stop teasing me.” Carla waved her bottom from side to side. “I’m losing my mind, Michael.”

  “Yes, part of the punishment.” He grinned as he swabbed the juices running down her thighs with the flat of his tongue. “You are a drenched, naughty girl.”

  Quickly removing his pants, he rubbed his thick, stiff cock up and down the seam of her red behind and whispered, “Where would you like your pleasure today? In here …” He pushed on her small crinkled hole with his pinky finger. “Or in there?” A low guttural sound escaped from his throat as two steady fingers rubbed up and down her slippery, swollen lips, delving deep inside her vagina.

  “Michael, I’m going to come with or without you,” she taunted looking behind her.

  “Oh, you’ll do no such thing,” he firmly stated, reaching for a condom in his shirt pocket. Immediately, he kissed the side of her face, rolled the latex on and positioned himself in her drenched pussy.

  “Don’t let go of the table, love.” Those were his last words as he plunged deep inside her, holding on with one hand, while circling her engorged bud with the wet fingers of his other. There was an animal urge unleashed within him upon seeing her crimson bottom bent over the kitchen table, which began a series of lustful, hard drives. With Carla’s orgasm about to explode, he slid his finger into her anus, sending her into orbit. As she screamed, he gave one last mighty thrust, and his cock spewed a stream of hot seed that pulsed like the steady beat of a metronome.

  “I can’t seem to move, nor do I want to.”

  Michael laughed minutes later, as he held Carla tight against his body.

  She moved her head to the side and smiled as they were eye to eye over her shoulder. “Were you a Boy Scout in your younger days?”

  “No, why?” he asked blowing out a final stabilizing breath.

  “The condom stored in your pocket, just had me wondering. You certainly are prepared.”


  “What’s my best girl thinking about?” Richard snuck up behind Dana as she gazed out the kitchen window.

  “Well, I’m nowhere near ready for this holiday, hence my twitching eye.” Dana got up from her chair and headed for the coffee pot with an empty mug.

  Richard wrapped his protective arms around her. “Our first Christmas together will be perfect, Sugar Pop. Remember that stress is not good for any part of your body, especially this one.” He lovingly patted her behind.

  “Uh-oh, did you just call me? Sugar Pop?” Dana nervously looked over her shoulder to see the grin on his face.

  “It might be fun for you to spend today relaxing as my little girl. Six-year-olds generally don’t have much to think about when it comes to the Christmas holiday - except for maybe what Santa is going to bring them. It will do you good not to worry about shopping, cooking and baking for a day.”

  “Can you believe I’m this stressed out? Carla’s parents are the ones hosting both Christmas Eve and Christmas day at their house. I’m only helping to bring a few things, and my gift list isn’t all that large. What’s wrong with me?”

  “You’re human, sugar, just like everyone else,” he said, hugging Dana as she turned to him.

  Most people obsess over whether they’ve done enough for this holiday, and usually end up overdoing it. But the truth is, Christmas isn’t supposed to be about food, gifts and decorations. It’s supposed to be about love, kindness and the spirit of giving yourself; which you do all year round for everyone you know. So let me give you something today … the day off from worrying.” Richard kissed her gently on the forehead.

  “Okay, but I have a request.” Dana slid out of his grasp and bit a fingernail.

  “And that is?”

  “No spankings today, okay?”

  Richard’s arms slowly folded across his chest as he laughed. “I don’t think that promise is possible, sweetie. Besides, wouldn’t you want to be on your best behavior, since Santa’s visit is just around the corner?”

  “Are you saying you would snitch on me?” she asked with hands on her hips.

  Richard grabbed her by the waist, turned her around and gave her bottom a playful swat. “Santa hears and sees everything, you know that. Now run upstairs like my good girl and get dressed, so we can have some fun together.”

  Dana ascended the steps thinking about what was hanging in her closet that would put her in a younger mood. Not able to make a decision, she finally sat down on the floor in her bra and panties to play with Floyd. Fifteen minutes later, Richard walked into her room and laughed.

  “I was starting to think you changed your mind about spending the day with me. Now I see that you just ran into a wardrobe snag.”

  “I’m still thinking about what will make me feel younger,” she mumbled, sitting next to Floyd on the floor.

  “This isn’t exactly the time of year you should be lying around without clothes on, unless of course I’m involved. So why don’t I make some choices for you?”

  She nodded as Richard picked out a red cotton turtleneck and blue jeans with a green cardigan sweater.

  “Where are we going, Daddy?”

  “I thought we’d go downtown. All the department stores have their windows decorated, which we haven’t seen yet, and I need to buy a few gifts for the ladies in my office. Of course, we’ll look to see where Santa is making an appearance, and when you get hungry there’s plenty of places in the neighborhood to stop for a cheeseburger and French fries. How does that sound for an itinerary?”

  Richard helped D
ana with the last button on her cardigan sweater, as she gave the list some thought.

  “No one ever took me downtown at Christmas time, but I’ve always wanted to go.” She smiled and hugged Richard tight. Immediately, she pulled back to look him in the eyes. “Wait a minute … you don’t really expect me to sit on Santa’s lap, do you?”

  “I most certainly do, young lady. A spot on my desk has already been saved for the framed picture.” He touched the tip of her nose and smiled.

  “Please tell me you’re joking,” she pleaded.

  “Come on, Dana. Plenty of women sit on Santa’s lap. It’s probably going to be the highlight of his day. Just make sure your list is ‘kid friendly’.”


  “Michael, you’re absolutely filled with wonderful ideas today.” Carla hung onto his arm walking through her favorite department store.

  “You mentioned how much you loved shopping downtown at Christmas time when you were a kid. Is it just as much fun walking around the store with me?” Michael asked as he pulled her close and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

  “You’re helping me achieve a double pleasure this afternoon,” she said, nuzzling her face next to his. “The Campbell kids used to come shopping with our mom and then have lunch in the Tick-Tock Shop. They made the best cheeseburgers and fries. Of course, we washed them down with a large Coke. Oh look, Michael! There’s a sign that Santa is sitting upstairs waiting to have his picture taken with the kids. Let’s go up and watch them sit on his lap.” Carla pointed at the sign and pulled him toward the escalator laughing.

  “Okay, but how about a stop at the accessory counter first? Beside a Christmas bonus, I think a beautiful pair of leather gloves would be perfect for my receptionist, Sarah. What do you think?”

  Carla agreed and they walked across the aisle to continue their shopping excursion. After Michael’s purchase, he quickly looked at his watch. “It’s almost time for lunch, sweetie. Let’s go upstairs to see Santa, and then we’ll head over to the Tick Tock Shop. I can’t wait to stir up some of those fun childhood holiday memories of yours.”

  Holding hands, they rode the escalator up a short distance to the spacious mezzanine in search of Santa and his elves. It didn’t take much time to spot a crowd in the corner where Santa sat, along with a professional photographer standing by to take pictures of the kiddies who were all dressed up for the occasion. Inching their way closer to the holiday excitement, Carla thought she saw a familiar face among the crowd.

  “Is that Richard talking to the photographer, Michael?” Carla innocently asked.

  “Oh my God, Dana is sitting on Santa’s lap!” Michael exclaimed as he pointed to the corner.

  “Excuse me. Pardon me,” they both uttered as they made their way through a sea of anxious, tired parents holding the hands of their excited children. Finally, they reached their destination with a bird’s eye view of Dana telling Santa what she wanted for Christmas, as the photographer snapped a few poses.

  “Wait Dana, I want to take a picture, too,” Carla said as she pulled her smart phone from her handbag. “This will be the perfect screensaver.” She giggled as she took several pictures in a row, hoping that one would turn out.

  Dana shyly turned her head to the side. “I think my friends are waiting for me. It was very nice to meet you, Santa. You were just as nice as I always dreamed you would be.”

  “Well, it was very nice to meet you too, Dana.” Santa winked at Richard.

  As she descended the podium holding Richard’s hand, smiling faces were all around. “What did you ask Santa for?” a little boy who was next in line innocently asked.

  Dana stooped to whisper in his ear. “I didn’t ask him for anything. I already have everything I could ever want.” Dana beamed as Richard, Carla and Michael put their arms around her.

  “Do you guys want to join us for lunch?” Carla asked taking Dana’s hand.

  “If I was a betting man, I’d say we’re heading for a cheeseburger, French fries and a Coke at the Tick Tock Shop.” Michael elbowed Richard.

  “If you can get my Dana to actually eat, then lunch will be on me,” Richard said taking her by the hand.

  “Didn’t Santa say he’d be watching you, Dana?” Michael whispered in her ear.

  With arms crossed, Dana stomped her foot as they entered the restaurant.

  “Oh, I wouldn’t do that if I were you, princess. Remember our agreement today?” Richard arched his eyebrow.

  “She does throw a phenomenal tantrum,” Carla reminded Michael.

  Dana looked towards the ceiling and then recalled the time that Richard spanked her in the mall. “Let’s eat … I’m starved,” she said waving her hand to follow the hostess.


  Michael looked down at his watch. “Carla, are you almost ready? We’re due at your parent’s house in about twenty minutes.”

  Carla walked down the stairs muttering. “Why didn’t we stay in Hawaii for the holidays? I loved being in our own little corner of the world without all the hassles of everyday living.”

  “Sweetie, you’ve lived here most of your life. Is the cold weather getting to you, or are you really just concerned with me meeting your family? I thought I cleaned up pretty well,” Michael joked, running his fingers through his short, brown wavy hair.

  “What girl doesn’t get a little nervous when she brings home the man in her life for the first time?” Carla asked straightening his shirt collar. “And just for the record, you always look handsome, my tall, dark, sexy man.” She looked him up and down approvingly as she spoke. “Not to change the subject, but you know I told my brothers about our lifestyle. I’d like to tell my parents, but I’m concerned they won’t be as accepting.”

  Michael smiled patiently, holding her wrapin his hands.

  “Always the gentleman, aren’t you?” She carefully slipped into her cinnamon wool cape.

  “I’m not the least bit uneasy about meeting your parents. Remember, it’s my job to know how to get along with people,” he joked. “Carla, if you decide to share information of how we live, then we’ll do our best to deal with their reaction when it happens. In the meantime, don’t you think we should arrive before Richard and Dana?”

  She smiled and took a deep breath. “Are you kidding? My parents adore them; those two are like part of the family.”

  The drive wasn’t long, and they arrived just a couple minutes after they’d been expected. Christmas lights lit up the outside of the small two-story house, and fragrant woodsmoke smoke rose out of the chimney. Before they even reached the front door, Carla’s parents opened it, displaying wide grins. Hugs and handshakes ensued as Carla introduced Michael to her parents, Bill and Esther.

  “I guess we’re the last to arrive. Sorry about that.” Carla pointed to Richard’s car parked across the street.

  “Don’t worry. Everyone is scattered around the living room and kitchen just getting warmed up for the evening.” Esther’s eyes shone as she motioned for them to come on in.

  Carla introduced Michael to the rest of the family, including her brothers, David and Tom, their wives Michelle and Pat, and David’s two boys Matt and Peter. Richard and Dana were already settled in the kitchen, helping out with the preparation of dinner.

  Bill casually walked over to Michael. “Is there something I can get you Mike?”

  “I would love to have one of those.” Michael pointed at the can of Iron City Beer in Bill’s hand. Bill smiled and turned towards the kitchen.

  “You know how to endear yourself, don’t you?” Carla whispered.

  “When in Rome … or Pittsburgh,” he retorted.

  Just before dinner, Michael cornered Richard to get his take on how the evening was going. “Based on what I’ve heard so far, you’re a big hit with the family. Of course, Bill likes anyone who drinks Iron City Beer.” Richard patted Michael on the back as they both laughed.

  Esther bellowed from the kitchen that dinner was ready. The dining room was
pretty small, so they were elbow to elbow around the table. To make room, grandma had fed the kids earlier. Naturally, in anticipation of Santa Claus, their energy was boundless.

  The dinner banter was about as normal as one would expect. Tales of some of the unusual patrons of the bar dominated the conversation. Every now and then someone would ask Michael for a professional opinion of why people did certain things.

  “Dana, Carla tells me you are writing books aside from the articles you write for the newspaper. What kind of books do you write, dear? Is it something I would want to read?” Esther inquired.

  Dana fumbled for an answer. Obviously, Carla didn’t mention what type of books she wrote. While Dana wasn’t at all uncomfortable about the subject matter she penned, the lifestyles might prove somewhat prickly for this crowd.

  “I write romance novels, sometimes with a bit of a twist.”

  “Well, that does sound like something I might like. I love to read romance with a little spice. Do your books really have that?” Esther asked innocently.

  “You might say that, Mrs. Campbell.”

  “Then I must get my hands on a copy. Surely, you would appreciate a new customer.”

  “My book aren’t sold as hard copies. They’re e-books. You have to have a device like a Kindle or a Nook to read them.” Dana was desperately looking for a way out of the conversation, while Richard, Carla and Michael were all having quite a chuckle under their breath.

  “I’m a bit old fashioned and still read paperbacks,” Esther said, then smiled in Bill’s direction. Maybe, I’ll ask Santa for one.”

  Carla finally jumped in to stop the conversation once and for all. “Mom, we’ll see what we can do.”

  Dana looked over and gave a silent look of appreciation.

  “Dana, don’t you worry. We’ll get Esther whatever she needs, so she can read all of your books. Make sure you leave her the titles.” Bill nodded as if he saved the day.

  “I sure will,” Dana said through gritted teeth.

  Michael changed the subject to the trip they’d taken to Hawaii, and Richard continued with all the details of the surprise wedding. Richard recounted the impromptu proposal, the wedding down at the beach, and big luau in celebration.


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