The Author's Friends

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The Author's Friends Page 9

by Shelly Douglas

  “After he spanked the area just below her tender, young ass, I was worried she might start crying. Seriously, we’re talking about some visible red stripes! So, I regained my composure, closed the door and hustled back to my office. I was sitting at the desk in some kind of daze when Jim appeared at my door. I tried to smile and mumbled a greeting, which he didn’t return. Then as he turned to leave, he stopped, grinned and said that he hoped I ‘enjoyed the show’. Really, those were his exact words. Michael, I thought I was going to die of embarrassment.”

  “Jesus. I have to admit, that was quite a story. You know if you’re feeling jealous, I have a ruler somewhere here in my drawer…”

  “That’s not funny.” Carla snuggled deep into his chest. “I have another story. Can you stand one more?”

  Michael rolled his eyes to the ceiling. He’d been patient waiting for their discussion about her new career opportunity, and figured he could hold on a little longer. Shaking his head, he lightly kissed her on the cheek. “First, a certain young lady needs to raise her skirt and bend over the table.”

  “Really? I’m going to tell you my decision right now, including all the colorful details.”

  He slid her off his lap and sharply applied his palm to her backside. “And I look forward to the entire story, but I think we need to deal with your little adventure today first, don’t you?”

  She rubbed her bottom and had a confused expression on her face.

  “I’m not going to punish you for making me wait so long for an answer about your job opportunity. That decision was yours to make, and I wanted you to take all the time you needed. Your voyeurism at the office today, is another story. Should I summon Jim and Joanne over to watch me spank you? They were having a private moment, and you spied on them. The door and blinds were closed for a reason, Carla. It wasn’t like you were invited to a spanking party.”

  She paused and pointed a finger at him. “But it was okay for you to watch me through a window? Does Bedford Springs Resort ring a bell? You’re not losing your short term memory yet, are you Michael?”

  “My memory is just fine.” He crossed his arms and tried not to smile.

  In brave defiance, she crossed hers.

  “The blinds on your windows were not closed, young lady, and if I remember correctly, pleasuring yourself is not permitted unless I’m present.” He tilted his head to the side. “Is this debate over now, counselor?”

  “Yes, sir.” She knew her defense was worthless and watched with wide eyes as he opened his desk drawer. A wooden ruler was slowly removed, which he tapped on the palm of his hand.

  “Yes, this will do nicely. Turn around, my love, and pick up that long skirt of yours.”

  Carla obeyed, and without being told, slowly lowered her panties just below her backside.

  “Ahh, we’re going to try and recreate the scene, I see,” he whispered in her ear as he massaged her bare cheeks. She slowly bent over the table in response, knowing that Michael was enjoying the view.

  “Keep your hands busy holding on to your skirt, and no clenching. I want that beautiful bottom nice and soft for me.” He gently tapped the ruler onto her creamy flesh until she relaxed and, using his wrist, snapped the ruler solidly on her left cheek, waiting for a blush-colored streak to appear.

  “Ow, that hurts!” Carla’s body jerked at the first strike. Closing her eyes tightly, her mind prepared for the next.

  When satisfied with the hue, he struck the right one creating the same impact and waited for the matching imprint to appear before applying the ruler again. The last two strokes were quickly administered, right above the first two. She grimaced knowing she was not permitted to rub the stinging sensation, but still didn’t move.

  “You took your punishment well, Peanut. I’m so proud of you.” Michael gently touched the red lines on her bottom, carefully inspecting each one, before whirling her around into his strong arms. Her skirt fell back down as he carried her over to his leather office chair. Carefully, he sat her in his lap removing not only her high heels, but also her black bikini panties that had fallen around her ankles. With her back up against his chest, he hugged and kissed her neck lovingly, rocking her softly in his arms.

  “Would this be a good time to tell me your decision? I can’t wait to hear the whole story.”

  Michael released Carla from his grasp, allowing her the space to turn around. Playfully, she fingered his short dark hair and started to speak. “Well, I told you that I met with a couple of the partners. After I explained my situation, they told me to hold off making a decision. I really didn’t know how to interpret that directive. But later in the day, one of the partners came into my office and told me that the executive committee had called an emergency meeting. After a brief discussion, he offered me a full partnership in the firm, effective immediately. Naturally, I was stunned and flattered. It seems because of my exceptional work over the years, they’d already placed my name on the short list.”

  “What did you tell them?”

  “Without hesitation, I accepted on the spot. As exciting as it was to have an offer from the governor, I couldn’t seriously consider moving to Harrisburg. I’ve never felt more loved or in sync with anyone in my whole life before you. Who else could I have told that office story to who’d understand how turned on I was? It completely pushed all my buttons!”

  “Well, it obviously pushed a few of mine, too.” Michael looked at his watch, raising both eyebrows. “Jesus, we have a dinner reservation in fifteen minutes.”

  “And I happen to know you don’t like to be late.” With an exaggerated eye roll, she gingerly slid off his lap and reached for her panties on the desk.


  Michael poured Carla a second glass of red zinfandel, as she gazed at the menu. “You’re not really reading those dinner specials, are you?”

  “Who can see anything, with that damn elephant in the room again?”

  “Maybe if we talk about him, he’ll go away. Elephants are smarter than you think.”

  She lowered the piece of paper and exhaled a heavy sigh. “Okay, fine,” she whispered and put her menu down. “You had a D/s relationship with your ex-wife for five years, she changed her mind about living that kind of lifestyle and left you. Does that about cover it?”

  “That’s pretty accurate.” He took Carla’s hand in his. “I made mistakes with Lilly. Some of us learn the hard way.”

  “Is the way we live fulfilling to you?”

  “Yes, of course it is. I know that most of your insights into the various lifestyles Dana writes about are limited and appear to be cookie cutter. But the truth is, most people live within their own individual parameters.”

  “You said you made mistakes with Lilly. What did you mean by that?”

  Michael took a sip of his wine and carefully put it down on the table. “I was the one who initiated the way we lived. She loved me and agreed to satisfy my needs, but I should have recognized that they were mostly mine and not hers. I was totally selfish, and take complete responsibility. The Dominant and submissive should both crave and enjoy their roles; it should never be one-sided. That’s why I’ve asked repeatedly if this is the kind of relationship you want.”

  “So you think she never really wanted to be a submissive?”

  “I think she loved me and wanted to please me, but it was never really gratifying for her. She wasn’t hard wired for my brand of kink.”


  “It wasn’t in her DNA, so to speak.”

  “And we never talked about whether it was in mine, did we?”

  “Well, I know you like to be spanked, and you enjoy being taken care of like a little girl when you come home from work or are stressed.”

  She laughed and blushed. “I do like that you take charge; it’s a total turn on for me.”

  “I have to admit, I even love the challenge of your bossiness once in a while.”

  “Is there more that I should be doing? Is this enough for you, Michael?

  “Some people actually make lists of their desires and requirements of each other, so there is no ambiguity with regard to expectations. Would that freak you out?”

  “Are you talking about a contract?”

  “Yes, you could call it that. We should probably draft one together. I actually know of a good attorney.” Michael nudged and winked at Carla as the server walked over to their table. After their dinner orders were placed, he shook his head and sighed. “What a conversation to overhear, eh?”

  “We should probably do this at home, but since we are on a roll, can we continue?” she whispered.

  “Yes, but keeping our voices down is probably wise.” He grinned and fingered the rim of his wine glass.

  “I have a confession to make.”

  “Uh-oh. That sounds like trouble.”

  “I’ve been doing some homework outside of the novels that Dana writes.”

  “Hmmm. And what have you learned, my love?”

  “I want to be collared.”

  “Excuse me?” He almost choked on his wine.

  “I want to be yours, Michael.”

  His eyes filled with tears as he continued to cough. “Since you’ve been doing homework, I assume you know that being collared is not legally binding.”

  “I do know that, but it is emotionally binding, isn’t it? Never mind, maybe it isn’t appropriate for how we live. Is that more for a slave and master lifestyle?”

  He laughed. “The BDSM community might shake their finger at us, but I don’t think we’ll be sued by anyone. Umm … should I assume you aren’t talking about something similar to a dog collar?”

  “I was actually thinking about a pearl choker. It can be a symbol of our commitment that I would wear every day. Some women choose regular jewelry as their collar.”

  “I love the idea of collaring. Maybe we should make it a part of our wedding ceremony.”

  “Are you serious? You really want to get married?”

  “I love you, Peanut, and will forever. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me.”

  “You’ll love me even when my sassy pants side shows up?”

  “Of course I will. Naturally, we both know where that side usually ends up.”

  “What should we do now?”

  “I think a trip to the jewelry store would be appropriate.” Michael cupped Carla’s face in his hands and kissed her gently on the lips. “Let’s see, engagement ring, wedding bands and a pearl choker. Do you think I’m eligible for some kind of kinky discount?”

  “Sweet and a sense of humor? I like that.” She moved her bottom tenderly on the wooden chair. “Why do I have a feeling you picked this restaurant on purpose?”

  “I had a premonition that a padded seat wouldn’t be appropriate tonight. You know the rules.” He tried to hide his crooked smile as their server approached with two full trays.

  “Yeah, unfortunately all twelve inches of them, Michael. I mean, sir.”


  Richard walked back upstairs to the bedroom and found Dana still sleeping. “Dana, I need to head off to work. Are you planning to sleep the rest of the morning, darlin’?”

  She rolled over, her eyes barely open. “I was up late last night working on my book, and just needed a few more minutes this morning to recharge my batteries.”

  “I left some fresh squeezed orange juice and a bran muffin for you downstairs. Floyd has already been out, so you’re absolutely free to exercise that beautiful creative mind.” With a quick kiss to her forehead, he waved goodbye and rushed out the door.

  Dana crawled off the bed and almost tripped over Floyd. After a quick pat on his head, she stumbled her way into the bathroom to wash her face and clear the cobwebs from her mind. Determined to make progress on her book, she bounded downstairs and found the orange juice and muffin on the kitchen counter top along with a note. “I love you and will be home later to help create inspiration for your book.” Dana pulsed at the thought.

  With orange juice and muffin in hand, she made her way into the den and quickly seated herself at the computer. Floyd automatically nestled up against her feet, and Dana’s mind started to focus. The relationship between Brad and Kristin had been developing nicely now for several months since their getaway weekend. They were no longer seeing other people, and their romance quickly escalated into a torrid one. Kristin was a good fit for Brad in every way, and it surprised him how much he was intrigued by her. They even talked about some of their sexual fantasies, and life was getting more interesting by the minute.

  Dana wanted to expand the boundaries of their lovemaking, giving her readers fresh new scenes to experience. She had an idea and was excited to get started; hopefully, she could make her vision work.

  It was Brad’s birthday that weekend. Kristin wanted it to be forever memorable and carefully laid the groundwork. She cherished the fact that Brad had exposed her to so many new things, but took pride in throwing him a curve now and then. Variety was the lifeblood of their relationship, and she wanted his special weekend to be a mind-blowing one.

  Brad arrived at Kristin’s apartment shortly after work on Friday. There was no reason to think she’d planned anything since he never told her it was his birthday. No fanfare was needed; as far as he was concerned, a quiet intimate night with his girl was all he wanted.

  Happy to have his own key to her apartment, he arrived at six with the intention of making himself comfortable. Upon entering the living room, he was surprised to find Kristin’s good friend, Marla, sitting on the couch. Brad had met her several times before and often wondered why this stunning woman wasn’t dating anyone. He estimated that she was about 5’6” and a slender 120 lbs. with shimmering long black hair and a shapely figure that turned a head or two wherever she went. Brad was hardly blind to her allure, but naturally he was smart enough to keep his thoughts to himself. Marla greeted Brad with a big hug and a kiss on his cheek. My God, she smelled delicious.

  “Marla, I didn’t expect to see you here.” His face flushed nervously like a teenage boy getting caught with an erection.

  “Kristin said it was your birthday today and asked me to come by and help celebrate.” She had a gleam in her eyes that he wished he hadn’t seen … or maybe he had.

  The two of them sat down on the couch. Marla seated herself a little closer than he’d expected, and her proximity was definitely making him anxious. After an uncomfortable silence, Kristin appeared from her bedroom adorned in a pink satin robe, and Brad just assumed she was in the process of getting dressed. But before he could speak, she took off her robe and was wearing nothing but white lace thong bikini panties. Sauntering over to the bar, she poured three glasses of wine. With her back to them, Brad had a fine view of her beautiful round ass which managed to keep his mind occupied and his mouth closed, for the time being.

  Kristin served the wine then walked over to the other side of the room, giving them space to get acquainted. Marla rose and without saying a word pulled the short black dress up over her head, leaving her naked except for a pair of black bikini panties and a long pearl necklace. He glanced at Kristin and watched as her mouth formed the words, “Happy Birthday.”

  She and Brad once talked about their fantasy of having a threesome, but like most guys, he never really believed it would ever happen and now his dream was about to become a reality. Without hesitation, he sat his glass of wine down on the table and slowly walked over to Marla, who wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer as she lightly kissed him on the mouth. With his tongue teasing between her lips, he cupped the weight of her breast in his hand and lightly pinched a nipple. Their dancing tongues slipped in and out of each other’s mouths, gaining momentum and moving hungrily, occasionally pulling tenderly on a lip with strong teeth. Wearing a crooked smile on her face, Marla ran her slim fingers over the bulge in his pants and pulled the zipper down.

  “These need to come off, right now.” Marla quickly yanked his pants down and bent over to
take his rising cock in her mouth, swirling the soft silky skin of the broad tip with her tongue. Catching a peek of Kristin in the shadows across the room with the corner of her eye, she stroked and pulled his cock happily, feeling it stretch and harden, wondering how she would be able to take all of his length and girth in her small mouth.

  Marla accepted the challenge, taking Brad further into her throat while waving Kristin over to join them. Wanting his girl to feel included, he pulled out of Marla’s mouth and moved onto his back as Kristin happily removed her panties and positioned her pussy over his lips. As he licked and nibbled on her clit, Marla cupped and gently played with his balls while kissing Kristin sweetly, tracing a path with her tongue to suck on a pink and erect nipple.

  “I think it might be fun to watch.” Brad slowly slid to the floor hoping to catch the two of them play for a moment, as Marla moved her hands down Kristin’s body, touching and twirling her short mound of light pubic hair. As he gazed at the scene in front of him, Kristin gently maneuvered Marla until she was beneath her on hands and knees. Brad moved quickly behind her and placed his cock at the entrance of her wet pussy as Kristin rubbed and rounded her hard, swollen clit.

  “Someone’s been a naughty girl.” Brad smacked her ass hard, causing a moan to escape from the back of her throat, while driving in and out of her with strong thrusts. He knew his eruption was near, and pulled out quickly not wanting the fun to end just yet.

  Kristin had maneuvered between Marla’s glistening thighs, intently licking the nectar that had dribbled down and waved her bottom back and forth, jealous of the attention Marla had just received.

  “Does my Kristin need a spanking too?” Brad knew exactly what she was looking for and turned her bottom red while she nibbled on Marla, successfully bringing both women to grinding, pounded orgasms as they arched their backs and lifted their hips. Moaning with smiles on their faces and hearts beating furiously, they instantly turned to Brad who was on the brink of explosion, holding on by a thread.


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