The Author's Friends

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The Author's Friends Page 12

by Shelly Douglas

  As she obediently removed her clothes and stood in front of the bed, his eyes scanned her beautiful curvy body.

  “Take off the bra. I will remove your panties,” he instructed in a low, gravelly voice.

  Carla unhooked her bra, seductively smoothed her breasts and took a deep breath trying to relax. Her eyes never left his.

  “Come here, please.” Michael patted the mattress, signaling her to join him on the bed. When she did, he propped up a pillow so she could lie beside him.

  “First we will have a little chat, and then I’m going to take you across my lap and spank your beautiful bottom.” His tone was even and matter-of-fact. “Do you know why, Carla?”

  “You’re going to spank me because I didn’t trust you?”

  “No, for that I’m going to put my cock deep into your ass. Try again.”

  “Michael, I don’t like these games.”

  “This isn’t a game. I asked you … no I told you not to come to the restaurant. That had nothing to do with trust. It was a matter of simple obedience. We’ve talked about this before, haven’t we?” His demeanor was serene as he tipped her chin up with two fingers.

  “I know, and I’m sorry.”

  “You want me to collar you, yet you can’t submit to a simple request. I’m very disappointed. What should I do about this?”

  “You should spank me,” she answered in a very small voice with her eyes cast downward.

  “Good, I’m glad we agree. Let’s finish our conversation over my lap.” She blinked back tears and quickly got herself into position.

  He pulled her spandex panties down just below her bottom. Her muscular bum protrudes nicely, he thought as he roughly massaged her cheeks. He was in no hurry to begin the spanking, and she made the mistake of looking over her shoulder.

  He smacked her left cheek hard, leaving a brilliant imprint. “Turn around right now, young lady. There is nothing for you to see.”

  “I’m sorry I disobeyed you.”

  “I wanted to put an end to the ridiculous notion of a reunion with Lilly. Debbie purposely didn’t come to lunch today, because it was her way of controlling the situation. What you saw was Lilly grabbing my hand, hoping you would walk into the restaurant. I told you that I was going to meet with them, but didn’t want to subject you to their childish scheme. She means nothing to me, Carla. I love you.” He sharply smacked her right cheek and left a matching handprint.

  Carla jerked and squeezed her eyes shut. She knew the spanking was not close to being over.

  “Do you remember when I said you will want to eat your dinner in a vertical position tonight?”

  “Yes, sir,” she whispered.

  “I wasn’t bluffing.” He spanked her hard and fast, moving from one cheek to another. Her skin was fair and, fortunately, reddened quickly.

  “I knew you wanted to deal with them alone, but I just couldn’t stop myself from going. I love you.” She whimpered as her body went limp over his lap.

  “Don’t get too comfortable. Now that we have declared our love for each other, let’s move on to the subject of trust.” He carefully removed Carla’s panties and lifted her from his lap back to a position against the headboard. Making sure she rested comfortably on a pillow, he raised her knees with one hand and smacked her red-hot ass with the other. “Look at me, please.”

  “Oh my God, you aren’t finished?”

  Still holding her legs with his right hand, Michael reached over to open the end table drawer and pulled out a small container. There was a gleam in his eyes as he slowly stroked and smeared her bottom hole with the thick gel.

  “Let’s talk about how much you trust me.”

  Carla gasped as his cool, wet digit barely poked inside her anus. He rubbed and prodded the sensitive area while gazing into her eyes, waiting for a response.

  “I do trust you, Michael.”

  “Hmm. It sure didn’t feel that way at the restaurant. And then, to make matters worse, you ran to Dana and Richard’s house. Did you really think I was cheating on you with Lilly?”

  “I didn’t know what to think. You told me not to come, and then I saw you holding her … Ahhh!” Carla’s sentence was cut short by Michael’s finger sliding deep into her bottom.

  He inserted a second lubricated finger effortlessly and slowly moved them in and out as he watched her facial expression change. “There is no one in my life but you, Carla. You are my only love. What do I have to do to earn your trust? I was trying to protect you from getting hurt.” He quickly removed his pants and lubricated his hardened, hot cock with gel as she watched.

  “I know you love me, but she’s beautiful and rich …”

  He positioned the broad tip of his penis into her trembling smooth hole. As he moved it in slowly, he watched her eyes widen. “Relax, my love. You know it will be painful at first …”

  “Michael, it hurts. It really does.” She tilted her head back and closed her eyes.

  “Open your eyes. I want you to look at me. I’ll never lie to you … about anything. Yes, it hurts at first, but eventually it will feel good.”

  Carla’s eyes focused on his thick cock edging into her ass. She bit her lip as he added more lube, inching and pressing his way into her small entrance.

  “Is this a punishment?” she asked in a hushed tone.

  “No. I just want to make sure you know you are mine.”

  “You were the first - the only one - to satisfy me this way.” Her eyes were glossy with tears.

  “Hold on to your knees, and move with me. Possess and swallow my cock until it can’t go any further inside you.” He grazed her lips and thrust his tongue into her mouth as he drove deeper and deeper into her ass. She melted into his kiss and let go of her knees, taking him in until he seated himself completely.

  “Let me feel how wet you are.” Michael took his clean hand and stroked the slippery soft skin of her labia. “You are soaked, my sweet. I want to watch you play.”

  Carla groaned as she stroked her swollen folds over and over. Her breathing intensified as they moved together, kissing and rubbing their face onto one another.

  “There will be no coming until I say you can,” Michael whispered breathlessly in her ear.

  “Then please say I can,” she whispered in response rounding her swollen clit with tense fingers.

  “Hang on a little longer…”

  Those were his last words as he pulled his slick cock almost all of the way out and drove back in deep a second time. And then without warning, he fucked her hard and fast again and again. The burn was finally gone, but the full exhilarating sensation became more intense with each plunge.

  “Oh my God, I’m coming baby!” His body suddenly jerked forward, and she could feel his cum spray deep into her rectum as her muscles involuntarily shuddered and throbbed at the same time. Their eyes remained open enjoying every moment of the lust and tenderness they felt for each other. As they held tightly to one another, Michael gave Carla a gentle kiss on the lips.

  “I’m going to clean your bottom with a cool washcloth and then prepare us a nice dinner.”

  “I guess lunch wasn’t enjoyable.”

  “I didn’t stay long enough at the restaurant to eat.” He bent her knees forward and gave her a loving pat on each side of her bottom before walking into the bathroom to prepare a washcloth. Twirling his finger in a circular motion, Carla complied and turned over onto her knees allowing him to clean and soothe her sore backside. He knew how embarrassing a position it was for her, but it gratified him to be able to care for her in a way that no one else ever had.

  “Good girl. Why don’t you get dressed and I’ll meet you downstairs.”

  Carla passed a full-length mirror on her way across the room. Pausing for a moment, she turned at the waist to inspect her radiant bum.

  “This ass is the only one I’m interested in. It’s all mine.” He bent down and softly bit her right cheek.

  “All yours, indeed,” she whispered with a satisfied s


  “Michael, where are you going so early on a Sunday morning?” Carla approached the kitchen counter with a full cup of coffee.

  “My parents want me to stop over for a little family get together. I’m not sure why, but they seemed a bit anxious. I shouldn’t be gone longer than an hour. Would you like to go out for brunch when I get home?” He gently kissed her cheek.

  “Why don’t I get changed and come with you? I’m really nervous that I haven’t met them yet.”

  He shook his head. “They specifically asked me to come alone.”

  “Uh-oh. Why is this family meeting excluding me? It sounds more like an intervention than a little get together.”

  “I promise to be back soon, and we’ll go somewhere nice to eat. They can be a ruthless as a group. There’s no reason for both of us to endure this.”

  “They are your family, so it needs to be your decision,” she said with a shake of her head.

  From the window, Carla watched his car pull away and sighed.

  Gabe and Hannah Cohen were born in Poland and had lived the horrors of the Holocaust. In their early teen years, they were taken from their beautiful homes and dragged from one concentration camp to another. Right after the war they met in a displaced persons camp, were married in Germany and then immigrated to the United States to live with relatives that had settled in Pittsburgh a generation earlier. It was common among Holocaust survivors to want to marry quickly and have children; most of them lost loved ones in the war and desperately wanted to reconstruct their family.

  Gabe’s uncle owned a furniture factory and took him under his wing. Even without a formal education, he had a great head for business and had become extremely successful. Hannah was a stay at home mom, not uncommon in those days. They had three children - Debbie, Ariel and Michael. Hannah and Gabe were extremely protective of their kids, as most survivors had been due to their ongoing irrational fear of losing family members. While it isn’t uncommon for many parents to want to hover over and control their children, they took it to the extreme. It wasn’t much of a problem when the kids were younger, but as they grew older each of them seemed to resent the intrusion to a different degree. Debbie, the oldest, didn’t care for her parent’s idiosyncrasies but was usually willing to play their game. After all, her parents were in a concentration camp living in hideous conditions for most of their teenage years, and she couldn’t see giving them any more grief. Ariel and Michael, however, rebelled and that frequently got them into trouble. Eventually, all three kids married within the Jewish faith, and they were very proud parents. It was extremely important for them to keep the generations of Judaism alive and many felt it would be a tragedy to break the chain. Naturally, when Michael and Lilly divorced, his parents were devastated. They believed that once married you stayed together, no matter what the circumstances. Even though they didn’t know the details of what caused the breakup, they seemed to hold their son responsible. Being pragmatic, Michael accepted this fate and didn’t keep in touch much. That’s why his antenna shot up when a family meeting was called. He figured he was the subject of an intervention, and Carla was probably the target.

  Michael’s parents still resided in the heavily populated Jewish community of Squirrel Hill in the same home that he grew up in. As he walked toward the house from his car, he had flashbacks of his childhood. He still experienced bouts of anxiety around his folks and couldn’t shake his desire to keep some distance between them. On one hand, he admired them greatly given all that they had experienced in their lives. But there was always a bitter taste in his mouth. He saw his father as a control freak - a man without emotion. His mother, depressed most of the time, was generally unapproachable. They kept the children safe and put food on the table, but there was little demonstrative love. Most of the time, his parents were wrapped up in self-pity. As a child he could hear them crying and pacing in the middle of the night due to bad dreams. He assumed their unusual parenting techniques were, in part, what made him who he was today. It always brings him full circle to the interesting nature vs. nurture discussion that he likes to have with Jason. As far back as he could remember, he’d enjoyed being a dominant man and hoped to find a woman who would cherish the security and devotion that came with his life choice. It didn’t really matter why, but he always wondered if the same lifestyle would have been as enticing if he’d been raised differently. He found it ironic that Lilly had shown up again wanting and missing what they once had. He certainly couldn’t and wouldn’t explain the reason for their breakup to his parents. His D/s lifestyle was private and he wanted to keep it that way. Unfortunately, he didn’t know how much information Lilly had shared with his sister, who rarely kept her mouth closed.

  Debbie opened the front door. “Michael, you’re on time as usual.”

  “I have a bone to pick with you, but we’ll talk about that later. What’s up with the folks and their cryptic meeting?”

  “They’re in the living room waiting for us.”

  Michael and Debbie rounded the corner to find Gabe and Hannah sitting on the couch holding hands. They looked a bit more fragile since he’d last seen them. They politely arose and each gave him an obligatory hug.

  “Michael we’re so happy you could find some time to visit,” Gabe said with a hint of sarcasm.

  “To be honest, I’m extremely curious to hear what this is all about.”

  Gabe regained the touch of Hannah’s hand and cleared his throat. “Michael, Debbie told us that Lilly is back in Pittsburgh, and we were hoping that there was a chance for some type of reconciliation. You know how your mother and I feel about the way things ended between you two. Isn’t it time you made things right again?”

  Michael stood there stunned. “Okay, let me understand this. You called me over here to suggest that I consider taking Lilly back?”

  “Michael, Lilly is still part of our family. She was your wife for better or worse. Do you remember the vows you took in front of family, friends and God? It’s not too late to make things right. This is a golden opportunity.”

  Hannah nodded in agreement.

  “You had a couple of rough patches, but nothing that can’t be overcome with a little willingness on both your parts. It’s as simple as this. Lilly made a mistake, and now she wants you back.” Debbie walked over to their parents, physically presenting a united stand.

  “I didn’t realize you were all experts on marital relationships,” Michael said. “For God’s sake, Lilly and I are divorced, and your support should be with me. I’m in love with someone else. Do any of you care how I feel?”

  “I’m really not impressed with your ‘someone else’,” Debbie snapped.

  “None of you have even met her. And as for you, Debbie, it seems to me that your friendship with Lilly has clouded your opinion of Carla and that’s unfair!” Michael’s gentle demeanor was being challenged.

  “Enough.” Gabe angrily put one finger in the air.

  “Carla isn’t Jewish, so she can’t be part of this family? Is that what this is about?” Michael asked challenging his father.

  “You’re engaged?”

  “We are.” Michael’s tone was stern as he sat down in a large wingtip chair while trying to maintain his composure. Bias and prejudice were ugly traits and, unfortunately, were alive and well in his family. He didn’t condone it, but after all they’d been through he understood why his parents were like this. Debbie, on the other hand, was just a product of spending too much time with them. Ariel might have been on his side, but she lived in New York and also didn’t keep in touch with them much. It was obvious why they didn’t involve her.

  Michael took a cleansing breath before he spoke. “I can appreciate how you feel. As adults, you have the right to either accept my choice or not. Naturally, you will all be invited to the wedding. I hope you decide to come and meet Carla and her family. They are all warm, wonderful people.” He didn’t wait for a reaction and got up from his chair.
  “Would she consider conversion?” Hannah whined as she grabbed Michael’s arm.

  He shook his head sadly and walked out the door.

  Michael arrived home shortly thereafter. Carla and Wally were at the door to meet him. “How bad was it?”

  Michael leaned over and patted Wally on the head. “There’s nothing for you to worry about, I have it all under control.”

  “I’m not stupid, you know. This was part two in a plot to get me out of the picture. What’s next – are they planning to mug your blonde shiksa girlfriend on a dark street corner?” Her arms were crossed defensively.

  “Your Yiddish is impressive, Peanut. So where should we go for brunch?” Michael smiled nervously and tried to change the subject as he met her eyes.

  “Michael, it didn’t work out the last time you tried to shield me. I want to be included. Please tell me what happened.”

  “They’re upset that you aren’t Jewish, Carla. Truthfully, I don’t think this is really about Lilly at all. It would just be convenient for them to put us back together because she’s one of the clan. Believe it or not, it’s a really big issue for them and I don’t like to talk about it because it’s hurtful. We’re getting married, for God’s sake. This should be a happy time.”

  “You told them we’re getting married?”

  Michael nodded.

  “I’m stronger than you give me credit for. Let’s do this together, okay? Yes, in a perfect world it would be wonderful if your family loved me. But we love each other, and that’s enough for me. Besides, we always have my family, and they adore you!”

  “I figured they would meddle when Lilly came back to town. I thought I could be the hero and take care of things on my own. It was important for me to be strong for both of us. I’m so sorry this happened; I never meant to shut you out. I wanted to protect you from them.” He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tight.

  “You’re the strongest man I know, Dr. Cohen. But together, we’re a force to be reckoned with.”


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