The Return of the Manhattan

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The Return of the Manhattan Page 25

by Lee Ecker

  Brad wasn’t the least bit sad to leave Washington, and get back to work as Laura picked him up at Andrews. He greeted her with a warm hug and kiss, but it wasn’t until they went back into the airplane and the door was closed behind them that he took her in his arms, and kissed her like there was no tomorrow. She didn’t want him to let her go, but she finally broke free, “Brad, we’ve got to get going, or the ground crew will think we’re doing something we shouldn’t be doing.”

  “Well, if I was in their position, I’d wonder about me if we didn’t do something. After all, it’s been over two weeks, and I haven’t been able to think of anything except you.”

  “That’s nice, but now it’s time we were on our way. We’ve got a busy schedule ahead of us.”

  They were in the air climbing through 20,000 feet before Brad sensed something was wrong. Laura just seemed to clam up, “What’s the matter Laura? You’re far too quiet.”

  “I’m worried about Dad. He isn’t back yet.”

  “I thought he was going to stay until after our wedding.”

  “He went back to the first century and promised to return within days. I’m afraid something has happened to them. He left right after my ordeal with the kidnapping.” She told him all about the planned trip.

  “It’s only been two weeks. Give him a little time.”

  “I know, I’m not ready to throw in the towel, but I’m troubled. He said it would be no big deal if they didn’t make it back as their primary mission has already been accomplished.”

  “How long has it been since you tried to contact him?”

  “At least an hour.” She grinned.

  “Let me have the controls and try again.”

  She relinquished the controls, pulled out her computer and tried to contact the Manhattan again. This time, David responded immediately, He answered with a joyful shout! “Laura, how’s everything with my favorite daughter?”

  “You mean your only daughter. How do you think? I’ve been on pins and needles for over two weeks.”

  “Well I guess we missed our target by a few days. Not bad though for traveling almost two thousand years.”

  “How was the trip?”

  “We just got back and it’s going to take us a little time to evaluate, but it seems like everything went fine. You don’t have a thing to worry about. We’ll be ready to come down for your wedding.”


  Brad was called back to Washington for more testimony and that left Laura by herself. Laura left with the Marie, stopping at Wright-Patterson to pick up Dana, and then headed directly to Independence. “Why Independence? I thought we were going to Kansas.” Dana was puzzled but not surprised, as Laura often did strange things with or without Brad.

  “I’ve been waiting for the opportunity to meet with Brad’s parents alone. I fabricated a story on most of those other trips for an excuse to get the use of the airplane. I’ll probably have to go to those plants, but they aren’t ready. They really need to have the assembly line up and running first. I’ll probably go to Pratt and Whitney’s plant next week, and General Electric’s in the near future.” She changed the subject, “Have you ever had the chance to fly?”

  “No, I’ve been too busy. You know basketball and all those other sports.”

  “Well, take the controls and try it for a while. It’s easy, but be real gentle on the controls. This aircraft is pretty responsive, but it’ll get away from you in a hurry if you let it.”

  Dana sat concentrating for some time trying to get enough of the feel to keep the aircraft generally within plus or minus 1,000 feet. She gradually settled down, and tried again to question Laura, “Why do you want to see Brad’s parents?”

  “Gee, Dana, I thought flying the aircraft would keep you from asking so many questions.” Laura laughed, “I think I’ll wait, and let you see for yourself. I do have another reason though; to make plans for our wedding.”

  They flew along in silence while Laura showed her how to connect the autopilot, and control the aircraft the easy way. Dana soon became totally engrossed in the navigation procedures and programming of the autopilot. Laura commented, “You learn fast. I think you like the technical aspects of your job, don’t you?”

  “Sure, and I’m eager to learn all I can.”

  “Do you have any idea what you would have been doing this fall, if Brad and I were no longer around?” Laura probed.

  “I suppose I would continue to work with Charles. I find this work challenging.”

  “All right, I’ll quit beating around the bush. When we were killed, the secret of the new engine technology died with us. Charles Bains couldn’t recover, and Solar Magnetics Administration no longer existed. Charles helped you enroll in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; you got your doctorate in Physics and you went on to become the leading expert in the Solar Magnetics field. What I’m saying is that you have the potential to do whatever you want in life. I’m not sure you’re doing yourself a favor by continuing to work as our receptionist.”

  “Wow! You mean I actually got a doctorate in Physics? That’s hard to believe! Laura, you’re the world’s leading expert in that field; I couldn’t do the same thing, but I’d like to continue to work with you, and learn as much as I can from you.”

  “You’re too bright to waste your time that way! Yes, you would learn the mechanics of it, but probably never learn the theory or create anything on your own. This field opens thousands of new opportunities, especially in the synthetic material fields. Your company needs to expand out of the fuels technology into the leading edge of synthetic engineering, or face bankruptcy. You see, these new units could never be produced without materials created from your oil products.”

  “I don’t know what to say—it’s overwhelming.”

  “Well, you don’t have to make any hasty decisions. You can go to school, and work with me in the laboratory. But, I think you need to consider your inheritance, and what it might mean to you.”

  “I’ll think about it.”

  They landed at the downtown Kansas City airport, and rented a car to go to Brad’s home. Laura said, “You know Dana, I didn’t even bother calling Brad’s folks. I felt so comfortable and at home with them last time; I don’t feel any pressing need to call first. I hope they’re home and they welcome us without Brad.”

  “You’re as silly and impulsive as I am. Crazy is more like it, but I don’t care. I’m having a good time whatever way it turns out.”

  “Isn’t this country beautiful?”

  “It’s kind of flat. I loved the mountains in Arkansas. I loved to drive through those hills. But I suppose they will always remind me of my accident.”

  They were at the driveway now as Laura turned in toward the house. “I hope you don’t let that stop you from enjoying the beauty of the Ozarks.”

  “Oh no, I want to go back to Arkansas, and I want to see the rest of the basketball team. I’m not sure I want to go back to play ball again though.”

  Marty Anderson was out in the front yard, and it only took him a minute to recognize Laura. “You must be Laura Ashton. What a welcome surprise. I’m Marty, Brad’s brother, come on in.”

  “Sorry to barge in on you like this. Are your parents home?”

  “No, sorry; Dad took Mom to see the doctor. Her condition isn’t improving, and she’s in constant pain.”

  She indicated her companion. “This is Dana Higgins.”

  “Hi, Dana, welcome to Missouri. Come on in. Mary, my wife, is trying to take over a little of the housecleaning burden from Dad.”

  Mary threw her arms around them, welcoming Laura into the family. “It’s good to meet you both. Dana, I’ve heard a lot about you. I’m sorry about your father!”

  “Where are your kids, Mary, I thought you had some little ones?”

  “Oh no, all of mine are grown. I have two, and th
ey are both in college. Brian may be here later this afternoon.”

  “It seems I never meet any of Brad’s brothers and sisters when I come. I’m probably mixing you up with another of Brad’s brothers or sisters.”

  “Oh, don’t worry about that, you’ll see so much of us that you’ll probably want to stay in Ohio.”

  “Dana and I both were an only child, and I definitely want to get to know all the family.”

  “Here comes Brian now.” They watched as a young man with definite Anderson features got out of his car, and walked toward the house. Mary introduced them, “Brian, this is Laura Ashton, and her friend, Dana Higgins.”

  “Nice to meet you. Saw you on TV this morning, but you look even more beautiful in person.” Brian turned toward Dana, “The house is full of pretty girls today.”

  Dana smiled, “Mary said you’re in college; what school?”

  “University of Missouri in Columbia,” he proudly replied, “you know where that is?”

  “Yup, trounced them in basketball twice last winter. You interested in basketball?”

  “I am if you are. Would you like to shoot some baskets?”

  “I’d love to; I’ve been just too busy to stay in practice!”

  “You better look out, Brian,” Laura challenged, “I’ve seen her play!” He led Dana off to the back of the house leaving Laura alone with Mary and Marty. Laura began tentatively, “Marty, what’s your mother’s prognosis?”

  “Not good, I’m afraid she seems to be in more pain every day. The doctors can’t do anything for her except give her something to reduce the pain. She has faith in God, and hopes she might be healed in some way, but she’s beginning to give up.”

  “I know where she can be helped. Would she be willing to go with me to see my doctor?”

  Marty bristled, “Laura, I respect you for who you are, and because Brad cares for you, but I don’t want you, or anybody else coming around here, raising her hopes, then letting her down with a big disappointment. Do I make myself perfectly clear?”

  Laura was momentarily at a loss, but recovered quickly, “Marty, you sound just like Brad! I bet you’re as stubborn too. I wouldn’t do that to your mom. I fell in love with her the first time we met, and I sensed an awful lot of love behind all her pain and suffering. You misunderstand me, I may not have been positive enough. I know my doctor can help Mom.”

  Marty was furious, “You aren’t listening! Mom has seen enough doctors to last a lifetime, and has been disappointed too many times. Why did you come around here without Brad? Did you already ask him?”

  Mary interrupted, “Marty, please, just listen to her for a minute! Laura, you sound so positive, how can you know such a thing? Do you know any others who have been healed?”

  “Yes, you just saw one. Dana wasn’t much more than a vegetable when she was taken to my doctor. You can see she is perfectly healthy!”

  “That’s not what President Dugan said!”

  “I know, and I shouldn’t tell you more, but Mom and Dad already are aware of our story. Can you keep this confidential?”

  Marty answered for both of them, “It doesn’t matter what I think of you, if you want to confide something in us, we will honor those wishes.”

  “Okay, remember the story President Dugan told about the missing C9?”

  “Sure, that was all we talked about for a while; it didn’t make sense then, and it still doesn’t.”

  “It wasn’t true. The UFO stories that were circulating were closer to the truth. Dana was in critical condition, but when the story came out, it was altered because Dana’s smashed and mutilated body was mended by a doctor who he couldn’t reveal. That same doctor can treat your mom.”

  “I wish I could believe you, but I can’t,” Marty said as he walked away.

  “Wait, Marty please give me a chance,” she begged.

  He slowly turned back taking her by the shoulders, “It’s only because of Brad, but I’ll listen.”

  “Thank you, I could go, and find the other patients that were aboard the C9 that day. Two of them had serious cases of arthritis, and they were cured. They don’t know how, but they are living proof.”

  “Just stand still for a minute.” She began to scan Marty from head to toe. “Remember President Dugan’s surgery a couple weeks ago?”

  “Sure, he had some type of tumor on his back, didn’t he?”

  “Yes, I suggested he go to his doctor after doing this procedure on him!” She began interpreting the printout from her computer, “Well, let’s see, your blood type is A positive, your sugar level is slightly elevated, you had a triple bypass, and you better keep your eye on your cholesterol level; it’s slightly higher than normal. Blood pressure: normal, pulse: high, probably due to your excited emotional condition. You have a metal peg in your left knee probably due to some injury sustained several years ago. You had all the normal childhood diseases and an exceptionally hard case of the measles probably later in life than usual. Health is overall excellent.” She waited a minute, “Did I miss anything?”

  “No, unless you count my moles. How did you do that?” Marty was impressed, but skeptical, “I’ll bet Brad told you all my medical history.”

  “Brad doesn’t speak much about his family; he never confided anything about you. I didn’t know Brad had any brothers or sisters until your mom told me.”

  Marty replied, “I’m sorry, Brad doesn’t know most of that, and wouldn’t have told you; so, how did you do it?”

  “I have some medical knowledge and equipment, and can make limited diagnoses, but the doctor of whom I speak can do much more. The medical knowledge comes from the same advanced civilization that produced the engines that Brad and I are working on. The president’s explanation of that wasn’t quite true either.”

  “Are you trying to tell me you’re an alien, and there really was a UFO?”

  Laura grinned, “I don’t like to be called an alien because I have always been an American citizen. But I did come here on what you would call a UFO. Until their business is finished, my doctor on board is available and willing to help Mom!”

  “That’s incredible! If Mom wants to try again, I’ll support you. But, why don’t you wait and let Brad convince Mom and Dad? I’m afraid you don’t know them very well. Dad will be your biggest obstacle!”

  “I should wait, and let Brad do it as you say; but I want so much to give this gift of health, this gift of love to your Mom, and to Brad. If we waited, we’d have to postpone our wedding. It would also delay my father on his return journey. I can’t wait. Somehow, Brad feels he’s to blame for his mother’s health, maybe I can help him. Anyway, it’s the way he does things, and I work the same way!”

  She waited until later that evening after dinner, as they were all sitting around the table, and began to plant the seed, “Mom, how did your doctor’s appointment go today?”

  “Nothing new! That old quack keeps taking our money, but I’m afraid nothing changes,”

  “I suppose he won’t let you go anywhere, or do anything except stay around the house.”

  “That old goat couldn’t stop me if he tried. I get along fine in my chair, and if I want to go somewhere, I’ll go. Won’t we, Dad?” She needed Dad to assist her wherever she went.

  “How would you like to go see the airplane Brad and I just acquired? It’s a model 55 Learjet we just finished modifying, a great little airplane! Maybe I could take you for a ride over Independence tomorrow; that is, if you think the doctor will let you.”

  “Let him try to stop me! I’d like that! I haven’t been in an airplane in years. Now if you can convince Dad to go along.”

  Dad hesitated, “I don’t know, I like to keep my feet on the ground.”

  Laura tried to put the icing on, “I bet you’re afraid to go up with me.” She was treading on thin ice and knew it, looking toward Marty for hel

  Marty added, “Dad, it would do Mom a world of good to get off the farm for a while.”

  “All right, we’ll go with you, Laura.”

  Dad insisted on driving the next morning since it was so much easier to carry the wheelchair in his station wagon. Laura was satisfied, hoping Marty and Mary would understand when they weren’t invited along for the ride. She knew Brian wanted to see the airplane, but it didn’t take long for Dana to convince him to take her to see the Kansas City Royals instead.

  Laura showed them the Lear with pride; she supposed Dad knew a little about airplanes from Brad’s life as a pilot, and could appreciate the clean lines, especially with the engine pods missing from their usual places. He looked at Laura with appreciation in his eyes as he spoke, “It’s a beauty; I can see how Brad feels about it. Where are we going?”

  “The sky’s the limit! Where would you like to go?”

  “We don’t care about going that far; maybe we should wait until Brad comes home.”

  “It’s kind of late to back down unless you want to disappoint Mom. Besides we’re not going very far, just up over Independence to see what you can see.”

  Laura requested a little help from the linesman, and Mom was seated in a comfortable VIP seat near the cockpit while Dad followed Laura around inspecting the aircraft. She spoke to the linesman, “There won’t be any noise from the engines so watch for my signal. I’ll flip the nose light on and off when ready to taxi.”

  He looked as excited as a small boy with candy, “I wish I had my camera, you don’t mind if we take pictures, do you?”

  “Not at all, we want the public to be excited about this airplane. We’ll be back here often; I’m sure you will have your chance.”

  Dad sat in back with Mom for the takeoff and departure, but came up front when Laura called for him after their initial climb. He sat down in the copilot’s seat, enthusiastically looking around the cockpit. Laura decided it was time to break the news to him. “Dad.” He was so engrossed in his excitement he didn’t hear her the first time and she repeated, “Dad!”


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