The Return of the Manhattan

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The Return of the Manhattan Page 27

by Lee Ecker

  Kevin coordinated their movements insuring no interference with the starfighters surrounding the Excalibur. The mission would be relatively easy, but tricky as the shuttle had to be taken aboard the Manhattan and the occupants removed, and then the shuttle had to be placed back on its original course within a split second of the time it was removed.

  In the shuttle, Marie Ashton heard the warning from the approach controller and abruptly applied full right turn and descent, and that was the last she remembered as the shuttle was taken aboard the Manhattan on the beam. The shuttle lurched abruptly to one side causing Marie’s head to come in contact with a window post knocking her unconscious.

  She opened her eyes slowly blinking against the bright white light while looking up into a kindly, benevolent face peering down at her. He looked vaguely familiar, but she couldn’t quite place him. She suddenly remembered being on the shuttle and the controller’s warning. She sat up quickly, instinctively, but futilely, reaching for the controls to alter her flight path. As the gentleman calmed her, she sat still and blinked, asking, “Who are you?”

  The older man calmly replied, “Relax, everything is going to be fine.”

  Marie’s mind was racing as she attempted to remain calm, relying on her training to evaluate the situation. She demanded, “Where am I? Where are Commander and Mrs. White?”

  “They’re resting comfortably. Something you should do for a couple more hours.”

  “Where are we? And what happened to the shuttle?

  “You’re aboard the Manhattan, a starship from your future. I know you don’t recall, but the space pirates attacked your shuttle about half a second after you were warned. It was too late for Kevin and his starfighters to protect you and your shuttle was destroyed.”

  “Then why am I alive, or am I?”

  “History has recorded your deaths and the Excalibur went on without you and the Whites. Now, twenty six years later, we have the necessary technology and we came back and plucked you off the shuttle to save your lives.”

  “This can’t be! Where’s David?”

  “In our time, he’s with the president waiting for you. In your time, he’s aboard the Excalibur.”

  “You mean the president is aboard the Excalibur! How did he get here?”

  “Marie, please just relax and it will all make sense. You were aware of Roger’s time travel experiments. Just think of the consequences.”

  She could hardly believe her ears, and looked on in amazement as another vaguely familiar man entered accompanied by Commander White and greeted her warmly. “Marie, it’s good to see you alive and well after all these years.”

  Marie felt bewildered looking from one man to the next. She turned to her commander, “Tom, what is going on here? Where are we and who are these gentlemen?”

  Tom hesitated a moment before responding, “Marie, I’m afraid our part in the mission was terminated early. As I understand it, we are still in our time but they will not allow us to go back aboard the Excalibur.”

  She demanded, “Why not? And you haven’t answered my question! Who are these men?”

  Tom blurted out, “Roger Dorn and Warren Baker. It hasn’t been that long for you since you’ve seen them.”

  Recognition dawned slowly on Marie as she pondered her predicament. “What happened to them?”

  Roger laughed, “Nothing except thirty plus years of aging. We have come back from twenty six years in your future. We’re thirty years older, that’s all.

  Warren added, “We’ve had a slight scare with you. We had a slight malfunction in the controller for our power beam and according to Tom’s description; it must have been like you experiencing severe turbulence in the atmosphere. As far as I can tell, you’re okay, but you’ve been out for several minutes. Nothing to worry about.”

  Marie pleaded, “I’m okay. I feel fine. Please put me back on the Excalibur.”

  Roger sighed and sadly shook his head, “Sorry, Marie. We can’t do that. For all practical purposes, you are dead in your time and cannot reappear until our time twenty six years later. If you will remember, we were on a critical mission, vital to the survival of our world. If we have learned anything in the last twenty six years, we know we cannot go back and change even a small part of history without endangering the entire mission. The president authorized us to rescue you, as a reward for David, but he would not consider risking everything to put you back on that mission.”

  Marie was close to tears, “But, why did you come back and rescue me if you will not allow me to be with the man I love or ever again be with my daughter?”

  Roger continued, “Marie, we can’t tell you all of what has happened in the intervening years, but we can tell you David has not remarried and he loves you. If you can accept the president’s offer and not reveal your identity, you will have the opportunity to help him from a distance and have a big impact on the life of your daughter. In time, you can reveal your identity to him and be with him again.”

  “But, I’ll be an old woman by then!”

  Warren laughed, “And we are dirty old men, I suppose. Even in the last few years, life expectancy has increased and the aging process has been reduced dramatically. You will have many good years together.”

  Roger pointed to an exterior viewing port, “Take a last good look out there. The battle is over, but the Excalibur is still in orbit around Juliet. They haven’t launched the backup shuttle for their passengers, but they will soon. We’re getting ready to launch on a high sub warp speed trip back to Earth so I’ll leave you while I go to the control center. We’ll have you back in Washington in a few months.”

  The Excalibur and Space Station Juliet were already fading into the distance as she cried softly, “Goodbye David, Goodbye Laura.”

  A few months later or nearly eight years later depending on the frame of reference, the Manhattan arrived entering an orbit over Washington DC, and docked at the space station where they left months earlier. The Manhattan was just another cruiser belonging to the Space Command and didn’t raise any suspicions as long as they didn’t remain for an extended period. Roger escorted Marie and the Whites to the launch area where they climbed aboard a shuttle that would take them to Washington. They settled into their seats and Roger began, “Time may be a bit mixed up, but I think you will adjust rapidly. If you recall, it was several months after your departure when the accident occurred. Now it’s almost eight years later on Earth. We are helping you out a little, not making you wait the extra eight years. You’ll have about three months to get accustomed to your new status before the Excalibur returns safely and I might add, successfully. Of course that will make you considerably younger than David and by the time your daughter discovers who you really are, she could be almost as old as you are now. Tom, you and Annette will have to maintain separate identities so I don’t think which time you re-enter should be important to you. It may be easier for you to appear eight years later so your old friends will probably not recognize you if you make contact by chance.”

  Tom and Annette left under separate escort and Roger continued to escort Marie to the White House. Marie asked, “Roger, do you mean I won’t be able to see Laura grow up?”

  “No, all is not lost. You will become her foster mom and meet the most important needs in her life. She will be eleven years old and will not recognize you so you can have as much contact as we can arrange as long as you don’t reveal your identity. David will be spending a lot of time working on the Manhattan and will need someone to care for Laura. You can be that someone. In time, you will be able to reveal yourself to them.”

  “Well, I guess that’s better than nothing.”

  “We are taking you to see President Albee. I have contacted former President Gardiner and he arranged for this flight to be semi legitimate and he will escort you to see President Albee. I really had to do some swift talking to convince Gardiner. You or Pres
ident Gardiner will have to convince President Albee.”

  “Aren’t you going to be there?”

  “No, I won’t leave the shuttle.” He handed her a large envelope. “This package contains the wishes of our future president who respectfully requests that President Albee carries them out. It’s up to you and Bill Gardiner to convince him he should.”

  Former President Gardiner met them at the shuttle port wrapping his arms around her, welcoming her back to Washington. “It’s sure good to see you. My wife and I were shocked when we heard of your deaths, and elated to learn of your return. Since Roger and you returned in this time machine, I know the Excalibur’s mission was successful. That takes a big load off my mind. Let’s go see the president.”

  As a former president, Bill had the White House transportation access codes and escorted her directly to the Oval Office. As President Albee rose to greet them, Bill Gardiner made the introductions, “President Albee, this is Marie Ashton. I don’t want to shock you, but yes she is the same astronaut who was reported killed on the Excalibur mission eight years ago.”

  President Alan Albee held out his hand and guided Marie to a seat in front of his desk. “Please sit down and fill me in with the details. How is this possible?”

  “Well,” Marie began, “I don’t know where to begin. It’s a mind boggling experience for me. And my dear friend Bill Gardiner has just heard it himself.” Marie sat and gathered her thoughts

  “Take your time. I sense that history is being made today.”

  “All right. First the Excalibur is about to slow to sub warp speed and should be entering the solar system shortly. They should arrive here in less than three months.”

  “Are you sure?” Alan Albee turned to Bill, “Is she on the level?”

  “Yup, she sure is. The mission was highly successful and the ship is loaded to the gills with crude oil.”

  “Wow, and not a moment too soon. But we really didn’t expect them back for several more years. But, please go on with your story Miss Ashton. Why are you here?”

  “It’s Mrs., but please call me Marie. I was killed as history records, but a future time traveler rescued me twenty six years later. I know it sounds crazy, but if you stop and think, with time travel, stranger things are possible.” She changed tactics abruptly, “Anyway, you will soon have the honor of opening the last box under that desk.” She pointed to a desk on the side of the room.”

  Alan gasped, “How… How did you know about that? Bill did you tell her? As I recall, you told me that was a sacred traditional trust known only to presidents over the last five hundred years.”

  Bill slowly shook his head in the negative, “No Alan, I said nothing.”

  Marie sighed, “The man who put that box here in your office told me about it. He traveled through time and placed the box here in your office hundreds of years ago. It contains plans for constructing the time machine I told you about.” She handed him the envelope Roger gave her, “I wish I didn’t have to give you this, but I’m convinced it’s the only way I can see my daughter again.”

  “I don’t understand; where is your daughter?”

  “Go ahead and open the envelope, it’ll help explain and I know it’s up to you, but I’ve committed myself to the success of this mission and I will not in any way try to change the plans our future president made. I will not tell my daughter or David, but with your permission I would like to have contact with my mother. She will keep my presence secret.”

  President Albee opened the envelope and sat reading silently with an occasional raised eyebrow. He finally set it aside and turned to the former president, “Bill, I apologize to you. I blamed you in part for the fake stories you told about a critical oil shortage. There is no oil shortage! You’ve been in on it all from the beginning. We have been convinced of the shortage so that we would fund the Excalibur and this next mission which has been dubbed ‘The Manhattan Project’.”

  Bill was confused, “Thanks for your vote of confidence; may I see the letters?”

  “Sure go ahead and read a little of history in the remaking.” He turned to Marie, “I thank you for the great sacrifice you and the whole crew of the Excalibur has already made. Today, we as a nation have an abundance of crude oil because of what your husband and Roger Dorn have accomplished. We will have a welcome home celebration for the Excalibur but the nation will probably never know the full implications of the mission. Even the crew cannot be told the whole truth. That will be a secret the three of us must keep.” Bill handed the letters to Marie, “I suppose you should read these too, as long as you are so deeply involved.”

  After Marie finished reading the letters, she responded sadly, “I will be Brenda Kay Brockway, if that is your wish.”

  The Manhattan with Roger in command returned to its launch pad within seconds of its departure without David, en route to the White House, being aware of its absence. David stewed and fretted, trying to guess the reason for his summons to the White House, but he finally gave up and went to sleep and didn’t awaken until his shuttle arrived in Washington.

  He waited outside the Oval Office a few minutes before the president’s private secretary ushered him in. President Talmage greeted him cheerfully. “Hi David, I’m sure you know the rest of these gentlemen.”

  David was surprised to see the two former presidents he had worked with over the years, and greeted them warmly.

  Alan Talmage waited until David was comfortable, “David, I suppose you are wondering why we brought you here.” He paused, but David said nothing, “We heard that you have proposed marriage to Brenda Brockway.”

  David, startled, nodded, “But, she refused… Did she tell you?”

  “Yes, she told me a few days ago, but even if she hadn’t refused, we couldn’t allow it!”

  David was totally confused and looked toward the former presidents, but they offered no explanation. He stammered, “Why… Why not?”

  President Talmage grinned, “Because you’re already married!”

  He pushed his buzzer and Marie walked in. Her hair was relatively short but it was already mostly back to her original red color. As she walked toward David, she took off her dark framed glasses revealing for David’s view her full facial features the first time in almost thirty years. She took another couple of steps toward him and pulled the retainer and crowns from her mouth revealing perfectly straight teeth. Her voice changed and there was no longer any doubt in David’s mind as Marie covered the remaining distance throwing herself into his arms.

  After several minutes, David and Marie became aware that the president and the two former presidents were patiently waiting. David stammered, “Sorry… Sorry sir. You have no idea what this means to me. I don’t know how it all happened; I’m overwhelmed.”

  President Talmage threw his arms around both of them, “David and Marie, it’s our pleasure. The three of us have been planning this session for a long time. In terms you would understand, Roger Dorn visited me a few hours ago and asked me to bring you here. While you were en route, he took the Manhattan on a rescue mission and brought Marie back several years ago. You can thank him and please forgive us for keeping Marie’s identity from you all these years. Marie can explain everything.”

  David turned to his wife, “I’m sorry Marie; I encouraged Laura to remain in the twentieth century. You will never see her again.”

  Marie responded lovingly, “It’s all right David. I knew she would stay long before you did. We made the most of it for the last fourteen years. I was her mother in every sense of the word. She didn’t know who I was, but she called and treated me like her own Mom. I’m glad I was able to be there for her.”

  President Albee chuckled, “Don’t be so hard on yourself David. I’m sorry we couldn’t let you in on the secret. It was a good secret around here and watching you and Brenda tiptoe around was more fun than a barrel of monkeys.”

bsp; “But what about Commander White? Did he come back too?”

  “Yes, who do you think we sent on the return mission?”

  David could only shake his head.

  “David, I think we can help. Remember your mission back to the time of Christ?”

  “Sure, I really enjoyed that and I hope those videos and images helped someone learn more about Jesus Christ. He certainly became real for us!”

  “You are about to embark on another mission back to the twentieth century. This time Marie can go and spend as much time as she likes with her daughter. You can delay that trip until the birth of your first grandchild if you like, but you’d better get back to the Manhattan and prepare for a couple of visitors from the past.”


  David called the executive council together to plan for the arrival of their visitors. Marie took her place back on the council and Thomas and Annette White were invited to join them as honorary members. David began, “The President didn’t say who they are, only that they would arrive from the twentieth century sometime this week and we would have to take them back with the Manhattan. He said they will inadvertently come through one of our warps you’ve been monitoring.”

  A few days later, Roger called on the intercom, “David, it’s happening. Someone is in the warp!”

  “Who is it?”

  “Hard to say, it’s a small craft similar in size to the Marie. It appears to be solar powered; either that or the engines have been shut down. There are two small heat sources, probably two souls onboard.”

  “I’ll be right there.”

  David joined Roger along with most of the council in the control room and waited anxiously until Roger finally confirmed, “They’re on the beam, David. You can communicate with them now.”

  David’s voice was projected across space into the cockpit of the small aircraft, “Unidentified aircraft, Identify yourselves!”


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