Torn (Lords of the City #1)

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Torn (Lords of the City #1) Page 35

by Alice Ward

  I rolled my eyes. “I’m not shacking up with anyone. I’m staying at Ethan’s because he’s hurt and needs someone to take care of him. As soon as he’s feeling better, I’ll go home.”

  “The longer you’re there, the less likely you’ll leave,” he argued. “I just want to make sure you’re thinking this through. I mean how much do you even know about Ethan? It seems like you’re moving awfully fast.”

  “It has been fast,” I agreed. “I know this sounds crazy. But when we met, I didn’t feel like I was meeting a stranger. I felt like I was being reunited with someone I’d forgotten I’d lost.”

  A happy smile spread across my uncle’s face.

  “What is it?” I asked, my brow pinched with confusion.

  “That’s exactly what your father said the night he met your mother. Back then, I thought he was being an overly dramatic, sentimental sap. But I felt the same way the first time I saw Claudia. And I’m so happy to hear you say it now.”

  “So I have your approval?” I bit my lip, waiting for his answer.

  “Did you really need it?” he teased.

  I reached across the table, took him by the hand, and met his eyes. “I should have listened to you when you warned me about Ben. You are the one person in this world who has always had my back. So, yes. I actually need your approval very much.”

  Tears welled in my uncle’s eyes and he closed his hand around mine. “All I’ve ever wanted is for you to be happy. Follow your heart, Emily. And I’ll watch your back.”


  Principal Matthews stepped up to the microphone and attempted to quiet the crowd. The entire school was packed into the school auditorium, along with more than half of the kids’ parents. Ethan had followed through on his promise to treat the kids; the Stallions’ starting lineup was on the stage.

  “Boys and girls, if you’ll just settle down we can get started. The longer it takes you to get quiet, less time you’ll have on the field,” Matthews warned.

  “I think our real problem is the parents,” Linda whispered, leaning into my shoulder.

  I nodded and looked out over the crowd. Every kindergartener had a parent at the assembly, leaving Linda and me with no immediate responsibilities. We stood at the back of the room with Melissa, who was covering the assembly for the station.

  “It was so sweet of Ethan to put all of this together,” Linda continued. “The kids will remember this for the rest of their lives.”

  “It looks great for the team too,” Melissa added with a wink. “Not to mention it gives me more air time. Have I told you lately how much I like your new boyfriend?”

  “Maybe once or twice,” I teased.

  When Ethan learned that the station was limiting Melissa’s sports assignments, he’d taken it upon himself to do something about it. He called in a favor with his stepfather, who in turn called the station. I’m not sure of the words exchanged, but the next day Melissa was called into her boss’ office and told she was the station’s official Stallions correspondent.

  “I can’t believe how much better he looks,” Linda observed. “If I didn’t know better, I’d never guess he was hurt.”

  The room was finally quiet and Principal Matthews introduced Ethan. The room erupted in applause as he stepped up to the microphone.

  “He’s been pushing himself too hard. We had a huge fight about it this morning,” I confided.

  “That’s a football player for you,” Melissa explained. “I know you’re worried about him, Emily. But Ethan’s tough. I’m sure he can handle more than you realize.”

  “He may be tougher than most people. But his bones don’t heal any faster,” I countered, shaking my head.

  The doctors cleared Ethan for light exercise and I’d woken up that morning to find him bench pressing heavy weights. We’d had a knockdown drag out over the definition of ‘light exercise’ and I’d left the house angry.

  Linda raised a curious eyebrow. “Trouble in paradise?”

  “A little,” I confessed. “It’s nothing devastating. He’s stubborn, I’m stubborn. Sometimes we butt heads. He is adorable though, isn’t he?” I asked, grinning up at the stage. Ethan was giving the room an enthusiastic speech about taking pride in your abilities, and all eyes were fixed on him with rapt attention.

  “Yes, he’s adorable,” Melissa agreed, rolling her eyes. “I’m going to slip out and use the restroom.”

  “I’ll join you,” Linda whispered.

  They both looked at me and I shook my head. “I’m fine here.”

  “We’ll be right back,” Linda promised.

  They snuck out of the auditorium while Ethan introduced Bob Palmer, the team’s leading wide receiver. I caught Ethan’s gaze as he slipped back into line and he gave me a quick wink. I felt a moment of relief, and then my blood grew hot with annoyance.

  “Well, well, well. Your boyfriend has some nerve, showing up here acting like he’s God’s gift,” Ben whispered. His arm brushed against mine as he eased up beside me. I instinctively pulled away, refusing to look at him.

  “He’s doing no such thing,” I hissed.

  A group of parents looked over their shoulders and I felt my face flush with embarrassment.

  This is the last place I should lose my temper.

  “Whatever,” Ben pressed on, raising his voice. Unlike me, he didn’t seem to care if we drew an audience.

  “You know what, Em? You’re a hypocritical bitch.”

  I finally faced him, took him by the arm and marched him into the hallway before he had a chance to embarrass me any further. Once we were alone, I backed him into the wall and jammed a finger into his chest.

  “I don’t know what the fuck your problem is,” I hissed. “But you don’t get to talk to me like that. I didn’t go to Matthews after you cornered me in the breakroom. But I swear to God, Ben. If you don’t back off, I’ll have your job.”

  “What are you going to do?” he snarled. “Have your boyfriend’s daddy buy the school and fire me?”

  “I won’t have to involve Ethan at all. What you’re doing is harassment, and it’s against the law.”

  “You act so high and mighty. I actually felt guilty for hurting you. But that’s not what happened at all, was it? I bet you were relieved when you found me with Becky. You got to make me out as the bad guy, and you were free to whore yourself to McAlister.”

  I was outraged by his words, so I decided to hit him below the belt. I glared at him with mocking sympathy and took a few steps back.

  “Poor, Ben. You’re jealous, aren’t you? You thought you were the big bad man, living the dream with a devoted girlfriend and plenty of sex on the side. I forgot that you’ve already had to settle for your plan B. I bet you can’t stand it that I’m with a real man now. Ethan’s living out all of your wildest dreams. And you’re stuck here, alone.”

  “You’re going to be alone soon, too,” he retorted, a bead of sweat dripping down his temple. “Do you really not understand how professional ball players operate? Let me break it down for you, sweetheart. You’re the home girl. You may get more of Ethan’s time than the others, but you’re far from the only pussy in the lineup. There are women all over this country just counting the days until the Stallions play their home team.”

  I shook my head and backed away from him. “I don’t know why I even bothered. You’re not worth the time or the energy. My relationship with Ethan is none of your fucking business. And you’re the last person I feel the need to explain myself to.”

  “Is everything okay, darling?”

  My body instinctively relaxed at the sound of Ethan’s voice. I met his eyes as he stepped out of the auditorium and gave him a reassuring nod. “Everything’s fine.”

  He put a protective arm around my shoulder and glared at Ben.

  “Are you sure?” he asked me. “I saw you two step out here. When you didn’t come right back, I got worried.”

  “I’m positive. Ben here was just explaining to me how many women you have
spread out across the country. He says I’ll be crawling back to him in no time. Isn’t that right, Ben?”

  Ben’s face turned an alarming shade of red and a thick blue vein popped up on his forehead. He glared at me, unable to form words.

  Ethan raised an amused eyebrow. “Is that so? Did you inform Ben that our relationship is none of his damn business?”

  “I did,” I agreed, my voice light and easy. “But he doesn’t seem to be getting the picture. I’m afraid I may just have to report him to Principal Matthews.”

  Ethan shook his head. “I don’t think that will be necessary. Ben’s going to leave you alone from now on. Because Ben understands that if he doesn’t, a lot more than his job will be at stake.”

  “Are you threatening me?” Ben growled.

  Ethan met his question with exaggerated shock. “Threatening you? Of course not. I’m simply reassuring Emily, my girlfriend, that you won’t be giving her any more problems.”

  Ethan dropped his arm from my shoulder and took three steps toward Ben, backing him into the wall again. Ben’s entire body tensed and I wondered if he was about to wet his pants. Ethan put his good hand against the wall and leaned into Ben, towering over him.

  “She isn’t going to have any more problems with you, is she Ben?” Ethan asked, his voice low.

  Ben glared from me to Ethan before dropping his eyes to the floor.

  “No,” he whispered.

  Ethan lifted his other hand and cupped it behind his ear. “What was that? I didn’t quite hear you.”

  Ben cleared his voice and straightened his shoulders. “No. I’m not going to cause any more problems. She isn’t worth my time.”

  Ethan nodded and finally backed away. “I’m glad we’ve reached that understanding.”

  A rush of pride washed over me as Ethan wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me back toward the auditorium.

  “Thanks for the rescue,” I muttered under my breath.

  “If we were anywhere else, I’d have knocked that bastard’s teeth in,” he whispered as we stepped back into the crowd. “And I meant what I said. If that asshole bothers you again, I’ll make sure he regrets it for the rest of his life. Are you sure you’re okay? He didn’t hurt you? Where were the girls?”

  We eased against the back wall unnoticed, the crowd’s attention still on the rest of the team.

  “They went to the bathroom. Melissa’s probably touching up her makeup before her on camera stuff. I had to drag Ben out before he made a scene, but I’m fine. I’m better than fine. I’m sorry I was such a bitch this morning. Thanks for having my back.”

  Ethan let out a soft sigh. “Don’t call yourself a bitch. I’m the one who overreacted. You’ve been amazing these past few weeks, Em. You have every right to be upset at me for pushing myself when you’re the one who has to take care of me if I get hurt. I guess it’s just taking me a little time to adjust to having someone to be accountable to. I promise to do better next time.”

  “Me too,” I agreed, curling into his side. We held each other for a few long moments and Ethan cleared his throat.

  “You know Ben’s full of shit, right? About the girls in every city, I mean. I know plenty of players like that. But I’m not one of them.”

  “I never, for a second, thought you were,” I assured him.

  “I love you, Emily,” he whispered. “This may not be the best place to say that for the first time. But I can’t not say it for a second longer. I have fallen completely, desperately in love with you.”

  I felt as if my heart would soar out of my chest. I opened my mouth to tell him I felt the same, and my friends chose the exact wrong time to reappear.

  “Hey,” Melissa beamed. “Are they about to wrap up?”

  Ethan nodded at her with a reluctant smile. “Yes. As soon as D’Angelo’s finished speaking, we’ll be ready to move outside.”

  The playground had been transformed into a training field, and the players were going to teach the kids some of their practice drills.

  “Why don’t Ethan and I head out there and double check that everything’s set up?” I suggested.

  “Sounds good,” Ethan agreed. “We’ll see you two outside.”

  We slipped away from them before they had a chance to protest. Ethan turned down the hallway toward the double glass doors, but I pulled him into the empty gymnasium and planted a firm, passionate kiss on his lips. I pulled away and stared into his eyes.

  “I love you too.”


  “These are fantastic seats,” Claudia gushed. “I’ve always loved football, but I’ve never been to a professional game. I never imagined my first time would be in a VIP box on Thanksgiving!”

  “This is quite the spread,” Uncle Walt agreed, filling his plate with smoked salmon from the buffet line.

  I stood in front of the crepe station, waiting for my breakfast. We had half an hour until kick-off, and I was anxious to get back to our box. I knew Victor and Martha were nearby, and the last thing my nerves needed was a run in with Ethan’s disapproving parents.

  “I can’t believe Melissa would rather be on the field,” Linda commented. She covered her French toast and sausage with a heavy layer of maple syrup and grabbed a handful of napkins.

  “I’d trade places with her in a heartbeat, if I didn’t prefer the company up here,” Henry told her with a love struck smile.

  Everyone I care about is happy right now. Uncle Walt has finally found a wonderful woman. Linda and Henry are on their way to happily ever after. Melissa’s career has finally taken the turn she’s been waiting for. God, please let us stay this way forever. And keep Ethan safe while he’s on the field.

  The chef topped my blueberry crepes with whipped crème and passed me the plate. I tossed on a few slices of crisp bacon and glanced around the buffet line before leading everyone back to our box. We sank down into the comfortable, overstuffed leather furniture while our private bartender took our drink orders. Normally, I’d never have alcohol so early in the day. But it was a holiday, and I needed something stronger than food to calm my nerves. We all ordered blood orange mimosas and turned our attention to the field.

  “I’m sure Ethan will be just fine,” Claudia assured me. “His bones have healed. He’s a strong guy.”

  “I hope so.” My stomach twisted in anxiety.

  The bartender passed out our drinks and we ate in silence until our plates were clean. A cocktail waitress popped into the box and cleared our dishes just as the head announcer welcomed everyone to the stadium. We moved to the stadium seats directly in front of our window and watched Ethan walk to the middle of the field for the coin toss. He lost, and I prayed it wasn’t an omen for the rest of the game. The Stallions were playing Dallas, Ethan’s old team, and I knew he’d take a loss as a personal failure.

  My prayers were futile. The Dallas offense ran roughshod over the Stallion’s defensive line and scored their first touchdown just three plays into the game. Their defense was even more formidable. They held Ethan to just four yards before taking possession of the ball for the second time.

  “I’m sure it’s just a rough start, Emily,” Walt assured me. “Ethan needs a few plays to get back in the swing of things. He’ll settle in and start kicking ass in no time.”

  Ethan’s next toss landed in the arms of a Dallas lineman, who turned around and ran in for a sixty-yard touchdown.

  “You were saying?” I asked with a defeated sigh.

  I signaled the bartender for a refill and asked him to keep them coming.

  Remember what Melissa said… there’s no telling how many cameras are pointed at me right now. I can’t overreact to anything that happens on the field.

  I straightened my shoulders and smoothed the front of my pink and silver Stallion’s jersey. The bartender brought me my drink, and I watched the rest of the first half without really paying attention to what was happening. When the teams filed off of the field, I finally glanced at the scoreboard. Dallas was lead
ing by three touchdowns.

  Cheerleaders from both teams danced across the field and I rose to my feet. “I’m getting more food. Does anyone want anything?”

  “I’d take one of those salt bagels with some lox and cream cheese,” Walt called after me.

  “I’ll come with you,” Linda insisted and linked her arm through mine as we stepped into the vast hallway. “It sort of looked like you zoned out in there,” she observed under her breath.

  “I feel stuck,” I confessed. “I know people are watching me watch Ethan. I’m afraid to react to what’s happening on the field, so I stopped paying attention.”

  “It’s not that bad, Emily,” she assured me. “I mean, no one likes to lose. But it’s not the end of the world.”

  “To Ethan it is. The Stallions lost every game they played without him. He feels like their losing streak is his fault and he’s determined to turn the season around. I think he also feels the need to prove himself to his old teammates. If they don’t come back in the second half, Ethan will be devastated.”

  “It won’t be the first time he’s lost a game,” she reminded me. “And lucky for him, he has a hot, sexy girlfriend to make him feel better.”

  I blushed and turned my attention to the buffet line. While my uncle’s bagel toasted, I loaded my plate with eggs Benedict and fresh fruit.

  “You really are nervous,” Linda observed. “I’ve never seen you eat like this.”

  “You should probably fix another plate too. Something tells me Thanksgiving at Ethan’s might be canceled,” I warned.

  Linda took my advice and filled another plate. We returned to the box just as the halftime performance was wrapping up.

  “Here you go,” I sang, forcing myself to sound cheerful as I passed Uncle Walt his plate. “I went ahead and grabbed a little of everything, in case anyone else gets hungry during the second half.” I pointed to the overwhelming selection on the dish.

  “Good thinking ahead, kiddo,” he replied. He popped a grape into his mouth and put an arm around me. “I was just telling Claudia that I’m sure the team is going to come back strong in the second half.”


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