Dance of the Dragon Sorceress [Tangere Tales 3]

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Dance of the Dragon Sorceress [Tangere Tales 3] Page 20

by Heather Rainier

  “Breathe, sorceress. Relax.”

  She did, and the length of Basile’s cock slowly disappeared within her ass.

  “Yes,” she moaned, flexing against him, taking more of him.

  Basile made eye contact with him and nodded. “Take Rainger, my love.”

  She reached for him without hesitation, her gaze direct and bright, moaning softly as she watched him slick more of the oil over his cock. He was glad she’d brought it because it would make taking them both so much easier. He added more to her swollen rosy cunt and positioned the head between her lips.

  He’d never shared a woman with Basile before, and he was grateful for that now. He loved her, and she was the first woman he’d wanted this with and the only woman he’d want this much ever again.

  * * * *

  Tremors rippled throughout her body as Elaina watched the concentration on Rainger’s face. She knew he was being careful, and she was grateful for it because Basile’s cock felt positively huge in her ass. They were big men, and that coconut oil was a godsend.

  Rainger kneeled between her legs, his cock rubbing against her pussy and her clit, and then the pressure began to build against her opening. She tilted her hips a little and murmured, “You feel so good, Rainger. I want you so much. Both of you. So much.”

  Incited by her words, Rainger took hold of her hips and thrust again, harder this time, and let out a low groan as he inched in. She’d never felt anything like it before, the feeling of being possessed by two men at once. She wanted more, and her body agreed because, on his next stroke, he slid deep and crouched over her, panting.

  She held on to both of them, kissing Rainger and then Basile as they held her still between them. Her body felt like one huge pleasurable pulse.

  The only sound besides their panting was the occasional sizzle of a coal in the braziers. The moment was utter magic, and she looked up at the painted dome, depicting the flight of dragons and the conquests of knights.

  Soon though, the desire overrode her reflection, and she arched and flexed between them, sending a flurry of tingles straight to her clit and strengthening the sense of wildness that drove her to move even more.

  “So fucking good,” Basile moaned behind her, tightening his arms around her as he thrust.

  Rainger braced himself on his left elbow beside her and fucked her in slow, heavy strokes, creating a rhythm with Basile that kept her constantly full of them, pleasured by them. They took such care with her yet showed how much they enjoyed her, losing themselves in the moment as much as she did, and the feelings welled up inside her until she couldn’t hold it in any longer.

  “I love you. I love you so much. Take me.”

  The words seemed to strip the inhibition from all three of them, and soon the pace grew more purposeful, her movements between them more wanton. The orgasm built inside her, drawing her muscles tighter until she finally burst with rapture, crying out in wonder as the waves of pleasure coursed through her center, overwhelming her. They thrust deep and hard, over and over, until first Basile and then Rainger cried out in release, their cocks twitching deep inside her as they held on tight.

  Extremities boneless with pleasure, she kissed them, relaxing between them as they caught their breath.

  “Amazing,” she whispered. “Thank you.”

  They were slippery with oil, and she giggled when she started to slide against Basile’s torso, but he caught her. Chuckling, he eased his cock from her with a reluctant moan. Rainger withdrew, as well, and she pointed vaguely in the direction of a stack of cloths and the stone crock of water kept warm on one of the braziers. “For cleaning up. I feel all slithery and oily.”

  “We’ll take care of you, sorceress. Rest now,” Basile murmured as he removed the lid from the crock.

  Every nerve ending in her body was lit up with pleasure, and she giggled, thinking she’d been lit the hell up, practically killed with pleasure.

  A short time later, she stirred when one of them brought a warm wet cloth and stroked it along her inner thighs and her torso to remove some of the oil and then cleaned between her legs with a tender, gentle touch that made her heart palpitate.

  They were such caring lovers but could be so sexy and forceful, and she loved that about them. Did she want to stay? The answer was a resounding yes, but would the possibility even be an option after tomorrow?

  Chapter Sixteen

  Unable to sleep, Rainger stood at the railing, under the rim of the great painted dome. He preferred looking up at the stars, but sleeping beneath the structure had been fascinating.

  He’d lived beneath this artistic behemoth off and on for years, but he’d never taken the time to study the work of art it truly was, or the history it represented.

  Unfortunately, one of Draconia’s first acts as queen had been to disband the monks who articulated that history. The abbey and all that knowledge had been abandoned.

  He’d watched over Elaina as she’d drifted in and out of slumber. Basile had shared his sleeplessness, and several times, she’d stirred and they’d looked over to find her staring at the red-hot coals in one of the braziers or gazing out into the darkness beyond the immense dome.

  They’d admonished her to sleep, and she’d finally dozed off as the moon hastened its downward drift to morning.

  A sound from the stairs had drawn their attention, and they’d dressed hurriedly to discover Lord Violet waiting below the landing, a large duffel hanging off his shoulder.

  The shadows beneath his eyes told them he hadn’t gotten any rest the night before, as did his gravelly voice when he said, “The knights are readying downstairs. During the night, word spread that Draconia is coming. Many of the inhabitants of the forest have arrived, asking shelter for their families and to help defend the abbey and the kingdom.”

  “Good. Did Zayrgrud have news to report?”

  Lord Violet nodded. “She’s divided the legion into companies, and they’re all coming at us from different paths through the forest. You understand why?” he asked, looking at both of them in turn.

  “I think so,” Basile murmured. “She wants to keep them divided for now so she can cannibalize their life forces in small doses, if needed, and none would be the wiser.”

  “So dishonorable,” Rainger muttered. To use the loyalty, forced or not, of her men in such a way was unthinkable.

  Elaina’s sleep must’ve been light because, while they spoke with Lord Violet, she’d arisen and dressed.

  He looked beyond them and nodded in greeting. “How are you this morning, Elaina the Glorious?”

  Her smile practically illuminated the stairwell. “Ready to get the show on the road, boss.”

  Lord Violet chuckled and seemed to relax a tiny bit. “The things you say, sorceress. I must speak to you privately, if possible. Basile, Rainger, would you take her backpack with you? We will meet you in the dragon’s lair.”

  Despite Lord Violet’s presence, she kissed them both before they left. He took it as a good sign that she hadn’t balked at being separated from the backpack.

  Downstairs, the abbey was alive with people all engaged in various pursuits, shepherding children and the infirm toward the hot springs cavern where they would be safest in the inmost portions of the mountain, as well as have access to a secret passage that would lead them to safety deeper in the forest.

  Able-bodied men were having their weapons inspected, sometimes spears or swords but often hatchets, axes, or farming implements, before being directed to the towers, the main entry, or to the lair. Several of them greeted him with surprise as they noted the huntsman tattoos no longer marked his arms.

  Fermin was directing the placement of a huge iron kettle on a hook in the banquet hall hearth while several women hurried from the kitchen with stacks of wooden bowls and eating implements.

  When Fermin spotted them, he stopped them from taking bowls and said, “Tiggi has overseen a special breakfast spread out for you and the knights and the other soldiers in the dragon
’s lair. A mighty task it was, and you wouldn’t want to miss it because you filled up on porridge.” He pointed to the doorway beneath the stairs and said, “They’re waiting for you there, sires. Leave these folk to us, and we’ll see they’re properly taken care of.”

  “It’s a good thing for you and Elaina that Selena completed your healing,” Rainger said, a few minutes later as they strode through the cavern and rounded the last curve leading to the ledge. “Otherwise I don’t think all this rushing around would be possible.”

  “I felt weak as a new babe yesterday before she came. Elaina could hardly lift a hand without trembling from”—a green flash soared by the opening, accompanied by a joyous crowing screech—“exhaustion. Was that who I think it was?”

  Basile stood there gaping, and then they both began to run. It hadn’t occurred to him that Elaina wouldn’t have to tire herself out taking all those stairs from the dome and then far back into the caves in order to reach them—she could simply ride Zayrgrud.

  They reached the ledge just as the massive dragon, who was larger still than he’d been the night before, touched down with his scaly hind feet and landed gently on his front feet, his wings fluttering and then drawing close to his sides.

  Rainger stared in awe. “I’ve seen many dragons in my time, Basile, but none so large as Zayrgrud the Terrifying. I’ve also known a few knights willing to ride a dragon. But never in my life have I known of a woman willing to ride on the back of any dragon, much less one that huge.”

  Standing there with his arms crossed over his chest, Basile smiled like a dolt as they watched her tug free the laces of the harness mechanism that saddled her to the dragon. Zayrgrud turned his head on his long neck and watched her with an indulgent purr as she climbed out of the leather contraption.

  Instead of climbing down using Zayrgrud’s wings as an improvised chute to the ground, as he’d seen numerous riders do, Elaina held out a hand and Zayrgrud angled his head closer.

  Because Zayrgrud could breathe fire, the movement made Rainger nervous, but Elaina showed no trace of fear as the dragon angled his cheek to her. She grasped one of the many spikes on Zayrgrud’s temple and stepped onto two other spikes. Holding tight, she grinned down at them as he lowered her slowly to the ground.

  She patted his cheek and jumped off then danced on the balls of her feet and squealing excitedly before running to them.

  “The leathers are an intriguing change,” Basile said as she flung herself into his arms and then repeated the maneuver with Rainger.

  “Cool, huh?” she said breathlessly as she spun in a circle for them.

  Basile looked her over, a gleam in his eyes that no doubt matched the one in Rainger’s own, and said, “Distracting was the word I’d have chosen.”

  “It is a little form-fitting in some places,” she murmured with a giggle as she smoothed her hands over her curvy hips. “And accentuates others.” She gave a slight wiggle to her chest, evidently repositioning her full breasts more comfortably in the bodice.

  The foundational garment was the typical dress of dragon riders, black leather for durability since they were riding dragons, which had sharp spikes, and armored with dragon scales to protect them from injury during battle. Black boots that were also armored protected her feet and calves.

  She preened understandably as she stroked a gloved hand down her arm, which was also protected with scaled armor. “Zayrgrud commissioned this with Lord Violet during one of their talks. These are Zayrgrud’s baby scales,” she said, and he saw the sheen of tears in her eyes. “I was speechless when Lord Violet showed it to me.”

  Lord Violet joined them, clad in the same sort of dragon scale armor and leather combination, and said, “I suggested that as fearless as Elaina is about heights, she might enjoy taking a ride. It was also our chance to get her into more protective clothing…just in case.”

  She turned to Lord Violet and poked his arm. “You wanted him to try to convince me to let him take me to safety some distance away.”

  Lord Violet grinned and gave a short nod of his head. “I did. There’s no point in you being in harm’s way. Draconia thinks you’re dead.”

  She arched an eyebrow. “And you and I already discussed that there is still good I can do.”

  Violet bowed to her. “It was the least I could try to do. Now…Zayrgrud has something for you.” He nodded, and the heir to the dragon throne lifted a magnificent paw to his chest and dipped two clawed fingers into an armored pouch over his breastbone. His scales were layered in such a manner that it was invisible until he reached within it.

  Shock raced through Rainger, and he couldn’t hide his surprise. They’d known that female dragons incubated their eggs in such a pouch, close to their dragon fire, until it was ready to hatch. The pouch made for a snug safe place and was ideal for transporting an egg. What he hadn’t known was that male dragons possessed the same pouch.

  Lord Violet drew the three of them close. “Draconia believes the dragons grow scarce, but their numbers are greater than she realizes because the males can assist in incubating them. For every single egg they send us, there are dragons born in the Eastern Kingdom who receive their training at home from the others who return. The pouch serves other uses, and though a bit on the warm side, a person can even ride in it. Today, it has a special purpose, though.”

  Zayrgrud purred, a deep comforting sound as he lifted the paw from his pouch and gazed at whatever was held in his cupped palm. He gave a deep cooing sound and then, ever so gently, lowered it before Elaina and then spread his fingers, revealing a pristine, pearlescent dragon’s egg.

  Elaina gasped and then cooed a little herself as she reached out and stroked the shell, the color of a pink pearl, and then gaped up at him. “Flappy, did you?”

  Lord Violet chuckled. “No, he did not lay that egg, Elaina. He’s brought it here to entrust the care of it to you, for when it hatches.”

  Zayrgrud purred again. “Nurk. Meemee.”

  She looked up at him. “You want me to take care of this egg for you?” Evidently a silent exchange occurred, and her face began to glow with happiness that overflowed from her eyes in happy tears. Finally she said, “This is a female dragon, and she’s to be your queen. You want me to nurture your future mate so she will understand you?”

  “Nurk,” Zayrgrud murmured, cooing again to the dragon egg she cradled to her chest, careful of the armor.

  “Don’t worry,” Lord Violet said, giving the shell a gentle tap. “Dragon shells are very durable. They just need warmth. If she hatches, make sure to keep the shells safe because they are extremely valuable.”

  “If she hatches? How close is she to hatching?”

  “Very close. With your permission?” he added as he gestured to the front of her armor. She nodded.

  The armor was made to flex and shift for ease of movement, and she gaped when he caught the edges of her breastplates and pulled outward, displaying the space created as the overlaps spread out, and then showed her the thin mesh-like fabric lining within.

  “I wondered why that was there. I figured the person who made the armor didn’t have any idea how big busted I am and made that part with growing room and that was just extra lining.”

  He slipped the egg within the lining and tightened the armor back to her chest with a hidden strap, which he carefully tucked back in.

  “Your warmth will be sufficient for the time being, and she will be safe in there, even if she hatches. She can hear your heart, so she will feel safe.”

  Zayrgrud purred again and then centered his gaze on Lord Violet. The commander drew in a deep breath and let it out and looked at the three of them. “It’s nearly time.” To Elaina, he said, “Keep the future queen a secret.”

  Elaina nodded without hesitation. “I won’t let you down. And no, Flappy,” she said after a long quiet pause, “I will not let you fly me somewhere safe. It’s too late for that anyway,” she said as she pointed to the forest. “I can smell the smoke of their ca
mpfires as they extinguish them all over the forest. Draconia and the full force of her legion will be here soon. Nope, I’m staying right here with Her Royal Flappyness.”

  Zayrgrud tilted his head. “Nurk?” With a flick of his head, he indicated the harness still attached to his back, clearly offering a ride.

  Elaina paused as though listening to him and then said, “He’s invited me to be a lookout from the painted dome—although I know he’s just trying to get me away from the area of conflict. Big doofus.”

  Flappy nurked and made a chuckling sound that, given his size, was more like boulders being banged together. At least his sense of humor was intact.

  Lord Violet said, “That’s not a bad idea. You’d be communicating directly with him, and he can share the line of communication with me.”

  “If that would help, and if you’ll stop asking me to leave for my own safety, I’ll agree to be a lookout.”

  Lord Violet gestured to the row of tables practically bowed with food and said, “Eat before you go. Once the other knights arrive, there won’t be much left. I will send two of the knights of the Order to guard you once they have eaten.”

  * * * *

  The comforting heat of their hands seeped through the thin leather of Elaina’s riding gloves as they walked with her through the cavern. She could’ve taken Zayrgrud up on his offer of a quick ride back to the painted dome, but he’d understood her desire to spend time with Rainger and Basile before whatever happened…happened.

  She was hyper aware of the warmth of the egg nestled securely beneath her armor right over her heart. Every so often she thought she felt a slight tapping vibration coming from it. What an amazing honor Flappy had given her.


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