by T. M. Smith
Editing: Hope Vincent
About Fame and Fortune
An All Cocks Story book #2
Victor Dimir moved to America with his traditional Romanian parents when he was just a child. His Romani parents taught him their traditions and how to be a shrewd business man, but it was the attention of a classmate at school that taught teenage Victor about his sexuality. When he came out to his parents he knew it would be difficult for them to understand, but he never expected them to disown him.
Andrew Jones grew up with a single mom and his grandmother teaching him about life, he had an absentee father at best. The only thing the man ever did for Andy that stuck was buy him a camera for his thirteenth birthday. When Andrew went off to college on a scholarship to study photo journalism, he wound up falling in love with his Romanian roommate.
They became inseparable and wound up starting their own business together: a gay porn website where people could go and watch romantic gay porn instead of the rough and tough, or wham bam thank you man crap that was flooding the internet at that time. After ten years together they were still perfectly happy, not realizing something was missing, until they met a broken young man that needed a family.
Matthew Carlson was homeless, jobless and broken. At sixteen he ran away from home after being brutally assaulted by several young men that he thought were his friends, and then being told he brought it on himself for being gay by his parents. Matthew has done a lot of things these last few years just to get by. When he finds the flyer for All Cocks, he decides to call and see where it leads. What has he got to lose?
Matthew has deep rooted scars that aren’t visible on the outside to most. But when he walks into All Cocks, both Victor and Andrew can see the darkness in his eyes; they also see him. Can three men that did not know they needed each other get past the stigma of society to find a place of happiness, together?
*Advisory warning: This story contains a scene of sexual assault.*
Many thanks
My best friend Ann who puts up with my long periods of silence while I’m churning out the next story, ever diligent to drag me out of my cave every now and again. She may not understand why I choose to write stories about all these sexy men, but every time I have a new release she tells me she is proud of me. Always there supporting me, even after 18 years, Love you sugarlips!
All my readers that buy my books and leave such amazing reviews; you keep me going, keep me writing, and I thank you. The bloggers, reviewers and hosts that spread the word for us Authors about new releases as well as books you enjoy, your job is priceless. Ena and Amanda from Enticing Journey Promotions and Will from Pride Promotions, you guys really helped to keep Gay for Pay in the forefront with touring and reviews, much appreciated.
AE and Mortie, my partners in crime! You help me plot and plan at times and you let me vent all the time, I’m so happy our paths crossed and now you two are stuck with me. Jessie G, I love your honesty lady, can’t wait to see you again. Sandy Dion for always having the time to chat with me about whatever, and for introducing me to the two guys that sparked the idea for this series. My wonderful BETAs… Kimberly, Kathy, Lucien and Zane… and my editor Hope, the story thrives because of your input and critique, guys and dolls.
Last but definitely not least, my amazing family that supports me and my endeavors regardless.
Note: Fame and Fortune is a work of Fiction. While there may be names of people, places and things that you have seen or heard before, nothing you are fixing to read is factual.
Copyright © acknowledgement
NYU University –
Red Bull –
Starbucks –
Prell –
Converse athletics –
Levis –
The Spotted Pig –
Andy Warhol Artwork –
Pac Sun –
Vans –
Jon Bon Jovi –
NY Yankees –
PlayStation –
Xbox –
iPod –
SilverSun Pickups –
Penny Dreadful –
Showtime –
Terms of Endearment – Talladega Nights
Nissan USA –
Eiffel Tower –
Notre Dame Cathedral –
Le 123 Sebastopol –
Rust and Bone –
Sony Entertainment –
Amazon/Kindle –
Trip Advisor –
Praise for Gay for Pay…
This novel by TM Smith had me feeling so many different emotions and that is due to her amazing writing. She brought the characters of Kris and Linc to life and made us love them and everything they went through. She gives you an honest and factual view of the gay porn star industry and how these guys found each other against the odds. I was rooting for Chris/Kris to live his own truth and for the first time find what true happiness actually is. I couldn't get enough of Gay for Pay by TM Smith and the amazing and beautiful characters she has created. I recommend this novel so much and you will not be disappointed at all!!
Paul | Gay Media Reviews
I adored this book. It was well written, the characters were likable, and I thought the story moved along at a really good pace. It wasn't rushed and even though they are porn stars, the relationship wasn't rushed, and neither was the sex, which was off the charts HOT!!
Tracy | Bayou Book Junkie
This story grabbed my attention and kept it through to the end. The sex was really hot, both the porn scenes and the guys on their own. There are many side characters whose stories I am very interested in seeing play out, and I definitely want to see more background on the tempting triad running the show.
JustJen | The Blogger Girls
Overall, I enjoyed Chris and Linc’s story. Smith was able to capture the side of porn where performers are treated with respect in a family atmosphere. There is character growth seen for Chris, Linc, and many of the guys in a variety of ways. And with the roster of secondary characters, there are many stories waiting to be told.
Michelle | Joyful Jay Reviews
I loved how Chris and Linc’s friendship builds and the scene close to the end where they are dancing at a meet and greet… Send out the firetrucks! This is one of the hottest dance scenes I have read in a while.
I will definitely be looking for more books in this series!
Cat | MM Good Book Reviews
This book is for all the Matties out there. My hope is that you find your way through the darkness that haunts you. That you find the love, understanding and acceptance you deserve.
You have a voice, use it. Someone will listen.
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.
John 1:5
“In darkness, there is light. In love, there is hope”
TM Smith
~ Prologue | January 2000 ~
Victor ran the tips of his fingers up Andrew’s spine, smiling when the man trembled underneath him. When he reached Andrew’s head, he fisted a handful of those dark, curly locks and jerked his head back. Andrew gasped then moaned as the lube slicked fingers of Victor’s other hand slid inside his body. He couldn’t think, couldn’t catch his breath, he was so out of sorts. Stealing a glance at the clock on the bedside table, Andrew choked out a laugh that broke off into a sob as two fingers became three and Victor rubbed them over his prostate.
bsp; Andrew had known Victor Dimir for roughly six hours and yet, here he was, naked and writhing under Victor’s ministrations. How had they gone from unpacking, then heading out for burgers and a couple of beers, to Andrew being butt ass naked and writhing underneath him? His head was spinning, or was that the room? Perhaps it was the bed. Andrew couldn’t think with Victor’s hands roaming his body, feather light touches caressing him all over. Then he leaned over Andrew’s body and kissed his shoulder, lips travelling across shoulder blades, a nip on Andrews neck hard enough to draw a gasp but not hard enough to break skin.
Andrew Jones had been in his new dorm room at NYU for one fucking day and here he was, spread out bare for a man he hardly knew. Sure, they’d talked while they unpacked and more still over dinner. He learned that Victor was a Romanian immigrant; he moved to America with his parents when he was still a child and was raised in Harlem. He was tall, dark and handsome, smart and funny. He made Andrew laugh and about three beers into the night, Victor told Andrew he was gay. As soon as Andrew said, “oh wow, funny, me too,” something shifted between them. Victor started looking at him with a more predatory stare, and truth be told, Andrew couldn’t bring himself to mind. The man was fucking sexy as hell, and as soon as they staggered back to their room, Andrew had barely shut the door before Victor had him pinned to it, sucking on his ear and grinding his already hard cock into Andrew’s ass.
Andrew’s stray thoughts were quickly wiped from his mind as Victor’s nimble fingers withdrew from his body, only to be replaced by the biggest cock Andrew had ever felt invading his body. He threw his head back and cried out, fisting the blanket in his hands. Victor froze behind him, allowing Andrew time to acclimate to his girth.
“I am sorry; I do not want to hurt you. Do you want I stop?” There was this Transylvanian lilt to Victor’s voice that curled Andrew’s toes.
“, no, just… give me a second. Jesus Victor, you’re fucking huge!” Andrew swore, panting, trying to regain his composure. Victor spoke to him, words Andrew did not understand, as he gently stroked Andrew’s back. This had to be a dream, a beautiful nightmare? Slowly his body relaxed around the invasion that was Victor’s dick and his breathing evened out. Andrew tried to speak, to tell Victor he was ready but all that came out was a strangled groan so he used the only form of communication that still seemed to be working, his body. Slowly, Andrew began rocking his body back onto the member that was rubbing him raw from the inside out.
Victor took his cue from Andrew and didn’t move. He stayed mostly still for a few minutes while Andrew fucked himself on his cock, sliding back and forth, his beautiful ass swallowing a little more of Victor’s dick with each backward thrust. “You good Andy, I am wanting to be moving now?” Victor asked through what Andrew assumed were clenched teeth. Andrew nodded once, and only once before Victor pulled almost all the way out, then slammed back into him so hard his head banged into the headboard.
Not long after that Andrew shot long and hard all over himself and the bed, with his fingers still white knuckling the headboard. Victor quickly followed, releasing every ounce of pleasure he could find in one four letter word. The very large, extremely loud Romanian came with a long, drawn out “Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!!!” before he fell on top of Andrew.
The next morning, Andrew woke to the sounds of Victor’s soft snore, his breath tickling the nape of Andrew’s neck. No longer drunk or horny, Andrew thought perhaps he should be worried. After all, the only thing he knew about the man laying naked behind him was what little they’d shared last night. They had all the time in the world to get to know each other though, he thought, before smiling and drifting off again.
~ Chapter 1 | Ten years later ~
“Vic, babe, coffee’s ready!” Andrew hollered from the base of the stairs. He headed back into the kitchen where he had his laptop set up on the island. He was going through the video they shot last week out by the pool, to get it ready for release on the site. He smiled when he heard Victor’s footsteps bounding down the stairs then laughed outright when his partner came up behind him, grabbing two hands full of Andrew’s ass.
He turned into Victor’s arms and leaned into him, kissing him on the lips gently, then quickly pulled back before Victor could have him naked and splayed out on the kitchen island. They’d been together for ten years and Victor’s libido hadn’t slowed down one second in all those years, if anything; he was more insatiable than ever.
“Cut that out, get your coffee and get going; Jordan’s already going to be there way before you.” Andrew chided Victor, who begrudgingly relinquished his hold on his lover and sulked his way over to the cabinet. He grabbed a mug and filled it before turning around and leaning back against the counter, eyeing Andrew over the top of the mug. Andrew’s attention was back on his laptop, but he could feel Victor’s eyes on him, so he looked up and smiled at the hound dog expression Victor was wearing.
Victor batted his eyelashes and poked out his bottom lip. Andrew stifled a laugh and pointed toward the back door. “Get. Out.” He huffed.
“Party pooper!” Victor shouted playfully before he drained his cup. He turned and put it in the sink, then grabbed his travel mug out of the drain and filled it. He eyed Andrew over his shoulder as he was leaving, and Andrew felt certain that if the kitchen island wasn’t separating them, Victor would have been on him instead of heading out the door.
“Love you!” Victor yelled from the porch.
“Love you too!” Andrew responded before focusing on the editing he was doing for their latest video.
Over the last decade, the two of them had built a life together as well as a business and a home. The first couple of years they stayed cramped in their tiny dorm room at NYU, with the two twin beds pushed together to make a larger bed, though not by much. Victor graduated early then turned around and obtained his Master’s in Business before going to work as the CFO for a large mail order pharmacy company.
While Andrew attended his last year of college, living off Red Bull and vodka, rarely wearing anything but jeans, Converse and a hoodie, Victor put on a five hundred dollar suit every morning and pretended to be a grown-up. He hated it. But the money was damn good and paid Andrew’s tuition that last year, as well as the lease on a two bedroom condo in Chelsea. Neither of them set out to create an online gay porn website; it just sort of happened.
Occasionally, Andrew liked to spice things up in the bedroom with role playing or watching a raunchy online video. He hated that he could rarely find videos of two men that looked like they were in love. “I mean, seriously, they are getting paid to do the video, they could at least pretend.”
Then, one night Victor challenged him by saying, “Well, make your own then, Andy.” And so he did just that. The first video they ever posted online was one of themselves, and it got so many hits that they did a series of videos incorporating their role playing date nights into the mix. On rare occasions, they would find someone they were mutually attracted to on Grindr and make a connection, renting a room in the city and indulging in a random threesome.
Within six months their first site was up and running and Victor had quit his job to devote his attention to their new venture full time. One night Victor was joking around with some friends at a BBQ. When they asked what he was doing for work he said, “All cocks, all the time.” And it stuck. The next day Andrew bought all the domains and changed the title for their site to All Cocks.
One of the few friends Victor still had from his childhood owned a large office complex in downtown New York; so they leased an office from him so they would have a place to shoot scenes. Bringing in models was a challenge in the beginning, then one night they were out at a gay bar and a handsome man approached them. “Hey, you are those All Cocks guys, right? I’ve watched all your videos. Man, fucking guys for a living; that must be dope, where do I sign up?”
The guy was sort of joking, but Andrew took him at his word and they left the bar that night three models heavier than they went in. Over
the last six years Victor and Andrew had taken the online gay porn phenomenon by storm and established their site as a major player in the industry. As the business steadily grew, so did their workspace; they now occupied over half of the building.
When Victor first brought Andrew out to the house they now owned on Mamaroneck Island he thought it was too much, too big for just the two of them. Victor had come prepared for that reaction though, explaining his plan as they walked from room to room. How Victor wanted their small company to become an extended family of sorts. The models could stay with them and shoot out at the house sometimes. The attic could be their office away from the office. “There are seven bedrooms Victor, what the fuck are we going to do with seven bedrooms?” Andrew asked, still a little overwhelmed at the thought of investing in such a large home.
“We set one up for shooting scenes here, the other we use for models. They stay for shoot or if they need home. Fame, fortune and a family Andrew, this is what I am wanting for you, for us.” Victor led Andrew into the master bedroom to a picnic basket, blanket and pillows all set up beside the fireplace where a fire was already burning beautifully. They ate and talked, Andrew finally coming around to the idea and sharing things he wanted to do to the home with Victor.