All Cocks Stories Box Set Volume 1

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All Cocks Stories Box Set Volume 1 Page 35

by T. M. Smith

  “I need you to hear me right now Kory, okay?” Jon spoke softly into Kory’s hair. Kory simply nodded to let Jon know he was listening. “I care about you, okay? You should know that by now. I don’t think I could ever look at you with pity in my eyes. Pity is for the weak, not for someone as strong and stubborn as you are.” Jon smiled when he felt Kory’s body bounce as the young man chuckled.

  “I also need you to know you can trust me. I know it’s hard for you to talk about that time in your life, but I want to know everything there is to know about you, Kory White. The good, the bad, the ugly, I don’t care, nothing you can do or say will make me want you any less.” Jon reached down and lifted Kory’s chin with his fingers, his tough as nails heart whimpering at the pain he saw in those beautiful amber eyes.

  “I’m falling for you, Kory. The more time I spend with you, the better I get to know you, the stronger my heart beats for you. I know we are both stubborn and hard headed and we are going to have words, go to blows sometimes, even. But if you aren’t in this for the long haul, you should walk out that door now and spare me the pain in the long run.” Jon stood, looking down at the man he was growing quite fond of, watching the various emotions play out on his handsome face.

  Kory couldn’t speak, couldn’t find the words to say in response to Jon’s declaration. So he answered the question without words, sealing the deal with a kiss. The kiss started out chaste until their tongues got involved. Kory pulled back, breathless and shaking, his eyes still holding an ounce of pain, but the desire Jon saw in the depth of Kory’s eyes was what made his dick twitch.

  “I’m scared Jon, and I hope you can understand how fucking hard it is for me to say that. I don’t want to trust anyone, but I trust you. I don’t want to care about anyone because it always ends in pain, but goddamn it, I care about you too. I want this…” Kory waved his hand back and forth between him and Jon. “…thing between us, whatever it is, I want it. I want you Jon. More than I’ve ever wanted anyone else. That scares me too,” Kory said the last few words as a whisper, as if he feared anyone else hearing him speak them.

  Jon jerked Kory’s body close, covering his mouth and kissing him hard as he slowly walked him backwards until Kory’s back was up against the wall. Kory moaned and melted into the kiss, releasing all the pent up anguish and relinquishing himself to Jon. When Jon started grinding his hard cock into Kory’s hip, he broke the kiss and slammed his head back against the wall, groaning. Jon took the opportunity to lick a path along Kory’s neck, pulling the collar of his shirt aside and biting down on Kory’s shoulder.

  “Jon, please, I need you” Kory begged, his back lifting off the wall as he dry humped Jon’s leg.

  Jon chuckled, grinding their denim clothed cocks together, closing his eyes and feeling more than hearing the hitch in Kory’s breath. When he reached around and grabbed Kory’s ass in his hands, pulling their bodies impossibly close, their erections rubbing painfully against each other, Kory hissed through clenched teeth. Jon alternated between rocking his hips into Kory and massaging his ass cheeks as best he could through the denim that covered them. Kory’s eyes were closed, a myriad of emotions playing out on his face. What took Jon’s breath away were those flushed cheeks and the hint of a smile.

  “God Kory, you are so fucking sexy right now.” Jon’s voice was low and husky, the words coming out almost as a growl.

  Kory slowly opened his eyes and gave Jon a smoldering grin. “As much as I appreciate your appraisal of my disheveled appearance, I’m seriously about to bust a nut in my jeans, so, if you don’t mind, would you take me to bed now and do me?”

  “Are you sure?” Jon asked before Kory shoved him away.

  “What the hell do you mean, am I sure? Do I look like I’m not, Jon?” If the frustration in Kory’s voice wasn’t evidence, his scrunched brows and lips drawn into a thin line definitely were. The finishing touch was his hands now resting on his hips.

  Jon swallowed the laugh, holding his hands out. “I just want to be sure that this is what you want Kory, that’s all. The conversation prior to me dry humping you into the wall was pretty heavy.” Jon took one shaky step closer to Kory. “I would like nothing more than to take you to my bed, bury myself balls deep and fuck you until you scream my name. I’ve wanted that for a while now. But I don’t want it if you’re uncertain or just grasping for something to mask the pain I saw in your eyes not five minutes ago, Kory.” Jon now stood right in front of Kory again.

  “You’re right Jon, I don’t want that.” Jon nodded and started to step away from the man he had pinned against the wall.

  Kory’s arms shot out and wrapped around Jon’s neck. “I don’t want you to fuck me, Jon. I can get that any day of the week at work. I want you to show me what it’s like when someone you care about makes love to you. That is what I want. Can you do that, Jon?”

  The grin Jon gave Kory just before he leaned down and threw him over his shoulder, turning and stalking toward his bedroom was positively wicked.

  ~ Chapter 5 | Feels Like the First Time ~

  Jon slapped Kory hard on the ass when his squirming knee jabbed into one of Jon’s ribs. “Mother fucker!” Kory shrieked and Jon slapped him again, harder. “Goddammit Jon, I can’t work with a red, welted ass!”

  “Good!” Jon replied as he tossed Kory onto the bed. Kory’s mouth was open but Jon stopped whatever word was forming with a hard glare. He pointed at Kory, fire brewing in his green eyes. “Do not fucking move, you hear me? Do. Not. Move.” He turned and headed into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

  He stood there for a few seconds, listening to hear if Kory made a run for it, but there was only silence. Jon exhaled a deep breath then splashed some water on his face. This was not how he wanted the first time he and Kory had sex to play out. He had wanted to do something more romantic. Dinner, maybe a movie, making out on the couch while drinking champagne, then making love by candlelight. Oh hell, who was he kidding? Besides, it was obvious that what Kory needed right now was for Jon to stake his claim. And that was damn well exactly what he was fixing to do.

  Jon stripped down to his boxers, grabbing the lube and a handful of condoms from the bathroom drawer, before opening the door and walking back into the bedroom. He almost swallowed his tongue when he saw Kory lying in his bed, naked as the day he was born, stroking his cock as he smiled up at Jon.

  Three long strides took Jon to the foot of the bed. He tossed the bottle of lube and the sleeve of condoms onto the bed before leaving his boxers on the floor and climbing onto the bed. He knocked Kory’s hand out of the way and wrapped his own long fingers around the proudly stiff prick. Kory gasped, reaching out and grabbing hold of Jon’s arms. Jon leaned down and licked along the length of Kory’s shaft, dipping his tongue into the slit before circling the rim. Kory hissed and dug his fingers into Jon’s shoulders.

  “Kory, open your eyes and look at me,” Jon ordered.

  Kory blinked his eyes open, trying to focus on Jon hovering just inches above him. “Yeah,” he whispered.

  “I am going to try very hard to go slow, be soft and gentle with you because that is what you are telling me you want. I will probably wind up fucking you through the mattress though. If you have a problem with that, now would be the time to object.” Jon spoke the words very matter of factly as he continued to gently stroke Kory’s cock, loving the feel of the member growing harder with each stroke.

  Kory just smiled up at him, wrapping his hands around Jon’s neck and pulling his mouth down for a kiss. They rutted against each other, Kory arching his back in an attempt to gain more friction. Jon hissed out a breath when their cocks lined up almost perfectly, tips touching, causing his balls to jump up and dance. Jon managed to find the lube and open the bottle without having to remove his tongue from Kory’s mouth.

  He could feel Kory’s body tense underneath him when he ran the tip of his finger along Kory’s crease. He had to remind Kory to breathe when he breached him with one finger. “Je
sus you’re tight. Kory, Babe, how long has it been?”

  “Oh god… feels good… what? How long… oh fuck… how long, Oh shit! What?” Kory was rambling, his words almost incoherent, unable to focus on anything other than Jon’s finger caressing his prostate. But Jon got the gist of it.

  Jon’s dick jerked when he added a second finger and Kory groaned loudly in response. He leaned down, whispering into Kory’s ear, praying he could grasp a coherent thought long enough to answer a question. “Kory, how long has it been since you bottomed?”

  “I, oh fuck Jon, right there! I don’t…” Kory moaned and wiggled, riding the three fingers Jon had buried inside him. “I haven’t, oh fuck, Jon, I can’t think straight right now.”

  Jon froze, he didn’t remove his fingers from Kory’s body, but he no longer stroked him with them either. “Kory, look at me.” He waited for Kory to open his eyes. When he did, Jon almost came un-fucking-glued. Kory’s eyes had gone completely dark. His pupils were blown, eyes glassy, full of lust and need. Jon took a deep breath and managed to stay focused; it would be entirely too easy to take what he wanted right then.

  “Kory, have you ever bottomed before?”

  Kory gave him a jerky nod and a half assed smile. “I have, but it’s been a long time. It doesn’t matter though Jon, right now I want you and I want to feel you inside me. Please, don’t make me beg.”

  The smile Jon gave him lit up the dark room. “But I like it when you beg.”

  There was a witty comeback on Kory’s lips. Instead, he sucked in a breath as Jon’s thick cock breached him for the first time. Jesus H Christ, when did he put a condom on? Jon fucked him slow and deep for a while as promised, holding Kory’s body close, probing his mouth with his tongue, the licks and flicks keeping pace with Jon’s glorious cock that was driving Kory insane.

  Kory had never had sex like this before. He hadn’t bottomed for anyone in the industry, only ever for his ex, Paul, and that fucker Lance, and the memories of sex with them paled in comparison to what Jon was doing to him right now. Kory had actually never really enjoyed bottoming before, the partners he had chosen previously too worried about their needs to bother taking care of Kory. But everything Jon did in bed, every thrust of his hips, every gentle or rough touch, every kiss that was generally followed up by a moan or a groan was all about either pleasing Kory, or silently telling Kory how much what they were doing was pleasing Jon.

  The gentle lovemaking on top of the conversation and memories revisited earlier pushed Kory to tears again. He felt Jon slow down, the warmth of his body seeping away as Jon lifted up slightly. “Kory, Babe, what is it? What’s wrong? Did I hurt you? Do you want to stop?” Jon was firing off too many questions right then and Kory couldn’t think straight.

  “I’m fine, it’s just… I’ve never felt like this before. Sex has never been like this for me before,” Kory whispered.

  “Kory, for fuck’s sake, follow that up with a please don’t stop,” Jon sighed.

  Kory couldn’t help but laugh. He smiled before leaning up and kissing Jon, pulling his body back down. Kory growled into the kiss. “You talk too much. Why don’t you shut up and fuck me?”

  Jon sought out Kory’s mouth, kissing him hard, following the blistering kiss with a hard thrust of his hips, driving deeper into Kory’s body than he had yet to venture. Kory threw his head back and cried out, wrapping his legs around Jon tight and pushing back with his ass.

  “Oh shit, fuck me!” Kory called out.

  Jon leaned back on his heels, grabbing Kory’s legs and setting them on his shoulders as he began fucking him in earnest. “You like that, Babe?” Jon asked. All Kory could do was nod his head in response.

  “God Kory, you are so beautiful. And tight, the perfect fit for my dick. I think you were made for me.” Jon stroked Kory’s legs, turning his head sideways and licking the length of Kory’s leg from his ankle to his knee before folding him in half as he leaned down to kiss him.

  Jon took a minute to enjoy Kory’s lips and the feeling of Kory wrapped around him, before he sat back on his heels again and fucked him fast and hard. Jon knew he was getting close to losing it. His balls were drawn up so tight he could feel them in his throat. But he was determined to bring Kory to his breaking point first, or at least at the same time as him. Jon leaned down, bracing himself with one arm, wrapping his other hand around Kory’s cock.

  Kory’s eyes rolled back in his head as soon as Jon wrapped his hand around his cock and he groaned. “Oh god Jon, I’m gonna come.”

  “Me too Babe, me too. Don’t fight it; come for me.” Jon encouraged him with a twist of his wrist and a flick of his thumb over the slit of Kory’s cock.

  Jon knew the exact moment Kory dived head first over the edge. He dug his fingers into Jon’s shoulders as his body tensed up, his channel choking the life out of Jon’s cock. Kory threw his head back and cried out as his orgasm tore through his body, which forced Jon’s impending orgasm to the surface. Both men shouted and swore, their words bouncing off the walls of Jon’s bedroom, before he collapsed on top of Kory.

  As soon as Jon caught his breath and his sense, he lifted up off Kory and fell onto his back. He carefully slid the condom off, tying it in a knot and dropping it on the floor beside the bed. He’d dispose of it as soon as he regained the feeling in his legs. Kory laughed, drawing his attention, and Jon rolled to his side to face him.

  “Not the response I was hoping for after the mind blowing orgasm I just had.” Jon eyed him.

  “That was amazing, Jon. I mean, I’m no virgin, but just now I sort of felt like one,” Kory tried to explain.

  “You are going to have to elaborate on that statement,” Jon said, reaching for Kory, grabbing him by the hip and pulling his body close enough to hold him.

  Kory traced Jon’s lips with his finger. “I have only ever bottomed a couple times, and those experiences were nothing like what we just did. I could feel you everywhere at once. Your touch, your kiss, your cock, all of it, and I felt… I felt like I mattered. With my ex, with guys on the set, nothing I have ever done compares to this, Jon.”

  Jon kissed him then, rubbing his thumb over Kory’s hip bone, and even that slight touch sent chills along Kory’s still over-sensitized skin. Jon smiled when he felt Kory shiver, running his hand up Kory’s side, pinching a nipple and causing Kory to moan into his mouth. When Jon ran his hand down Kory’s belly to his cock that was already growing hard again, he softly played with him with his fingers, drawing what he swore was a purr from Kory. When Jon reached lower, cupping Kory’s balls in his hand, gently rolling them around, Kory broke the kiss, and groaned low.

  “Jon! Fuck! You’re getting me hard again.”

  “Well, what ever will we do about that?” Jon teased. It had taken far too long to get Kory into his bed and Jon was going to use and abuse the privilege until they were both sated and too worn out to move.

  Kory pushed Jon over onto his back and climbed on top of him, Jon’s semi hard cock resting perfectly within Kory’s crease. He gently rocked his hips back and forth, teasing Jon, drawing sexy moans from the bad ass beneath him. Still relaxed and lubed from their previous tryst, Kory grabbed a condom and tore the wrapper with his teeth, gently rolling the latex down Jon’s shaft.

  He lifted himself up, hovering over Jon, ready to impale himself but Jon grabbed Kory by the hips stopping him. “Wait, Kory, you need to lube me up first.”

  Kory shook his head. “I’m still slick enough, Jon. Besides, I want to feel the burn this time.”

  Lifting up again, Kory slowly lowered himself onto Jon until his tight hole had swallowed every last inch of Jon’s long, thick cock. Kory slowly began riding Jon, his hands braced on Jon’s chest, eyes closed, his brow creased as if he were deeply concentrating on something. Their second round went much faster than the first. Kory used Jon’s body to his advantage, and Jon loved every second of it. He lay there on his back, watching in awe as Kory rode him fast and hard, taking what he wanted and g
iving back tenfold.

  “Oh fuck, Oh god, Jon, I’m so close,” Kory said between grunts and thrusts of his slim hips.

  “Come on Kory, take what you need; I’m all yours, use me Babe,” Jon encouraged him, holding Kory by the hips as he rode Jon with abandon.

  Kory came a few seconds later in a flurry of shouts and colorful words, painting Jon’s chest with come. Jon was so caught up in watching Kory take his pleasure from him that he didn’t bother with his own orgasm. Besides, Jon was certain he would have ample opportunity for many more orgasms in the near future.

  He held Kory’s spent body up long enough to help him lift up off his dick, laying him on the bed then going to the bathroom to flush the condoms and wet a washcloth. After he cleaned them up he climbed back into the bed and pulled Kory into his arms. Kory resting his head on Jon’s shoulder, he whispered goodnight.

  Soon the bedroom was filled with the soft sounds of Kory sleeping. Jon did his best not to laugh and shake the man sleeping half on top of him. Kory made the cutest sounds in his sleep. Little murmurs, soft snores and again, Jon could swear the man was purring like a fucking contented house cat. Jon lay staring at the ceiling for a long while. He knew they had only cracked the surface tonight. There was more pain still that Kory kept locked inside. He was certain it was part of why Kory was so wiry. The man was restless and cautious all the time, like he expected everything to be taken from him at any given moment. The damn shame was that no one else in Kory’s life had realized it yet, except maybe Kory’s roommate, Dusty.


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