Three generations of the Spiegel family have made us welcome as part of their extraordinary West Eighty-Third Street community; we mourn the recent passing of the building elders Helen and Aaron who first welcomed us, and take comfort in living amid the remarkable and loving clan they left behind. Cindy, you’re right; this building is a book. But it would take a village …
I won the in-law lottery, big time, when I married Jeanie and Gary Zwonitzer’s eldest son and got two superb brothers, Scot and Mike; our nieces, AJ and Arin; and a sweet, roiling pack of rescue dogs. Despite the vexing geography, they are always with us. So many times, upon turning up another delectable HGB anecdote, I wished that I could have shared it with my brothers, Don and Harland, both wry connoisseurs of Old Weird America. I miss them so. My mother, Rose, has watched me operate in a world quite alien to her, but her quiet lessons in compassion and respect have helped me snare the toughest interviews and harvest the best stories—the kind conferred by mutual trust. At ninety-one, Mom is still an exemplar of How to Treat People. My sister Barbara—my rock—has steadied me with a sweet equanimity I only wish were genetic. Navigating the last few difficult years in our family would have been impossible without the resilience, hard labors, and wicked humor of her husband, Robert, and their sons, Robert and Christian. Thank you, gentlemen, with all my heart.
Our children, Sam and Lila, could not be more different from each other, but they are equally loving, quietly astonishing, and always restorative when they put their feet back under our dinner table. They are the mightiest of so many joys that followed meeting my husband, Mark. For nearly thirty years, he has never quit promising, “It will get better.” It has. It will, because of you—only and ever you.
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Abernathy, Ralph
Abzug, Bella
Adams, Junius
Addison, Lovell
Adler, Buddy
Adler, Renata
advice columns
African Americans
Agee, James
AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP)
Ailes, Roger
Alda, Alan
Alexander, Shana
Alexis, Kim
Alford, George
Alford, Mary; alcoholism of; comet watched by; death of; and death of mother; HGB’s letter to; marriage of; and mother’s remarriage; movies seen by; polio of; telephone surveys taken by
Allen, Woody
Allyn, David
American Foundation for AIDS Research (AMFAR)
American Society of Magazine Editors
American Weekly
Ames, Kathy
Amory, Cleveland
“Analyst’s Couch, The”
Angkor Wat
Ann Landers
Any Woman Can (Rubin)
Appleton, Myra
Appleton, William
Arden, Eve
Arendt, Hannah
Arkansas Democrat
Arkansas Gazette
Arvey, Jacob
Ashley, Bobbie
Atherton, Robert
“August Is a Wicked Month” (O’Brien)
Austen, Jane
Auten, Henry Franklin
baby boom
Bacall, Lauren
Bad Feminist (Gay)
Bahrenburg, Claeys
Bailey, J. S.
Bailey, Lee
Bailey, Leelah
Baker, Miss
Baker, Russell
Balbo, Italo
Ball, Lucille
Balzac, Honoré de
Banderas, Antonio
Bandy, Way
Bara, Theda
Barnett, Mr.
Barr, Candy
Barrett, William
Barthel, Joan
Battelle, Kenneth
Bazelon, David
Beattie, Ann
Beier, Elizabeth
Belafonte, Harry
Belding, Alice
Belding, Don
Bell, Jerrit
Bell, Wayne
Bell Jar, The (Plath)
Belushi, John
Benchley, Peter
Bendel, Henri
Ben Hur (film)
Bennack, Frank
Benny, Jack
Benton, Robert
Bergman, Ingmar
Bergman, Ingrid
Berlin, Ellin
Berlin, Irving
Berlin, Richard
Bernard Geis Associates
Bernstein, Leonard
Best of Everything, The (film)
Best of Everything, The (Jaffe)
Bettelheim, Bruno
Beyond the Valley of the Dolls (film)
Bilheimer, Elizabeth, see Jessup, Elizabeth
Bilheimer, Roy
Birmingham, Stephen
Birnbaum, Alex Mayes
Birney, Jim
birth control
Black, Cathie
Bloomberg, Michael
Blyth, Myrna
Bob Newhart Show, The (TV show)
Bogart, Humphrey
Bonaparte, Marie
Borgen, Patrick
Boshko, Nathalie, see Brown, Nathalie Boshko
Bouvier, Black Jack
Bradley, Omar
Brady, Mrs.
Brando, Marlon
Breslin, Jimmy
Brickhouse, Jamie
Bridges, Lloyd
Brinkley, Christie
Broderick, Matthew
Brothers, Joyce
Brough, Charles Hillman
Brown, Al
Brown, Bruce LeGacy; death of; psychological problems of
Brown, David; Adler’s death and; background of; Beresford apartment purchased by; and Bruce’s death; burial of; and Cleopatra; Cosmo titles written by; death of; depression of; end of Zanuck’s partnership with; father’s death and; films produced by; and financial decisions; fired from Fox; and Greatest Story Ever Told; health problems; HGB given career advice by; and HGB’s affairs; and HGB’s arrest; and HGB’s book tour; HGB’s cosmetic surgery disdained by; HGB’s Cosmo contract negotiated by; HGB’s dates with; and HGB’s fan mail; and HGB’s firing; and HGB’s first day at Cosmo; HGB’s marriage to; HGB’s meals for; high earnings of; hired at Cosmo; ideal woman of; and Jaws; library of; magazine proposed by; morgue job of; in move to New York; in plans for independent production partnership; previous marriages of; Sex and the Single Girl edited by; Sex and the Single Girl sold by; stalker of; Thalberg Award won by; and TV project for HGB; and Vagina Monologues; Valley of the Dolls rights purchased by; will of; and writing of Sex and the Single Girl
Brown, Edward (half-brother)
Brown, Edward F.
Brown, Helen Gurley: abortion and; acne of; advertising jobs of; affairs of; on African Americans; AIDS ignored by; antipathy to procreation; anxiety of; apartment decorated by; archives of; arrest of; baptism of; birth control used by; birth of; book contemplated by; boys rated by; Bradley’s speech and; breast cancer of; brown hair of; and Bruce’s death; and Leigh Bryan’s death; burial of; Cadillac of; called slut; car accident of; and Carter Vanderbilt’s suicide; Catalina assignment of; and chaos at Cosmo; childhood of; and children; Citron’s relationship with; and Cleo’s visit to New York; Clifton’s relationship with; colitis of; columns of; Continental tour; cooking by; cosmetic surgery of; Cosmo bonus of; Cosmo changed by; dancing enjoyed by; dating by; David’s dates with; and David’s death; and David’s stalker; death of; Dempsey’s relationship with; depression of; Didion’s critic
ism of; dirty talk of; DJ’s relationship with; donations of; eating habits of; editorials of; editorial style of; editor’s letter of; entertaining by; Ephron’s interview of; exercise by; extroversion of; Eye edited by; fan mail received by; fashion sense of; and father’s death; FC&B job of; financial decisions made by; first day at Cosmo of; fishnet stockings worn by; Freddy’s affair with; Friedan’s criticism of; frugality of; Getty’s date with; girlfriends of; in Glamour contest; hair color of; hate mail received by; in high school; hired at Cosmo; Hollywood hostess debut of; at horse races; hypochondria of; in interview with Wells; K&E job of; Kelly hired by; legacy of; legal work of; letter to FDR from; in Life; long work hours at Cosmo of; magazine proposed by; on marriage; marriage of; Marvin’s relationship with; at MCA; measurements of; memory loss of; Mercedes purchased by; Miller’s relationship with; mother’s relationship with; and mother’s remarriage; in move to Beresford; in move to New York; movies seen by; New Year’s resolutions of; number of sexual partners of; nutritionist seen by; outbursts of anger by; Parker’s dispute with; at peak of sexual prowess; pets of; political views of; protests against; public speaking by; radio job of; replacement of; research firm’s interview of; salaries of; salons held by; Sandburg entertained by; and selling of Sex and the Single Girl; sewing by; sexual awakening of; sexual education of; in sexual harassment controversy; showers and weddings disliked by; singing by; and sister’s marriage; stepson cut out of life of; successful friends of; Sunkist work of; Susann’s first meeting with; talk show of; tell-all autobiography of; in therapy; traveling by; treatment for Broadway musical; tuna loved by; TV project sought by; twenty-fifth anniversary at Cosmo of; typing skills of; underdogs helped by; unmarried sex approved by; vagina monologue about; vagina studied by; as valedictorian; varied life of; weight gain of; at Women’s Strike for Equality; at Woodbury; at World’s Fair; yoga practiced by; Ziffren’s relationship with
Brown, James
Brown, Jim
Brown, Kathy
Brown, Nathalie Boshko
Brown, Robert C.
Brown, Tibby LeGacy, see LeGacy, Liberty “Tibby”
Brown, Tina
Brownmiller, Susan
Brown’s Guide to the Good Life (Brown)
Bruce, Edwina
Bruce, Mrs.
Bryan, William Leigh; cancer and death of
Buchwald, Art
Buck, Pearl S.
Buckley, William F.
Bulldog Beer
Bulldog Drummond Strikes Back (film)
Burton, Eve
Burton, Richard
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (film)
But Enough About Me (Reynolds)
Byrnes, Sean
Cahall, Lois
Cahall, Maxine
California Scholarship Foundation
Calloway, Cab
Camino Real (Williams)
Campbell, Mary
Camus, Albert
Canadian Bacon (film)
Candela, Rosario
Candy, John
Cantor, Eddie
Capote, Truman
Carangi, Gia
Carbine, Pat
Carnegie, Dale
Carter, John Mack
Casanova, Giacomo
Cass, Bob
Catch-22 (Heller)
Cavett, Dick
Chamberlain, Wilt
Chandler, Dorothy
Chappelle, Dave
Chayefsky, Paddy
Chicago World’s Fair
Citizens Food Committee
Citron, Herman
civil rights movement
Civil War, U.S.
Clark, Wayne
Clayton, Carolyn
Cleopatra (film)
Clifton, Chester “Ted”, Jr.
Clinton, Bill
Coburn, James
Cohn, Nik
Cohn, Sam
Colen, Helen
Collins, Pat
color television
Columbia, David Patrick
Comet Kohoutek
Comstock Laws
Condé Nast
Cooke, Charles
Cooney, Joan Ganz
Cooper, Anderson
Cooper, Gary
Cooper, Wyatt
cosmetic surgery
Cosmo Girl
Cosmopolitan: advertising in; AIDS protest against; anthologies from; chaos at; cover girls of; cover lines of; David hired at; excerpt from Jaws in; first issue of; foreign editions of; Fuller’s redesign of; HGB’s first day at; HGB’s last issue of; HGB’s makeover of; home décor features of; lack of sex focus of; made-up articles in; male centerfold in; media mockery of; and mothers; “penis” first used in; poor sales of; racial diversity and; readers’ sex life stories in; rising circulation of; self-improvement tips in; serialization in
Cosmo Report, The (Wolfe)
Crawford, Cindy
Crawford, Joan
Cronkite, Walter
Crosby, Bing
Crow, Elizabeth
Cullen-Harrison Act
Cunningham, Miss
Curtin, Jane
Curtis, Tony
Dahl, Roald
Daily News
Daisy (horse)
Dalí, Salvador
Dallas, Tex.
Darer, Norman
David, Saul
Davidson, John
Davies, Ardath
Davies, Marion
Davis, Bette
Davis, Charlotte
Day, Doris
Dear Abby
Dear Pussycat (Brown)
Deems, Richard “Dick”
Deliverance (film)
Dell Magazines
DeMille, Cecil B.
Demme, Jonathan
Dempsey, Jack
Depew, Chauncey
DeVore, Irven
Dickinson, Janice
Didion, Eduene
Didion, Joan
Disney, Walt
Dole, Elizabeth
Don Giovanni (opera)
Don Juan (DJ)
Don Juan, or the Libertine Destroyed (pantomime)
Douglas, Mike
Douglas, William O.
Downey, Jim
Dreiser, Theodore
Dreyfuss, Richard
Drogin-Feldman, Judi
Duke, Patty
du Maurier, Daphne
Duncan (collie)
Dunham, Lena
Dunlap, J. E., Jr.
Dunne, John Gregory
Dupuy, Frank, Jr.
Dust Bowl
Dylan, Bob
Dystel, Oscar
Eastwood, Clint
Edmiston, Susan
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Eisenstadt v. Baird
El Codobés
elections, U.S., 1960
Ellis, Albert
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Engstead, John
Engstron, Betty
Ensler, Eve
Ephebian Society
Ephron, Nora; HGB interviewed by
Equal Rights Amendment
Erikson, Erik
Erlichman, Marty
Evans, Joni
Evans, Robert
Every Night, Josephine (Susann)
Factor, Max
Fallaci, Oriana
Farrow, Mia
Fashion Week
Fawcett Publications
Fear of Flying (Jong)
Felker, Clay
Feminine Mystique, The (Friedan)
Ferber, Edna
Ferrara, James
Ferrara, Rena
Ferrer, Mel
Fink, David H.
Finkbine, Sherry
Flatley, Guy
/> Flynn, Errol
Fonda, Henry
Fonda, Jane
Foote, Cone & Belding (FC&B)
Forbes, Malcolm
Ford, Eileen
Ford Motor Company
Forst, Don
Fox; David fired from
Fox, Margalit
Francis, Dick
Fraser, Forrest “Woody”
Frazier, Ian “Sandy”
Freddy (pilot)
Freedoms Foundation
Freimanis, Anna
Freud, Sigmund
Freundlich, Lillian
Friday, Nancy
Friedan, Betty
Friedan, Carl
Friedkin, William
Fritz the Cat (film)
From the Terrace (O’Hara)
Fuller, Bonnie
Gable, Clark
Gabor, Zsa Zsa
Ganz, Cheryl R.
Garbo, Greta
Gardner, Ava
Gay, Roxane
gay men
Geis, Bernard “Berney”
General Motors
Geng, Veronica
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
Getty, Jean Ronald
Giant (film)
GI Bill of Rights
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins
Gilmore, Bill
Girls (TV show)
Girls Like Us (Weller)
Girl Talk (TV show)
“Give Me the Splendid, Silent Sun” (Whitman)
Glenn, John
Godard, Jean-Luc
Goddard, Paulette
Godwin, Gail
Goldberg, Molly
Goldberger, Paul
Golden, Callie
Golden, Kit
Good Housekeeping
Good Humor
Good Morning America (TV show)
Gordimer, Nadine
Gornick, Vivian
Gottlieb, Carl
Gottlieb, Robert
Gould, Beatrice
Gould, Robert E.
Grable, Betty
Gray, Francine du Plessix
Great Depression
Greatest Story Ever Told, The (film)
Green, George
Greenburg, Dan
Greene, Gael
Green Forest, Ark.
Gregory (cat)
Griffin, Merv
Griswold v. Connecticut
Gross, Mr.
Groucho and Me (Marx)
Grubman, Lizzie
Grunwald, Henry
Grunwald, Louise
Gurdin, Michael M.
Gurley, Bob
Gurley, Cedella Lipps
Gurley, Cleo Sisco Bryan; car purchased by; childhood of; children spoiled by; daughter’s pregnancy feared by; death of; health problems of; HGB’s letter to; HGB’s relationship with; horse racing enjoyed by; and husband’s death; letters of; marriage of; melancholy worldview of; money fears of; moving in with Browns; New York visited by; remarriage of; Sears job of; and second husband’s cancer; and second husband’s death; sewing of; and Sex and the Single Girl, 2246; teaching career of; at World’s Fair
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