A Family of Violence

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A Family of Violence Page 11

by Jon Athan

  As David's movements stopped, Stanley said, “I wish I could have done this to Mark and... and all of you.”

  Ed said, “Stanley, come here. I want you to see this.” Ed dragged an enfeebled Paul out of the water, pulling him towards a smooth, curved rock. He glared at Paul and said, “Don't blame anyone but yourself for this. You think you can come up here and fuck with me and my boy? You think because you have a little money you can ridicule us? Mock us? You're wrong. You're dead wrong. Open your mouth and bite the rock, motherfucker.”

  Hysterically weeping, Paul stammered, “I–I–I can't... Pl–Please...”

  “Bite the fucking rock! Bite it!”

  Paul gazed at Stanley with sorrowful eyes, hoping to find some mercy. To his utter dismay, he only found a wicked soul lurking within the child. His teeth chattered as he reluctantly moved closer to the rock. He was baffled by the strange request, but he followed Ed's orders. He figured he would earn some leniency through cooperation. With a wide-open mouth, Paul's teeth scraped the curved edge of the stone.

  Ed smirked and said, “Thank you, you stupid motherfucker.”

  Ed lifted his knee to his stomach, then he stomped Paul's head. A grotesque sound echoed through the woodland – a loud crunch, like crackers crumbling, and an unnerving thud, like a melon falling on the kitchen floor. Stanley gasped and staggered in reverse, shocked by the savage attack. He was temporarily disoriented by the violence.

  Ed curled his index finger and said, “Come here, son. Come on, don't be shy.”

  Stanley bit his bottom lip and approached. He trusted Ed with his life, he cherished his advice. If the man had something to show, he was going to pay attention. The grisly sight, however, made him queasy. Paul was still alive, squirming and twitching. A handful of his teeth were ejected from his mouth like pilots from falling planes. His jaw was clearly broken from the kick, too.

  Ed pointed at Paul and said, “I want you to do the same. Curb stomp this bastard and show him you mean business. Do it.”

  Stanley inhaled deeply and nodded – like father, like son. He lifted his knee to his stomach and stared down at the man. Despite Paul's weak, indistinct pleas for help, Stanley stomped his head. The crunch and thud were softer on account of the missing teeth, but the damage was still severe. Blood leaked out of Paul's mouth, streaming across the stone.

  Ed said, “Again.”

  Like an obedient pup, Stanley gritted his teeth and stomped with all of his might. Paul hopped and groaned, dazed by the kick. Without another demand, Stanley continued the brutal stomping – one, two, three kicks. The young teenager inhaled deeply, then he stomped Paul once again. Paul was killed by the final kick.

  Ed nodded and said, “Good, good... You showed initiative, you showed heart. You did a fantastic job, son. I'm proud of you.”

  Stanley wiped the swelling tears from his eyes, then he smiled and said, “Thank you.”

  “Can you drag the boy?”

  “Yeah, I think so.”

  “Good. It's time I taught you another important lesson: when you fail to do it the right way, it's okay to do it the 'wrong' way. We didn't catch any fish, did we?”

  Stanley glanced at the bloodied creek and responded, “I guess not.”

  “That doesn't matter. Humans are animals. Don't ever forget that. We are part of nature, whether we like it or not. When we destroy our world and disrespect this planet, it's like we're raping our own mothers. But, that's beside the point. Like animals, we don't waste anything. These bodies here will not be wasted. This old man and his son are a nutritious source of meat. I hope you're ready for a feast, son, because we're going to eat good tonight.”

  Stanley stared at Ed with wide eyes, astonished by the suggestion. Aside from a few of his favorite horror films, cannibalism rarely crossed his mind. Despite the horrifying suggestion, he couldn't help but smile and nod. He was happy to join his family for a special dinner, even if the meal included his former classmate.

  Chapter Sixteen


  How do you prepare human flesh for consumption? The question echoed through Stanley's mind as he watched the sweltering flames in the barbecue pit. Paul's body was chopped into pieces and stuffed into black garbage bags. He didn't meet the criteria for an exquisite fine dining experience. David, on the other hand, was perfect. He was a lean young man with tender flesh – not too fat, not too muscular.

  As Ed handled the finely sliced meat on the grill, Kat strolled out of the house with a stack of paper plates and a six-pack of beer. She wore a white tank top and a tiny skirt reaching down to her thighs. Her white underwear could be seen with each stride. Of course, the skimpy clothing was part of her kittenish personality. She was playfully teasing Stanley – and it worked.

  Stanley salivated over his flirtatious mother-figure more than he did for the human steak. Drool streamed down his chin as he stared at her unclad legs and her swinging skirt. The boy slobbered like a dog at the dinner table, begging for a bite of the woman. Kat simpered and winked at Stanley, further aggravating his arousal.

  Ed asked, “Those beers still cold?”

  Kat handed the plates to Ed and said, “Nope. They were getting warm an hour ago. Drinking these will be like drinking piss, but some...”

  “Some beer is better than none.”

  “That's right.”

  Ed and Kat shared a genuine chuckle. Stanley sat on the bench and watched the couple. Although he could not see a strong sense of intimacy, the pair shared a powerful bond – love, like a brother and sister. At the same time, he couldn't help but see a shade of his own parents. Ed was his strong and caring father while Kat was his sweet and loving mother. Of course, he felt more accepted by his new family than he did by the King family.

  Ed brought Stanley a plate of charbroiled steak. The meat was unusually tantalizing, teasing his sopping taste buds. Although he knew the meat came from a human – specifically from a classmate – he couldn't help but feel starved. He had not tasted a delicious meal in days. The tender meat and succulent juices were calling his name. He could hear David's voice in his head: Come on, Stanley, have a bite. Go ahead, eat me.

  Accepting the plate, Stanley said, “Thank you.”

  Ed and Kat sat beside their son, munching on the meat and slurping their beers. From their nonchalant demeanor, Stanley could see they had done this many times before. Feasting on human flesh was the norm around those woodland parts and the young teenager had to adapt. He would surely starve otherwise.

  Talking with his mouth full, Ed said, “Go ahead, boy, take a bite. It's a great source of protein. That protein will help you grow big and strong. Besides, there's nothing more empowering than eating your enemies. Trust me, son, it'll make you physically and mentally stronger.”

  Stanley inhaled deeply, then he took his first bite. His eyes widened as the red juices squirted from between his teeth. The steak was succulent. The meat was a bit on the chewy side, but the flavor was astonishing. The human flesh made his taste buds go wild. He gnawed into the meat like a starved animal, munching and slurping.

  Kat rubbed his shoulder and said, “Calm down, hun. You don't have to finish it all at once. There's plenty to go around.” She took his plate and said, “Let me grab you another piece.”

  Stanley was happy to accept another slab of steak. He smiled and said, “Thanks.”

  Kat returned from the smoldering pit with a large slab of meat on Stanley's plate. Stanley took the plate and started feasting – he couldn't get enough of the meat. As the boy devoured his meal, Kat sat beside him and softly rubbed his thigh. She gently massaged his leg and ran her fingertips up to his crotch – teasing.

  Stanley winced from the touch, like if he were about to be punched by a bully, then he nervously smiled. He gazed into Kat's glimmering eyes, lost in her wicked beauty. He thought about the peculiar situation. He thought of the woman as his 'mother' figure, but he also found her sexually attractive. Mothers, sons, and sex were never a great combination t
o have on the mind.

  Upon spotting Kat's sexual approach, Ed huffed, then he asked, “Why don't you two just go on and get it over with? If you're so fucking horny, just fuck each other and move on.”

  Staring into Stanley's eyes, Kat responded, “I'm waiting until he's ready. I don't want to spoil his first time by moving too fast. It has to be special.”

  Ed shook his head and said, “I was kidding, Kat. Control yourself.”

  As he wiped his hands on his jeans, Stanley asked, “Do... Do you really like me?”

  Kat responded, “Of course, sweetie. I think I like you more than you can imagine.”

  “I mean... do you like-like me?”

  Kat giggled from the question. The sheer innocence made her giddy. She leaned closer to Stanley, then she planted a kiss on his forehead. She pecked at the teenager's face, leaving a trail of passion. She ended up nibbling on his ear, gently kissing and sucking his earlobe. Stanley shuddered from the excitement.

  Ed said, “That's enough. Stop it, Kat. Leave the boy alone.”

  Kat was hypnotized by her deviant lust. She licked Stanley's ear, then she moved downward. She softly planted a kiss on his neck – a loving peck. She couldn't help herself. She sucked on his neck like a pesky mosquito.

  Ed sneered and yelled, “Stop it! That's enough, Kat!”

  Kat leaned away from her prey and blinked erratically – the trance was broken. Stanley held the plate over his crotch, trying to hide his arousal. He stared at Ed, shocked by his outburst. He thought, are they really a couple?

  Stanley stuttered, “I–I'm sorry if I did anything wrong...”

  Ed shook his head and said, “You didn't do anything wrong, son. None of you did. It's just important that you know what you're getting into, you understand?” He sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair. He glanced at Kat and said, “If you're going to act this way, you need to let him know. Why don't you tell him why you like him so much? Go on, tell him about it. He needs to know everything about us. He needs to know we trust him with our deepest and darkest secrets, especially if you're going to act like that. Tell him.”

  Kat said, “Okay, okay. I don't really like to tell this story, you know that, but I trust Stanley. I know he'll... he'll understand.” She nervously smiled as she stared at the moist ground, preparing herself for an emotional journey. Kat said, “When... When I was younger, just a little naive girl, my brother raped me. He was probably 13 or 14 years old. About your age, sweetie. Young and handsome... He took me and he raped me. It was the most terrifying thing to ever happen to me. Just being grabbed and invaded like that... I still remember that feeling...”

  Stanley's breathing intensified as he gazed into Kat's glimmering eyes – eyes glistening with tears. He was rattled by the story, but he couldn't conjure the courage to respond. He wanted to console the woman, but he didn't know how to comfort her.

  Kat continued, “The fucked up thing is... it doesn't bother me so much anymore. I actually miss that feeling. I miss my brother. Isn't that a fucked up thing to say after what happened? 'I miss the times when I was a 10 year old and my brother would rape me.' It's not right, is it? It doesn't matter, though. I guess I've been trying to capture that 'spark' ever since. I've been trying to feel whatever he made me feel back then...”

  Stanley stared at Kat with wide eyes and a dangling jaw. The tale continued to shock him. He glanced at Ed, hoping for a punchline to a demented joke, but to no avail. Ed stared despondently at the ground, lost in his own contemplation. Stanley was at a lost for words. He sat in silence as he turned towards Kat.

  Kat said, “Maybe he fucked me up or maybe I was fucked up to begin with. I really don't know. It doesn't matter anymore, does it? The past shaped me, but it's done. It can't be changed. We're here now. We're in this together and we'll stay together.”

  Stanley swallowed the lump in his throat, then he said, “Yeah. We're in this together. I won't leave you and I don't want you to leave me.”

  Kat, breaking away from her emotional character, burst into a nervous chuckle. She caressed Stanley's hair and said, “You're a sweetheart, Stanley. I won't give up on you as long as you don't give up on me. Hell, I'll even take a bullet for you.”

  Kat wrapped her arms around Stanley and planted a passionate kiss on his lips. Stanley was satisfied with the simple kiss. In fact, he preferred it over the nibbling of his ear and the sucking of his neck. The kiss felt genuine. He glanced over at Ed, hoping his mentor would accept the kiss and refrain from showing anger.

  Ed nodded at Stanley and said, “It's fine, son. It's fine...” He chugged his beer, gulping with each swig, then he crushed the can. He said, “I think it's time for us to move on. As a family, of course. With what we've done and the damage you've caused, I'm afraid we'll be found soon. Missing kids can only stay missing for so long before the pigs get wind of the dead. It won't be long until the hounds come snooping around these woods. I know it.”

  Stanley despondently stared at his lap and said, “I'm sorry. I just couldn't control myself.”

  “There's no need to apologize. You didn't do anything wrong. You were living the way you were supposed to be living. It's the damn government and the damn laws. Still, my point stands. If they're not already looking, the entire city will be searching for us soon.”

  Chiming-in, Kat asked, “Well, where do you want to go? What do you have planned, Ed?”

  “Nowhere specific, darling. You know that. I say we head into the city tomorrow. I want to buy some supplies with the money we've got saved up. You know, a tent, a flashlight, a hunting knife, and some boxers for the boy. We should have enough. We might be able to buy some groceries, too.”

  Stanley asked, “We're moving into a tent?”

  Ed smiled and said, “Yeah, yeah. It's only temporary, though, so don't worry about it. The road will be our home until we find a new house. I promise you, the both of you, I'll get us a bigger house than this one. I'm going to find us a palace. We're going to get what we deserve.”

  Chapter Seventeen


  Ed, Kat, and Stanley strolled through the large department store, browsing each and every aisle for useful goods. Although they appeared filthy and aggressive, the group moved about in a nonchalant manner. Through the grime and scars, the trio appeared jolly. They smiled and joked, happier than the common family.

  Stanley sniffled as he glanced around the store. He had visited the generic shop hundreds of times before with his real family, but he still felt like he was discovering a new world. With the knowledge he gained from Ed and Kat, the murderous teenager was seeing new colors and dimensions. He was cynical about life and humanity, but he was also much more perceptive and pensive.

  As Ed and Kat walked ahead, strolling towards the outdoor area of the store, the young teenager stopped and stared down a toy aisle. A child, no older than seven years old, was sprawled on the begrimed floor, kicking and screaming. His mother stood nearby, standing with her hands on her hips and tapping her left foot. The boy threw a fit because he couldn't pick out a toy while his mother tried to play the waiting game.

  Stanley scoffed and shook his head as he pondered the idea. A boy screamed at the top of his lungs for a toy while Stanley was preparing to leave society. The boy would return to a cozy home while Stanley would have to accept poverty. He wasn't bothered by his decisions, but he was amazed by the child's greed. The child didn't know better, but the fact didn't stop Stanley from judging him.

  As the mother stared at him with a furrowed brow, Stanley whispered, “Beat him.”

  Stanley's soft whisper could not be heard from down the aisle, especially with the child's screaming, but he hoped the woman could read his lips. Although he did not have experience as a parent, he figured his simple advice was valuable. Beat him and he'll stop crying, beat him and he'll learn the value of life.

  As the woman tilted her head and gazed at him, Stanley waved and walked away. His red windbreaker jacket whooshed with each step
. He simpered as he approached Ed and Kat. The couple stood near a large camping tent display, carefully examining the equipment and the price tags.

  Ed's blood-red flannel shirt and thick beard stood out like a sore thumb. Kat, on the other hand, wore a faded blue sundress. A black tote bag dangled from her shoulder, obviously belonging to a victim of the past. Although she had her fair share of scars, Stanley found more beauty than terror in her soul.

  As the teenager approached, Ed asked, “What do you think? You like it?”

  Stanley turned his attention to the display. He didn't really have to think about his opinion. The answer was always going to be 'yes.' He simply wanted to humor his mentor. He wanted to make the conversation a bit more lively. The tent could be five-by-five feet and he would still feel more free than when he slept in his own home.

  Stanley said, “I think it's perfect for us.”

  Kat responded, “Great. Go ahead and pick the color, sweetie. I want to know your favorite.”

  “I want the blue and gray one. Blue is my favorite color. It reminds me of the sky. It makes me feel free, I guess...”

  Ed lifted a large white box from beside the display. He said, “Alright. We'll just grab some flashlights, then we'll be on our way. I don't think I'll be able to buy a knife around here, not with all of these eyes watching us. These 'consumer' knives are shit anyway. Come on.”

  Kat pointed at an aisle to the right. She said, “I'll be right back. I have to pick something up.”

  With eager eyes, Stanley asked, “What? What is it?”

  “Well, I can't tell you since it's a little secret. Just stay with Ed, I'll be right back.”

  Kat giggled as she walked towards the aisle at the back of the store. She browsed the products cluttered on the shelves – tampons, pregnancy tests, warming jelly and the like. Her eyes widened upon spotting the condoms. She shoved a black box of regular-size condoms into her bag, then she strolled away. She couldn't help but giggle as her imagination ran wild. Kat and Stanley were nearing a big step in their relationship and Kat was ready to leap forward.


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