Tap Dance Kidnap

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Tap Dance Kidnap Page 10

by S M Mala

  ‘Let me go through this and then I’ll distribute the rota.’

  Kit sat there but was itching to go back upstairs and have it out with Sasha.

  She lied and led him on.

  That’s all he could think about.

  ‘There’s a man but were not quite sure what relationship she has with him,’ said Captain. ‘We know he’s very much involved in her life, whether she likes it or not. What we need to find out what’s going on.’

  ‘Just ask her,’ mumbled Kit, shaking his head. ‘Who is this man?’

  ‘He’s the best friend of her late ex-husband, a gentleman called Cameron Lester. Somehow he has managed to infiltrate her life without her even suspecting.’

  ‘Surely she’d have clicked,’ frowned Ryan.

  ‘Not from what I gather. He has her watched nearly twenty four seven.’


  ‘It seems he’s worried.’ Captain cleared his throat. ‘She has made several attempts on her own life since the death of her children so he feels the need to guard her.’

  Kit thought he misheard then looked at Captain for a second before glancing away.

  ‘Sasha Wilton has had a few spells in clinics due to her tendencies, so it’s most important we don’t tip her over the edge. I’m told she’s very fragile, mentally. Physically, it seems something has happened within the past twenty four hours to cause concern.’

  ‘They think it’s this Cameron bloke?’ asked Ryan. ‘If he’s keeping an eye on her safety, why harm her?’

  ‘Our client thinks Sasha knows something. Whatever it is, it seems very important. We know she’s been doing some research, looking into a few things that’s ruffling feathers here and there. What is it? We have no idea,’ Captain let out a miserable sigh. ‘They think by keeping her away from him, even for a short time, she might say what she’s been up to. Also Mr Lester has got himself into some sort of trouble and they want her out of the way while it’s sorted.’

  ‘You mean taking her by force is going to help them?’ Kit asked, looking disgusted. ‘This isn’t what I was told.’

  ‘Cameron isn’t the victim,’ said Captain gently. ‘It seems Sasha is but she can’t see it. Or if she sees it, she’s not telling the people close to her. Her family and friends have been informed that she has gone away for a few weeks on a break. There’s little chance she’ll be reported missing only by Cameron Lester.’

  ‘And will he notify the police?’ Ryan asked, looking puzzled.

  ‘I don’t think so. He’ll want to sort it out himself.’

  ‘What aren’t you telling me?’ asked Kit, seeing something flicker in Captain’s face. ‘You know something else don’t you? And why are you dressed in drag?’

  ‘Uh oh,’ groaned Ryan, looking away.

  ‘For you information, though it’s none of your business, I am not in drag. I like to dress up in women’s clothing and when I do I’m called Gillian. It’s not something I talk about and I would respect it if you kindly refrain from calling it ‘drag’.’ Suddenly Captain was taking on the persona of his female alter ego. Even his voice was a higher pitch. ‘It’s disrespectful but not as much as being called an ugly butch trannie!’

  ‘Okay,’ said Kit, wishing he never asked. ‘And how are we supposed to keep guard of her?’

  ‘As we can see you know each other, which I’m not sure is a good thing in light of your conversation, I think Ryan and I can handle it from here. You don’t have to come back until a couple of days,’ replied Captain, standing up.

  Kit managed to properly check him out. His calves were like that of a footballers, the muscles in a ball at the top with extremely skinny ankles. He didn’t look awful but it did look like Captain in drag. As a woman, he was far from attractive. The thin lips with a pale lipstick did nothing to help his very masculine features and his eye makeup was far too heavy.

  Captain caught him looking and turned his back, walking out of the room.

  ‘When we picked her up, it’s as if she either expected us or she was going somewhere,’ said Ryan, sitting back in his seat and watching Captain leave.

  ‘What’s that about?’ Kit asked, glancing quickly around. ‘He’s a cross dresser or what?’

  ‘Ask him yourself,’ the man sighed. ‘This Sasha seemed pretty agitated when she got into the car.’

  ‘She went willingly?’

  ‘We managed to get hold of the usual car that picks her up so there was no struggle. It was only when she realised we’d diverted the route she started to get alarmed. We got here but she was putting up a fight. It’s when Captain grabbed her arm she whimpered in pain and we realised she was hurt.’

  ‘How upset was she?’

  ‘More angry and she had a bag with her. Maybe she was planning a weekend away,’ he said, glancing to the side. ‘I’m not one to interfere but is there something going between you and her?’ Ryan nodded towards the ceiling. ‘She was at your party, wasn’t she?’

  ‘Might have been.’

  ‘And you seemed pretty into her at the time.’

  ‘Being sociable.’

  ‘So there’s nothing we need to know?’


  ‘Not dancing?’

  … a young woman asked as Kit focussed strictly on working behind the bar. He’d not said two words to anyone on his return. ‘That’s not like you.’

  ‘Got things on my mind,’ he replied, knowing that when it turned midnight, he went to the same toilet he’d kissed Sasha and sat there.

  Captain had texted to say he wasn’t needed. They had it all in hand.

  Kit would have to wait four days to see her again.

  But he wanted to see Sasha now and find out what was going on.

  And he was concerned she was hurt and worried that Ryan and Captain could be lying to him, harming her when his back was turned. He couldn’t think straight.

  Hastily waiting for all the revellers to go and cleaning up at high speed, he headed straight back to the house. He wasn’t going to let anything bad happen to her even though she hadn’t been straight with him.

  After parking the car he went inside, the door held open by Captain, who was now dressed back in male clothing.

  ‘What are you doing here?’ he asked suspiciously.

  ‘As I’m the only one she knows, I wanted to make sure she was okay.’ Kit walked in and headed for the living room. ‘What are you doing up so late?’

  ‘Sasha was in pain. Wouldn’t tell me where but I gave her some tablets. I think something happened to her last night. She’s pretty shaken and has gone silent. Not a word since you left.’

  ‘It took a few weeks to get her to speak to me,’ Kit said, wanting to see her. ‘Did she mention me at all?’

  ‘Called you a lying cokehead arsehole, that’s all. Oh, and you were a crap tap dance teacher and she should have seen through it but thought no-one that bad could ever pretend.’ Captain smirked. ‘She’s quite funny sometimes.’

  ‘Can I see her?’


  ‘To check she’s okay,’ he replied, looking down at his feet. ‘And you’ve locked her in the room?’

  ‘For the time being. She can wander around when she’s ready. There’s no way she can get out. This place it’s very secure. There are cameras all over but not in the bedrooms, so I’m told.’

  ‘Did she eat anything?’ Kit asked. ‘She doesn’t eat that much.’

  ‘She asked for some rice and that’s it.’ Captain took a deep breath. ‘I was on my way to meet a friend for lunch when I got called. I wouldn’t have turned into Gillian had I known.’

  ‘It’s not for me to judge.’

  ‘Don’t think it’s creepy or strange. It’s something I’ve come to terms with and it’s liberating. Sometimes facing up to your demons and embracing them is a good thing.’

  Kit glanced at him for a moment then looked up the stairs.

  ‘Can I stay here until she wakes up?’ he asked, worried she’d get scared and
also wanting to ask her lots of questions regarding this Cameron bloke.

  ‘Sure. There are four bedrooms. I’ve put her in the master one as there’s an en-suite. It’s all been checked out to make it safe for her.’


  ‘Just in case she decides to do something.’

  ‘Like what?’

  ‘Let’s talk more tomorrow.’

  He was two doors away from her and Kit couldn’t sleep. It was coming up to six o’clock in the morning and he just wanted to talk, explain that he wasn’t some small time crook who hatched a plan to kidnap her.

  It was Ingrid they were after, so he thought.

  Still that wouldn’t sit right. He wondered what sort of mood Sasha would be in.

  Getting up and going to the bathroom, he noticed that there was a light on in her room. Hesitating, he wondered if he should check to see she was alright.

  Slowly, he walked up to it and knocked.

  ‘Are you okay?’ he asked quietly and heard some shuffling in the room. ‘Sasha, do you need anything?’

  ‘Yes,’ she said quietly. ‘My bag and some painkillers.’

  ‘I’ll see what I can do,’ he replied and walked down the stairs, looking around for tablets then he noticed her bag.

  He opened it up.

  She had her tap shoes at the bottom, a change of clothes, some toiletries. Nothing to cause harm to any of them. Not checking with Captain, he put it on his shoulder and noticed a packet of pain killers. Taking them, he walked back up the stairs.

  ‘What are you doing?’ Captain asked, coming out of the room. ‘Don’t give her that!’

  ‘There’s nothing inside except a change of clothes and her tap shoes.’

  ‘Don’t you dare hand that over! It’s a lethal weapon.’

  ‘I take it you’ve seen her dance,’ he grimaced.

  Captain stepped forward and took out the shoes before rifling through her toiletries then said, ‘You can take the rest in.’

  He took the key out of his pocket and opened the door. Both the men braced themselves to see what she would do. As Kit looked in, he noticed she was lying down on the bed under the duvet. Walking around the room he stopped. Her head was hidden.

  ‘Sasha we do need to see if you’re okay,’ Captain said gently and walked closer. ‘I know you’re hurt but I want to make sure it’s not serious.’

  ‘I just need my bag,’ she groaned. Kit glanced at Captain and he could hear she was in pain. ‘Then you can go.’

  ‘Listen, we need to check,’ Kit began, putting the bag down. ‘It’s really important that-.’

  ‘Of course I’m not okay,’ she said, flinging off the covers. ‘This is the first day of the New Year and I’m being held hostage by the ex-coke head tap dancer and his friend.’ Sasha scowled. ‘Why are you dressed as a man?’

  ‘I am a man,’ Captain replied gravely.

  ‘And I’m having my period so I need some tampons before I bleed all over the sheets,’ she said, shaking her head wearily.

  Kit could see she looked exhausted then noticed the bruises on her arms.

  ‘How did you get them?’ asked Captain, stepping forward. ‘Have you been in an accident?’

  ‘It’s nothing,’ she said, pulling up the cover. ‘I need to go to the bathroom. Can I have my things?’

  ‘Why have you packed an overnight bag?’ Kit asked. She avoided looking at him. ‘Were you planning to go away?’

  ‘A spa break,’ Sasha replied then glared. ‘That was after meeting someone for lunch who has turned out to be a slime ball. Bag please!’

  She put her hand out. Trying not to look annoyed, he flung it on the bed as she got up and hobbled towards the bathroom, slamming the door shut. The marks on her arms were a deep dark blue and both the men glanced at each other. Captain put his finger to his lips to say she would be listening as Kit was about to say something.

  ‘I forget women get these things,’ sighed Captain, shaking his head. ‘We might have to buy her some more supplies and clothes. Can you ask her when she comes back out what else she needs? I have to make a call.’

  He walked briskly away, his back straight and looked like he was marching. Kit sat on the chair by the window and waited.

  ‘Do you have any washing powder?’ she shouted out from the bathroom. ‘I’ve leaked.’

  ‘I don’t know.’

  There was a grunt from the other side of the door and slowly she came out, this time wearing a long sleeved top and her clothes bundled under her arm. Sasha had tied her hair back.

  ‘I didn’t know it was you. I seriously thought it was Ingrid or Angela,’ he said, gulping hard, seeing she was avoiding eye contact while stood perfectly still in the room. ‘I’m just as shocked as you are.’

  ‘And that makes it fine, does it? You’re a kidnapper,’ she mumbled. ‘A criminal. Someone who does bad things and-.’

  ‘No I’m not!’ he said, hearing the alarm in his own voice. ‘I’ve never done anything really bad and, well, this whole thing is a little strange. They wanted me to take classes to get to know the target as we called her. Obviously because of a few coincidences they asked me. I’m not doing this because I want to. I’m doing it because my kid might get hurt.’

  Sasha looked up at him.

  ‘Who are you?’ she whispered, shaking her head. ‘I thought-.’

  ‘Did you ask her?’ Captain said rushing back in.

  ‘Ask me what?’

  ‘If you need anything like more toiletries. We’ll need to get you some clothes,’ he replied, eyeing Kit suspiciously. ‘I can go out this morning.’

  ‘I need to wash these as they have blood.’ She squeezed the soiled clothes. ‘And how long are you going to keep me here for?’

  ‘Right now,’ sighed Captain, stepping a little closer to her as she stood firm. ‘Until you tell us how you got the bruising and what’s going on.’

  He watched Sasha take a deep breath and look down again. She’d reverted back to her sullen expression Kit knew so well.

  ‘Who asked you to do this?’ she mumbled, not making eye contact. ‘Someone has asked you to keep me out of the way, haven’t they?’

  ‘Whoever is doing this wants to keep you safe,’ whispered Captain, leaning down closer to her. ‘We won’t harm you but they’re worried about your health and well-being.’

  ‘I’m fine so you should let me go.’

  ‘Where were you going to go yesterday?’ asked Kit, glancing at the bag.

  ‘I told you.’

  ‘Sasha, you’re not going anywhere,’ said Captain, standing up straight. ‘A doctor is coming round to examine you.’

  There was alarm in her eyes. She gulped hard and dropped her clothes to the ground.

  ‘I don’t want anyone touching me,’ she said and the men could see she was scared. ‘I’m fine, I really am.’

  That’s when Kit realised she wasn’t.

  ‘What do you think happened?’

  … asked Ryan, looking at the pair of them. ‘Something must have frightened her.’

  ‘Or someone,’ interjected Captain. ‘We’ll go to her home and pick up some clothes.’

  ‘Isn’t that a little bit blatant?’ asked Kit, staring out at the greenery from the house. ‘Who lives in this place?’

  ‘I have no idea but they rent it out, so us coming and going won’t be a problem plus it’s very secluded.’

  ‘I never knew they had houses like this in Richmond.’

  They were all silent, stood in the living room.

  ‘Who is she to Jeremy Wilton?’ asked Kit, realising it was turning out into a puzzle. ‘And who is she? Why all this concern? There has to be something more to this.’

  ‘We’ll find out in good time,’ replied Captain, clearing his voice then turning to Ryan. ‘Can you keep an eye on her? I think she looks in desperate need of a good meal. Kit, can you help me get her things?’

  ‘Sure but I have to be back to open up for lunch and then I’m seeing my fami
ly later on this afternoon,’ he replied, not wanting to go. ‘What does this client expect us to do?’

  Ryan and Captain looked at each other quickly.

  ‘I think Captain, you need to get some information to help us. It’s like the blind leading the blind and we need to see how we can help or we’ll be held up here for months,’ said Ryan quietly. ‘You guys get off and I’ll let the doctor in and tell you what he says.’

  ‘We need pictures,’ mumbled Captain. ‘The client is interested to see what happened to her.’

  ‘And they have no idea?’

  ‘If they do they’re not telling me.’

  They drove back towards Hammersmith, parking their cars away from each other. Kit realised she lived in St Peter’s Square, an expensive and chic part of W6.

  ‘She can’t be short of a bob or two,’ sighed Captain when they walked down the road.

  ‘If you say she’s being watched then someone is going to spot us, aren’t they?’ said Kit, looking anxiously around.

  ‘I’m an ex-marine,’ smiled Captain, turning to look at him. ‘There are many ways to enter a place without getting caught and when you have the keys…’ He jangled them in front of Kit’s face. ‘It makes it easier.’


  ‘All sorted.’

  ‘You seem very sure about a lot of things.’

  ‘The only thing I’m not sure about is Sasha Wilton and what’s going on. She never mentioned Cameron?’

  ‘She told me she wasn’t with anyone and I believed her. For the first few weeks I thought she was a junkie. Then I put it down to the fact she was slightly odd.’ He looked guiltily away. ‘After a while I got to know her better and thought we were getting on.’

  ‘And you had a date arranged for yesterday?’ he pried with half a grin. ‘So you like her a little bit more than you’re letting on.’

  ‘I don’t know who she is.’

  ‘I think she said the same thing about you.’

  They stopped at a large house and he noticed Captain sent a text. His phone bleeped and he went down the stairs to the basement flat.

  ‘Are you sure no-one will see us?’ Kit asked, looking up at the camera.


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