Gen Z Boxed Set

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Gen Z Boxed Set Page 35

by Baileigh Higgins

  “Great,” Alvarez said. “We can leave first thing in the morning.”

  “With that settled, we should all get some rest,” Grumps said. “I’ll handle the rest.”

  “But first I want to know how on earth you kids managed to get out of the camp,” Julia said. “And what happened to you? You look a bit banged up, Chas, and so does Dean.”

  “It’s a long story…but here goes.” After telling their tale from beginning to end, Chas turned to Julia. “And how did you guys end up here with Grumps? I was so shocked when I saw all of you here, though I should’ve guessed in the dining room already when Major Brown pitched up.”

  “Well, the convoy headed out to the hospital as planned. We were supposed to look for important research left behind by a CDC doctor, or so we were told. Turned out it was just a way for Major Brown to get us out of the camp,” Julia said.

  “Like you suspected from the start,” Chas said.

  “That’s right. When we found nothing, he ordered us to go to Washington. Most of us refused, and a fight broke out.” Julia shook her head sadly. “We should’ve been paying more attention. The noise drew zombies, and they attacked en-masse. We lost Davis and Smith. A few other too.”

  “No!” Chas gasped, remembering Smith and his lessons on comms while cracking silly jokes, and Davis who taught them both first-aid and deep respect for life. They’d both been good people. Too good to lose like that. “Is Sanchez okay?”

  “She’s fine. As crazy as ever,” Alvarez said.

  “Lucky for them, I was out on a supply run, and we heard the noise,” Grumps said.

  Julia nodded. “Yeah, you’re grandfather swooped in and saved the day. So…here we are. It’s just too bad we lost so many because of one man’s greed.”

  After a brief silence spent thinking about the dead, Grumps cleared his throat. “Right, I think it’s time for bed. I don’t know about you, but these old bones could use a rest.”

  Everyone chuckled, and Chas nodded as exhaustion suddenly crashed over her. “Okay, Grumps. Just show the way, and we can crash.”

  Dean left to spend the night with his parents while Grumps showed the girls to their bedroom. At the entrance, Grumps pulled Chas close for one last hug. “Goodnight, sweetheart. You made an old man very happy today. Sleep tight.”

  “Love you too, Grumps. Sleep tight,” Chas replied before seeking out the nearest bunk. It wasn’t long before she fell asleep, her last thought of Lala, Vivienne, and all the others still stuck in the camp surrounded by a sea of zombies. “Don’t worry, Mom…Lala. We’ll save you. I promise.”


  After a long night spent tossing and turning, Chas got up the next morning before dawn. The others were awake too, all of them too restless to sleep any longer. After washing and dressing, they made their way to the dining room. Dean and his parents were already there. So was Julia, Alvarez, and Sanchez.

  The trio destined for Washington looked fit…ready for war, and Chas’ heart clenched at the thought of the dangerous journey that lay ahead of them. There was no other way, though. If they wanted to defeat the thousands of zombies besieging the camp, they’d need all the help they could get. She quickly noticed the look on their faces though and was almost too scared to ask. “What’s wrong?”

  Julia sighed and shook her head. “The Major and his idiotic nephew escaped during the night.”

  “What?” Chas cried.

  “Yes, they killed a guard, stole a vehicle and some supplies, and took off,” Julia said.

  “I can’t believe it,” Chas said.

  “They’re probably heading to Washington as we speak,” Alvarez added. “He’ll try to sabotage our mission.”

  “Can he do that?” Chas asked, aghast.

  “If he gets there first, yes,” Alvarez said. “He has the ear of several politicians.”

  “That’s why we’re getting there before him,” Julia said. “We’re leaving right after breakfast.”

  “And if I catch the sucker somewhere along the way, I’ll kill him with my bare hands. That’s a promise,” Alvarez said.

  Chas eyed his muscular shoulders and cold eyes. “I have no doubt you can.”

  Dean sighed. “I wish I was going too. What an adventure.”

  “Adventure?” Dean’s mom said. “Don’t be silly, dear. You’re staying here with us where it’s safe.”

  “I know, Mom, I was just saying,” Dean said with a rueful grin.

  “Well, don’t even think about it. From now on, your father and I are keeping a close eye on you,” she said.

  “Yes, Mom.” He groaned and let his head fall back while his mother continued to lecture him on the new do’s and dont’s of the zombie apocalypse.

  Grumps joined them not long after, and despite the Major’s escape, they had a fun meal together. A sort of farewell. By the end, Chas couldn’t help but feel optimistic about their future. No matter what happened, they had each other.

  “We’re a tough bunch, aren’t we, Grumps?” she asked.

  “That we are, sweetheart,” he answered.

  “And we’ll save Lala and Mom no matter what?”

  “Of course, we will. Don’t doubt that for even a second, Chas.” He eyed her from underneath bushy eyebrows. “Don’t worry about Julia and them either. They’ll be fine, and they’ll catch that Major Brown. For all his silly airs, he’s just another jumped up politician. Alvarez will sort him out if the zombies don’t.”

  Chas smiled at the thought. “Thanks, Grumps. You always know just what to say.”

  He snorted. “That’s a first. I’m not sure Lala would agree with you, and most definitely not Vivienne.”

  After breakfast, Chas waited in line with Vanessa, Emily, and Dean to say goodbye to Julia, Alvarez, and Sanchez.

  “I’m gonna miss you lot,” Julia said with tears in her eyes as she drew them into a group hug.

  “We’re going to miss you too. Be safe,” Chas whispered as she fought against tears.

  Alvarez was more gruff, settling for a salute and a quick, “Bye, kids. Stay out of trouble while I’m gone.”

  And Sanchez remained true to her wild nature by fist-bumping, knocking shoulders, and miming explosions as she dreamt of the trip to come. “It’s going to be epic!”

  The three loaded their bags into their truck, and Alvarez started the engine while Sanchez jumped into the back. Julia hesitated for a brief second, eyeing Grumps with a thoughtful look.

  “You be careful now,” Grumps said. “Remember to keep in touch. I’ll need to coordinate my attacks with yours at the end.”

  She nodded. “Got it, and if you don’t mind a bit of advice, Sir?”

  “Spit it out,” Grumps said.

  “Don’t coddle these kids too much. They’re a tough bunch, well-trained and resourceful. Give them a job to do, or they’ll sneak off and do something crazy behind your back.”

  “You think they can handle it?” Grumps asked.

  “I know they can. Things have changed, Sir. They’ve seen and done stuff most people never will in their entire lives. If you try to treat them like children after all that, you’ll only end up smothering them.”

  Grumps chewed on his lip before nodding. “Noted. I’ll keep them busy, don’t you worry.”

  Julia smiled and waved as she got into the waiting truck. “See ya!”

  Chas was glad Julia had taken a moment to talk to Grumps about them. Maybe now, he wouldn’t try to wrap them in cotton wool and leave them out of all the action. Perhaps, he’d even let them play a role in saving the camp.

  Despite that hope, she still sighed as she watched Julia and her group drive off, feeling like a part of her heart was leaving too. They were her friends and her mentors, leaving for places she’d never seen to face dangers she could only dream about. Watching them leave, she made a silent promise. It won’t always be this way. One day, I’ll be the one going on dangerous missions and epic adventures. One day.

  After a moment of silen
ce, Grumps turned toward them and said, “Well, you heard the lady. I’m not to coddle you, so I won’t. Off to the armory with you. If you’re going to help save the camp, you need to be armed.” He waved a finger at them. “That doesn’t mean that you can do what you want or jump into danger the first chance you get. Safety first. Deal?”

  “Deal!” Dean said, jumping into the air while Vanessa, Emily, and Chas likewise cheered.

  “Just one thing, Dean,” Grumps said. “You’ll have to get past your parents first and get their permission.”

  Dean’s face fell. “Really?”

  “Really. I might be willing to face Lala and Vivienne after the fact, and neither Emily nor Vanessa’s parents are here to stop them, but that leaves you.”

  “Ah, man. They’ll never say yes,” Dean said.

  Chas laughed and slapped him on the back. “Come on, you big lump. We’ll help you win them over, won’t we, ladies?”

  “Of course,” Vanessa said. “There is nothing we can’t do. Nothing.”

  “For once, I fully agree with you, Vanessa,” Emily said.

  “I just can’t believe you two are agreeing on anything for once,” Chas said as they trooped inside to face their new futures. Hopefully, ones filled with action.

  The End.

  Next Gen

  Chapter 1

  Her feet pounded a harsh beat on the pavement, and sweat poured down her face, soaking her hair and t-shirt. Her lungs burned like they’d been dipped in a vat of acid, each breath more agonizing than the last.

  Chas glanced over her shoulder.

  The zombies were gaining on her.

  Faster, go faster!

  She pumped her arms and legs, ignoring the fatigue that threatened to sap the last of her strength. Her backpack, filled with guns and ammo, dug deep trenches into her shoulder muscles. It slowed her down, but she couldn’t give up. She refused to surrender her precious cargo. Through tight lips, she wheezed the mantra Alvarez had taught her during their training weeks before. “Pain is your friend. It means you’re still alive. Pain is your friend.”

  Chas rounded the corner of a building, and her boots skidded on a loose patch of gravel. She almost fell, cutting her palms on the rough brick exterior of the wall next to her. Regaining her balance, she plunged ahead, aware that she’d lost even more ground.

  Not far ahead, waited her group, gathered in the center of an open parking lot. They were loitering around the supply trucks, loading their finds for the day. Their demeanor was casual, and she spotted them talking and laughing, tossing around jokes and banter like nothing was wrong.

  Oblivious to the danger heading their way.

  Unaware of the horde of zombies on Chas’ heels.

  Zombies she’d led straight to them.

  Chas sucked in a deep breath and shouted as loudly as she could. “Get in the truck! Get in!”

  A few heads turned her way.



  Chas waved her arms above her head. “Zombies! Get in the truck.”

  Behind her, the first of the infected sprinted around the corner of the building. Its snarls were loud in the quiet afternoon air and echoed all around her. More followed the first, adding their growls to the melody until it formed a symphony of terror. They spilled into the street like maggots, running after her with every ounce of single-minded determination they possessed.

  Alarm rippled through the group waiting for Chas, and they milled about like ants, loading the last supplies. They finished long before she reached them and scrambled for safety inside the cabs.

  Vanessa and Dean jumped onto the back of the nearest truck. Its sides had been reinforced with a steel frame to keep the occupants safe, and they both knelt down with their hands outstretched to Chas.

  “Come on, Chas. Run!” Vanessa shouted.

  “What do you think I’m doing?” Chas huffed but decided to save her breath when a look over her shoulder showed her how close to death she really was. The zombies were mere feet away, so close she could smell their rotten stench. “Oh, man.”

  The truck with her friends in it started its engine, and the exhaust puffed out a cloud of white smoke. Horror filled Chas at the thought of being left behind, and she poured the last of her energy into closing the gap. Just before she reached them, the truck began moving. “Wait for me!”

  Chas pushed her body to the limits and reached out both hands to the waiting Dean and Vanessa. Their fingertips touched, but the vehicle was speeding up, and she was sure she’d never make it.

  At the last second, Dean held onto the steel frame, leaned forward, and grabbed her hand. “Jump!”

  Chas pushed off, and Dean hauled her to safety with moments to spare. He slammed shut the back gate and locked it in place before turning to her with his signature goofy grin. “That was close.”

  Chas shot him a look between tendrils of sweaty hair, gasping for breath. “You’re telling me.”

  Vanessa punched her on the shoulder. “Where were you? We’ve been waiting for you for over an hour, and then you show up with a horde of zombies on your heels. What were you thinking?”

  Chas sucked in a few lungfuls of oxygen, splayed out on her back like a starfish. She shifted upright and shrugged off her bulky backpack. “I know, and I’m sorry, but look what I found.”

  She showed them her bounty of guns and ammo, earning admiring looks from Dean. Vanessa was not so easily mollified. “That still doesn’t excuse you going off on your own. You know the rules. When Grumps hears of this, you’ll be in for a world of trouble.”

  Chas sobered at the words, her grin falling away. “Grumps doesn’t need to know, does he?”

  Vanessa folded her arms across her chest. “Yes, he does.”

  “Are you going to tell him?” Chas asked, faking a wounded expression.

  Vanessa shook her head. “No, but I don’t have to. Who do you think is driving this truck?”

  Chas craned her head to look through the back window into the cab and blanched. “Lieutenant Stokes.”

  “Did you really think he wouldn’t notice you were gone? That man has got the eyes of a hawk,” Vanessa said.

  Chas groaned and slumped against the side of the truck. “I was hoping he’d be too busy with other stuff to care.”

  “Yeah, right. He’s a stickler for the rules. You know that. And he’ll make sure Grumps finds out about it too.”

  “Ugh, kill me now,” Chas mumbled. Lieutenant Stokes wasn’t a bad guy, and she respected him for his knowledge and skill, but he was too strict for her tastes. A real drill sergeant, at times. Plus, he had no trouble dealing out punishment for misbehavior either. “No supper for me tonight.”

  Dean laughed. “I think you just like getting into trouble.”

  She scoffed. “I do not.”

  Vanessa regarded her with a frown. “Just keep one thing in mind, Chas. If you keep flouting his authority, he’ll ban you from these runs altogether. He might even stop you from taking part in the coming battle.”

  Chas paled at the thought. Vanessa was referring to the rescue of the safe zone and its survivors. Her mom, Lala, everyone. It was set to happen as soon as they heard back from Alvarez and Julia. Hopefully, soon. In the meantime, Grumps was sending out groups to look for supplies. Food, medicine, guns, and ammo. “He wouldn’t dare.”

  “He would. Besides, you’re still injured, Chas. Shouldn’t you be taking it easy? It’s only been a week,” Vanessa said. “You were in a car crash, for goodness sake.”

  Chas shrugged. “It wasn’t that bad. A few cuts and bruises. My leg feels fine too. The coyote bite healed nicely.”

  It was a lie, of course. Her leg still ached at times, and Chas knew she was pushing her body to the limits. She just couldn’t stand the thought of sitting around doing nothing all day. Not when everyone else was out saving the world.

  “Chas, please,” Vanessa said with a sigh.

  “Fine, fine. I’ll do what Lieutenant Stokes says and p
lay nice from now on. Happy?” Chas said.

  “That depends on whether you stick to it,” Vanessa said.

  “How come you’re lecturing me when you’re the queen of rebelliousness?” Chas asked.

  “That was then, Chas. This is now. Our families depend on us. Humanity depends on us. It’s not just about you or me anymore,” Vanessa answered with a sharp note in her voice.

  Chas didn’t answer straight away, but she knew her friend was right. She was being selfish by looking for adventure when more pressing matters were at hand. “I’m sorry, okay? I promise I’ll behave. You know I want to save the camp as much as you do.”

  “I know, I just think your thirst for action is getting the best of you,” Vanessa said.

  Chas didn’t reply, leaning back with her eyes closed instead. It was true. She loved the rush of adrenalin through her veins. The highs, and even the lows. It made her feel alive. Different from the innocent little kid she used to be. The one who got excited by Ferris wheels and cotton candy. She’d come a long way since then, and she was no longer the same person.

  Her thoughts flew to Julia, Sanchez, and Alvarez. She wondered where they were and what they were doing. Had they found Major Brown and his nephew? Had they reached Washington and secured help for the camp? So much depended on them, but even more, they were her friends, and she was worried about them.

  “I wonder how Alvarez and the others are doing?” Dean asked, echoing Chas’ thoughts.

  “Yeah, me too,” Vanessa said.

  “I just hope they’re safe,” Chas added.

  “We’re all worried. We need them,” Vanessa said with a grim expression. “If they can’t find help, we don’t stand a chance.”

  Chapter 2 - Julia

  “Where did they all come from?” Julia cried over the constant fire from Sanchez’ rifle. She added her own shots to the fray, concentrating on saving her ammunition and getting only headshots. It was a lot harder than it looked. The infected were running toward them at full speed, and their heads were the size of grapefruit bobbing on stormy waters at this distance.


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