Stretching, Brie turned her head to find black eyes glittering down at her.
“So, I think you should move in with us.”
Brie choked on a laugh at the abrupt statement. “I think that you and Murphy should discuss that and it is a big discussion and—”
A hand slipped from her waist to cup her breast firmly. Murphy’s voice accompanied the moving hand. “Not that I care to be awake just now, but baby girl, we did discuss it.”
His hand strayed lower to toy with her feminine folds in a distracted way, and she felt the press of a long, hard cock at her back. Her breath quickened, eyes fluttered closed, and tension coiled low in her belly.
“When?” Her voice grew husky.
“You fell asleep like the dead. I took this beast back into the shower and showed him who was master.” Andy chuckled and slapped Murphy’s ass playfully.
“What he means is I made him cry, ‘Don’t stop, Murphy!’ after you were counting sheep,” Murphy snorted as he advised Brie of his version.
“You guys…went at it again?” Brie was amazed. She apparently had become involved with the Energizer Bunnies.
“Hell, yeah. And I could do it again…” Rolling her to face him, Andy’s mouth closed over Brie’s, ending all conversation for a moment.
Hitching her leg over his thigh, he drove into her tight passage and began to rock while Murphy went back to rubbing a steady rhythm on her clit.
“Hey,” complained Murphy. “I’m missing out here. Share some more.” His fingers sleek with lube, moved down to work her anus, first one finger then two. After a moment, she felt him enter her, the twin heat of their bodies stretching Brie, leaving her writhing between them.
* * * *
Murphy closed his eyes. The feel of Brie’s body wrapped around him, the feel of Andy moving inside her with only the thin line of flesh separating them was a pleasure he had not anticipated. His balls tightened and a grin flashed across his face.
“My stamina sucks. This feels too good.”
Brie responded with a moan and Andy’s fingers dug into her hips to drive him faster, harder.
When the three of them collapsed into an exhausted heap of satisfaction, Andy grinned. “See, that is why you should move in…”
“Why?” Brie asked from her position sandwiched between them. She lay, reclined on her back, stroking one delicate hand down each of their chests in a soothing motion.
“Practice.” He grinned. “We need more practice.”
“Mmm. Speaking of practice, you should see her eat ice cream.” Murphy laughed.
About the Author
Virginia Nelson spends her days chasing three very active kids around. When she is not doing this, or plotting taking over the world, she likes to write, play in the mud, drive far too fast and scream at inanimate objects. She can often be found listening to music that is far too loud and typing her next fantastic tale of blood, sex and random acts of ineptitude. Romance, in Ms. Nelson’s opinion, is not about riding off into the sunset on the back of a horse with the knight in shining armor—it is about riding the dragon. If the knight can keep up… well, that is love.
Also Available at MuseItUp Publishing
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By Catherine Alegria
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