Mystery: VENOMOUS VENGEANCE: (Mystery, Suspense, Thriller, Suspense true Crime Thriller London ) (Suspense Thriller Mystery Action Short stories True crime)

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Mystery: VENOMOUS VENGEANCE: (Mystery, Suspense, Thriller, Suspense true Crime Thriller London ) (Suspense Thriller Mystery Action Short stories True crime) Page 4


  He gazed into her loving eyes and still couldn’t convince himself that he wasn’t dreaming. She kissed his lips and he found his arm going around her back, caressing the soft, sweet smelling skin. His hand went down to her gently-rising buttocks and he felt the erection building magnificently at his middle. This was no dream.

  “Gomari, do you know what you are doing?”

  She sushed him with a fragrant finger across his lips. “I know,” she said. “No talk. Only love.”

  All right, he had tried. Time and again, he had turned away from the pleasures that the girl had offered him. Time and again he had felt noble about his intensions, about his abstinence. Well, there is a time to put all that shit behind. That time was now.

  Days of frustration and abstinence and temptation had built up a tremendous drive inside him, His erection was more that an erection. It was a budding, blossoming, flowering instrument of sex, love, lust and frustration. Gomari found the hardness and enclosed it with her hand.

  There were no more thoughts about what would happen to Gomari when this thing was over. There were no more thoughts about whether she belonged to him or to Pawan. There were no more concerns for whether she was fresh by the flesh or by the soul. The future had no place in his mind. Or his body. The lust of the flesh and of the soul were so intense, so ready, for each of them that they shut out past and future and plunged pell-mell into the present.

  He started gently, recalling the brutal raping this girl had endured for so long from the rebels. She seemed to like it. He raised up and gazed at those erect, ripe apples that had tantalized him so often in her loose blouse. He drew her closer, traced the outlines of her breasts with the fingertips of both hands, trailed them with a faint tickling sensation down each side of her rib cage. At her flanks….though her hips were arched to receive his caress….he ceased progress, only lightly brushing pubic hair before proceeding further.

  Gomari felt in her flesh the vibration coming through his fingers. Kelly proceeded, in a slow, teasing campaign, but there was no response in her body until his vibrating hand had closed about her right breast. When her nipples erected, he smiled benevolently.

  He kissed the pouting nipples, tenderly, then with more purpose. He sucked and she arched her back and raised her pubis to him. He laid his hardness along the mound and gently massaged until she let out a moan and bit his ear.

  Unable to muster the resistance she felt so deeply within, she moaned. “Oh, my God, enough gentleness,” she said, gasping, chewing on his ear. “Take me now and let me know the pleasure of losing my virginity to one I love. Oh, Captain, love me for now, tomorrow will be too late.”

  “In time, dear, in time,” he assured her contently. His middle finger slipped inside as the quivering hand pressed more firmly against her pubic mound. The finger, curved against the roof of her vagina, was vibrating steadily. This time Gomari’s gasp was not simulated; her loins surged involuntarily against his cupping hand.

  “You’re lubricating now,” he said judiciously. “Lubricating very nicely.”

  Despite herself, a small orgasm was on its way. She let it rule her, grinding her hips tightly together against his quivering fingers to snap it off like a Chinese firecracker. That’ll encourage him, she told herself hopefully.

  Kelly smiled. It was a slow smile, greatly gratified, and again his free hand was stroking his cock, awakened for the first time into a show of interest. He did not bother to part the gates of her flesh; with a twisting thrust of his erect prick he shoved the great tool of sex into her vagina.

  When he entered her, she was ready. She climaxed almost instantly and he thought it was over. She took a few seconds of respite and then the passion grew in her to a newer and greater level. She swallowed him up, rising and falling, plunging and withdrawing. She climaxed a couple of more times before it finally happened to him. He had been holding back, savoring it, wanting it to go on forever…. Or, at least, for the next couple of hours. But nothing last forever.

  Gomari responded by climaxing again, for the third time. He had always envied women that capacity, but he wouldn’t have traded that one gigantic climax for all the little ones in the world.

  Bravely, she lifted her head to gaze down the length of her body. To her joy, this great thing….almost ten inches long, at least, and enormous in girth…was pegged all the way into her vagina. At least this, she realized as she lay submissively, was more pleasant to the flesh than the thrusting penetration.

  Close enough. She tilted her head to gaze with deep eyes at her erotic lover. “You haven’t let me do anything,” she said plaintively. “Don’t you want me to do something to you?”

  “You’re doing it all now,” he said, his voice panting and giving her a brooding look. “Sex, real sex, carries always an element of danger, Gomari. Didn’t you know that?”

  “Sex is love,” she said defiantly. “Affection, at the least; your partner’s needs along with your own.”

  “Sex is many things,” he said obscurely. “Sex can be anything one wishes it to be.”

  Spent, sated, they lay sweating on the pallet, Gomari’s arm lay across his now naked chest. She was silent for such a long time that he thought she was actually asleep. She wasn’t.

  “You will think me strange and evil,” she said finally, “but I did this as a gesture of farewell.”


  “Yes. If we all come out of this alive, in two weeks, I will marry Pawan and join his people. I told him about you, about how I feel, about how I will always feel about you. He knows that I am with you now.”

  “He knows? And he agreed to this?”

  “Yes, otherwise, he would know that I would always wonder what it would have been like. You see, Captain, I know nothing of love, I mean this kind of love. What happened to me with those rebels was a world apart from what happened here today. I knew it would be so. Pawan understands. Unless I could prove to myself that this beautiful act could be truly beautiful, I would not be a fit bride. Do you understand that?”

  He had been all over the country and had met and been exposed to the cultures of hundreds of peoples. He had understood much. He had to admit , though, that he didn’t fully understand this weird triangle between him, Pawan and Gomari, or why he would agree to have her come to him when they had just become betrothed.

  It was equally difficult to comprehend when he knew that Pawan had remained single because there were so few suitable maidens in the village. There were so few maidens because for almost thirty years the the surviving females had been ‘spoiled’ by the uncouth rebels.

  He understood a part of it, then. Spoiled had different meanings. The rebels had taken maidens against their will, therefore spoiling them. Gomari and he had engaged in an activity of mutual agreement, as, he’s sure, Pawan and Gomari would do before their marriage. He didn’t understand it at all.

  “I understand,” he lied.

  “Good. It is important for me and Pawan that you do.”

  They slept then, but only for fifteen or twenty minutes. He awoke first and was trying to understand more fully why this girl felt she had to throw herself to him before her marriage to Pawan, to make it a farewell gesture even though she confessed that she loved him every bit as much as she loved Pawan. He couldn’t understand. What happened next was even more difficult to understand.

  Gomari awoke, came to him and they made love again. This second time, she said, would prepare her for a lifetime of joy in the man she had chosen to marry. He didn’t try to understand that one either.

  He merely enjoyed, even though there was growing sadness that this would be the last of Gomari for him.

  Thewre was shouting out in the village suaare and they quickly dressed. Gomari walked boldly out the front door and Kelly followed, a sheepish grin on his face. If the others in the square knew about their tryst, about Gomari’s strange logic on how to say farewell to the man she was turning down, they gave no hint of it.

  The shouting was because a
sentry below had spotted Anand, Pawan and the villagers returning from their lookout posts. He checked his watch. They’d been gone just over an hour. They were well within the schedule, if anything there should be great big bang any moment for them to hear as the timed detonators go off blasting the whole lot of the rebel arsenal with almost the entire elite corps of the Rebel outfit marching to attack the villagers.

  Kelly noticed, Gomari had moved up beside Pawan and they were conversing in that strange ritual of staring at the ground near each other’s feet. She was probably telling him about their love-making. With a slightly bitter thought, he figured she was telling him that he was a lousy lover, that he had nothing to worry about.

  But no, he thought again, she would be truthful. The truth was that they both were good lovers.

  Just then the long awaited bang was heard by everyone. Though it was an ear splitting thunderous noise it was like music to their ears which they welcomed it by hugging their closest member present with happiness.

  ###THE END####


  Other Book



  (FREE BOOK ) 1


  My eyes narrowed at the boy who was helping his dad carry a computer into the house. My house. The place he and his dad would be living in, for maybe forever. I felt nauseous at the thought. The boy, Christian Woods was a 'golden boy', and his dad was now my mom's husband. You see, after two years of hiding a relationship with some man named Stephen Woods, my mom told me she would be marrying him in two months. My jaw had dropped at those words, the same as my heart. I hated change. Especially unexpected change. My eyes darted away as Christian and his dad Walked into the house, holding the large computer together. Once they walked past me, I decided to glare at Christian as he carefully walked up the stairs with his dad. Surprisingly, I hated Christian more than Stephen, even though Stephen was the reason why this change had happened. For some reason, I just couldn't stand Christian. Not at all due to his 'golden boy' glory and intrusion of my life.

  In a few minutes, Stephen and Christian walked back down the stairs. Once again, my eyes darted away so that I was looking at the ground. Neither of them deserved the idea of me even looking at them. "Christian, you can take a break." I heard Stephen say. "There's not much left. I can finish up."

  "Are you sure dad?"


  I heard Stephen's boots thud in my direction, to where I stood near the front door. He was a large man made of all muscles and broad bones. You'd always know when he was around. Before Stephen left the house, he suddenly said, "Hey Autumn."

  "Hi," I muttered, only to be polite.

  Stephen was a nice guy. He made my mom happy and he bought me things, so I didn't really hate him. I hated what he did to my life, but I didn't necessarily hate him. Once Stephen left, I lifted my head up and watched him go to the moving truck. He was forty and still looking somewhat young with his neat black hair and lively features of bright blue eyes and a big, perfect smile. If I was my mom age, I might have seen what she saw in him. Still watching him, I heard footsteps near me.

  There was only one person in this house right now, so I knew who it was. The very person I despised. The person who was causing the blood within my veins to boil. "Autumn," he said, sounding surprisingly gentle. The way he spoke to me was always like that.

  Much to my annoyance, it seemed like he didn't want to hurt me. It seemed like he thought I was some delicate little thing. That was one of the many reasons why I hated him. "What?" I asked, looking at him to emphasize my annoyance.

  Quickly, I raked my eyes over him, as if to sum him up. Christian looked like his father, but at the same time he didn't. He definitely did have his father's bright blue eyes and chisled facial structure. But then, he wasn't built as big or as hard as Stephen. He was like a softer version, with lean muscles and a younger appearance with his soft-looking skin. Unlike his dad, he also had messy black hair and was slightly taller.

  "Autumn," he said, keeping his gentle tone. I snapped out of my thoughts, remembering we were in the middle of a conversation. If this had happened with anyone else, I would have blushed. "I know you're not happy," he continued. "But I hope we can all get along. My dad and your mom are happy together, and there's nothing we can do to change that. Let's try to be a family." I scoffed, narrowing my eyes at him. Christian knew I hated him. Anyone with eyes would be able to tell I did. It was that obvious, so the idea of all of us getting along was laughable.

  "Look," I eventually said, faking a smile. "We'll never get along, so I'm not going to try. We're just going to pretend the other doesn't exist. Okay?" Christian stared at me tiredly. "Autumn, we're family now. I'm your brother." I sucked in a breath, knowing I would lose it if I didn't. From what my mom went on about to me, Christian was smart, kind, handsome, and athletic. Seeing what he just said, I doubted he was smart.

  "You are not my brother," I hissed. "You and Stephen are not my family." "Autumn-"

  I stormed off, tired of talking to him. He was the reason why I was unhappy right now. He was the only person I hated with a passion in this world. Getting along with him was impossible.

  "I'm home!" I heard my mom yell. Getting off my bed, I rushed downstairs. I had been bored to death and I was thankful she was here. Especially when I could smell Chinese food. As I rushed down the straight, narrow stairs that separated the clean kitchen from the living room, I took a quick turn to my left to go to the kitchen. My face nearly smashed into the chest of someone wearing a black V-neck, and I glowered.

  I knew who this person was. "Move," I said, glaring up at him. Christian looked slightly amused as he stepped aside. As usual, my blood began to boil from the sight of this boy. This stupid, life-ruining boy. "Autumn, don't give Christian attitude." I heard my mom say. "You're the one who nearly crashed into him." I looked to where my mom stood, right in front of Stephen. Stephen had his arms wrapped around her waist, snuggling his face into the crook of her neck. I felt like gagging at the sight.

  "But mom-"

  "No buts," my mom said sternly. "You need to learn how to treat them with respect. They're your family now."

  "They're not my family," I spat.

  Stephen lifted his face up from my mom's neck, looking sad as he now stared at me. My heart clenched with guilt, but I pushed the feeling away.

  They deserved this. They deserved my wrath. My mom sighed tiredly. She had seen me like this before, at the wedding. That was the first time I met the two of them. When I did meet them, I was rude, harsh, and unwelcoming. My mom caught on to that, and she lectured me throughout the party. I didn't listen to a word she said though, not even now. My mom seemed to be giving up on me due to that.

  "Autumn, let's just eat as a family," my mom eventually said. "Come here." Robotically, I marched up to where my mom stood. Stephen let go of her and smiled sadly at me. I averted my eyes and watched as Christian left.

  "He's such a good boy," my mom said to Stephen. "It was kind of him to get my car keys." "He's my son," Stephen teased. My mom giggled like a little girl. I found myself wanting to throw up again, and this time on the both of them. Seeing my mom like this was strange, bizarre because she had always been this strong, independent woman. Now that Stephen came into the picture, that trait of hers had been demolished.

  Christian soon came back with a small smile on his face. Despite wearing all black and being eighteen, he looked surprisingly young when he smiled. Younger than my age of sixteen. "Why haven't you guys started eating?" Christian asked, handing the car keys to my mom. "We were waiting for you," my mom replied, taking the car keys. "Thank you so much Christian."

  I looked at my mom, feeling like someone had jabbed a dagger into my heart and was now twisting it slowly. The way my mom looked at Christian was the way my mom should be looking at me. A look of love and adoration, of protectiveness and care. My mom never looked at me like that, not since Stephen seemed to have come i
nto the picture.

  "Well, let's dig in," Stephen said. Everyone smiled simultaneously, except me. Throughout the day they all smiled, except me. I sulked, wanting to be alone for the day. My mom wouldn't allow that though, so I was stuck sitting beside the boy I hated and his father I wanted gone. I had a bad feeling this was how my life would be from now on.

  I was sitting on the black sofa, reading manga. Right now my parents were out, and so was Christian. For the first time in two weeks I was home alone. The thought had never made me happier. Like I expected, things had been awkward and quite annoying around the house. My mom was intent on making the four of us one big, happy family, so she would make the four of us spend an extraordinary amount of time together doing random activities. Just yesterday, we had baked as a family - which was quite awkward because only Stephen and my mom would speak. Flirt, would actually be the better term for what they were doing. That left Christian and I alone to fill the cupcake trays with batter together. Neither of us spoke as we did that, we didn't even look at each other. I was glad to see that he was planning on leaving me alone, just like I had asked him to.

  Suddenly, I heard the doorbell ring, causing me to jump a little in surprise. Putting my manga book down, I walked to the door, hoping it was my mom. Turned out, it was Christian. Once I opened the door, I turned around quickly and walked back to the couch. Falling onto it, I picked up the book and began to pretend he didn't exist.

  "Autumn." I heard him say. I looked at him, trying to make myself look as annoyed as possible as I raked my eyes over him.

  Today Christian wore a black leather jacket over a white v-neck. He was also wearing black skinny jeans. I didn't understand why he always wore black. It wasn't like he could ever look like a 'bad boy' with that child-like smile of his. "Yes?" I raised an eyebrow. "Our parents are coming to pick us up in about thirty minutes," he said, sounding tired. "We're going bowling as a family." I sat up quickly. "We are?"


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