Right Now (The Seduced Series)

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Right Now (The Seduced Series) Page 15

by Jackie McMahon

  I peek around and quickly scanned the room. There were seven men in front of me, including Benny. All had their guns pointing in my direction. I had to be smart and figure out a strategy on how to take them down. If I made any sudden attacks, they would open fire. So instead of being Mr. Hero I did what Benny said and throw my gun down on the floor and slid it away from me then stood up from behind the breakfast bar with my hands held up as Benny smiled triumphantly.

  “You’re one smart guy Dennis, you know exactly why I’m here,” he said while walking towards me. “Where’s the girl?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I said smiling.

  I just hope that Angelina would stay wherever she was because Benny would probably try to lure her out with his threats. He walks forward and stops in front of me. Now we’re looking eye to eye, he glances back at his men and laughs. Out of nowhere he quickly turns back to me and punches me hard inside the stomach. I should have expected that was coming. I leaned over and gasp for air from the sudden blow.

  “I don’t have time for your bullshit games Dennis. Look around, I have the upper hand!” He shouted at me. “I know she’s with you, now where is she?”

  “And I see you’re still the same stupid asshole,” I said hoping to distract him while I quickly planned my next attack. He turned and walked across the hall to the living room, looking for her.

  “I know you’re somewhere sweetie, come out now. I don’t have all day,” he called out to Angelina but she didn’t come out. After a minute or two Benny started to get a little impatient.

  “Leave Benny, whatever it is you’re looking for, is clearly not here.” He frowned and then looked at me smiling walking back towards me.

  “You may have no regard for your own life but I’m pretty sure she does,” he said while pulling out a silver revolver and pointed it to my head. “Listen up sugar, we’re going to play a little game and this is how it’s going to work. If you don’t come out on the count of five, I’m going to blow Dennis’s head clear off his shoulders. Now you don’t want this man’s death on your conscience, do you?” He said laughing menacingly.

  I froze. Benny was preying on Angelina’s biggest fear, he knows she wouldn’t just gamble with another person’s life, and he didn’t even know about her feelings for me. I prayed to God that Angelina would stay where she was. I told her no matter what.

  “One,” Benny started the countdown. “Two,” Angelina still didn’t come out. “Three,” he said as he cocked his gun. She came out from the closet that was right down the hall with tears on her face. She gave me an apologetic look. Why was she being remorseful? She is the one who is risking her life to save mine. I hung my head down in defeat as Benny laughed. “Ah yes, come closer sweetie,” Benny said. “Grab the both of them,” he instructed to his men.

  “No!” I yelled as I slid across the floor and grabbed my gun. I aimed and fired. Shooting four in the head as kill shots as Benny grabbed Angelina from behind and wrapped his arm around her neck while pointing his gun to her head and I pointed mine to his.

  “I wouldn’t make any more stupid moves if I was you or else it’s her head in the chopping block,” he threatened. I immediately dropped my gun and let one of the two remaining men covered with body armor restrained me. “Hold her too,” he commanded and other heavily body armored one held Angelina. “I like this,” he said laughing. “How does it feel to be on the back foot, huh Dennis? I’m going to kill her and take this ring and there isn’t a god damn thing you can do about it,” he said walking back to Angelina while scrutinizing her. I looked at her too, she wore a frightened look on her face and she too was watching me through her tears of terror. “Ah isn’t she marvelous,” Benny touched the side of her face and she cringed from his touch. “It would be truly sad to kill such a rare beauty,” he said. It took everything I had not to snap his fucking neck for just touching her, but I couldn’t do anything too hasty without risking her life.

  “If you hurt her, I will kill you Benny, do you hear me?” I shouted at him. “And this time I won’t hesitate to shoot you. I will actually enjoy watching you die in front me,” I spat. For a split second I watched the fear register in Benny’s eyes and then he chuckled darkly.

  “All that trouble for this one little woman. It’s not like she means anything to you,” he said looking at me for a while and then he began laughing hysterically. “Of course she does, why else would you avenge her?” He clapped his hands together. “Well I couldn’t have planned this better myself.”

  I looked at Angelina, who was shocked and Benny saw that.

  “You probably have no idea what I’m talking about, do you?” Benny asked Angelina. “You see Dennis, me and his friend Nathan… we go way back. They used to call us the three musketeers in back in college,” he said as I watched Angelina’s eyes widen in shock. “The problem was that I wanted to be the bad boy, and they were the reason why I was in prison in the first place. So now it’s payback time. I’ve been looking for Dennis’s weakness for years. I just never thought the opportunity would present itself in such a beautiful manner,” he said as he stroked her hair. Benny turned to me, pointing the silver revolver straight at my head. “I should kill you right now for all that you’ve cost me you son of a bitch,” he hissed then turned back to Angelina. “But I think that would be all too easy. I want to make you suffer and how better to do that is to make you watch the woman you love die in front of your eyes.”

  I watched Angelina’s eyes light up with realization. She finally saw that I loved her and why we could never be together. I was trying to protect her from this, psychopath assholes like Benny who would use her to spite me. Fresh tears came down her face as I looked at her remorsefully. I was sorry that I put her through all this, through the pain and heartbreak of me pushing her away from me but mostly I was sorry that I put her life in jeopardy.

  “Aw sweetie, I don’t know whether having him love you is a blessing or curse because I was going to kill you quickly and painlessly. But having made this discovery I’m going to do it slowly and painfully. Just so he could watch you scream in agony,” Benny said while trying to grab her ring off her finger. “Fuck!” He shouted removing his hand as though the ring burnt him. “What the hell?” He asked looking into Angelina’s eyes. “What did you do?”

  “Nothing,” she replied quickly.

  “Bullshit!” He shouted angrily. “Take it off now,” he instructed pointing his gun at me.

  “No Angelina don’t!” I said as she tried to pull it off of her finger.

  “I can’t,” she said struggling with it.

  “What do you mean you can’t?” Benny asked angrily. “I will kill him right now missy.”

  “No, please. You can take the ring. Just please let him go,” she screamed as Benny lowered his gun looking at her.

  “You are willing to die for him?”

  “Yes, you can take the damn ring just please stop,” she pleaded as both Benny and I stared at her in disbelief; she loved me that much that she would die for me? Benny laughed pointing his gun back at me.

  “Well isn’t that touching? Too bad I don’t like happy endings,” he said and pulled the trigger. I didn’t even have time to close my eyes.

  “NO!” Angelina screamed as I waited for the impact but it never came. Shock hit me as I noticed two things. The round red stone that was on Angelina’s ring was glowing a demonic red color. Something I’ve never seen before and the bullet that Benny shot was stuck in mid air for a moment and then it fell to the ground.

  “Amazing,” Benny exclaimed looking at Angelina. “I was right. You can control it,” I took Benny’s moment of distraction and elbowed the man that was holding me, as he slumped over I snapped his neck in less than a second. I grabbed my gun off the floor and opened fire at Benny. Angelina stomped her foot on the man’s foot that was holding her, making him stagger back in pain. I took that opportunity to shoot him right between the eyes, the only place where there was no armor and
killed him right there on the spot.

  “Run!” I screamed at her but she didn’t move.

  “No,” Benny shrieked grabbing his revolver off the floor and shot at me. I ducked and rolled as the bullet came and hit my leg making me fall to the ground.

  “Dennis!” I heard Angelina scream and Benny grabbed her before she could reach me.

  “Oh no little lady, you’re not going anywhere,” he said pointing his gun at her head.

  “You are going to pay for that,” she hissed in fury and Benny just laughed at her petty threat. Out the corner of my eye I saw her ring the same demonic red glow again as her eyes turned black as night.

  “What the…” Benny exclaimed.

  Out of nowhere Benny began to float up into the air, Angelina turned her black gaze towards him as she let out an ear-piercing scream, like the one of the mythical creature known as the banshee. Her hair started to swirl around her even though there was no wind blowing. My mind couldn’t comprehend what was happening but something told me to stop this now before it was too late for all of us. Her scream subsided as I tried to call to her and get her attention.

  “Angelina!” I shouted at her but she didn’t respond to my voice. She kept staring at Benny as she slowly tortured him. You could hear the sounds of his bones cracking from the intense stare that Angelina was giving him. I struggled to get up with my one good leg. I hobbled over to her side but I didn’t know if touching her was a good idea. She looked like she was in some kind of unbinding trance. “Angelina?” I shouted again.

  She didn’t even flinch, so I put my hands on her shoulders and gently shook her. Her head snapped to me and her ring stopped glowing. The black faded from her eyes and returned back to brown. Benny’s lifeless body came crashing down to the floor with a loud thump. If he wasn’t dead from her powerful shriek then he had to of from the impact of the fall, falling face first onto the wood floor.

  “Dennis?” She asked weakly and then collapsed into my arms. Carmella and Amber both came running down the stairs.

  “Angelina?” I shouted at her, shaking her lifeless body but she didn’t respond. “Carmella call 911!” I screamed at them when I couldn’t feel her pulse. “Angelina sweetheart please, don’t do this to me!” I said before trying to give her CPR.

  “I called them and Colin, their on their way,” Amber said through crying sobs.

  “Angelina come back to me my love, please,” I begged but she still didn’t respond.

  “Dennis,” Carmella said through her tears touching my shoulder but I shook off her hand.

  “She’s not dead!” I shouted at her. “She can’t be,” I whispered sadly. She couldn’t die, where would that leave me? My parent’s death wasn’t going to be nearly as painful as hers. I couldn’t live without her. She was my reason for everything. Why I breathed, why I woke up in the morning and why I woke up period, just knowing I would see her beautiful face. “Angelina I love you, please I’m begging you,” I whispered shaking her gently but still no response and no pulse.

  I let out a pained scream and buried my head in her neck. Carmella and Amber both dropped to their knees beside me, crying uncontrollably while holding me into their arms. This time I couldn’t fight for her, there was nothing left to fight for. I heard the sound of sirens coming up the estate’s driveway from a distance. I thought to myself that this can’t be the end; I needed her more now than ever before. There was a loud commotion outside as the paramedics rushed in followed by Colin. Amber and Carmella got up and moved to the side as the paramedics came to Angelina’s side. I gently squeezed her hand and said my final silent goodbyes. As I let go of her hand, I heard her take a sudden gasp of air. I looked up at her in shock as her beautiful brown eyes stared back at me, my love was alive.


  To be continued…




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