Knights of Enmity: The Barons Have Fallen (Descending Fires Book 1)

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Knights of Enmity: The Barons Have Fallen (Descending Fires Book 1) Page 15

by Sedrie Danielle

  Rufus sighed hard as he felt the impending doom crashing down upon the Blue Palace. “Claude. Make sure the Orders stay calm. Me and the boys will try to diffuse the situation,” he ordered. Mila, Bibi and Chrissy ran after the Knights, ordering their ladies to stay put.

  The Warlocks released their Oathbreakers, slicing through cop cars, causing them to explode all over the Blue Palace parking lot. Baldaar, Adonis and Caden were ready for action, but Cesare stayed their hands.

  A Warlock grabbed a cop by the collar, holding his Oathbreaker to his throat, and it caught Cesare’s attention. The cop began praying, shouting Hail Marys as he felt the sting of death slicing through his flesh. Cesare hesitated, feeling the sincerity of his prayers, but was too late to save him.

  He was pure of heart, God forgive my hesitation, he thought to himself when the sound of Rufus’s voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

  “Borgia! What the fuck is going on!?” Rufus shouted angrily.

  “The damn Warlocks attacked the sheeple.”

  “Well then I guess this pile of frozen fingers and eyeballs was the Warlocks too,” Rufus said, looking angrily at Baldaar.

  “Sorry Rex, he said freeze.”

  Adonis burst out in laughter again, sending Rufus into a hateful frenzy. He stomped out the door and instantly took a bullet to the chest. Rufus fell back, but grounded himself with his Magia; keeping his body from falling. His aura began to glow a deep red, his eyes completely whited out. The bullet fell out of the wound, making a low cling against the marble floor.

  Rufus stretched out his arms and the battle was frozen in time. The Orders who had gathered behind him, watched Rufus, silently.

  “I am Rufus Sosius the Elder, here my voice and listen to my words. Those of you who do not belong here will leave this place, lest you be destroyed. The Blue Palace does not exist. Hercules does not exist. The reason for you being here does not exist. Go now, and live your lives,” he said, and the cops began getting into their vehicles, driving off.

  Clyde and his Warlocks were still suspended in the air, but their senses were not affected. Rufus released Clyde and fell to his feet with an angered look on his face.

  “Why did you do that Magia?! We would have killed them all!” he shouted, and Rufus began to squeeze him in mid-air. He drug Clyde to the dance hall, pulling him with his Magia, keeping him suspended in the air.

  “Release me Magia!”

  “My dear Rufus, what is this?” Matilda asked, looking concerned.

  “This, Madam Crone, is the reason why there is a Council of Nine. Moments ago the Blue Palace was surrounded by sheeple cops looking for you, Hercules,” he said, staring at the big brute who folded his arms.

  “We are powerful, yes. But that does not give us the right to kill sheeple just because they’re sheeple.”

  “It was self-defense,” Clyde said laughing and Rufus threw him across the room.

  “Throw your Oathbreaker at me! Then you can cry self-defense!”

  “If I may, Rex, the sheeple have indeed attacked my people claiming we are trafficking drugs. The sheeple are afraid of us,” Babalo Aye, of the Order of Red Axes said.

  “Yes Babalo, they fear us. But these are not the sheeple of the medieval age who run around with pitchforks and axes. These sheeple have been equipped with the technology of the Grigori. Fear with a gun could see the end of all of us. We are but a few thousand across this globe, but there are billions of them. We must maintain order or we will no longer live amongst them as the Hidden,” Rufus said.

  The room was silent and all eyes remained fixed on Rufus. Mila walked across the room, queuing the music and taking his hand.

  “The words of Magia Magnificent Rex have been heard, but we shall not allow the likes of sheeple to lower the vibrations of this Ball. Shall we dance?” Mila asked him, holding out her hand.

  Rufus bowed, taking her hand and the two began to dance. Clyde and his Warlocks stormed out of the dance hall, as did some of the Orders who were quick to kill sheeple. As the two danced to the music of the live band, Caden looked across the room where the Order of Roses sat looking on.

  Cesare walked across the room and Rufus passed Mila on and the dance continued. The other Orders joined them and the night went on as normal. Jin-Lu took Lady Shinza’s hand and as they walked past the table where the Golden Dragons sat, Emperor Dorgon shouted “traitor” in Mandarin.

  “Do you not realize that my Mandarin is still quite good?”

  “That is a surprise, seeing as though you abandoned who you are to lay down with a Japanese wench! Our bloodline is pure and you taint it with the foulness of the Fujiwara Clan!” he shouted and Jin-Lu’s hair grabbed him by the collar.

  “Not here my love. I forgive his words, as should you,” Shinza said softly, pulling Jin-Lu away from the table.

  Rufus sat in this throne which over looked the whole of the dance hall and two large men approached him.


  “Hamilcar,” he responded, losing none of the sternness in his face.

  “I respect what you said. You Magia have always been advocates for those weaker than you; saving lives and souls with nothing more than a simple thought,” Hamilcar said, running his finger along the long scar on his face.

  “This wound still stings you know? I have tried every remedy I know of, but nothing takes away the sting of the Magia Gehenna blades.”

  “What do you want Hamilcar?”

  “Nothing. I just hope that you enjoy your night,” he said, walking away. Rufus kept his thoughts to himself tapping on the throne, thinking of his wife.

  Cesare saw the two talking and walked over to appease his curiosity.

  “The Barcas I take it?”

  “Indeed. Put their faces to memory Cesare. I had a feeling they would resurface tonight. Remember, the Borgias are no friends of theirs. Keep your eye open.”

  Lance walked over to Vincenzo who was drinking wine to make sure he was alright.

  “This shit is crazy yo.”

  “Trust me when I say, this is a light night.”

  Lance stayed near Vincenzo, not having the appetite to mingle as he was beyond just getting laid for the night.


  After the food was served and all had danced until their feet ached, Mila walked to the center of the dance floor and queued for the lights to dim as she waved her trident around.

  “Now is the time for those of you who have not found love, and wish to connect to another. There is no guarantee that your life mate is in this place, at this moment, but if so, you will find each other during the Charm of the Tantric Night. Let the Blue Goddess guide your hearts and be ready and accepting. Everyone who wishes to participate shall remain, all others, I bid thee farewell and goodnight.”

  The dance hall began to clear as the Orders began to leave. Caden walked towards the door, but Rufus stood in his way.

  “Oh come on Rex. Seriously?”

  “Caden, once you take the path of Achilles, you must ensure that your body can withstand the power. Denying love and plugging up your root chakra will cause you to lose your powers. Your body will begin breaking down if you have too many blockages.”

  “Rex, I understand all of that, but I just don’t want to waste my time on something that isn’t going to last.”

  “Well, you won’t know until you try. Do this, for me, for yourself. You can thank me later,” he said patting him on the shoulder.

  Miss Chrissy, Atlas and other Hidden gathered in a circle on the dance floor. The Marked Maidens covered their eyes as they held each other’s hands, facing outward. Mila queued for the music to play and left the room, watching with Rufus from the window.

  Those standing with the hoodwink over their eyes began to feel the rhythm of the music move through them. Caden’s spirit released itself and his mind traveled to a place of light. Colors of all sorts swirled about him, but the vibration from the music activated something within him. He was drawn to a light which glowed brigh
ter than any other and the light accepted him.

  “Rex, do you see what I see?”

  “Yep. It’s about time. They’ll make a fine couple,” he said as they watched Caden’s spirit latch onto Chrissy’s.

  Caden embraced Chrissy and their spirits danced as though they were the only two in the world. They laughed, loved, and Caden bent down and kissed her. Mila and Rufus cheered him on as it was a long time coming; Chrissy being the unlikeliest of all to be his mate. Mila waved her trident again and the mirage began to fade; everyone falling into a trance.

  Caden opened his eyes, not remembering what happened, but the feeling of love and ecstasy remained. Everyone woke in the same spot that they stood in, laughing if they knew their lover was in the room. Chrissy had the biggest smile on her face and she couldn’t wait to see who it was.

  Caden had to feel that feeling again, and he bowed to Rufus, silently thanking him for making him participate.


  The Prophet’s Unreasonable Request

  Night had come and gone, and the Orders prepare themselves for the next gathering set forth by the Prophet of the Order of the Star and Crescent. Rufus returned home for rest before the next event only to be greeted by Beast, his St. Bernard. The house was quiet, his wife gone and his stack of newspapers exactly as he left them. He sent her many messages but there was no return.

  He laid on the couch, Beast laying next to him, thinking of his wife and how much she truly meant to him. Meanwhile the Borgias were snuggled up as were the others who had calmed down for the night.

  As Solon's initiates sat within the Chamber of Reflection, he too received a message from the Order of the Star and Crescent. He declined to attend the Black and Blue Ball as he was not a fan of Magia or BGs, but accepted the invitation to the feast of the Great Hudna.

  The Prophet also invited him to visit before the festivities, just as Callan had foreseen. He paced around the Chambers of Reflection which was nothing more than a set of small, cylindrical rooms with mirrors all around to ensure that each man was secured to face that which they could not run from.

  He left command with Cornelius, but instructed that four Rubedos meet him at the Obelisk of the West as he made his way to America to meet the Prophet. Solon the Great walked down the halls of Temple Eliyon with his hands cupped as though receiving a hand full of coins. The Mighty Mujāhidūn stood silent as they lined the black, curtained walls of the temple.

  Solon always appreciated the perfection which the Order of the Star and Crescent took in their appearance; each foot soldier wearing pressed black suits with gold tassels on their shoulders, and jeweled crescent moons and stars above the heart. Their square hats, black with the seal of their order in the center, and gloves the whitest Earth could offer.

  At their sides were scimitars made of diamond blades; forged in angel's fire by the hands of the Iron Fists, with the power to cut through anything. Solon’s long, red robe shined as the thirty-three sigils of his order glistened against the dim light of the dark hall. Rarely did he wear a shirt; parading his body which was tattooed with Alchemical mastery from head to toe, this day was no different.

  Reaching the colossal door at the end of the hall, he was met by Malak, son of The Prophet and commander in the Order. He was a tall, good looking Black man with perfect brown skin. His eyes seemed to squint as he spoke and his teeth were as white as his gloves.

  His shiny, bald head was perfectly round; his neck was thick indicating he was a fit man beneath the suit. “Solon, I greet you in peace. The Prophet prays at the moment, but he shall receive you,” Malak said.

  Solon smiled and nodded as the doors to The Prophet’s prayer room opened. Malak stepped aside, allowing Solon to walk in the large room with a ceiling that seemed to stretch to the sky. Echoes of what sounded like thousands of prayers reverberated off the walls; the dome ceiling trapping the prayers therein. The floor was covered in the finest Arabian prayer rugs and pillows while the walls were lined with gold damask curtains.

  The Prophet remained on his knees as he looked towards a glowing book. An unusual writing appeared upon its pages without the use of a pen; an old, ancient script which few in the world could read. Solon sat next to The Prophet and watched as the prophecy was revealed.

  “A wonder it is, to behold the signature of the Demiurge. The great Creator from whence we all came. What does it say?” Solon asked, as he covered his short, spiky hair.

  The Prophet smiled, his humble heart laughed as light brown his skin appeared to glow. Hair was absent upon his head, and wrinkles were folded on his forehead. A long, black beard had within it one hundred diamonds, representing the one hundred scimitars given to the first Prophet and his people. He placed a small, circular cap on his head covering his large third eye and he looked towards Solon.

  “Brother, the time has come for us to unite. Too long have we been divided by our powers, as each of us fall from the same tree. I have called you here before the feast of the Great Hudna because as the Grand Magistrate of the Council of Nine, you too hold the keys to the seven prisons; those which house the angelic powers of the Reckoning. If we were to free Gabriel, his freedom could come at the cost of a truce. A pact. The angels know that the seven horns cannot sound without the first, so we are currently at a stalemate,” The Prophet said.

  “But the angels cannot descend. The Barons keep them from Malkuth,” Solon said and The Prophet laughed.

  “There are angels who walk with us now. Just two days ago I was visited by two hailing from the Order of Dominions. They are tired and wish to bring about an end of the enmity which divides us. But there is something else that has descended, something that felt more divine than a simple angel. A hooded man whispered things to me which I have no understanding of, and as I asked him who brought me this message he simply said: I Am,” the Prophet said. Solon stared at him blankly.

  “More than likely a doppleganger or spirit teasing you. The Dominions are a different breed of angel. A far cry from the Thrones, Archangels and Powers, whom are currently resting in the seven Oubliettes. I will not open Smyrna, Pergamos, Philadelphia or Sardis by any means. You talk peace, yet you talk destruction all in the same sentence. So which is it?” Solon asked, sounding somewhat irritated.

  “The gathering of sheeple which has begun, has a dual purpose. I need you in my corner Solon. They will awaken as we will need to swell our numbers of Hidden so we can rebuild the world once destruction has fallen upon us. The Knights will not take kindly to the approaching storm and will stand in opposition of our work,” The Prophet said as he stood, ending his prayers.

  Solon also stood up, staring him in the eyes. “As you know, tensions between Magnum Opus and the Black Knights have been strained for centuries, but this is one cause I would gladly stand beside them on. You wish to exacerbate the state of the world by releasing the angels?” he asked, scoffing. The Prophet placed his hand on Solon’s shoulder and smiled, giving him a calm sense of comfort.

  “There will always be war in this world brother, but in the new one there shall be peace. Who so ever does not comply with the will of the Creator shall not see it. Now is the time of judgment! Make sure you have chosen your side carefully. I know you don’t to make things between your order and that of the Black Knights worse. After all, if they can kill angels, what is to stop them from ending your life? While the angels have limitations in this realm, the chaos of the Black Knights knows no bounds,” The Prophet said as he walked out in his long caftan.

  “If the angels are released Prophet, so too shall you see the end of the world. It will be as it was during the Deluge. Especially if you awaken a million people before they are ready,” Solon replied.

  “These secrets which the Orders have kept, no man owns. Why not give the people the choice to do what thou wilt? Like yourself?”

  “Because those who truly seek the truth, it finds them. Why? Because their spirit is ready to receive it. No Order admits a neophyte unless fundamental systems are
understood and accepted. Force feeding awakening will cause them to become the living dead. The masses are dead minds and spirits, giving them the enlightenment will not truly awaken them, just give them a weapon and give them cause to make war,” Solon answered, losing none of the sternness in his face.

  “The Orders have not warred amongst one another since we signed the Great Hudna. The Council of Nine continues to uphold its pact; something the Order of the Star and Crescent has yet to agree to,” Solon added, lowering his eyes.

  “Brother, the Order of the Star and Crescent will not join the Council of Nine, as we operate outside of it. Those who are ready, come to the Obelisk of the West because they seek change and answers to age old questions. People suffer, Solon, and they must be made anew. Do not be afraid of the end, as it is only a new beginning. For the only end is that which the Creator has dictated. But at some time, all things must come to a close. Those contained in Oubliette Smyrna and Oubliette Philadelphia must be set free to do as they must,” The Prophet said as he left Solon standing in the prayer room.

  Solon contemplated on the Prophet’s words. Solon was not one to be told what to do, nor was he ever to choose sides. The Prophet’s words hit his heart, but not the way the Prophet intended. “You are about to make a grave mistake. And I will not allow it,” he said walking off.


  The gathering at the Obelisk was to commence in a day's time and the Orders gathered inconspicuously amongst the crowds of sheeple. Solon had a few Alchemists partake, but he wished to speak with Rufus Sosius before he made any moves towards the seven prisons as they attempted to bring about peace between their orders.

  He walked with his hands behind his back as he left to join those of his order that accompanied him near the Obelisk while the waters were still calm.

  “So? What did he want?” Cornelius asked.

  “I thought I ordered you to man the castle,” Solon said angrily.


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