Knights of Enmity: The Barons Have Fallen (Descending Fires Book 1)

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Knights of Enmity: The Barons Have Fallen (Descending Fires Book 1) Page 22

by Sedrie Danielle

  He looked over towards Vincenzo who was trying to avoid his direct stare.

  “You would make a fine Alchemist,” he said smiling. Vincenzo didn’t know how to respond and just nodded.

  “He will make a fine Magia, like his brothers,” Cesare corrected. Solon smiled.

  “Whatever house he chooses, I’m sure he will do wonders,” Solon added. “In any case, we will need to reseal the breach. I don’t know who or what has escaped, but before anything catches wind of this, we need to reinforce the magical bonds.”

  “What a day, and the shit just keeps getting worse,” Lance said shaking his head as he noticed Chrissy throwing away a black bag in the distance. She hugged Malak tight as though they would never see each other again and he ran back towards the gathering. Lance didn’t want to bring attention to an already uncomfortable situation and chose to stay quiet about it. She met up with Bibi who was waiting for her in a blue Tahoe a block away.

  “We need to get Dante back to the Parthenon. With Ariel out looking for him, it’s just not safe for him to be topside. D, see it done. I'll call a quick meeting and alert the orders to be on the lookout,” Rufus said as he turned to see Solon had disappeared.

  “Slick ass bitch. We can’t trust him Rex,” Cesare said looking around.

  “No, but we can’t ignore him either. It’s one of those situations where his enemy is my enemy. We have to at least check it out,” Rufus said as he sent a sigil to the sky summoning the nine orders of the council to Temple Salamanca. Cesare and Lance pulled Vincenzo to the side as the other knights left for the temple.

  “How do you feel?” Cesare asked.

  “Honestly bro this has been the worst day of my life. This is some fucked up shit. I don't know if it’s for me,” he said nervously. Lance nodded, but somewhat glad he declined.

  “We'll take you home then. But call if you see anything strange,” Cesare said.

  Nicky appeared, just as the Knights dispersed and Rufus sighed.

  “I don’t have time for jokes,” Rufus stormed, but Nicky held up his hands.

  “I have come to warn you about the Alchemist. I’m afraid I’ve made a huge mistake,” Nicky said reluctantly. Rufus turned to him, lowering his gaze.

  “What the fuck did you do now?”


  Dante Slays the Hot wing

  “Ah, if it isn’t the Alchemist,” The Man said, as Solon approached his red truck. The Man sat smoking cigars away from the calamity with three Paleros including his brother Juan and two Ladies of the Red Devil.

  “What can I do for you today?” he asked, in the broken Spanish accent he was famous for.

  “I need a soul scan,” Solon said.

  The Man held out his hand as though waiting for payment, and Solon met it with a stack of money. The Man held it up to the sun, inspecting it for authenticity.

  “Don’t worry, its real,” Solon said, sounding somewhat offended. The Man laughed.

  “Can’t be too sure with you Alchemists. For all I know, this could be a stack of grocery coupons,” he answered.

  Solon smiled, knowing his words were true. Alchemists had made many enemies of Hidden and sheeple alike for such deeds.

  “Take off your coat,” he said.


  “Yes here. Just the coat. The soul lives in the solar plexus,” The Man said. Solon laid down in the back of one of the trucks which was covered in magical sigils. The Man chanted and waved his cauldron over Solon's torso, but nothing happened.

  “You do not have a soul. How is this possible?”

  “I know I don’t have a soul. Can you tell me where it is and how to get it back?”

  “Well, it depends on what happened to it. If your soul was given freely, then you must go to the one who holds it. If you traveled the astral world and it got lost, then you may never retrieve it. But, if it was taken by someone without your consent, depending on how long it’s been gone, it may have found a new body,” The Man said. Solon grabbed him.

  “My soul is mine!”

  “Then where is it my man? I don’t see it nowhere,” The Man said tauntingly.

  “Look, if you think your soul is in someone else, go see Mama Gee. The Keepers can give you a gris-gris that will light up when you run across the person who has your soul. If your soul truly is in someone else, the only way to get it back is with a dark, sex magic ritual. It’s one the Ladies of the Red Devil and the Blue Goddesses know how to perform,” The Man said. “Other than that, I cannot offer more help,” he added.

  “Thank you,” Solon said, putting on his coat and heading to Mama Gee's house.


  A frustrated Solon began walking down the road just as D'Artagnan hitched a ride from Bibi and Chrissy who were driving back to the Blue Palace. Chrissy sat quiet as she stared out the window looking as though she had lost her best friend.

  “What's wrong wit me girl?” D'Artagnan asked sincerely. Chrissy turned towards him and smiled.

  “Do you ever wake up wondering if every day you open your eyes that this isn’t all some cosmic joke? My life is a joke. I’m stuck between two worlds; destined to traverse them alone,” she said despairingly. Bibi grabbed her hand as she could feel her pain.

  “But enough about me, what's up with you and Josie?” Chrissy asked.

  “Yeah,” Bibi added, looking to get the scoop.

  “Dat bitch is a crazy mudderfukker. Dat's what. Last night I comes home after de mission and de nasty bitch fucking anudder man in me bed!” he started to rant. Bibi giggled while he continued on.

  “And what did you do?” Chrissy, adding fuel to the fire.

  “De mudderfukker hops off me wife and tries to talk. I shoots em in de noggin and de man bloodies up me room!” he shouts.

  The ladies crack up laughing the entire time until they reached one of the portals. They quickly made it through and pulled up out front of the Blue Palace.

  “Shit!” D'Artagnan said as he saw Josie hopping out of another man's car.

  “She's getting worse. I don’t know why, but you don't deserve that,” Bibi said.

  “Getting rid of dat one not easy Bee. I made a pact wit de Baron and she mines,” he said regrettably.

  “Is there any love there?” Chrissy asked.

  D'Artagnan shook his head. “I tink it was just de pussy me wanted. Now, I just wish her dead. She beat me heart in,” he said trying to hold back tears. The ladies knew they struck a cord and pursued it no further.

  “Come on, let's go get Mr. Dante,” Chrissy said pulling the Knight out the car. The main floor was busy. Contessas and Courtesans were serving food and drinks, while others danced and entertained.

  Dante finally woke from his slumber and couldn’t help but indulge his curiosity as the music from the main floor reverberated up the stairs. He slid on his loafers and peeked his head around the corner as he wondered.

  Knowing he was safe with the BGs, he slowly walked down the hall, but came to a dead end. Oh dear, he said to himself as he walked to the other side, only to find himself at another dead end.

  He looked around and opened the door in front of him. Atlas lay with his head back as Valina rode him rigorously. Dante's eyes widened as he watched the bounce of Valina's ass, the shake of her light purple hair as Atlas thrust his girth from beneath.

  Dante swallowed hard as his body began to heat up. He could feel blood flowing in places he thought had long died.

  “Oh good heavens!” he said aloud, causing them both to stop and turn his way. They recognized the Dactyl seal upon his chest and gasped.

  “Are you a -- Dactyl?” Atlas asked him.

  “Why in fact I am,” Dante said backing up nervously. Oh dear, he said to himself again, running into the door.

  “Shit!” Atlas shouted as he looked for his clothes.

  “We're sorry sir!” Valina said as she tried to cover herself.

  She was a beautiful woman with light blue hair and tattoo sleeves full of hearts and dragons.
The big bodied Atlas was known to frequent Valina's suite after his four-hour weight lifting sessions; even having clothes and protein supplements stashed in her drawers.

  “I have been in the Hollow for much too long,” Dante said as he closed the door behind him.

  “Will you, please continue?” he asked softly.

  Valina and Atlas stared at each other, both wanting to say no. Dante's eyes were both sad and sincere which Valina, being a BG, could feel. Dante took a seat at Valina’s vanity; waiting for the show to commence. She smiled at Atlas who was starting to go flaccid and kissed him.

  “Wait --” he said trying to shove her off.

  “Shh. Shut up,” she said, kissing the spots which made him fold. Valina made him forget that Dante was even in the room.

  She ran her fingers along the top of his bald head as he squeezed the cheeks of her ass. A tear ran down the side of Dante's face as their moans, like sweet music, touched the core of his soul.

  He watched the scene in slow motion taking in the emotion, the sounds, the smells and delighted in it. As they finished and fell into each other's arms, Dante smiled at them.

  “Thank you. This is brought great joy to me,” he said, standing up and heading for the door.

  “Then why do you cry Master Dactyl?” Valina asked him.

  “Because for the first time, in a long time, I have been reminded of my humanity,” he said smiling.

  “One last thing, could you be so kind as to show me to the whereabouts of the dining hall? I have not eaten in days,” he said.

  “Days?! Well it sounds like you need a plate full of hot wings!” Atlas said.

  “Hot? Wings? Do they fly?” he asked. Valina and Atlas giggled.

  “They have been known to send a few people into space,” Valina said.

  “Give me a minute to freshen up and I'll show you the way,” she said pulling Atlas to the bathroom. Dante walked around Valina's suite admiring her love for skulls and roses. Photos of her and the other BGs were pinned to a wall along with white lights strung along the balcony.

  Valina and Atlas came out of the bathroom after a quickie in the shower, all smiles and giggles. Valina slid on a pair of black stockings and a red, corset-styled body suit; common attire for Contessa level Blue Goddesses. Dante watched her as she applied red lipstick and brushed her wet, lilac colored hair.

  Dante was a man of modesty, typically leaving people to their privacy. But there was something about Valina which he couldn’t turn his gaze.

  Atlas decided to stay in the room and Valina led Dante down the corridor to the main dance hall. Dante's eyes were in awe of the majestic temple that was the Blue Palace. As Dante stepped foot upon the floor of the dance hall, the music instantly stopped and all eyes were set upon him.

  “Are you a real Dactyl?” one of the Courtesans asked him.

  “He is THE Dactyl. This is Mr. Dante,” Valina said proudly.

  “Yes, one that should be in his suite,” Mila said as she clacked her heels his way.

  “Dear Mistress. I set upon this journey as my eyes opened. There was an aching, burning sensation by the likes I had never felt in my stomach. I realized after an agonizing two minutes that there was only one cure for it,” he said.

  “Which is?”

  “The hot wing,” Dante said, garnering laughter from the entire room.

  “Have you ever had hot wings sir?”

  “Well no. It was a suggestion from the big fellow upstairs,” he answered.

  “Ladies, get Mr. Dante some hot wings and fries,” Mila ordered as the music and festivities continued.

  “While they prepare your food, you have to look the part,” Mila said pulling him to an empty suite. She handed Dante a t-shirt which read “I like boobs” and a pair of jeans. Dante kept his hat on, but felt good in the comforts of his new attire.

  He sat at a table, and all watched as the Master Dactyl readied himself to take his first bite of hot wings. He tapped it with his fingers as though putting out a fire.

  “Why are you hitting the wings?” Valina asked.

  “Is it not hot to the touch?” he asked and she giggled.

  “No sir. They're called hot wings because of the spices. Not the temperature. The spices heat up your mouth when you chew,” she explained.

  “Ah. I see,” he said picking one up. As he bit into it, his taste buds instantly went into shock. His eyes watered and he coughed as the spices caught him by alarm. Through all of his discomfort he continued to chew, swallowing hard, and taking a deep breath.

  “Are you ok?” Mila asked.

  “That is truly divine. Hellish even. My mouth has been set ablaze by an inferno which only I can feel yet, I am delighted,” he said as his eyes watered.

  Everyone cheered him on as he finished his very first twelve piece. D'Artagnan walked in with Bibi and Chrissy just as Dante finished up.

  D'Artagnan snapped a photo of Dante and sent it to the guys. Adonis laughed for ten minutes straight. Bibi and Chrissy informed Mila of the events, and she got on the stage shutting down the festivities; ordering all to return to their respective Orders because of news about the angels.

  Dante was still eating when D'Artagnan hit him with the news that he had to go back per orders from Rufus.

  “Dear Knight. You would be so cruel as to take away my joy this moment,” he pleaded.

  “I’m sorry Mr. Dante. You know de Palace is open to your Order and you can come back whenever you want. Dey always have hot wings mon. I get some to take with chu,” he said.

  Dante was showered with hugs and kisses from the Blue Goddesses. They took a photo which Mila hung next to Black Bear's picture as that was truly a memory the Palace would remember.

  “Mistress, before I descend, there is something I would like to speak with you about.” Mila pulled him to a table while D'Artagnan waited patiently.

  “My dear. There is something that troubles me and while Rufus has enough to deal with, I figured you would be the appropriate person to solicit information, being the nature of my concern,” he began.

  “We have Dames that wouldn't mind having a discreet session with you Mr. Dante,” she said smiling. Dante's mouth dropped open. He began to sweat and swallowed hard as he remembered the scene with Valina and Atlas.

  “Oh dear. Well that is indeed fine mistress, but the concern was not for myself,” he said. Mila looked somewhat embarrassed as she spoke too soon.

  “Do you know of any spirits that take the living to their bed?” he asked. Mila looked shocked.

  “Well yes. The succubi and incubi. They don't often appear unless summoned,” she said. “Why Mr. Dante?” He grabbed her hand.

  “Yesterday I saw the ghastliest phenomenon. I have an understudy, whom I witnessed in a most uncomfortable manner might I add, had such a thing happen to him right before my eyes. I have never seen such a thing. But shortly after I believe I stumbled upon a pact of some sort. But upon the parchment was the seal of Ordo Magnum Opus. How is this so?” he asked.

  “Honestly, I don't know what an Alchemist would have to do with an incubus. They typically appear with dark thought projections, desires, darker summonings, or necromancy spells gone wrong. If you'd like, I can look into it for you,” she said. Dante looked nervous. “Where did this happen?”

  “The Parthenon.”

  “That is strange. And now you're afraid to go home?” He nodded.

  “It frightened the hell out of me,” he answered.

  “Ok. Bibi and I will go and check things out. Don't worry. We'll keep you safe,” she said, motioning for Bibi to come her way.


  “We have an incubus problem,” Mila said.


  “The Parthenon,” she replied. Bibi's eyes widened.

  “How did it get there?”

  “I don't know. But the guy is still there and Mr. Dante is afraid to go home,” Mila answered. The ladies dressed in one of their battle gowns and walked with Dante and D'Artagna
n through the portal to Temple Salamanca.


  The Knights returned to the Hollow, and opened the small congress room on the east wing of the temple for their guests. Chairs were set in a semi-circle around the colossal statue of Achilles where Cornelius and three Rubedos sat on the front row facing the chairs of the Black Knights.

  Claudius and Caden came down from the Grand Rotunda, as Hammer and Colton returned from the Ludus as the other Orders gathered.

  Rufus Sosius stood before the seated guests in the Grand Room of Temple Salamanca with his arms folded behind his back. His long, black cape etched in gold mopped across the black and white checkerboard floors of his order's headquarters, as he paced to gather his thoughts.

  His mind was heavy, and the wrinkles upon his face revealed his frustration, but the gold laurel upon his head glistened with regal power. As Magia Magnificent Rex, Rufus could never show himself to be of weak mind.

  This night, his guests hailed from each of the nine great orders; excluding those from the lesser twenty-four. His own knights sat quiet as they watched their leader ready himself to share the bad news.

  D'Artagnan walked in with Mila, Bibi and Dante behind them scuffing his new Chucks against the floor. Every time he walked he squeaked. The appearance of him walking in with jeans, and an “I love boobs” shirt with a wooden cross dangling around his neck sent Adonis to an uncontrollable laughter.

  “That shit is even funnier in person,” he shouted as his face turned as red as a tomato. His infectious laughter caused the rest of the Orders to get a good giggle during such an intense day.

  “I am glad that we can laugh in the face of destruction. Thank you Master Dactyl. I take it this is your battle attire?” Rufus asked laughing.

  “Indeed. I just slayed the hot wing,” he said, instigating more laughter.

  “Ah, that's needed to keep our vibrations up for the rest of the world. But down to business. We, the Order of Magia Chaotica, are pleased to be hosts to each of the nine on this unofficial council meeting. For those who were not there, The Prophet has created a clusterfuck on the Upper Earth. The masses of living dead on Earth is sure to cause an imbalance by the likes we haven’t seen in ages. Make sure your secrets are secure, do not initiate anyone new unless they have successfully passed all of the requirements of your houses. We cannot risk further exposure. Next, Solon, our Grand Magistrate, has informed us that the seals upon one of the seven Oubliettes has been broken. The one in question: Oubliette of Pergamos, is the one which holds several of Chamuel's lieutenants,” Rufus began to say to the sound of gasps and sighs.


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