A Dragon's Awakening

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A Dragon's Awakening Page 31

by Aya Knight

  Neelan was the next to drink and quickly met the same fate as Judith.

  “I cannot believe I’m doing this.” Neelan’s chirpy voice was even more high-pitched than Judith’s.

  Kale couldn’t help but laugh at her abnormally fluffy brown fur.

  “I do believe it is our turn now.” Thomas allowed a stream of liquid to glide down his throat. He immediately passed the satchel over to Illadar before the transformation could take effect.

  They all stared, waiting impatiently. Nothing happened.

  “What’s goin’ on here? Let me give this stuff a try.” Illadar swallowed a large gulp before passing it on.

  Kale wasted no time drinking the remainder of the potion. “Oddly refreshing.” He said as he licked his lips.

  They stood in silence as the seconds passed.

  “Great, it didn’t even wo—” Kale gripped his stomach in pain, glancing over to see that Illadar and Thomas were in the same predicament. His chest quickly began to burn in the most nauseating way.

  “What’s happenin’?” Illadar groaned.

  They hit the grassy ground and all three rolled around in discomfort. Their bodies began to tingle as they twisted and squirmed in distress. Finally, the pain ceased. Kale was the first to stand, rubbing his eyes which were oddly out of focus and blurred.

  “Nothing, I kn—” Kale stopped speaking as he clapped his hands over his lips which now felt tender and plump.

  As his eyes came to focus, he could not have been more astonished by what he saw. There, before him stood two other women who remained frozen in place with their jaws hung.

  It can’t be… Kale shook his head as his mind raced.

  All three men had completely transformed into females.

  “This is the most hilarious sight I have ever seen!” The tiny brown mouse which was Neelan squeaked in amusement. She could not take her small beady eyes off the former men who now stood in oversized clothing which draped from their feminine frames.

  Kale heavily sighed. He knew that there was nothing he could do at this point about the situation. “Well, I suppose it could be worse—I could look like Thomas.” He chuckled, staring upon the old sorcerer’s physique.

  Thomas had short brown spiraling curls that frizzed horribly at the ends. His lips were incredibly thin and his nose was beakish and crooked with two plump moles near the tip. A generous protrusion of nasal hair made it appear as though he was hiding some form of an animal within his nostrils.

  “This is in no way amusing!” Thomas shouted in a high feminine voice which stunned even himself.

  “I’m gonna’ have some words to share with Elanya when this is over,” Illadar finally spoke as he examined his new body. He was now a heavy-set woman with smooth ebony skin and curves in all the right places. His shoulder-length hair was straight and black, curling inward just below his jaw line.

  “You know, Kale, I am actually quite jealous of you! You make a beautiful woman.” Neelan half-jokingly squeaked while staring at his head full of perfect silky black hair that cascaded down his back in wavy locks.

  “Enough everyone!” Judith took command as she ignored the choked laughter of both Illadar and Kale as they continued to stare toward Thomas. “We haven’t much time left and I refuse to accept we have come this far only to be caught and imprisoned—or worse.” Judith stood upon her two hind legs. “You three,” she motioned a paw toward the former men, “go behind the bushes and put on whatever will fit from my and Neelan’s clothing. It may not be a perfect fit, but it shall have to do. We must convince the guards you are truly women and not draw suspicion.”

  Kale quickly swiped Judith’s white blouse and pants, moving behind the foliage to change. As he did, he could hear the loud hissing from the brown fluffy mouse. Neelan was obviously jealous he hadn’t chosen her attire instead.

  Thomas traded in his garments for Neelan’s clothing, leaving Illadar to use his own tunic as a dress while wrapping Judith’s cloak around for concealment.

  As the three emerged from the bushes, the two mice scurried up Kale’s clothing to his shoulder. Both Neelan and Judith tucked themselves behind his neck to hide within his long thick hair.

  “Kale, you must wear Neelan’s cloak to conceal your shoulders. The blouse you wear was tailored specifically for me and the guards will certainly take notice. No common peasant would wear such an elaborate style,” Judith warned.

  Their brief walk past many small peasant homes was spent listening to Thomas stubbornly complain about his predicament, which Kale found to be rather amusing.

  They soon approached a massive curtain wall which towered above their heads. Atop the bordering wall stood several armor-clad guards who immediately stood at attention upon spotting Kale and his comrades. Upon reaching the gate house, the five friends could see movement from within the arrow slits which increased the tension amongst them.

  “State your business!” one of the guards called from the lowest opening within the watch tower.

  Within seconds an older man wearing a steel helm peered out a small window hole. He silently inspected each of the women from head to toe, awaiting a response.

  “Tell them you have come to purchase crop seed,” Judith whispered into Kale’s ear which caused him to twitch as her whiskers brushed against his ear lobe.

  Kale did as instructed, still taken aback by the sound of his own feminine voice. He knew it was vital for them to convince the guards they were farm peasants who bore no threat.

  “Our families sent us here to purchase seed from the market to grow crops to harvest before winter.” Kale batted his lashes at the guard while flashing a flirtatious smile. I cannot believe I’m doing this. His insides fueled with anger which he forced into submission.

  “All right, but the market will close at dusk. You’ll need to leave the kingdom before then or you’ll be sitting in a cell for the night.” The guard’s cheeks flushed as he playfully winked toward Kale. “A pretty little lady like yourself shouldn’t be out once nightfall is upon us anyway. Give me a moment and I’ll let you in.”

  “Thank you,” Kale replied melodically as he wiggled his fingers to gesture goodbye. How degrading, he thought with a sigh as the guard disappeared.

  Having no weaponry and with time running out, Kale knew he had to lay the act on heavily in order to get them inside and finish things once and for all with Jedah.

  “This is quite humiliating,” Thomas quietly mumbled to himself.

  “Just go along with it, old man, we’re runnin’ out of time,” Illadar snapped back while taking caution to speak softly so no guards would hear.

  “That’s easy for you to say—look at you!” Thomas whispered in annoyance. “My nose hair is so long it looks as though I have a mustache. And let us not even get into these things.” He glanced toward his rather flattened cleavage. “They resemble the pancakes Morty would make us.”

  Luckily for Illadar and Kale, who fought to suppress their laughter, the massive steel portcullis began to lift. They watched as the massive spikes rose above their heads. Four guards immediately appeared to greet them, each heavily clad in steel.

  “Welcome, please make haste to the market. All peasants must leave prior to dusk.” The guard narrowed his eyes as they were yet again inspected from head to toe.

  “We won’t be long.” Illadar attempted Kale’s approach as he flashed his pouty lips while pulling the cloak tightly against his skin to accentuate his voluptuous curves.

  It was obviously working to their advantage as the guards’ persona softened and they soon began to develop a sense of flirtatious comfort.

  “If you ladies should need an escort tonight, we will be here.”

  “Yeah, you could show us where you sleep at night,” another guard added, while leering at them. “I’d like to see wha
t’s under that cloak.” He winked toward Illadar who in turn took an immediate step back for fear of releasing his anger and punching the guard square in his face.

  “You can have the ugly one.” A third guard gestured toward Thomas as he slapped his acquaintance on the back.

  His laughter was infectious and soon all four roared with laughter.

  “Well, we must be going now, before it grows late. Farewell, gentlemen.” Kale forced a smile as he gripped Thomas, who looked as though he was prepared to unleash a deadly attack.

  They walked briskly through the city until the laughter was drowned out by the bustling commotion of the marketplace. Mirion exceeded all Kale’s expectations. The market was filled with many stone shops with sizeable windows in the front so people could view goods while passing by. Even the ground they walked upon was made of smooth salmon and white stones. In all four corners of the market were flowing waterfalls splashing into an elaborately detailed fountain.

  “Now is not the time to view the sights of our kingdom, Kale. Think of what will happen if we should all transform here, with all of these people around,” Judith scolded.

  “It’s so magnificent, though!” Neelan squeaked as she peeked her furry head through Kale’s dark hair. Her first time viewing a human kingdom left her mesmerized by the sights as well.

  “We can sightsee another time, but you must remain hidden now!” Judith snapped.

  “You really are no fun,” Neelan complained as she tucked back against Kale’s neck.

  Kale knew Judith was right as he quickened his pace, making way across the large open market. Luckily for the three transformed men, there were so many individuals around they easily maneuvered through the crowd without drawing notice. They took great caution to behave as casually as possible. Though the three men had become women, Thomas’ rather hilarious appearance was anything but the norm.

  The massive grey stone castle sat upon a large motte. Its squared peaks loomed above all else within the kingdom. A large flag, which bore the crest of Mirion, fluttered upon each of the four guard towers.

  “We are here! Hurry, Kale; enter the keep.” Judith was so excited she did not realize her tiny claws were digging into the skin on Kale’s neck.

  “Stop doing that!” Kale quietly snapped as he tilted his head back.

  They approached the narrow castle entrance from a bridge that led across the motte. Many guards were positioned within the courtyard, keeping careful watch of their surroundings. A magnificent floral garden centered the courtyard which gave it a bright, cheerful feel. Within the garden was an impressive brick well that appeared to be the source of the castle’s water.

  To the side, through a series of freestanding columns, Kale could see the training quarters where pages endured accelerated training to become a knight. As they walked, Kale continued to watch the men actively practicing to improve their combat skills against stationary pells. Kale and his friends wandered forward, uncertain which direction to go. Judith and Neelan huddled within the camouflage of hair to remain unnoticed by the guards. Suddenly, through the sound of beating weapons, Kale heard a familiar voice—one he would never forget.

  “Hurry up, you worthless peasant boy. If you continue to linger behind your comrades, I may have to schedule another visit to see your eldest sister.” A sinister laugh escaped the tall, bald man’s lips. “I’d bet she has yet to recover from the last time, so I advise you to strike the target on your next attempt, before you waste more of my time.” His hand lashed forward, striking the child across the face.

  Kale’s plump lips curled as he snarled, locking eyes upon the one he hated above all others—General Jedah.

  “I am going to kill him—I need to kill him. I shall do it now, with my bare hands.” Though he spoke as a female, Kale’s voice was hoarse and filled with rage.

  “Not if I get to him first, kid. I’ll crush his ugly bald skull in.” Illadar’s eyes were so filled with hatred, they had become red and glassy.

  “Enough, you two!” Thomas quietly insisted. “You will ruin everything we have worked so hard for and surely be killed if you allow your emotions to take hold. I have endured being on the run, fighting in a deadly battle, and looking like this for our cause. I am not going to tell you both again to calm yourselves and keep moving.” His very thick and masculine eyebrows narrowed.

  Kale breathed heavily as the two mice squeaked pleas for him to continue walking. He softly growled as he ground his teeth. Fury continued to consume him and he could feel his temperature quickly rising. Kale began to shift his eyes around, taking a mental count of the surrounding guards.

  “I can’t take it anymore!” Illadar spoke angrily under his breath as his desire to seek revenge upon Jedah intensified beyond anything he’d ever felt. Memories of his wife raced through his mind and consumed rational thought.

  Illadar suddenly dashed forward in a crazed rage.

  Thomas held up his palm without hesitation as if he had been anticipating the scenario. He quietly spoke so no others would hear, “Adorin Vexinar”.

  Illadar immediately fell forward onto the stone floor as many of the guards flocked toward them. Without hesitation and before another incident could occur, Thomas placed the same spell upon Kale who immediately lost control of his own motor functions. The two men were now mute puppets in Thomas’ hands.

  “Pardon us,” Thomas explained as he quickly attempted to recover the situation, “my dear friend here was overly excited to view the pages in training. You see, we come from poverty-stricken families and to be within the kingdom walls is such a privilege. We tend to get carried away with our emotions on the few trips each year we are able to visit here.”

  Thomas knew that with his hideous appearance there would be no point in attempting any flirtatious tactics. He easily coaxed Illadar to his feet, gently tugging him in Kale’s direction.

  “What in Hades is all this commotion?” General Jedah called out.

  Thomas gulped as the worst scenario, next to being caught, was upon them. The old sorcerer wistfully hoped his spell or the transformation potion would not wear off while in the presence of Jedah.

  The general carelessly shoved the guards aside as he closed in on the three women until standing mere feet away. His battle-worn face, with its long scar, was even uglier than Kale recalled.

  Kale’s insides felt tormented as he stood so close to the man he desired to decapitate, and yet, he could not move his own body to do so.

  “Who are you three?” Jedah squinted his right eye as he stared toward them.

  Thomas forced himself to bow before the general. “Good day, General. We have come to speak with the King’s steward.” He paused to glance upon Jedah’s expression. “Although I must say, we are thrilled to have the privilege to lay eyes upon you today. What an unexpected treat.” He wondered if he was laying the flattery on too thick.

  Jedah’s eyebrows pressed toward the center of his face as his forehead wrinkled. “Whatever you wish to say to the King, or his steward, can be told to myself. I’m certain King Valamar would prefer it that way. I cannot fathom anyone within the castle walls having the desire to lay eyes upon such a grotesque woman.” He eyed Thomas in disgust.

  Flattery was obviously not an option with the general. They watched in torment as Jedah cackled at his own cruelty.

  Thomas struggled for the right words to say as a tingling sensation began to manifest within his legs–they were running out of time.

  “We have been sent here on behalf of our families to speak about a disease spreading amongst the crops. Many of the farmers feel as though it may hinder vegetable production for the market.” Thomas struggled to keep focus as the tingling sensation spread to his arms.

  Jedah stared silently for a moment as he analyzed the facial expressions on Thomas and his companions.

“General, pardon my interruption, but your assistance is required at the archery range.”

  Thomas immediately recognized the voice—Saldin. The greasy-haired lieutenant stood near the training area, awaiting the general’s response.

  “The men await your arrival. We must prepare in case they attempt to return and disrupt our plans.” Saldin added.

  The five knew Saldin referred to them.

  General Jedah raised his hand, gesturing for Saldin to wait as he returned his focus toward Thomas. “I suppose I’ll allow you to speak with the King’s steward. I do not have time to deal with such a petty situation, nor do I honestly care if half of the useless peasants wither from starvation.” He pointed toward the castle doors and motioned for them to leave. “Be quick, and then get out of my keep. I do not wish to view your ugly face again. Should I see either of your friends causing further ruckus—I shall do with them as I please within my chamber.” His lips curled as he smiled tauntingly at Kale.

  “Thank you, General Jedah, we shall be quick.” Thomas bowed, forcing back his own desire to unleash the full fury of his magical abilities upon the general.

  Thomas took the hands of Kale and Illadar as he led them toward the large doors. Cautious, but walking quickly and without arousing further suspicions, Thomas felt many wrinkles return to his skin. The man standing guard at the door immediately granted them access after having seen them with the General. They hastily entered the large royal hall, sighing in relief as the door closed behind them.

  “I am far too old for this.” Thomas spoke and could now see the effects of the potion on Kale and Illadar were wearing off as their facial features began to distort.

  “Move quickly and silently to the room at your right before the patrol guards find us!” Judith’s vermin body had tripled in size and hung noticeably out of Kale’s quickly receding hair.


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