Finding the Rhythm

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Finding the Rhythm Page 10

by Leigh Louden

  "What the fuck?" Devon grumbled as he opened the door and came face to face with me. Vinny stepped in between me and Devon with a face like thunder and slammed the door back wide, forcing the arsehole to take a step back so we could get into the flat.

  "What the fuck indeed, ballbag." Vinny growled. "Someone's been a very naughty boy."

  "Vin!" I tried to get my friend to rein in his anger.

  The second Vinny started to keep his cool, Devon got back in his face. "Yeah, you fucking gorilla. Back in your box."

  "Montgomery, if you like your face how it is right now, I suggest you try shutting the fuck up and listening for a change."

  I walked right past him, sat down on the sofa, and crossed my legs, waiting for them both to join me.

  "What the fuck do you want, Bennett?"

  "I came to talk to you about your lovely little note. I mean, I'm honoured that you went to all that effort, but unfortunately, we're going to have to decline both of your kind offers."

  Vinny smirked.

  Devon seethed. "Oh, I think you're going to have to pick one, and since I really can't see why anyone would pick my used cast-offs over the fame and pussy that being in Dragon Zion brings, it’s going to have to be that you send poor little Allison on her merry way."

  There was something about the way he said the name of the band that made me want to let Vinny lay into him. But it wasn't the time for that just yet.

  I glared at him. "The best thing you ever did was letting that girl go."

  Vinny smirked and leaned in, keeping his voice low. "She's so far out of your league. She's top of the premiership, and you're bottom of the third division."

  "I can have top class platinum pussy. Why the fuck would you think Allison Watts is above me?" Devon scoffed.

  I moved into Devon's space and watched the expression on his face flash a little fear. "Because, Dev… I can call you Dev, right? Because, Dev, you, my friend, are the lowest piece of shit scum I have ever had the misfortune of breathing the same air as." I sat back and waited for his next move.

  Devon stood. He needed to give himself back what he thought was the superior position. He put his hand in his pocket, and for a split-second, my heart, stopped worrying about what he would pull out. It was a USB memory stick.

  "This will just have to find its way into the hands of The Sun then, won't it?" He smirked.

  Vinny looked at me, and I knew exactly what he was thinking. He was going to smack some manners and sense into Devon and take the memory stick.


  "So, lads, as fun as this little chat is, do we have your final decision? My sloppy seconds, or the band that you've been working so hard to preserve the image of?"

  Vinny's hands were balled into tight fists. He was ready to pounce, and I was about to let him.

  "Anything else to add to that nice little rant, Dev?"

  "I always knew Ally was a bit of a rock star slut, but I never realised just how desperate she was. I mean she dropped me for you," he spat, looking Vinny up and down.

  Vinny boiled over, and I didn't say a word. He stood and moved towards Devon, his face full of fury, and I thought Dev was about to piss his pants.

  That was it. I just couldn't take it anymore. Listening to this fucking prick talking such trash about my girl was a fatal mistake. It was in that moment that I realised I had actually fallen for our drummer. I honestly would have committed murder for her right there and then.

  "Ally's little finger has more self-respect in it than your entire body." I grabbed him and pushed him hard against the wall.

  "Hit a raw nerve, did I, big guy?" He smirked at me. "Honestly, I didn't think blonde bimbos with muscles were really her thing."

  I glanced over at Smith. "Reminds me of a line from a cheesy 80's film," I told him, and then looked back to Devon, getting right in his face. "Your ego is writing cheques that your body can't cash."

  Smith spluttered out a laugh.

  Devon glared at me. "Fancy yourself as a Maverick?"

  I leaned in closer. "Iceman, and you're about to find out why."

  "Oh, I can see the headlines now," he gloated. "Ally's sex tape scandal and Dragon Zion's assault charges and time in prison."

  I was done. I just couldn't listen to him any longer. I pulled back my right fist a fraction, and while he was laughing about the fate he thought he was going to bring down on us, I punched him square in the guts.

  He crumpled down the wall like a sack of shit. "I'm going to have you done," he wheezed, badly winded.

  Smith nodded in the direction of the sofa, and I picked up Devon by the scruff of his neck and planted him back on the sofa.

  "Let me explain to you how this is going to go down, mate," Smith started, sitting on the footstool in front of Montgomery. "You see, I have this friend who I like to have look into things for me from time to time, and he found out something very interesting about you."

  Devon's eyes widened. Ha! We had the bastard.

  "Ohh, yes. You see, Dev, we know about the fourteen-year-old girl from your last tour. We know about the fifteen-year-old in Milton Keynes who had an abortion and how you paid for all of it, and we also know that you now pay her family £2000 a month."

  Smith looked up at me. "What do you think, Vinny? Does it seem like our new best friend is hiding something?"

  I grinned. "Sounds fucking like it."

  "Doesn't it just." He turned back to Dev on the chair. "Only, I know exactly what you've been hiding, you slimy cunt. You have a thing for young girls. You fucked one, and oops, you got her pregnant. But you couldn’t have that now, could you, Devon? Evidence of what you do, and a tie to one person for the rest of your life. So, you paid for her abortion, and you pay for her silence. But, if I can find that out, then I'm pretty sure the police might be able to find out just a little bit more, huh?

  "So, here's what's going to happen. You're going to give me that USB stick. You're going to promise that any other copies are destroyed, and as long as that happens, the police never need to find out about your little indiscretions. Do you agree?"

  Devon nodded.

  "You’d better, because if you don’t, it’ll be the boys in blue knocking at your door next time, not us," I warned him.

  Devon handed over the memory stick. I took it from him and put it in my pocket.

  "You're scum, Montgomery. If you ever come near Allison again, I will personally break your fucking legs. Are we clear?" I asked.

  "Fine," he mumbled.

  "Then I think we're done here." I nodded to Smith and we headed for the door.

  I felt like I was climbing the walls. Ethan kept trying to calm me, trying to get me to sit down or to talk about something else. But I couldn’t. All I could think about was Devon. What would he do? What would he say? What if he disagreed? What if he made them pick walking away from me? What if they pushed me out of the band?

  Every single thought was spinning around in my head, and no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t get rid of them.

  “Ally, everything is going to be fine, I promise you,” Ethan said, catching my hand as I stalked past him for what felt like the millionth time.

  “But you don’t know that!”

  He shook his head. “Ally, I know that those two would never let anything happen to you. We decided that unanimously. We protect you above everything else.”

  “What?” I squeaked.

  “We picked you. Fuck the band, fuck fame, fuck it all. It’s all about protecting you.”

  I stopped and stared at him. “Oh my God. Why? Why would you do that? I’m not worth that!”

  He pulled me down to sit beside him and held my hand. “Are you fucking kidding me?” He held me close against him. “Ally, you are important to us, as our drummer for Dragon Zion, and as the woman who made Vincent Richards grow a heart. You are always going to be worth it as far as we are concerned.”

  I shook my head, and Ethan’s fingers tilted my head up to look at him. “You are impo
rtant to us, especially Vinny. You belong with Dragon Zion, Ally.”

  I felt tears well up in my eyes. No one had ever made me feel as loved and cherished as these men had in the last few months.

  “Oh, sweetheart.” He hugged me. “Don’t cry. You are amazing, and we love you.” I stiffened at his words, but he continued to stroke my back and put me completely at ease. I snuggled into him and tried not to think about Devon and everything that was happening while Smith and Vinny were away.

  I guess at some point in the evening, I must have fallen asleep. I woke to find myself in bed. I put my hand out behind me and came across a rock hard warm abdomen. An arm slipped around me and pulled me tight against him.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Vinny?” I turned over to lie on my back and look at him. His arm remained across my stomach. “What happened?” I wasn’t sure I would like the answer, but I knew I had to ask anyway.

  “I’m all good, gorgeous. Everything’s been taken care of.”

  My mind churned with twenty million questions all bursting to be asked.

  “What did he do?”

  Vinny pulled me against him and kissed the tip of my nose. “Shhh.”

  “Vincent!” I said, shoving him. “This is important! What happened with Devon?”

  He opened his eyes and looked at me. “He won’t be releasing anything. We took his memory stick and he says he’ll be deleting all other copies. I told him I knew about what he’d done. I told him that if anything ever happened to you in any way, I would take it straight to the police. I’m not entirely convinced I shouldn’t be doing that anyway.”

  “You mean it’s really over? I’m not being kicked out of the band, and he’s not leaking any sex tapes anywhere? It’s all okay and I’m staying where I am?”

  Vinny pulled me tighter against him. “I’m very happy for you to stay exactly where you are, Ally.”

  “Did you hit him?”

  Vinny smirked. “Maybe.”

  “In the face?”

  “Are you worried I’ll have marred his pretty features?” He laughed in the darkness.

  “Fuck, no. I’m worried he’ll have bruises for the press to ask him about next time he’s in public.”

  Vinny’s hand idly traced over my stomach in lazy circles. “My fist was aimed squarely at Montgomery’s guts. It’s not a bruise he will be able to easily show off.”

  I thought about it for a moment. “Good. As long as your fist is okay.”

  “Like a fist, do you?”

  I elbowed Vinny lightly in the ribs. “Ha bloody ha.”

  He laughed at me, and I settled beside him, staring at what I could make out of him in the darkness.

  “How come you’re in bed beside me?” I thought out loud.

  “Because I wanted to be here when you woke up. I wanted to be able to kiss you and tell you that everything was going to be okay.”

  Dammit, what was it with this man and making me feel the heat in my cheeks?

  “You’re sexy when you blush,” he added.

  “How can you tell that in the dark?”

  “I don’t need to see you to know what makes you blush, baby.”

  I blushed even more.

  “Is that what you want? To sleep with me, I mean.”

  I could just make out his lips curling in the darkness. “I would love to sleep if someone would stop talking.”


  “Goodnight, Ally,” he said, and moments, later a soft snore drifted across to me.

  She was still fast asleep beside me when I opened my eyes the next morning. She was on her side, facing away from me, her back spooned in against my front. I lay there, enjoying how good it felt to have her lying there pressed against me.

  The morning wood I was sporting wasn’t exactly helping the situation though. Not when I had a warm, sexy body pressed up against me. I slid my arm around her again and pulled her tight against me, my cock lining up perfectly against her ass, making me want to groan.

  I lay there, with nothing else to do but wait, because I wasn’t about to attempt to take advantage of a sleeping woman. She sighed and wriggled back against me even more. Her arse fitted against me perfectly, and the throbbing in my cock was driving me insane.

  I spread my hand out over her stomach and gently pressed myself against her. Her body responded, and she let out a soft moan.

  “You’re not asleep, are you?” I whispered.

  Her hand covered mine, and she rolled her hips back against my dick.

  “Nope.” She laughed softly.

  “Dammit, Allycat. You’ve been driving me insane for ages.”

  She laughed again. “Like I could sleep with that poking me in the ass.”

  I thrust my hips against her arse. “You mean this?” I was rewarded with a second soft sigh. “Damn, your noises are sexy,” I said, and nuzzled against her neck, my lips connecting with her bare skin.

  “Mmm, Vinny,” she murmured.

  I slid my hand under her top and cupped one breast as I nibbled on her neck. Her nipple pebbled instantly at my touch and my cock twitched against her arse.

  Fuck, I needed to be inside her. She turned the upper part of her body towards me, and I took that as an invitation to claim her mouth. I lifted my head and kissed her hard, showing her everything I had been feeling for her for weeks. I wanted to be with her. She was never allowed to leave the band, but I would rather have the band fall to dust than ever lose her. My tongue ran along her lips, and she parted them to let me inside her gorgeous mouth. I had never been with a woman like her; she was amazing. I couldn’t believe I was lucky enough to be getting in the bed with her; to touch her, to kiss her, and soon, to make love to her all over again.

  She turned her body to mine, kissing me back hard. She ran her fingers over my chest and played with the hair she found there. I grabbed her ass, and she lifted her leg over my hip in response. God bless the universe, she was just in her knickers and a tank top, and very little was keeping me from what lay underneath them.

  Her hand slid down my torso and headed right for the band of my boxers. She put her palm over my cock and slid it over my length.

  “Fuck!” I moaned, feeling the electricity her fingertips generated in my skin. When she wrapped her hand around my dick and started to stroke me up and down, I kissed her hard and pulled her against me.

  I was so turned on by a woman who clearly knew exactly what she wanted and wasn’t afraid to take it. And as long as she wanted to take it from me, I was more than willing to let her do exactly that.

  Her firm grip was driving me crazy. I needed more, but before I could say anything, she was pushing me onto my back and had straddled me. I watched in delight as she pulled her tank top over her head and cast it aside. She lay over me, pressed her beautiful breasts against my chest, and captured my mouth.

  I couldn’t keep my hands to myself. I ran them all over her, touching her back and grabbing her ass. She said nothing, but she was showing me just how much she wanted me. I could feel the heat and dampness of her knickers through my boxers. She was soaked for me, and I couldn’t wait to find out what it would be like to get deep inside her.

  She shifted and lifted her pelvis off mine. Her hands went to my boxers. She freed my throbbing dick and held it in her hand. With her other hand, she pulled her wet knickers to one side, and positioned herself over my cock.

  I watched in awe as Ally seated herself on my dick, and it slid deep inside her in one slow, torturous move. She moaned out as she took me all the way in, and the head of my prick kissed her cervix.

  I ran my hands up her thighs, stroking her before I let them come to rest on her hips, helping her move up and down on my length.

  “Jesus, Ally.” I hissed as she slammed herself down on me again. She smirked at me, and a gentle roll of her hips had her head falling back and a long sigh spilling from her. She was a goddamn vision.

  She put her hands on my chest and moved herself up and down on me. She let he
r hands roam over my skin when she was setting herself back down again. It felt amazing. She felt amazing.

  I grabbed at her ass and hips as she moved on my dick. I watched her avidly as her body flexed and moved, bringing herself to the edge of satisfaction on top of my body. Every inch of her was a delight to behold. When she caught my gaze, my heart fluttered in my chest, and my balls tightened.

  I slipped my hand between us and my thumb found her clit. Ally's voice got louder, and the delicious sounds she made just made me want to pound into her harder. I needed to come, and I wanted it to be deep inside her. I knew it was a stupid idea, but it was her, and how she made me feel. I wanted to be with her. I couldn't imagine feeling like this for anyone else and being able to dump a load deep in her cunt seemed like the perfect expression of exactly that.

  With one hand holding onto her hip, and the other letting my thumb make circles around that sensitive little nub between her legs, I drove my cock deep and hard into her as much as I could.

  "Oh, fuck, Vin. You're so fucking deep."

  That was me a goner. The sound of my name on her lips as she moaned was all it took. I would have promised her anything in that moment. My heart was hers, as I was. I kept up the pace with my thumb, grabbed her arse, and pounded into her until she came. Greedily, I came right along with her, holding her on me as I filled her with cum.

  She flopped forward to kiss me, and I held her in my arms, not wanting the moment between us to be over, knowing only too well that soon we would have to get up and face the day.

  Once my woman was sated, I showered and headed out to pound the streets for a while. On the way back from my morning run, I had called into the local Sainsbury's for my favourite smoothie, only to have a gutter press headline catch my eye.

  Fuck. It was a story about Don's daughter and Devon Montgomery. He'd knocked her up and then demanded that she have an abortion. I scanned over the story on the front page.

  * * *



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