Best Dressed Lie (Keisha Jackson)

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Best Dressed Lie (Keisha Jackson) Page 5

by Batiste, Kimberly

  I answered annoyed, “What’s up Zan?”

  “Where are you?” she whispered.

  “I’m on my way to work and why are you whispering?” “Did Randy leave home last night?”

  I didn’t want to answer that question. She called me with this bullshit so early in the damn morning? I was not looking forward to the foolishness, so I gave her nothing but attitude.

  “No. As a matter of fact he was home all night,” I said oversensitivity.

  “What’s wrong with you? I just asked you a question. Don’t be getting an attitude with me, heifer.”

  “Randy and I are in a great place right now. I don’t have time for the drama, we had a great morning and I’m not going to let your meaningless gossip mess it up.”

  “Dang, you gave in to him fast, but I’m not surprised,” she said mockingly.

  “Zan, stop it. Can you just be happy for me instead of being negative?”

  As bad as I wanted to hear the gossip, I tried my hardest to stay focused on trying to better the relationship. I knew in my heart that our relationship was not going to be better overnight. However, the fact that he tried, warmed my heart.

  “Okay. That’s great news Keisha,” she said sarcastically. “I’ll just keep The Drama to myself. Don’t get mad when you hear about it elsewhere and don’t say I didn’t try to warn you.”

  I wanted to know so badly. Within two seconds, I gave in. “Okay Zan. What now?!” I asked with a ruthless attitude.

  Zan could not wait to tell me, “Okay, Okay. Do you remember the girl that used to work at the front desk?”

  “What front desk?” I said. “You need to be more specific.”

  “Apparently she’s going around telling everybody that she slept with Randy and supposedly, he came by her house in the middle of the night to break it off with her.”

  She did not hear a word I said about being more specific. She was talking so much with such urgency she did not take the time to listen.

  “Zan, I’m hearing you, but I need specifics. What front desk?” I said, intensified.

  “The front desk at your damn job! Is that specific enough for you?” she said being hostile.

  She always was the first to call me with negativity and gossip when it came to Randy. It almost felt like she enjoyed breaking my heart with this crap. Considering we were best friends, I thought she would spare my heart and keep some of that shit to herself. She loved to give advice but never in a positive way.

  “What girl used to work at the front desk? There were two up there,” I said, offensively. “Just get to the point Zan! I’m almost near work and I am not going to listen to what you have to say once I arrive. So your time is almost up.”

  “The girl that resigned recently, the tall light skinned one with the gap in her teeth.”

  I cleared my throat. “Who told you this?”

  “That’s not important. Why are you asking all these damn questions?”

  “Zan, both of the girls that resigned at my company are in relationships. So get your facts straight. Plus, Randy was home all night; I know because I was with him.”

  “What does that mean? He snuck out before; he’ll sneak out again. And the fact that the girls are in relationships means nothing. Since when did Randy care about a relationship? Hell that’s a better opportunity for both of them in his eyes.”

  I was not going to entertain Zan and her gibberish, but I had to admit it had me thinking. He was awake early and how did he have time to pick up roses and have breakfast prepared at seven o’clock?

  “I just pulled in to work,” I said, interrupting the conversation. “Zan I’ll talk to you later. Well, no, I won’t talk to you later; I just remembered that Randy and I have a date tonight, so I’ll call you after that.”

  “Where is he taking you?” she said, being nosey.

  “Bye Zan.”

  “Well, let’s see how long this will last! I don’t want to hear bull-crap the next day and I don’t want to see no tears when he fucks up again,” she hurried and said before I disconnected the line.

  At that moment, Zan made me feel like she was a tad bit jealous of my relationship with Randy. I didn’t understand her sometimes. She gave me advice to try to better the relationship and then got mad when I took her advice. I promised myself not to mention any of this to him.

  I strolled through the doors at work. The paranoia started weighing heavily on me. I felt like everybody was staring and whispering about the cheating rumor Zan revealed to me. The women on my job waited for drama to come their way. I smiled and held my head high as if hadn’t heard anything bad about Randy.

  “Good morning,” I said, smiling and walking quickly towards my office. I looked straight ahead, not giving anyone a chance to stop me and chat.

  Before entering my office, I noticed the voicemail light blinking on the phone. I dropped my things and hurried to check the messages:

  “Hey Keisha, I just wanted to call you and touch basis with you about our plans later on tonight. I am very excited about date-night and don’t worry about the company picnic, I am not going because I don’t feel like being around these negative-ass folks. I’ll fill you in later. All I can think about is spending time with you babe. I love you and I can’t wait to see you.”

  “What are you up to, Randy?” I mumbled.

  I called one of my coworkers to cover all my appointments for the rest of the day. I wanted to find the underlying cause of this sudden change of plans, without him knowing about it. After all the shit I said, Zan was the last person I wanted to call, but I had no one else to turn to.

  “Hello,” she answered in a sleepy tone.

  I hesitated. “Zan, what do you have planned for the rest of today?”

  “Lay my fat ass down and get some rest. Why?” she said.

  “Do you feel like crashing a company picnic with me?”

  “I’m confused, but down with it,” she said, yawning in my ear.

  “Randy all of a sudden changed his mind about him and me going to the company picnic. The sad part about it is that he left a message on my work phone. I was trying to figure out why in the hell he didn’t call my cell phone to tell me this. He knows damn well this company screens calls. Now I got to worry about whether anyone heard his lame-ass message.”

  “After that temper tantrum you just had on me, I’m keeping all my comments to myself,” she said, spitefully. “I’ll go with your ass this time, but I had plans to go to the flea market, so this trip better be entertaining.”

  “Whatever!” I said, rolling my eyes. “I’ll be there in fifteen minutes. Please be ready!”

  “I need to stop by the gas station to get me a pack of cigarettes. After this, I’m definitely going to need one. When are you going to come to your senses that Randy will never change Keisha? One day I pray you realize it.”

  “Zan, I really don’t want to hear your opinion right now and you can’t smoke in Randy’s car. He will have a fit.”

  “Shit. I will pick you up. I’ll be damned if I let you take me on a ride for hours without a cigarette. My nerves are already bad. The last thing the picnic needs is for me to have a cigarette fit; lashing out on everybody.”

  “I don’t give a damn about them lame-ass people and no ma’am, I’m not riding in your hot-ass car.”

  “It’s your man and your problem. If it was left up to me, you would be going by yourself, heifer. So deal with the smoke or go by yourself.”

  I hesitated before responding, “Bring your ass up here and pick me up.”

  “Just like I thought. I’m on my way!”

  I hurried and clocked out. I informed the girls at work to tell Randy that I was in meeting. I was so ready to catch his lying ass .


  We finally arrived at the picnic unannounced. I spotted Randy from a distance. He was having a good ole time. He had a beer in his hand and was standing in a circle of three men and two women laughing his ass off. He had a nervous look on his face when h
e saw Zan and me walking up.

  He approached me first, kissing me on the cheek. “Hey baby.”

  I stood there unresponsive and stiff. I gave him an evil stare then said sarcastically, “What happened? You changed your mind about coming?”

  He gently grabbed my arm, put his lips on my ear and whispered, “Please don’t show out. I’ll tell you about it later. Okay?”

  He walked passed Zan without speaking, grabbed my hand and walked me towards his friends. “Some of you may know her and some of you may not. I want to introduce y’all to my future wife, Keisha.”

  As soon as he said the words ‘future wife’, everybody looked down at my hand. “Hello everyone,” I said, hiding my hand behind my back.

  The group was welcoming but Zan was pissed and felt left out of the group. I introduced her to everyone.

  “Guys, this is my best friend of thirty-some years, Zan.”

  She forced a smile and said, “Hi everyone. Randy, when is your broke ass buying your ‘future wife’ an engagement ring?”

  “Zan!” I yelled. I didn’t want Randy’s coworkers in my damn business. I was already coming here unannounced; the last thing I wanted was her making a scene.

  “Lying ass,” she mumbled under her breath.

  I was livid with Randy for lying to me about not going to the picnic. However, I was not going to make a fuss in front of his friends. Zan on the other hand wanted to show her true colors, she was trying to create drama.

  “There are too many old folks at this picnic. Let’s go to the other side with the young folks, I need a drink,” she said, pointing towards the other side of the picnic.

  I glanced over to where she indicated. My heart dropped to the bottom of my stomach. Surprisingly Kayla was here. She was turning up drinks. I asked Kayla to search our phone bill! The last thing I need was for her to bust me about the favor.

  “Where do you see young folks Zan?” I said, giving her the side eye.

  “Keisha, are you blind? Look at all that sexy, young white chocolate on the other side. Girl lets go so I can find my future husband!” she grabbed my hand and then stuffed her pack of cigarettes down her bra.

  “We’re speaking and that’s all,” I said, pointing my finger at Zan. She was ready to turn this picnic up. Free food, free drinks and white men were right up her alley.

  I turned to Randy and tried to whisper in his ear, “Babe, we’ll be right back.” He was so busy drinking and laughing he did not hear or noticed me leaving the circle.

  We headed over to the other side of the festivities. Kayla recognized me. She smiled and walked toward us.

  “She’s walking like she’s drunk,” I mumbled to Zan.

  “Who’s she?” Zan asked, squint her eyes.

  “Keisha!” Kayla yelled in a perky tone, waving her hand as if she was happy to see me.

  “Damn she’s fake and drunk.” Zan said aloud, but thankfully Kayla did not hear her.

  “Hey, girl,” I said, accepting her hug. “This is my friend Zan.”

  “We’ve met,” she said vaguely.

  “Zan, have you met her before?” I asked curiously.

  “I don’t recall meeting her. I don’t keep up with hookers.”

  “I’m so happy to see you, Keisha,” she said in an energetic tone, ignoring Zan’s smart remark.

  “I’m here with Randy,” I said proudly. “Who are you here with?”

  “My fiancé BJ was supposed to meet me here,” she said, flaunting her huge diamond. “He works for the company…”

  Zan interrupted with an attitude just realizing who Kayla was. “I didn’t know you were engaged. Are you with the same guy who brutally abuses you?”

  “Excuse me?”

  Before Zan could respond, I saw Randy out of the corner of my eye, walking towards us. Anywhere there was a beautiful woman, his fresh-ass suddenly showed up.

  “What’s going on over here? I’ve been looking all over for you,” he said, trying his best not to look at Kayla’s ass.

  “Hey Randy,” Kayla said, flirtingly.

  He smiled so hard showing all his gums and teeth. “What’s up Kayla?”

  Obviously, they were flirting and it pissed me off. I confided in Kayla in hopes of catching Randy’s cheating through his conversations on the phone. Because of this, I tried to stay humble to keep her from spilling the beans. I asked suspiciously, “Randy why didn’t you tell me Kayla stopped by the house?”

  “When? I don’t recall her stopping by our house,” he said, nervously.

  “I told you that Keisha?” she asked dumbfound, pointing her finger towards herself. “When did I tell you that?”

  “Wow Kayla. You really don’t remember telling me that?” I said skeptically, with both hands on my hips. Her response made me feel very uneasy about her.

  I did not like the way she was eying down Randy and he was mighty nervous and defensive at my question.

  “Don’t start Keisha,” he mumbled oversensitivity.

  I snapped, “I just asked a simple question. You got something to hide?”

  “Keisha…Keisha,” she interrupted, putting her hands on my shoulder. “Now, I remember telling you. It’s not a big deal, all I did was drop off the money I owed you. Look, it’s been a long day and I’ve had one too many drinks. My mind slipped and I’m sorry about that. Okay? You have a good man that loves you, don’t mess that up.”

  “Bitch, there’s no need for a speech,” Zan mumbled, sipping out of her cup. She did not believe a word coming out of Kayla’s mouth.

  “Keisha and I are friends! Why I would lie to her?” she said, frowning at Zan.

  She scanned Zan up and down then asked, “Can I speak to you for a minute?”

  Zan hesitated before responding, “What do you need to speak with me about?”

  She smirked. “It won’t take long. I have a private question I need to ask.”

  “Whatever. Keisha, I’ll be back,” Zan said, walking off with Kayla.

  I was shocked Zan walked off with her. What happened to her talking shit to Kayla? Something was up with the two of them and Zan better let me know what it was. Friends do not keep secrets.

  “Who is her fiancé?” I asked Randy, since he was so damn quiet.

  He turned up his beer, forcing the last drop down his throat, burped, then said, “I don’t know him personally, but everybody calls him BJ. He’s known for lending money to folks to help with their financial problems and shit like that. If you ask me, he sells drugs. I know how much money everybody makes. The car that dude drives, well, let’s just say there is no way he can afford it.”

  “I don’t remember introducing Kayla to you. I know she dropped the money off that I never received. Why was she so comfortable speaking to you?” I said, confused.

  He rolled his eyes. “How do you get from asking me about BJ to bringing that girl Kayla up? Damn! If it makes you feel any better, she comes up to the job all the time to bring ole boy his lunch and I think she picks him up from work sometimes. Can we leave? I’m ready to go because you’re starting that bullshit again.”

  “You wasn’t saying ‘that girl’ when she spoke to you,” I muttered. “I rode with Zan and that’s who I’m leaving with.”

  I turned toward Zan and Kayla. I tried to read their body language. I couldn’t make out what they were saying, but I could see it was intense.

  “Well, well, well if it isn’t Ms. Zan Davis, the exploiter,” she laughed looking over at me. “You’re a mighty bold bitch, showing up with Keisha.”

  Zan snapped. “You’re drunk and disgusting. Watch your mouth!”

  “I feel like slapping the shit out of you right now. Does she even know that you are a trifling, evil little whore? Oh, that’s right. I just thought about it, she can’t know, she’s here with you.”

  “What are you talking about, drunken bitch?” Zan said, viciously.

  “Don’t play dumb with me! It is payback time. I was looking for you ever since you left Kelsey and me in
that filthy-ass homeless shelter for dead. If I had known that Keisha knew your petty ass, I would’ve warned her to stay the fuck away from you.”

  Zan started shaking her head. She glared at Kayla and then said, “You got life twisted if you think Keisha would believe you over me. I didn’t leave your crazy-ass nowhere. I got my belongings and got the hell out there. You stayed by choice.”

  “Keisha called me the other night and asked if I would look up all the anonymous calls she was getting on Randy’s phone and I found some disturbing information. I know it would kill her if she knew. Maybe I should walk right over there and tell her,” she said, laughing with evil in her tone.

  Zan panicked, “I’m warning you, shut up!”

  Kayla giggled, “I wonder how Keisha would feel if…”

  “We all have secrets, don’t we?” Zan interrupted. “Have you forgotten?” she said, maliciously.

  “Zan, you don’t know shit about me!”

  I noticed Zan standing stiff. She balled up her fist and leaned toward Kayla. I rushed over. I was curious to find out what was going on.

  “Zan, what’s wrong?” I asked, ready to fight.

  Kayla turned her cup up, drinking the rest of her beer. She threw the empty cup on the ground and walked away.

  “What the hell happened here Zan?” I asked, shoving her shoulder. Zan was shaking and sweating.

  “I need a cigarette, now!”

  “What happened? What did Kayla say to you?”

  I had never seen Zan like this. I was determined to find out exactly what Kayla told her.

  “Your cigarettes are in the car,” I said, rubbing her back, trying to calm her down.

  “Keisha, I need to leave. I’m sorry, but I’m not feeling well.”

  “Okay, I’ll leave with you.” She was scaring me. She never bowed down to anyone. Kayla made her want to leave the picnic. I had to know what happened.

  “Randy, I’m leaving with Zan. I’ll see you tonight.” I said, kissing him on the lips. I would deal with his lying-ass later, my main concern right now was my best friend.

  “Okay,” he said, rubbing his lips as if he was shocked at the kiss.

  Even Randy had sympathy for Zan. Normally he would have said, ‘No, let her ass leave or you are staying with me.’ He actually was okay with me leaving with her.


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