Hannah's Horror: A Romantic Mystery

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Hannah's Horror: A Romantic Mystery Page 7

by Isabella Kole

  "You're young," Cassie pointed out.

  "Yes, I have taken my younger form. I am ready to cross over now. Thanks to the two of you and your young male friends, the truth has come out. Soon, my family and the authorities will have the results of my autopsy. The man responsible for my death and the death of young Robert Thorndale will pay for his crimes. He is old now and probably won't live long, but at least he will no longer be able to hurt anyone else. I feared that he would harm one of you."

  Looking to where Chad and Alan sat, he added, "I applaud you both for proving to your women that you are concerned for their safety." He winked and continued, "Robert and I felt it was safe for us to persuade Hannah to aid us, as we knew she had the two of you and the young desk clerk for protection. Had you not been here, rest assured, we would have seen to her protection. We never meant for any harm to come to either of the girls."

  "I'm so sorry you weren't able to prove his guilt before he hurt you," Hannah replied, blushing when she realized he knew about her spanking.

  "Robert and I were protecting you all. Even if he had tried to harm you, we would not have allowed it to go that far. I had no such protection. I want to thank you. Without you, I might never have been able to find the peace required to cross over. I can now go to the other side and enjoy my eternity."

  "It was the right thing to do. I've enjoyed making your acquaintance, and I hope you will find the peace you so richly deserve, Mr. Carrington," Hannah replied.

  "It was a pleasure to meet you," Cassie added. Both Chad and Alan nodded in amazed agreement.

  "Goodbye, I hope the four of you live long lives. I wish you great happiness." The figure began to fade away until he was gone.

  Cassie looked over at Hannah and said, "I've seen it all now. That was eerie, yet sweet at the same time."

  "Yes, now I can't help but wonder how soon Robert and Pamela will find their peace," Hannah replied.

  Chad moved to where Hannah sat and put his arms around her, pulling her close, as Alan did the same with Cassie.

  Chapter Eight

  Pamela Sue laid her bag on the bed and unzipped it. She took out the nightgown, yellowed with age, and spread it out on the bed. Glancing around the room, she said aloud, "Oh, my darling Robert, the room has changed with time. It's still nice, but not the same as all those years ago. I'm here, my love, just as I told you I would be."

  She picked up the nightgown and walked into the bathroom. When she walked out, several minutes later, she set her bag on the floor and lay across the bed. She began to speak again. "I've had a good life, my darling. I did the best I could without you. You'll be so proud to know that I moved out west, went back to school and got a degree in teaching. I was able to buy a modest little house, much like the one we always said we would have someday. I met many precious little children, and they became my world. I taught them to read. I saved my money and when I am gone, it will go to my namesake, Pammy, and her little family. I was able to visit with Amy and her family tonight, Robert. It was wonderful."

  Pamela Sue got up and pulled the covers down on the bed. She climbed between the cool sheets, pulled the comforter up and closed her eyes. "I'm here for you, my love." Within minutes, she was sleeping soundly, waiting.

  At precisely three o'clock the next morning, Pamela awakened when the mattress shifted from the weight of someone sitting on the edge. She smiled as she waited. Soon, she felt the presence of someone lying next to her and felt the familiar arms fold themselves around her. The strong arms pulled her close in an embrace. "I am here, my love," a deep masculine voice said.

  "Robert, my darling, is it really you?" she whispered.

  "Yes, my sweet Pamela, it is I," her husband replied. The arms pulled her closer, and Pamela closed her eyes.

  * * *

  The next morning, when Hannah and Cassie stepped out into the hallway, there was a great deal of commotion. Several people were standing outside of Pamela's room, murmuring softly.

  "Is it really her?" one woman asked.

  "The desk clerk said she checked in last night. I guess she insisted on this room. The young couple who was staying here offered to move to a different room so she could be accommodated," another said.

  The girls watched as a man came out of the room, followed by another man they instantly recognized as Jim, the owner of the inn.

  "Move along, folks, there's nothing to see here," Jim said.

  When the onlookers had walked away from the scene, Hannah approached the manager. "Sir, I'm Hannah Stone. I gave my room to Mrs. Thorndale last night. She's…gone…isn't she?"

  The man looked at her before he answered her question. "Yes, I'm afraid so. Poor thing went in her sleep. It was very kind of you to let her have the room she requested. I know you are familiar with her story. This room had a very special meaning for her."

  "I am very much aware, and I actually spent most of yesterday afternoon and evening with her family. I also enjoyed a brief visit with the deceased before she retired for the night. Would you mind terribly if I was the one to tell her family? I'll drive over there after breakfast."

  "Were you acquainted with Mrs. Thorndale's family that well?" he asked.

  "In a way, yes, I was very connected to her and her family," Hannah replied with a smile.

  "If it's any consolation to you and your friends, she had a smile on her face when the housekeeper found her this morning."

  "I wouldn't expect anything else. Thank you so much. I'll let the family know, and I'm sure they'll be in touch immediately to take care of the arrangements for the…body."

  "Yes, ma'am, I'll close the door and lock it until I hear from them."

  Hannah wiped a tear from her eye. She turned to Cassie and said, "Let's grab a quick bagel and cup of coffee for the road. We need to get to Pamela Sue's family."

  "I still can't believe all this is happening," Cassie said as she followed her friend down the hall.

  After informing Chad and Alan of the circumstances, they made the short drive to the Ross home place, each lost in thought on the way there. When they rang the doorbell, Pammy took one look at them and knew. "It's my Aunt Pamela, isn't it?" she asked. "Please come in."

  She led them to the living room where they had visited previously. Pamela's sister sat in a rocker by the window. She looked up at Hannah and Cassie and said simply, "She is gone."

  "Yes, I'm afraid so." Hannah went to the old woman and knelt in front of her. "I believe she was happy. The manager of the inn told me she was smiling when the housekeeper found her. She went quietly in her sleep."

  "I have no doubt that Robert was holding her hand," her sister said.

  Pammy spoke up, "Mother, we should go to the inn. We have much to do."

  "Yes, yes, I suppose we must."

  "I'll call the neighbor to see if the children can spend the day there. As soon as I get them settled, we'll go."

  "Can we do anything to help you?" Hannah asked.

  "You've been most kind already. Thank you for making it possible for us to spend time with Pamela Sue and for agreeing to give up your room to her. I know she was deeply grateful for that."

  "We'll go back, and we'll see you when you get there. Please, if there is anything we can do, let us know," Cassie added.

  The two girls let themselves out of the house quietly, leaving the woman alone to grieve her sister. They rode back to the inn with Chad and Alan, and they all agreed, during the drive back, that the girls would stay to attend the services for Pamela Sue Thorndale. Neither of them had to be back until the following week. The men left that afternoon, as they both had to return to work. They kissed Hannah and Cassie goodbye, promising to be waiting for them when they returned home the next week.

  The family held the service two days later. It was a quiet funeral, attended only by the immediate family, the owners of the inn and a few employees, some of the neighbors and, of course, Hannah and Cassie.

  The casket was closed, and a wedding photo of Robert and Pamela
Sue was on display.

  As they were leaving the cemetery, Hannah said softly, "They are finally together again. I'm sure it was a glorious reunion."

  "What started out as a crazy week turned into an adventure I'll never forget," Cassie replied. "If I didn't believe in true love before, I certainly do now."

  "And I learned a few things about Chad during this trip," Hannah added.

  Cassie's face turned as red as her hair. "I guess we both learned a few things. I-I was not expecting Alan to be so…commanding. I rather like that side of him, I think."

  "I know. I was stunned when Chad actually followed through on his threat to turn me over his knee. I thought he was joking, but when he actually did it, wow, it was hot. I mean, yeah, I was shocked, and it hurt like hell the whole time he was tanning my hide, but to know how much he wanted to protect me…wow."

  "You always said you felt like you played second fiddle to his studies and his job. Do you still feel that way?" Cassie asked with interest.

  "Oh, definitely not now," Hannah answered with a smile. "I mean, medicine will always take precedence in our lives. It has to. But I am secure in the knowledge that Chad does love me, and he wants us to build a future together. I want that, too."

  "One more day in this place, what do you want to do?" Cassie asked.

  "I think I want to have a picnic by the river. Tomorrow, we'll go back home."

  "I wonder if our next trip will be as mysterious as this one."

  "Well, who knows with us? Trouble seems to follow us, but at least, Chad and Alan will be there to see us through it, one way or the other."

  Later that day, the two friends sat at a picnic spot along the Mississippi river, enjoying a picnic supper. Hannah glanced up and said, "Oh, my, look at that couple over there. It could be Robert and Pamela Sue, all those many years ago."

  Cassie followed her gaze and smiled.

  * * *

  The man turned to the beautiful, young, red-haired woman walking beside him. He smiled down at her as they gazed out across the mighty Mississippi.

  "It's lovely this time of the day, isn't it?" she asked.

  "Not as lovely as you, my dear," he replied as he bent to kiss her.

  "Robert?" the woman asked.

  "Yes?" he asked in reply.

  "I'm so very glad you waited for me."

  "Why, Pamela Sue, where did you think I'd be? After all, we made a pledge to each other on that fateful night."

  "It's nearly time for us to begin our life together."

  "I'll be content to spend eternity in your arms," the man replied as they walked hand-in-hand together into the sunset…

  Chapter Nine

  Hannah sat across from Cassie at the coffee shop near their apartment. They were both working at their laptops, Hannah, writing about their recent experience in Iowa, while Cassie was looking up things to do in the Smoky Mountains.

  "In just a few days, we will be off on another adventure," Cassie said. "We get to enjoy another road trip, driving to Tennessee together, and the guys will meet up with us mid-week again."

  Hannah looked up from her writing and replied, "I am so ready for a true vacation. After what happened in Iowa, it will be great to just relax in our cabin in the mountains, take in some of the sights and spend some time with our guys."

  "You got that right," Cassie agreed wholeheartedly. "I can do without any more drama, although it had a happy ending."

  "Yes, it did," Hannah said wistfully. "We had happy endings in more ways than one, actually, if you want to get technical about it."

  Cassie giggled. "A killer was caught, a long time mystery solved, a couple torn apart too soon was reunited in death, and we found out both our guys have a dominant streak. Did I leave anything out?"

  Hannah sighed. "I still can't get over the feeling I had when I realized Chad was really going to spank me. I mean, honestly, who would have ever guessed he would do something so…masculine?"

  "I know, I felt the same way about Alan. I'll bet the two of them hatched that idea between them."

  "I was so afraid you guys could hear us through the walls, or worse yet, the guard would know what was going on. I was afraid to show my face after that."

  "I heard nothing, and obviously, neither did you or the guard."

  "I rather like the new side to Chad, how about you with Alan?" Hannah asked as she sipped her coffee.

  "Truth? It's made our love life more exciting."

  Hannah nearly choked on her drink. When she recovered, she said, "I guess I'd have to agree with that statement. There's just something about a dominant man…"

  "Has he…since that night?" Cassie asked shyly.

  "Spanked me? Oh yes, a couple of times. You?"

  "A few times, and the weird thing is, afterwards…the sex is so hot."

  Hannah snapped her laptop closed. "I think we'd better get out of here. This conversation is getting rather…heated, and I have to get ready for my date with Chad. He is on day shift this week. At least he is until he takes his comp days later in the week. When we return from the Smokies, he goes back on nights for a while."

  "I am so happy they both could work out their schedules to join us for all three of our trips, at least for part of them. It gives the two of us time to be together, and then we get to be with them."

  "It couldn't have worked out any more perfectly," Hannah agreed.

  "A perfect last summer fling before we begin our senior year," Cassie said as she grabbed her purse and stood up.

  When they reached their apartment, Cassie busied herself with a book while Hannah got ready for her date. Alan was working that night, so Cassie was looking forward to spending the night alone with her newest find at the library.

  Hannah emerged from the bathroom several minutes later. "How do I look?" she asked.

  Cassie looked up and said, "Wow! Sure to knock his socks off tonight, not to mention his shirt, pants and everything else."

  "Oh, you, we don't have sex every time we go out."

  Cassie shook her head. "But he isn't going to see you again until he and Alan get to the cabin in Tennessee, and that's days from now," she reminded her friend with a giggle.

  Hannah shook her head as she took one last look in the mirror before Chad arrived to pick her up. She chose a blue flowered sundress and a pair of white sandals for their dinner out. Her bouncy blonde curls coiled perfectly around her face, giving her an angelic look. The blue tones of the dress heightened the color of her eyes, and the simple jewelry she wore completed the picture perfectly. The doorbell rang, and she ran to answer it.

  She took a deep breath as she looked at the man standing on the other side of the door. Chad was dressed in freshly pressed khakis, a blue shirt that was open at the collar and his sandy-colored hair was still wet from the shower. He stood a full six-foot four, making her always feel rather petite when she was with him, as she was at least a foot shorter.

  "Come on in," she invited.

  "We really have to get going, hon. I made reservations for us." He peeked in the open doorway and spoke to Cassie.

  "Okay, I'm ready." She grabbed her small bag and turned to her friend. "Don't wait up. Have a nice, quiet night."

  "Have fun, you two. I intend to enjoy a pizza and my book."

  Chad helped her into the car and began to drive. "Are you excited about your trip?" he asked.

  "Oh, I haven't even begun to pack. I guess we'll do up all the laundry and start packing tomorrow, so we can get an early start on Sunday morning."

  "And on Wednesday night, I'll be there with you," he said as he reached over and took her hand.

  "I hate it that you have to work. At least it's day shift, so you won't be quite as exhausted when you start out."

  "Yeah, that helps. I can catch some z's before we leave on Wednesday morning. I'll be doing most of the driving, since Al has to work Tuesday night." Alan, too, worked at the hospital, but not as a resident. He was a social worker and worked on the psych ward.

bsp; "Cassie and I will get settled, stock the cabin with food and be all ready for you when you get there."

  "Sounds like a plan. Here we are, with time to spare," he said as he pulled into the lot of a popular restaurant.

  The wait was short, and soon, the hostess led them to a table in the corner. They perused the menu and Hannah asked him to order for her. "I can't decide. Everything looks so good."

  Chad smiled knowingly. Hannah flushed slightly. She knew that he was aware she found the newly discovered dominant side of him fascinating. She had taken to letting him take charge of several small things, like ordering for her. She found herself wondering lately if he was hiding this part of him before or if he had recently discovered it himself.

  The meal was delicious. He chose steaks for them, with twice-baked potatoes and salads. The homemade dinner rolls came to them hot from the oven, and the cinnamon butter made them taste even yummier.

  Dessert was just as delectable, a cheesecake dripping with cherries, sauce and whipped cream. They enjoyed coffee with it, and they relaxed as they sat in the busy restaurant, talking about the upcoming trip.

  "There are so many things to see and do. Cassie looked online today."

  "I would be content to stay at the cabin and soak in the hot tub with you, but I'll agree to go to some of the local attractions with you," he teased.

  Hannah blushed again. Was it her imagination or had his suggestions become sexier lately?

  "I am sure you need some down time. The hospital gets pretty busy, huh?"

  "Yes, it does, but that doesn't mean I am not up to a day at Dollywood or something like that."

  "Oh, that sounds like great fun!" she exclaimed with the glee of a child.

  Chad laughed. "You are so silly. Ready to get out of here?" he asked.

  "Sure, let's go. I'm sure other people are waiting for our table," she agreed as she waited for him to come around and pull out her chair for her. He had always been a perfect gentleman on their dates, from the very beginning.

  He drove back to his place, which wasn't a huge surprise. After all, it was their last night together until next Wednesday, and then, they would be sharing a cabin with their friends. They would have their own room, of course, but it wasn't quite the same as being entirely alone.


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