Hannah's Horror: A Romantic Mystery

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Hannah's Horror: A Romantic Mystery Page 9

by Isabella Kole

  "Hot tub time," Cassie said as she grabbed her suit from the back of the chair in her bedroom and came out to the living room. "You in?" she asked.

  "Sure, just give me a minute. Chad said he would call before he turned in. I don't want to miss that."

  "Okay, I'll go ahead and get changed. I spoke to Alan earlier, when you were browsing in the art shop."

  The call came through, and even though the connection was weak, Hannah was still able to talk for a few minutes. She assured him that they had arrived safely.

  "We are headed to the hot tub," she said seductively. "Sure do wish you were here."

  "Hold that thought, just a few more days, and I will be. I'll let you go. Enjoy and be careful. See you soon."

  "Okay, baby, goodnight. I love you."

  "I love you, too, baby girl."

  She joined Cassie a few minutes later, gingerly testing the water with her toe before entering the swirling tub full of hot water. As she settled in, she said, "Ah, this is great."

  "Everything okay with Chad?" her friend asked.

  "Oh, yes, he is so ready to be here with us, I think."

  They chatted and made plans for the next day. It was dark now, and the sounds on the mountain were a bit more acute than they had been that afternoon. Cassie jumped when an owl hooted nearby.

  "It's just an owl. We're fine. I don't think the bears are in this area."

  "What's that?" Cassie asked. "It sounded like twigs breaking, like someone is walking nearby."

  "Probably one of the guests from a neighboring cabin, but I think it's time to go inside, anyway."

  Hurriedly, the two girls climbed out of the tub, grabbed their towels and drinks and ran into the cabin after rubbing themselves down briskly with the towels. Hannah made sure she locked all the doors and windows, as Chad had instructed her several times.

  "We are such wusses," Cassie said with a giggle as she watched her friend check the locks a second time.

  "Well, it's really kind of spooky up here in the mountains alone, without the guys, after dark. Every sound seems louder."

  "No kidding. I swear I heard someone walking through the woods just over from our deck."

  "What do you want to do now?" Hannah asked after she had changed into shorts and a tee shirt for sleep.

  "Popcorn and a movie?"

  "Sure, I'll make the snacks while you choose something on TV."

  When she walked into the room with a bowl of popcorn and sodas for each of them, Hannah asked, "What was that about?"

  "Oh, some shooting someplace. I was only half listening. It seems that's so common nowadays. What is wrong with people?"

  Hannah shook her head. "Beats me, I don't get it, either. I'm glad we picked up a few things while we were in town today. We really should make a shopping list for the groceries we'll need for the week, though. I have a feeling the guys are not going to want to go out much once they get here."

  "I think you may be right. We should see as many sights as we can tomorrow and Tuesday."

  "Except for Dollywood, they did agree to take us there."

  The movie started, and they settled in to enjoy it. It was a comedy, with Melissa McCarthy, and they laughed throughout the whole thing.

  "That was awesome. I love her work," Cassie said.

  "I do, too, want to find another one to watch or go to bed?"

  "Hey, it's vacation, I'm up for another one if you are."

  They watched a romantic comedy after that, and then decided it was time for bed. Hannah settled in for a cozy night, snuggling under the covers. The cabin was air-conditioned, and the covers felt just right. It didn't take long for her to drift off, but a disturbing dream followed. She was in a public place, she couldn't quite make out where, but suddenly, a man wearing a mask entered the building and started firing shots. People were falling all around her. It was as if she was a spectator, watching it all unfold in slow motion. She awoke in a sweat, shaking in the aftermath. Taking a sip of water from the bottle she had brought to the bedroom with her, she sat up and looked around. Everything was quiet. "Must have been because of that news brief I walked in on earlier, about another shooting," she said aloud. For her own peace of mind, she flipped on the bedside lamp and left it on for the rest of the night. When she slept again, finally, it was a dreamless slumber.

  The next morning, she joined Cassie in the kitchen for coffee and cinnamon rolls, fresh from the oven. She didn't mention the dream, although she still remembered it vividly. The girls made out a grocery list, planning meals for the week from Wednesday night through Saturday night. When they had both showered and dressed, they made the trip down the mountain into Gatlinburg again. They took their time, taking in some of the shops and attractions they had missed the day before, lunching in a local café and, finally, they drove over to Pigeon Forge to do the grocery shopping.

  The trip back up the mountain was uneventful. The weather was warm and the scenery gorgeous. It was a beautiful day. They put all the groceries away and decided on a huge salad for supper. Working together, they cut vegetables in the kitchen and agreed to a friendly game of monopoly after dinner.

  Everything was quiet and peaceful. It was an unspoken agreement not to use the hot tub at night again until Chad and Alan arrived. Cassie and Hannah were a little more spooked than either of them wanted to admit.

  On Tuesday, they ventured over to Pigeon Forge again, fighting the legendary traffic jam to get there. The outlet mall was their first stop, and then on to some of the other local attractions. They decided on a dinner theatre for the evening entertainment, and it was nearly dark by the time they were safely back in the cabin.

  "I really do not like coming back up that mountain in the dark," Hannah said when they were settled in.

  "I know what you mean, it's really eerie."

  On Wednesday morning, they decided there was time to go over the mountains before the men arrived.

  "I want to see a black bear," Cassie said.

  "Okay, I'm game, as long as we are back before the guys arrive."

  They started out right after breakfast, enjoying the sights and sounds around them. They stopped at several of the lookout points and marveled at the majestic beauty that surrounded them. They each snapped some photos, actually did spot a bear, and stopped at a small shop in Cherokee for a cool drink.

  "Yeah, they ain't caught him yet. Some say he may be hiding somewhere here in the mountains," a man standing near Cassie said to another man.

  Cassie nudged Hannah, and the two of them listened.

  "Damn shame, all those folks he killed. Innocent, too, guess it was some kind of vendetta."

  "That's what the news is sayin'," the other man said.

  "Well, all I can say is, the folks up there in the cabins should be careful, if what the news media is spreading is true."

  Cassie turned to Hannah with eyes as big as saucers.

  "Come on, let's pay for our drinks and go," Hannah said.

  In the car, Cassie said in a small, timid voice, "The night we were in the hot tub. I heard noises, like someone was walking in the woods, remember?"

  "Oh, Cassie, it could have been an animal or a neighbor. Just because the media says the killer is hiding in the mountains doesn't mean it's true."

  "Still, I'll be glad when the guys get here."

  Hannah agreed with her but kept silent. She drove the distance back to the cabin and they rushed inside, locking the doors behind them.

  "I think we have time for a bath and a nap before Chad and Alan arrive," she said to Cassie.

  "I need one after all that. It was hot out there today. I need to cool off and relax. We can start dinner after we rest a bit."

  "Good plan. Chad is going to call when they are almost here, so that should give us an idea about dinner."

  They each went into their own rooms. Hannah took a cool shower and pulled on a clean pair of shorts and a fresh tank top before lying across the bed. She fell asleep in record time.

h, Hannah, wake up."

  Expecting to see Cassie standing next to her bed, Hannah struggled to become alert. She rubbed her eyes and looked around the room. "Cassie, is that you? Where did you go?" she asked, still in a fuzzy state.

  "No, my name is Sondra, not Cassie. Please, Hannah, you have to wake up. I haven't much time."

  When she was fully awake, she was surprised to see a girl of about twenty standing at the side of her bed.

  "Wh-who are you? H-how did you get in here? The doors are locked; I know that for a fact."

  "The shooting last week, near here, at the factory. I-I was there. I was killed."


  "I am not here to harm you. I…we…need your help."

  "Oh no, not again," Hannah said grimly. "Why me?"

  "Please, you have to listen to what I am about to say."

  Hannah looked closely at the figure. She was a pretty girl, with long brunette hair, slender. She was dressed in shorts and a tank top and looked like any normal young girl. How could that be?

  "The killer is a man named Sam. He used to work at the factory, and his supervisor fired him after he got in an argument with another man. He came in to the shop and just started shooting. It was terrifying. He got away, and he is hiding in the mountains near here, but the police have not caught him yet."

  "Wh-what does this have to do with me?" Hannah asked.

  "I think you know the answer to that. You have the gift, Hannah. It's a very precious gift. The spirits can communicate with you. You used that gift recently to help someone else. Please, we need you to use it again."

  "There is nothing I can do," Hannah replied, shaking her head.

  "Yes, there is. You can find him."

  "Are you crazy?"

  "No, Hannah, please, I must go. Say you will help find him and bring him to justice for what he has done."

  "But, how can I do that?"

  "You will know…" The figure slowly faded away, leaving a bewildered Hannah sitting on her bed.

  "No, no, no, no…not again," she muttered under her breath. "I can't. Chad will have a fit; besides, this is dangerous, different than LeClaire."

  She tried to go back to sleep, to no avail. Finally, she got up and went into the kitchen. She grabbed a bottle of beer from the fridge and sat down on one of the bar stools. When Cassie found her there a little while later, she asked, "What is it? You look like you've seen a ghost."

  Hannah looked up at her and sighed. "I have."

  Chapter Eleven

  "Oh, Hannah, wow, just wow, I don't know what else to say," Cassie said after she had heard Hannah's account of what took place in her bedroom a short time before.

  "I just can't believe it. It's happening all over again, only this time, I think the killer is probably more dangerous than old Mr. Patterson."

  "Mr. Patterson was a dangerous man, never doubt that. Even though he was old and hard of hearing, he could have still killed us."

  "I just don't know what to do. She told me his name is Sam and asked me to find him. She confirmed that he is hiding out here, in the mountains. How am I supposed to find him? I am not trained to do that. The police are supposed to find him, not me."

  "What else did she say?" Cassie prompted.

  "That I would know," Hannah replied. "Does that mean the authorities don't know who he is?"

  "Could be, and with this supposed sixth sense of yours, maybe she meant that you would know it was him if you ran into him. I don't know. I'm just grasping at straws here."

  "Let's get on my laptop and see what we can find out about the shooting. It should say in the articles if they knew the identity of the killer."

  They quickly found several articles about the latest shooting incident. Sure enough, in every article they read, the authors never mentioned the identity of the killer. All they said was that he wore a mask.

  "Oh…my…" was all Hannah could manage to say.

  "The boys are here, I hear the car doors," Cassie said.

  Hannah slammed her laptop shut. "Not a word to them about this yet, please. I have to find the right way to tell Chad."

  Hurriedly, Cassie busied herself in the kitchen preparing the pasta sauce for their dinner, while Hannah began cutting up veggies for a salad. By the time Chad and Alan had hauled their bags in from the car, no one would have known that the girls had only just begun working on the meal minutes before.

  "Something sure smells good in here," Chad said as he walked in the door and set his gear down on the floor.

  Hannah turned to him with a nervous smile. "Hi, how was the drive?"

  "Slow, traffic was a bear," he replied. "Sleeping beauty here slept most of the way."

  "Hey, man, I got off work two hours before we headed out, don't forget."

  "Just messing with you," Chad said as he slapped his friend on the back.

  "Let me show you which rooms to put your stuff in," Cassie said as she stepped away from the stove and walked over to give Alan a hug. "The sauce is simmering, so it will be a little bit before we can eat."

  Chad and Alan picked up their bags and followed Cassie while Hannah finished the salad. When they returned, Hannah asked Chad if he'd like to look around. She gave him a tour of the cabin and the deck. Standing on the deck, he pulled her into his arms. "Baby, I have really missed you. Come here," he said as he lowered his face to hers and planted a heated kiss on her lips.

  "Mmm, I missed you, too," she murmured as she melted against him.

  "Hey, none of that until later, you two," Alan called out from the sliding doors.

  Chad pulled away from Hannah and laughed. He turned around, and Alan threw a can of beer at him.

  "So how's your week going so far?" Chad asked as he sat down in one of the chairs on the deck and popped the tab on his Coors.

  "Oh, we took in some sights, did some shopping, and went up the mountain. You know, the usual touristy things."

  "You did save Dollywood for us, though, right?"

  "Yes, we did. We went to a dinner theatre one night, but the theme park we saved. We knew that was the only thing you two were interested in."

  "Actually, if we had more time, I would like to hike, but that will have to wait until another trip."

  Cassie came to the door and told them dinner was about ready, so Hannah excused herself to help her friend in the kitchen. Alan, tall and lanky, his dark hair tousled from the wind, took her place on the deck with Chad.

  "This is the life, right, bro?" Hannah heard Alan say as she went inside.

  Cassie whispered to her as they worked, "Did you tell him?"

  "No, not yet, and I may not. I may ignore the whole thing."

  "What if the …ghost…comes back?"

  "I am not going to think about that now. I plan to enjoy my night with the man of my dreams for now."

  The four of them enjoyed pasta with meat sauce, salad and bread sticks. For dessert, the girls served ice cream sundaes, and after they finished the dishes, they joined Chad and Alan in the hot tub.

  It was the first time they had been in the tub since the first night, when Cassie thought she heard someone walking in the woods near the cabin.

  "This is kind of spooky here in the dark," Cassie said as she listened to the noises of the mountains at night.

  Alan laughed. "Oh, come here, baby, I'll protect you from the big, bad owls."

  Hannah shook her head. "It is spooky."

  "Seriously, we were out here the first night, and I thought I heard someone walking around," Cassie said in defense of her fright.

  "It was probably just a neighbor or an animal," Chad said.

  "That's what I told her, but we went inside anyway," Hannah said.

  "At least, the two of you were not taking any chances. Good for you," Chad replied as he leaned over and kissed the tip of her nose.

  After that, the four of them talked about their plans for the next day, forgetting about the eerie noises surrounding them. They were laughing so loudly, in fact, they did not hear the
rustling noises in the woods. Nor did they realize that someone or something was watching them from the thicket of trees nearby.

  When it began to get late, Chad suggested they call it a night. "If we want to spend the day at a theme park, we should probably hit the hay."

  "Yeah, you're right. Roller coasters and food and all that jazz awaits us," Alan agreed.

  "Not to mention the shows and the shops," Cassie reminded them.

  Chad groaned. "Water rides, that will be the best part, to beat the heat."

  They said their goodnights as they went to their separate quarters, agreeing to breakfast at eight the next morning.

  As Hannah climbed into bed, she watched Chad undress. His muscular build and sandy-colored hair never ceased to excite her. He was good-looking; there was no doubt about that. Even though he spent most of his time working at the hospital or in classes or studying, he still managed to find the time to work out regularly, and it showed. She could only imagine all the young nurses he worked with every day flirting with him, hoping for a chance to steal him away from her. She tried not to let that bother her, but occasionally, when he said he was working a double shift, it crossed her mind. She trusted him explicitly. She was wary of the gorgeous young nurses, however.

  He crawled in beside her and pulled her close to him. Moaning softly, she moved her arms so they fit around his neck, her fingers playing with what pieces of his short hair she could manage to grab hold of.

  He kissed her, a gentle kiss. When he moved his face away from hers, he said, "I'm sorry, baby, I am beat. Would you mind if I just hold you tonight?"

  "I would expect you to be tired. All those hours at the hospital and then fighting the traffic all the way here, you have to be exhausted. Just sleep, we will have the rest of the week."

  "You are an angel," he murmured as he pulled her even closer to his chest. He was asleep in no time, and Hannah fell into a light slumber shortly after that.

  Of course, Hannah would soon awaken. The young girl's spirit paid her another visit. She was not surprised.

  She got up and moved to the window to talk softly so she wouldn't disturb Chad.

  "Please, you have to leave me alone. My boyfriend is here, and he does not approve of me chasing after murderers."


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