She Does It His Way

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She Does It His Way Page 10

by Jasmine Chaletra

  All of a sudden, Damian pushed Theo away just far enough to switch their positions and shoved Theo against his desk. Theo’s back collided with Damian’s desktop with a thud and the president’s keyboard awkwardly jabbed into his spine as pens and papers went flying. Not about to bend so easily, Theo immediately lifted himself up onto his left elbow and pulled Damian down by his necktie for another forceful kiss. Damian moaned as Theo’s tongue skillfully mapped every crevice of his mouth and their tongues continued to dance as Damian forcibly undid Theo’s belt and zipper with steady hands. Theo threw his head back with a sharp inhale of ecstasy as Damian slid his hand beneath Theo’s boxers and firmly stroked his weeping cock. Theo wrapped his right arm around Damian’s neck to maintain his balance and trembled with euphoria at the president’s erotic touch.

  Damian latched onto Theo’s exposed neck and lavished him with wet kisses as he freed his weeping erection from his boxers. Damian rubbed his hard cock against Theo’s throbbing penis and both men trembled in ecstasy at the feeling of skin on skin contact, a wanton moan escaping Theo’s lips. Damian stroked their cocks with his left hand and fumbled with the buttons of the brunette’s shirt with his other hand. Theo was too lost in his own ecstasy to help with the buttons and Damian growled in frustration, only managing a few buttons before he yanked on Theo’s collar, exposing his left shoulder. Damian took a moment to drink in Theo’s pale skin before dipping his head and sucking on the young man’s exposed collarbone. Another wanton moan was ripped from Theo’s throat as he frantically bucked his hips. His heart was beating so fast and his body felt like he was on fire; Theo trembled with anticipation. He was so close.

  “Theo,” Damian groaned as he neared his peak. Damian began chanting Theo’s name and the brunette bit his lower lip in a vain attempt to stop the lewd noises he was making. Damian bit Theo’s left shoulder and growled as he finally found his release. Theo mewled, which he would vehemently deny later, and gasped as his entire body seized with his own climax. Damian licked and kissed Theo’s shoulder as if to apologize for leaving a bite mark on his skin before resting his head on the young man’s shoulder. Both men panted and basked in the fading sensation of their release.

  Once they had finally recovered their strength, both men stood up and awkwardly straightened their clothing, using the tissues on Damian’s desk to wipe away any evidence of their encounter. Damian found the young man’s company remarkably satisfying, however, what he had to say next filled him with dread. Damian worried that the gorgeous brunette was not as open minded as he appeared to be and the threat of rejection after tasting bliss weighed heavily on him.

  “You’ve passed the first interview with flying colors,” Damian grinned. The president sat down at his desk and began putting things back in their place to hide his nervousness. “You’re second interview is tonight at seven thirty at The Royal Crown. We’ll be having dinner with my wife,” said Damian. Theo didn’t even attempt to hide the look of shock that covered his face.

  “You’re joking,” Theo said, his voice full of disbelief. Damian clasped his hands to keep from fidgeting and gave the brunette a look that clearly stated he was not joking. “You’re wife?” Theo asked incredulously.

  “Yes, my wife Reyna,” Damian replied. Theo completely threw out all sense of decorum and collapsed onto one of the black chairs in a heap. Could this day get any more bizarre?

  “Wait, you said second interview?” Theo asked suddenly.

  “Yes, to be our lover,” Damian replied. Outwardly he was cool and collected, however, inwardly the butterflies were having a field day in his stomach.

  “Our?” Theo asked. “As in you and your wife’s?”


  “As in a…” Theo couldn’t even say it, he was so bewildered.


  Theo’s mind was thoroughly blown. When he got up this morning, he was prepared for an interview for an ambitious position at a highly successful real estate company, not to become the lover of the company’s president and his wife! Theo should have known from the start there was something off about this interview; the job listing had been very vague.

  Damian cleared his throat and said, “I know this is a lot to take in. Take your time and consider our offer. If you’re still interested, please meet us at Bon Apatite on the first floor of The Royal Crown. Just tell the concierge you’re with the Hudson party.” Theo nodded his head, stood up and turned to leave the office in a daze, his mind buzzing with the possibilities. Just before he walked out the door, Damian called out to him and said, “Theo! Wear the same outfit to dinner. Blue suits you.” Theo heard the desire in Damian’s voice and when he looked over his shoulder he saw the lust burning in the president’s brown eyes. A shiver of excitement and desire raced down his spine and Theo wondered how he had managed to catch the attentions of such a handsome and wealthy man. Theo walked out the door and Damian desperately hoped that it wasn’t the last time he would see the young brunette.

  Chapter 2

  “So, are you going to tell me what this is all about?” Reyna asked for the third time. She watched in amusement as her husband, Damian, came out of their large walk-in closet wearing a different suit, looked in the mirror and with a disgusted sound went back into the closet to start the process all over again.

  “Yeah, I will,” Damian’s muffled voice came from deep inside the closet.

  “When?” Reyna laughed. She had never seen Damian so uptight about his appearance before and it was a little concerning but at the same time highly entertaining. As soon as Damian had come home from work, he told Reyna to pack an overnight bag and get dressed because they would be spending the night at The Royal Crown and were having dinner at Bon Apatite. Her hazel eyes sparkled with excitement as she tried to puzzle out why they were having dinner at a 4 star restaurant and spending the night in a 5 star hotel. It had been a long time since they had gone on a date and she was getting butterflies in her stomach as she romanticized the possibilities of the coming night.

  Reyna had picked a sleek black cocktail dress to wear with strappy high heels and she had pulled her long black hair into a half-ponytail with a diamond barrette. Brilliant diamonds dangled from her ears and an elegant diamond pendant hung from her slender neck. Her make-up gave her pale skin a healthy glow and accentuated her hazel eyes, her lips painted ruby red. As a painter, she normally wore clothes she didn’t mind getting paint on like ratty old t-shirts and jeans, so it was fun to get dressed up for a change. Damian stepped out of the closet once more and she felt a huge smile light up her face. Her husband looked good enough to eat in that outfit. Damian had finally settled on a black casual suit with a wine colored button-up shirt, black tie and black dress shoes.

  It was just after 7 p.m. and Damian was anxious to get to the hotel. His heart raced and he was on the verge of breaking out in a cold sweat as he escorted Reyna from their two story mansion to the black Jaguar parked out front. Damian held Reyna’s hand as she stepped into the sleek car and closed her door like a true gentleman before jogging around the hood of the car and nervously sliding into the driver’s seat. He revved the engine and soon they were speeding down the city streets towards The Royal Crown. On the drive to the hotel, there were several times when Damian had nearly spoiled the surprise, but he managed to hold his tongue on the chance that Theo failed to show up tonight. He had been so nervous about what to wear because not only did he have to impress his wife, but he also had to appeal to Theo as well.

  Damian fervently hoped that Theo would join them tonight. It had been a terrifying and liberating experience when Damian had come out to Reyna as bisexual. She was his fiancée at the time and Damian was terrified that she would call off the engagement if she learned the truth about his sexuality, but he felt compelled to tell her the truth because he loved her and believed she deserved to know. She had been so understanding and he fell in love with her all over again for her unconditional acceptance. They had been happily married for almost 3 years w
hen Damian noticed that Reyna was starting to get depressed. It had taken nearly 4 months of questioning her about her depression before Reyna finally found the courage to confess to him. Reyna desperately loved Damian but there was a hole in her heart; she longed to be in a threesome relationship.

  The revelation had shocked Damian at first, but he did his best to be accepting and supportive of her desires. How could he not after her unconditional acceptance of his own sexuality. As time passed, he found the idea of having two life partners strangely appealing and so roughly 3 months after Reyna’s confession they agreed to seriously look for a boyfriend. Butterflies filled his stomach and Damian hoped that tonight their search was finally over. Damian stopped in front of the hotel and handed the keys to the valet as the bellhop took their luggage from the trunk. He opened Reyna’s door and linked arms with her as they entered the grand hotel.

  The Royal Crown was centrally located in the downtown area of the city and was a luxurious eight-story hotel with a large, extravagant lobby and fine-dining restaurant on the ground level and served the wealthy as well as the occasional celebrity. It was 7:12 when they checked in and Damian led Reyna from the check-in desk straight to Bon Apatite for their dinner reservation. The concierge greeted them with practiced familiarity and personally led them to their table. Once they were finally seated and they had ordered their drinks it was 7:18 and Damian felt like he was sweating bullets.

  A yellow cab pulled up to the curb just outside The Royal Crown and Theo stepped out of the taxi before checking his watch; 7:27. After his encounter with Damian, Theo had returned to his one bedroom apartment and thrown his clothes into the washer. All of his classes were morning classes this semester and he had made sure to finish all of his homework before his “interview” so he had nothing left to distract him until tonight. He had agonized over whether he should actually go or not, but before he knew it, it was seven o’ clock and he was walking out the door.

  Theo looked at the luxury hotel looming in front of him and swallowed hard. Theo shook his head and turned back towards the cab, he must be out of his mind. He wasn’t about to come between a married couple. Just as he was about to reach for the door handle and climb back into the cab he changed his mind and turned back around. He could at least go in and meet them. He got five steps before he froze and wondered just what he was getting himself into.

  Theo wasn’t turned off by women but he wasn’t particularly attracted to them either. Would he be able to get along with Damian’s wife? Would he want to? Shaking his head Theo turned back towards the cab and started walking away. He made it three steps before his memory froze him in his tracks. Images of Damian’s lust-filled gaze and the memory of the president’s muscled body pressed against him and the heady smell of Damian’s intoxicating scent had pools of desire swirling inside him. Theo looked over his shoulder at the hotel behind him and his gray eyes filled with doubt; would it be worth it?

  It was 7:32 and Damian was valiantly trying to ignore the sinking disappointment that was creeping into his mind. Reyna sighed and set her salad fork down with a frustrated clink. She was suspicious of the third setting at their “table for two” and Damian seemed more interested in his gold watch and the front door than her. She asked him who he was waiting for but Damian completely ignored her. Reyna could feel the blood rushing to her head and just as she was about to start a yelling tirade Damian’s face lit up like a child at Christmas.

  “Our date is here!” Damian said excitedly.

  “Our date?” Reyna echoed, perplexed. She followed Damian’s gaze towards the front door and saw a gorgeous young man about her age staring back at them. He had medium length shaggy brown hair that had been meticulously combed into some semblance of order and his piercing gray eyes were absolutely captivating. His royal blue button-up shirt complemented his eyes and he was wearing a black skinny tie as well as black slacks and black dress shoes. He was positively drool worthy in Reyna’s opinion. Suddenly Damian’s words finally sank in and Reyna looked at her husband wide-eyed.

  “He’s our date?” she asked incredulously. Damian had the biggest Cheshire grin she had ever seen as he nodded at her. Reyna was flooded with so many emotions she couldn’t decide what she was feeling at the moment. Damian stood and rested a hand on Theo’s shoulder as he welcomed the young man to their table.

  “This is my wife, Reyna Hudson,” Damian said with a proud smile. “Reyna, this is Theo Woods.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Theo said as he shook Reyna’s hand. Theo’s voice was not quite as deep as Damian’s yet it sent a jolt of excitement racing down Reyna’s spine.

  “A pleasure,” Reyna smiled. Theo noted that Reyna was very attractive for a woman and found her to be quite easy on the eyes. Once all three were seated at the table a waiter came by to take their orders and left them with a bow. Reyna poured Theo some red wine and asked, “So, how did you and Damian meet?” Theo squirmed in his seat and felt his face flush as he recalled his first encounter with Damian earlier that day.

  “An interview,” Theo replied. Reyna cocked her head in curiosity and Damian laughed at the bright blush on Theo’s cheeks as the brunette fidgeted uncomfortably. Damian explained their first meeting to Reyna and her eyebrows rose in surprise. Theo’s skin was pale like her own and the mental image of his pale body entwining with the bronze body of her husband was incredibly erotic. Reyna laughed at the absurdity of the situation and apologized for her husband’s eccentricities.

  “So says the painter,” Damian retorted cheekily. After the initial awkwardness, Theo was pleasantly surprised to find that the three of them shared a chemistry and it was quite easy to talk to each other. Damian was having the time of his life discussing random subjects and enjoying a fine meal with two incredibly attractive people. Reyna was elated and felt like she was living in a dream, being on a date with two handsome men in a fancy restaurant at a 5 star hotel. Reyna and Theo had decided to split a slice of chocolate cake for dessert and Damian’s libido kicked into overdrive as he watched the two of them consume the rich sweet. A wicked grin spread across his face as Damian casually loosened his tie and undid the top button of his shirt. He sipped his wine and basked in the lust-filled gaze of two sets of eyes staring at his tantalizingly exposed collarbone.

  “So, will you be staying with us tonight?” Damian asked Theo with a sinful smirk.

  Chapter 3

  Theo was unsure if it was the wine or genuine attraction, but as he sat there eating chocolate cake with Reyna, he found the way she was savoring each bite strangely arousing and an image of those ruby red lips wrapped around something else had his pulse racing and heat pooling in his gut. Sudden movement from the corner of his eye caught Theo’s attention and as he looked at Damian he felt himself transfixed by the president’s allure. Damian had loosened his black tie and Theo felt his mouth run dry as the older man undid the top button of his shirt, revealing a hint of his collarbone. Theo swallowed the lump in his throat and if he had not been so lost in his own desire he would have seen Reyna looking at Damian with the same level of wanton need.

  “So, will you be staying with us tonight?” Damian asked Theo, his deep voice sending jolts of burning desire down Theo and Reyna’s spines. Reyna sincerely hoped that Theo would say yes. A part of her knew they were moving too fast, but she didn’t care; her body ached with desire.

  “You don’t have to force yourself, if you don’t want to Theo,” said Reyna. Her heart raced as his piercing gray eyes shifted to her and she lowered her head. Gazing up at him through her thick eyelashes, Reyna rested her manicured hand on Theo’s thigh, dangerously close to his crotch, and in her most alluring voice said, “But Damian and I want you to stay with us.” Theo swallowed hard and could feel his cock twitch at the sight of the wanton seductress leaning on his arm. He had no idea he could find a woman so attractive and found it extremely hard to resist the urge to devour those pouting lips. Theo tore his eyes away from Reyna, afraid that if he continued to s
tare into those sensual hazel eyes he would take her then and there in the middle of the restaurant. As his fevered gaze landed on Damian, he was surprised and relieved to see that there was no jealousy in the president’s burning brown eyes; just raw desire.

  Theo felt like he was drowning in Damian’s lustful gaze. Throwing his inhibitions aside, Theo nodded his head, he would stay. Damian and Reyna felt a thrill race through them at Theo’s nod and Damian smiled before standing up. He gave Theo a come-hither look and Theo was grateful that his black slacks were loose fitting, he didn’t feel like advertising his growing erection to the other guests. Theo stood and offered his arm to Reyna. She graced him with a brilliant smile and looped her arm through Theo’s as she rose. The trio made their way to the gilded elevators and waited impatiently for the doors to open. It felt like an eternity before the ornate doors finally slid open with a cheerful ping.

  They stepped into the elevator and Damian pressed the button for the eighth floor. The doors slid shut and as the elevator began its ascent, Theo found his eyes fixated on Reyna’s ruby lips. Reyna noticed Theo’s intense stare from the corner of her eye and butterflies filled her stomach as she shivered in anticipation. Theo licked his lips and briefly glanced at Damian, as if asking permission. Damian grinned and nodded his head; that was all the encouragement Theo needed. Theo cupped Reyna’s face with his strong hands and pressed their lips together in a heated kiss. Reyna moaned and instantly wrapped her slender arms around Theo’s broad chest as she leaned into him. Her lips were softer than Damian’s but Theo found them just as intoxicating.

  Damian’s cock hardened at the sight of Theo devouring Reyna’s lips and he longed to grope the brunette’s firm ass. Damian reigned in his lust and clenched his fists to keep from pouncing on the couple. He knew that if he gave into his desires now he wouldn’t be able to stop; he would have to wait until they reached the penthouse. Theo and Reyna parted with panting breaths just as the elevator reached the eighth floor. As soon as the doors slid open, Damian gripped Theo’s wrist and dragged him down the hallway. Theo yelped at the sudden pull and Reyna laughed as she followed her men to their door. Reyna paused as the thought suddenly struck her. Her men. She liked the sound of that.


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