She Does It His Way

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She Does It His Way Page 67

by Jasmine Chaletra

  Chapter 3

  The next day, Karissa drove herself to school with a gym bag riding shotgun. She didn’t know just how things would work out with just showing up at practice, but she trusted Adrian enough to not worry about him screwing her over. She jerked the wheel slightly as she went back over that thought in her head.

  ‘Holy shit, I really trust him,’ she realized, a small smile growing across her face. It was completely out of nowhere, but she decided that it must have to do with his charisma as a team captain, the soothing logic of his words, and she wasn’t going to deny that she felt definite attraction towards him; nothing could help build trust quite like the desire to trust someone.

  Classes took an extraordinarily long time, though. The day before had seemed to pass in a blink, but today the minutes dragged. Karissa tried to be attentive. She took notes and doodled and referred back to her textbook, but none of it helped to distract her. There was a growing urgency inside of her to know for sure what was going to happen, what her life was going to look like for the rest of the football season, that she couldn’t make herself pay attention to anything except the clock.

  Finally, the three thirty bell rang and Karissa let out a long breath. Now the waiting part of her anxiety had faded, and it was time to report back to Coach Roberts. The team was probably getting suited up in the locker room, so it was the best time to go and make sure that Adrian had made good on his word and talked things over with the coach.

  She grabbed her gym bag out of her locker and headed back to the coach’s office, taking a naughty thrill from knowing what had happened there the day before. She walked in to find Coach Roberts sitting at his desk and Adrian standing beside him. As she entered the room, they stopped talking.

  “So there’s no way to talk you out of this?” Coach Roberts said, defeat heavy in his tone. Karissa brightened as Adrian winked at her.

  “No sir, I’m not going to give up on this without a fight.”

  The coach sighed, rubbing at his temple with two thick fingers. “So be it. She’s your problem now, Shallot.” He stood and pointed to the pads that sat in a pile in the corner. “Those are yours. Tell the equipment manager if something doesn’t fit. I don’t expect that we have much in your size, so just make it work as best you can. You can come to practice this week, try outs are next Thursday.” He gave her a withering look before stalking out of the office and muttering under his breath.

  “Well, you’re almost there,” Adrian said, walking over to clap Karissa on the back. She staggered a bit, and he grinned at her. “Don’t worry. The boys are all on board to help you out. We’ll get you set up as a kicker. It’s easy enough, if you can handle a bit of pressure, and there’s a much smaller chance of you getting creamed.”

  “Kicker! Yes, totally, I can do that!” Karissa exclaimed. Gratitude washed over her, and her hand fell carelessly to Adrian’s chest. “Thank you, really! Thank you so much!”

  Adrian removed her hand and held up a finger. “Just a second, now. You still have your try outs. We can get some good practice in and get you ready for the coach’s try out, but the boys had something else in mind for today. Nothing rough or anything, but some of the starters thought that they should be the first to, uh,” some color entered his face as he said, “give you a test drive.”

  Karissa blinked, and then broke into a fit of nervous laughter.

  “Don’t worry, it’ll be fine, I promise,” Adrian soothed, patting her on the shoulder. “I’ll be there to make sure no one gets too carried away. If there’s something that you don’t like, then we’ll stop and figure out something else. If it’s too much, then you can quit the team and no one will hold it against you.”

  A lump formed in Karissa’s throat. This was really her only option. The other sports teams would require her to attend too many practices and her grades would slip. She needed to keep them up, at least until the season was over. It would look so good if she could boast being one of only two female students to play on the school’s football team. She could even write an essay about how she didn’t take no for an answer and how even the pretty girls could throw down with the tough guys.

  “Okay,” she said. “Let’s go to practice.”

  Adrian showed her how to strap on her pads there in the office, again with the blinds drawn. She stripped down to her underwear and let him manhandle all of the parts into place. She didn’t feel self-conscious, though she stood before him clad only in her underwear and shoulder pads. Even with her sports bra to squish her breasts down flat, she could tell from the lack of maneuverability that she would have a hard time breathing or running in all of the gear. She got her uniform over the pads and carried her helmet with her out to the practice field.

  Karissa had a hard time paying attention as the team ran drills and other exercises. The coaches all agreed to let her just watch for now, but she could tell that she would be expected to participate in the upcoming weeks. To her, practice seemed to be no more than gaining the strength to wear all the equipment while running about. There were definitely some requirements for memorization of plays and knowing how to be in the right place at the right time, but Karissa was mostly dumbfounded that the players could be so agile under all that extra weight. She was sweating just walking around the pitch and couldn’t imagine doing some of the footwork that the others could do so effortlessly—at least, it looked effortless. After the first rookie threw up, she knew that she wasn’t the only one that would be struggling this season.

  After practice, Adrian took her aside again. “Wait until the coaches dismiss everyone, go change in the girls’ locker room, and then head into the girls’ showers. We’ll meet you there.”

  Karissa’s lips quivered into some approximation of a smile as she nodded. The coaches didn’t lecture for long, spending their time going on about how this season was going to be the best one yet and how they all needed to get their heads in the game and other lists of clichéd crap that Karissa had heard in sports movies. Everyone was dismissed, and it seemed like they had all but forgotten about her as she made her way to the girls’ locker room by herself.

  Alone at last, Karissa struggled to remove her pads. Adrian hadn’t exactly made it seem easy, but without his skilled hands, it took her longer than she expected to undress herself. She changed back into her cute sundress, leaving her underwear off. The thought that she wouldn’t need it made her face heat up as she zipped her bag shut. She brought everything of hers with her to the showers to wait for Adrian and her fellow teammates.

  She wasn’t waiting long when the first echoes of laughter reached her where she sat on one of the shower benches. She stood as they entered. It was three of the senior guys: Adrian, Tyler, and Darren. She only knew of them vaguely, but they were all definitely on the starting lineup. If this was going to go anywhere, these were the guys that she needed to impress.

  “Hey,” she said, hand raised in a small wave. At the sight of her in a dress, Tyler cocked his head to the side, his dreadlocks swaying with even the tiniest motion.

  “Boys, you know Karissa,” Adrian said as they got close. Karissa felt fire rise to her face as she floundered with what she was supposed to do. It was far too formal to offer a handshake. How forward did she want to be? She settled for stepping forward and kissing each of them on the cheek. When she got to Darren, she had to go on her tiptoes, and everyone laughed good-naturedly.

  “Should we just get on with it?” Karissa offered, her fingers playing with the hem of her skirt. “I don’t want to keep you boys too late, and you must be pretty tired after all that running around.”

  Tyler pulled his shirt off without another word, and he looked over to the other boys. Darren shrugged and did the same. Adrian took Karissa’s hand and led her back to the bench. He turned her around to face away from them, and hiked her dress up over her hips. Karissa closed her eyes as she was exposed to the three boys, and they made sounds of appreciation. Two hands traced over her tender skin, and she shivered at the t
ouch. Inwardly, she begged them not to tease her so much. She’d been aching at the thought of this for days and just needed them to touch her more, to use more force, to really give her what she needed.

  She forced her eyes open and turned back to see that it was both Adrian and Tyler touching her. Tyler’s hand slipped between her legs and his knuckle grazed against her slit.

  “Goddamn, you’re so wet already,” he said, other hand unbuttoning his pants.

  Another pair of hands pulled her head back to face forward, and Darren was there, pants open to reveal his erection. Without another thought, Karissa let her mouth fall open, and he pushed himself inside, sighing with pleasure as his shaft slid easily against her tongue.

  Karissa let out a small moan as Tyler pulled his knuckle away from her slit and started to tease her opening with the pad of his first finger.

  “You have to get her clit,” Adrian instructed, parting her folds to show Tyler where to touch her. The anatomy lesson felt so good, as Adrian showed both Tyler and Darren the proper way to pleasure her, that Karissa had to pull her mouth free in order to get enough air.

  “Yes, oh god yes,” she moaned, her voice echoing across the empty showers.

  “Quiet,” Darren growled, stuffing his cock back into her mouth. Karissa complied, sucking at him lazily as he thrust into her. She was preoccupied with what was happening behind her.

  “Wrap it, man,” Adrian said. With her eyes closed, Karissa listened as Darren struggled with what she assumed and hoped was a condom. It was. He pressed himself against her seeping gash, and the familiar sensation of latex against her skin brought goosebumps racing down her body.

  He entered her slowly, letting her damp heat stretch around him and take him in completely. It was so deep, so much, that Karissa felt herself pulling away from it. His hands pulled at her waist, bouncing her gently over him. She relaxed into him, let him steer her motions, completely gave into the sensation of it. His pace increased, and he let out all manner of sounds. After only a few moments, it felt like he completely lost control, slamming into Karissa and pulling her forcefully onto him. She cried out, and Darren fell out of her mouth as Tyler came, grunting and digging his fingers possessively into her skin.

  “That’s so embarrassing, dude,” Darren chided him. “You barely lasted at all.”

  “Couldn’t help it,” Tyler panted. “She’s just so fucking good.” Karissa blushed, flattered but still unsatisfied. “You have to try it, man.”

  Darren chuckled to himself, but circled around to take Tyler’s place. Adrian slipped two of his fingers into Karissa and gently pumped them into her as Darren tore open another condom and rolled it down his length. She was already panting again by the time he was ready, but instead of taking her from behind like Tyler, Darren pulled her upright and had her put one of her feet up on the bench. Adrian pulled her dress off over her head as Darren thrust up into her, entering her all at once.

  “Jesus,” Karissa groaned. Darren pressed his body against hers, wrapping his arms around her from behind. One of his hands slid down her front to play with her clit as he fucked her, and he slid two fingers of his other hand into her mouth, muffling the delighted whimpers that came pouring out of her throat, but not by much.

  “Karissa,” Adrian murmured into her ear. “Have you ever been fucked in the ass?”

  “No,” she panted out around Darren’s fingers. Spit rolled down her chin, but she was so far from caring. She could feel an orgasm building, feel how close it was.

  “We’re going to change that, okay?” Adrian continued. The effect of his voice so close to her ear, of the ideas that he was planting inside of her, she shuddered. “We’re gonna fuck all of your holes. Would you like that?”

  With a stifled scream of pleasure, Karissa came. Darren’s cock sliding inside of her, his fingers dexterously working her clit, all of it compounded into a delicious, blinding ecstasy that sent all of her muscles jerking out of control. She writhed against Darren’s grip, but he held her steady against him. When he pulled out of her, her come splattered down her legs to the shower floor. Darren tore off his condom and pushed Karissa back into the position she’d taken before, with her arms braced against the bench. As she turned to look back at him, he jerked himself off, spraying come onto her bare back.

  “Nothing quite like feeling a girl come on your cock,” Darren grunted, still clutching his erection as it flagged slowly back down.

  “Hold still,” Adrian instructed Karissa, crouching down behind her. His tongue lapped up some of her come before he spat it out on the floor. “Ah, condom taste.”

  He stood back up, using his fingers instead. He pressed into her sensitive tissue, still pillowy and raw from her orgasm, and he took some of the moisture there, spreading it up to her asshole. His finger pressed lightly at her opening, and she groaned at how disturbingly alien the sensation was. It wasn’t unpleasant, not even close, but it was so different than anything she had ever felt before. It only got stranger as he slid his finger inside, rotating it and stretching her to be able to accept him inside. She’d never played with her butt before, and the thought of an almost-stranger doing so had new heat flood through her body.

  “Here I go,” he said after a few long moments. Karissa braced herself, not sure what exactly she could expect. She didn’t have to wait long, and Adrian pressed himself slowly into her, hissing at the resistance that he met. “You have to relax,” he said. “Lean into it.” As usual, Karissa did as she was told, completely at odds with the sensation of having something going inside her butt. She took deep, gasping breaths and let her body take in more and more of him.

  “Good girl,” Adrian groaned, rewarding her by wrapping a hand around her waist and finding her clit. Karissa knew that she didn’t have the energy for another orgasm in her, but that wouldn’t stop her from enjoying herself.

  Adrian didn’t seem to mind, taking his time with her. He slid slowly into and out of her ass, groaning with every one of her slightest motions. Karissa squeezed him with her muscles, forcing him out of her, then relaxed to let him surge back inside. He slapped her ass, murmuring swears that Karissa could barely hear over the sound of her own breathing and heartbeat. She was barely ready for it when he finally came, shooting come deep inside of her. As he withdrew and she shakily made herself stand up, she could feel the come spilling out of her.

  “Ahhh,” came her shaky sigh, and she blocked off the hole, containing the come.

  “Don’t worry about it,” Adrian said, laughing weakly. “That’s why we’re in the showers.”

  Karissa let herself relax and a sudden exhaustion swept over her. Tyler stepped in to support her weight as they staggered over to a shower faucet.

  “Did I pass the try-out?” she asked weakly. All three of the boys laughed in response.

  “Without a doubt,” Darren replied, giving her a wink.

  “Don’t worry,” Adrian said, laying an arm around her shoulders companionably. “It won’t always be this rough. Most of the guys prefer to go one-on-one.”

  “No,” Karissa said. “I think I could get used to this.” She gave them a wink, and they all shared another laugh that echoed across the empty showers. In her head, Karissa continued to compose her application essay, knowing that she would have to leave out all of her favorite details.


  Chapter 1

  I lifted my bare legs and hugged my knees to my chest as I waited on the exam table in the doctor’s office. The nurse had ordered me to remove my clothing and bra and strip down to panties only. I felt completely exposed and vulnerable with nothing on but a flimsy paper gown.

  When Dr. Grayson entered the room, my jaw dropped. I quickly closed my mouth and bit my lip in frustration. I was going to call my parents right after this exam and give them hell. In my first year of college out of state at Boston University, I was at the mercy of my parents’ health insurance. I had assumed Dr. Grayson, the primary care physician on my card, was a female.

  “Hello…Lola, is it?” He glanced down at the clipboard in his hand. “How are you today?”

  Not just a male. A hot male. I took in his fit body, his styled sandy blond hair with a bit of faded gray at the temples. More than twice my age if I had to guess. The crinkles around his eyes when he smiled at me gave his age away, but he looked rugged. Tall. Totally fucking gorgeous, and more like a gladiator who’d just stepped off the set of Game of Thrones rather than a boring old primary care physician.

  “Fine,” I squeaked out. “I’m fine.” I quickly straightened my legs to avoid flashing him my yellow lace panties, and the sound of crinkling paper rang out through the silent room. I had booked an evening appointment, the last time slot available. There weren’t any other patients waiting when I came in for my six o’ clock, and there was only the one nurse at the front desk. I had classes all day and play rehearsal right after, so it was the only time I had for the appointment.

  The room wasn’t exactly warm. Goose bumps trailed the lengths of my arms, up my shoulders, and down along my full breasts. I looked down. My cup size was a full C, and at this temperature, the shape of my nipples could clearly be seen poking through the thin paper gown. I looked up to find Dr. Grayson’s smoldering gray-blue eyes zeroing in on my breasts and obviously erect nipples. I crossed my arms over my chest, and he yanked his gaze away from my boobs and read my chart.

  The doctor cleared his throat and gave me a calm smile. “What brings you in today, Lola?”

  “Well.” The doctor sat at the computer and began typing things into it while looking at his clipboard. “I’m here for…just an annual exam.”


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