ROMANCE: Stolen by the Alien Lord (BBW Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (Contemporary Science Fiction Paranormal Short Stories)

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ROMANCE: Stolen by the Alien Lord (BBW Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (Contemporary Science Fiction Paranormal Short Stories) Page 1

by Knightingale, Fiona

   Copyright 2015 by (Fiona Knightingale) - All rights reserved.

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  Stolen by the Alien Lord

  An Alien Abduction Romance

  By: Fiona Knightingale


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  Stolen by the Alien Lord

  Chapter one

  “I don’t know what it is about the crowd tonight, but they seem to be very interested in one dancer and we all know who that is.” Jessica had always been riding me pretty strong, most likely because she was getting up there in age and wasn’t going to be much use to anybody in this industry for very much longer. “She’s got this wholesome act down to a science, but we all know that she’s not exactly pure, as the driven snow.” Jessica had black hair, her breasts were sagging, because frankly being 40 and two kids underneath her belt didn’t exactly make her a sought after commodity in the dancing industry.

  “Jessica, I don’t know why you insist on talking about me behind my back. It’s not like I’m not able to hear every word that you’re saying.” I was what was called a natural beauty. There was nothing fake about me and you couldn’t say that about most of the girls that were dancing in the club. Frankly, I was only doing it to make enough money to go to college to become a veterinarian. It wasn’t easy work and I didn’t have the time or luxury of working three jobs just to make ends meet. Even with the extra curves, the guys seemed to go crazy to see me onstage.

  “It appears that I have insulted the delicate constitution of one Chloe Masters. Oh my, whatever am I going to do?” I could tell that she was mocking me. She most likely was itching for some sort of altercation to come between us. If that were to happen, she might be able to get me thrown out of here permanently. I knew for a fact that the owner Jack and her was quite the item. If she really wanted to make trouble for me, then she was going to have to do a whole lot better than teasing. I’ve been through that all of my life and it’s not easy, especially when I was the one that was blessed upfront at a very early age.

  “I’m not going to play your game, Jessica. We both know that you’re just trying to get a rise out of me. I think the only rise that you’re going to see tonight is in those pants of those men out there watching me do my thing.” Of course, it didn’t help that I was 5’9, 170 pounds, piercing green eyes and flowing blond hair that almost went to the crack of my ass. I also had training in the art of dance and I could shake it with the best of them. I had learned to use the extra pounds to my advantage. I wasn’t fat. I was big boned and I took care of myself. It took a lot of time for me to accept that I wasn’t like all the other stick thin Barbie dolls.

  I wasn’t just out there to make money. I was a creative artist that put my own spin on a few moves that had become all the rage. The place was literally packed and it had mostly to do with my contribution to the industry. I wore pigtails on some occasions and on others, I would wear a matronly outfit that would put them back in school with a certain teacher that they probably had a fantasy about. I had three particular personas, one was the naughty schoolgirl, the naughty librarian and of course the teacher that kept you after school for some private behind closed doors lessons. Tonight’s particular performance was going to be the naughty librarian with the prerequisite glasses that I already had in my possession.

  “I think that you’re just too chicken to do anything about it. You don’t have a pair in between your legs. Until you grow a pair, then you and I really don’t have anything to talk about.” I knew that Jessica wanted me to fight, but I was not about confrontation and I had no interest in going down that road. “Just remember, I’m going out after you, so make sure that the pole is not too damn slippery.” I couldn’t promise anything, because my show usually involved oils, which had always made for a very happy clientele.

  My music began to play and it was cherry pie by an artist that I really couldn’t remember at the moment. I walked by the nurse known as Jessica with my high heels and stockings, not to mention a black skirt that had this long slit up the side. It gave a good peek at my stuff. I didn’t want to admit it to the other girls, but I was seriously into this. It gave me self confidence and over the last few months, since I’ve been working here, I began to see a shift in the way that people looked at me on the street.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce you to our next dancer. She comes all the way from the high school that you have always wanted her to be in. She’s the one that stood in front of you every day making you horny and not doing anything about it. Let’s give a warm welcome to the naughty librarian.” The chorus of applause was met by me stepping out onto the stage with just my one leg showing plenty of skin. They were already clapping on the tables.

  I walked out there with the two bottles of oil in my hand and I started to squirt them into the air suggestively. The dollar bills, plus a few other denominations began to float onto the stage. There was one particular guy that caught my attention. He was standing there in the corner of the room, looking at me very sternly and making me feel like I was doing something wrong.

  Grabbing the microphone, I decided to put a little bit of a spin on my performance with an audio component. “I hope all of you boys don’t have any overdue books that are going to have to be fined. If you do, I might have to take action and put you over my knee for a good spanking.” I brought the ruler out and slapped it against the stage, before moving it sensuously it up over my bosom through the white almost sheer blouse that I was wearing. “Oh, I see that you have no money to pay for the fines. I guess we’re going to have to come up with an alternate way of making payment. Perhaps, I can see if I can’t use you as my personal toy.”

  The ruler went up underneath my skirt, raising it just a fraction of an inch, but making the guys looking at the front of the stage begin to ogle me like a piece of meat. For some reason, my eyes kept straying towards the gentleman in the dark suit in the corner. I couldn’t really see him, but what I did see was impressive enough that it got my attention away from the other patrons. I was essentially doing this dance, as a private show between me and the mystery man.

  It wasn’t long before I was opening up that soaked in oil shirt, showing off my bosom and then popping the button on the black brazier to let it fall lazily to the ground at my feet. When I rubbed the oil into my tits, I could see the guys patting their crotches and wagging their tongues like dogs in heat.

  I didn’t bother taking off the shirt, because I didn’t think that they wanted me to. I was gauging the reaction of the crowd. Every crowd is different from one night to the other. I just had to know how to play the angles and work them, until they were throwing the money at my feet.

  I finished by sitting down and spreading my knees and rubbing that ruler up and down my crotch. The first night I did this, I was nervous and I was this close to being sick on stage. A few more nights later and I finally got a rhythm an
d then my confidence level was rising by leaps and bounds.

  I didn’t bother counting the money, but I had a pretty good feeling that it had to be a pretty fair some. That was before the private dances and the first guy that was in line was the gentleman that had been watching me from afar.

  “Try not to take too long with this one. He seems a little off from my liking and it would be best that you finish with him quickly.” Gabriel was the bouncer and he had always had good instincts when it came to those guys that were going to be a problem. He basically could predict if he needed to intervene or if the guy was just teasing and trying to push the envelope to see how far he could go, before being ejected from the place. “I’ll be watching to make sure that he doesn’t try anything.” It was nice to have him around and it gave us girls the security that we were looking for

  Chapter two

  I was dancing in front of this guy and his package was quite the piece of meat. I wasn’t sure if it was real, or maybe it was a rolled up pair of socks. It wasn’t, until I was completely naked and at the mercy of his eager eyes that I finally concluded that it was more than just real. It was worth the price of admission and I probably would’ve paid him to strip down to see him in nothing.

  “Chloe, if you don’t mind me saying so, I think that you might be the most beautiful woman in this place. I also can see that this is not what you want to do for the rest of your life. I believe that your destiny is going to be something that even you’re going to be surprised about. I will say that your body is perfect, well rounded in just the right places and I do appreciate that you don’t have any of that unnecessary plastic. If you did, I don’t think that I would give you the time of day.” I could see his cock bouncing up and down in his pants and the outline through his slacks was quite evident by the large cumbersome package that he was in possession of.

  “You’re very nice to say these things, but there’s no need to talk to me, while I put a show on for you. This is after all your money and you can spend it in any way that you want.” I was grinding in his lap, feeling the length of him with my crotch now becoming a fireball of energy. “I don’t know why you even come to these places. You obviously don’t need any help in finding a woman.” I was pushing down hard, hearing him grunt and I smiled inward at the fact that I had gotten that kind of reaction from him.

  “I do have a lot of girls looking at me, but I’m looking for something particular. I’m looking for that extra special quality that makes that woman stand above the rest. You have all of those qualities and I think it’s finally time that I give you your reward. You are after all the winner and I have deemed it so, so it will be.” He sounded strange, but I’ve had drunks that were little bit more to take than this guy. “After your shift, I think that your world is about to change in ways that you could never even fathom. It’s too bad that I can’t prepare you for what’s coming. That’s strictly forbidden.” If I wasn’t careful, I was going to make him shoot off in his pants.

  The music came to an end and I stood up and put my clothes back on. It’s at this point that usually the guys get a little handsy, but he remained the perfect gentleman. In the back of my mind, I was hoping that he would at least cop a feel, but he didn’t even do that. I heard the door closing and I looked over my shoulder see that he had vacated the premises. I kind of missed him and the way that he was heaping praise on my body was something that I could never get used to.

  Growing up, I was the ugly duckling. I was a tomboy that would do anything the guys did, but mostly it was for show. I wanted them to know that I was more than met the eye. I wanted to be the first female president, but then I found myself gravitating towards the care and well being of animals. I couldn’t help, but to fall in love with the profession of being a veterinarian. This was just my side job and had I been able to find something that paid me this kind of money, I would give up this exhibitionism. I was trying to convince myself of that, but every night I got an inward thrill out of standing there in front of everybody and putting on a show that made them almost cream in their jeans.

  I went outside to have a quick smoke and then I heard this loud pitched squeal that caused me to grab for my ears. The pain was, so debilitating that I actually found myself on my knees with tears in my eyes. My brain was overloaded and it felt like I was being pulled apart at the seams. I couldn’t think straight and when I opened my eyes, everything seemed to be twirling around me over and over again. It was a dizzying and nauseating experience. I felt like I was either going to pass out or throw up.

  I saw this bright light in the sky and then it surrounded me. I should’ve been afraid, but the warmth of that light made me think that I was perfectly safe. I didn’t fight it and then I felt my body being pulled from the ground and into the sky. It was an odd sensation, which I probably should have done something, but I didn’t. In fact, I smiled, almost like I wanted to go into the light. It felt right somehow and then I was staring at the face of the man that had given me a $100 tip after the private dance.

  I didn’t even realize it was there, until I picked up my clothes and found it sticking out of the waistband of my panties. I’m not sure how he did it, because I was right in front of him the entire time. He must’ve been some kind of magician. “My name is Rolf and you have been chosen as the winner. This is a very high honor and something that you should take seriously, Chloe.” It hadn’t dawned on me in the club, but there was no reasonable way for him to know my name. My stage name was naughty librarian, naughty schoolgirl or the nasty teacher. There were no names given and for him to know it, only meant that he had done his due diligence.

  I was still feeling slightly lightheaded and then I looked out the view finder in front of the ship. I didn’t even realize that I was on a ship in space, until the earth began to disappear from my sight, until I was just a speck in the stars.

  “I would like to go home now.” He walked right up to me and put his hand around my throat, lifting me into the air and then using his eyes to scan my body from the top of my head all the way down to my toes. I was choking on my words and I had my two hands over his wrist to try to alleviate the pressure on my voice box.

  “Chloe, one thing that I will not tolerate is a belligerent attitude. You’re to remain cordial and kind and do not make a fuss, unless you intend to be punished for it.” He had dark hair; over 6 feet tall and then he changed and became this blond Adonis. “I can give you whatever you want. Let me forge in your mind for the perfect man and I will become that for you.” I was still staring him in the eyes, my air supply being shut off and then my mind conjured up this perfect man, which suddenly he became in the blink of an eye. He morphed and transformed. It was the weirdest thing that I had ever seen. It was also the most fascinating thing and kept me glued to him the entire time that he was digging into my subconscious.

  He slowly put me back on my feet. I bent over at the waist to hold my knees to try to compose myself. “You said something about…being the winner. What exactly…did you mean by that?” I was surprised that I wasn’t putting up more of a fight. I would’ve thought that the idea of being abducted would’ve made me terrified beyond words.

  My perfect man turned out to have dark hair down to the shoulders, chiseled cheekbones and baby blue eyes that would make most women melt. “I get this feeling that I’m not going to like it.”

  “Chloe, that’s where you’re wrong, you will like it and even if you don’t, you’ll learn to. You are the winner of a lottery across the cosmos. There have been at least 100,000 others that have been considered. You were the only one that exceeded my expectations. It’s taken me three years of constant searching to finally find a woman that can match up to all of the criteria. We’ll get into that later, but for now, I think that you should immerse yourself into our culture. I would hate to see that you were naïve or unable to speak on the behalf of your master.” I wasn’t going to allow any man, alien or otherwise to tell me what to do.

  “I don’t know what makes me th
e ideal candidate, but I can tell you that I’m not the one for you. It would be best that you just take me back and pick somebody else. I know of a certain girl named Jessica that would be most happy to accompany you back to your planet.” It felt good to put her underneath the bus wheels and run her over with it.

  “I know all about Jessica and she’s just a little bit too fake and thin for what I’m looking for. Besides, if her artificial parts were to come in contact with our planet atmosphere, she would most likely die. You have this wholesome quality, something that I can see myself being with. I also feel that there is a fire deep inside that has not been found. Don’t worry; I’ll be able to find it. It’s not the first time that I’ve had a woman like you, Chloe.”

  The one thing that didn’t change about him was the size of his immense offering. That thing should’ve had its own zip code or maybe its own seat on a bus. If I were to make an educated guess, I would say that he was sporting at least a good nine or 10 inches of solid man steak. I did have this desire to see it and I found my hands reaching out, despite my misgivings over the situation.

  “You really don’t need to know my name. Besides, I don’t think that you would be able to pronounce it anyway. For our purposes, you can call me Rolf.” Each time that I took a step towards him, he would put out his hands to indicate that that was, as far as I was supposed to go. “Chloe, you need to contain yourself. It’s perfectly natural for you to be curious about my particular endowment. With that being said, I would prefer that we keep that part of our relationship out of this, until we are able to arrive and put on a show that will make most people stand up and take notice.” I wasn’t sure what he meant by that, but the very idea of becoming part of some kind of spectacle was not my idea of fun. I was one thing to dance for a crowd of over anxious men that couldn’t find the words to ask their women for the very same thing that they were getting in the club.


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