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[95] Sounds like Tea-Row, meaning beginner, novice.
[96] Sounds like “Tiffany”
[97] Anti-progress activities and its violation carries the penalty of retraining or early retirement. One of the many charges leveled against the resistance.
[98] The bond with family and friends and people you identify with that creates a virtual being capable of independent action, influenced but not totally controlled by any single member.
[99] Prz’Nr – sounds like and means prisoner.
[100] Mining Personnel Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance sounds like mipper-eye-ess-are rhymes with sipper-I-S-R.
[101] Sounds similar to Zoo-Row.
[102] Sounds like Dew-She.
[103] Sounds like Jin-Da rhymes with Linda
[104] Sounds like Ahn-Sue or on-su
[105] Sounds like Too-long, the name given the CNSA comet deflection command module.
[106] a Near-Earth Object Hazard Index, zero equals no risk, ten equals a collision is certain
[107] Sounds like Poh Poh, rhymes with “so low”