Blackbird's Fall

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Blackbird's Fall Page 9

by Jenika Snow

  His shaft was hard and pointing right at her face, and being this close showed the prominent veins that lined the length. She wanted that thickness in her mouth, and wanted the tip hitting the back of her throat. Not thinking and just acting, she lifted her hand and cupped the heavy weight of his balls. The sound he made seemed pained, but at the same time filled with pleasure.

  “Suck my cock.”

  She opened her mouth but kept her gaze locked with his. When the tip of his erection brushed along her lips he made another gruff noise and moved his hand behind her head so he could grab a chunk of her hair. He pulled her further toward his dick until she was forced to take half of it in her mouth. Mouth stretched wide and lips wrapped fully around his length, Maya felt her eyes water at the sheer size of him.

  His flavor was salty and musky, but there was this potency about him that had her moving her tongue along the crown of his erection and licking away the pre-cum that spilled from the hole at the tip.

  “That’s it, Maya, lick it all off.” He breathed harshly, like a rabid animal. “Christ.” He tugged at her hair until pleasure and pain coalesced with each other.

  She sucked as much of him as she could into her mouth, feeling like she couldn’t get enough, like she’d never get enough. She gagged when the tip of him hit the back of her throat, but she liked that, loved that he made her eyes water because he was so damn big.

  What she couldn’t reach with her mouth she got with her hand. She rubbed and stroked the root of his dick at the same time as she hollowed out her cheeks and sucked on him hard and thoroughly. He seemed to grow more manic with each passing second. Soon he was thrusting his hips forward and retreating.

  Back and forth.

  In and out.

  All she could do was hold onto his thickly muscled thigh with her hand, curl her nails into the denim, and suck his shaft like she was starving for him.

  And she was starving for him, all of him.

  “Fuck.” He swore low, but picked up his pace and thrust in and out of her faster. He was mouth-fucking her. There was no other word for it.

  She moaned when she tasted a small jet of his salty cum hit the back of her throat. But he pulled back almost as soon as it had happened, refusing to come in her mouth, it seemed.

  “I need you, baby. I need you now.”

  She stood and turned around, presenting her ass to him, and popping it out.

  She heard him breathe out roughly, the hot pants bathing the back of her neck.

  Maya glanced over her shoulder, and saw him stroking himself, his focus on her ass.

  He lifted his gaze so he was looking at her face now, and moved a step closer. As he reached out and smoothed his hands along the mounds of her ass, she closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip.

  Before she knew what he was doing he pulled his hand back, but then brought it to her ass, slapping her cheek hard. She rose on her toes as the sting consumed her, but then pleasure and warmth filled her.

  He slapped her ass and said, “Damn, you’re so fucking hot.” He smacked her other cheek. “Knowing you want this the same way I do turns me the fuck on, Maya.” She curled her toes as intense heat rushed to her erotically abused bottom.

  Maya said once more, “Please, fuck me.”

  He placed a hand in the center of her back, grabbed her hip with the other hand, and pulled her ass out a little more. With the hand on her back he pushed her forward so her upper body was parallel with the ground now, her ass all the way in the air.

  “I like you this way, like your ass all on display for me.”

  Her hands were on the trunk, her fingers pressed tightly into the bark. He continued to smooth his hands up and down her back, her ass, and continued his downward path to the back of her thighs.

  And then she finally felt Marius move onto his haunches right behind her, his warm breath right on her pussy.

  “God, you smell so fucking good, and your cunt is so damn wet for me.” He grabbed a handful of her ass in each of his hands, and spread the cheeks apart, really putting her on display. When he leaned in close she held her breath at the feel of his warm breath teasing her pussy and the cleft of her ass. A strangled sound left her, but she didn’t tell him to stop.

  “You want me to eat you out?”

  “Yes,” she moaned, begged.

  He placed his mouth right over her pussy and sucked on her hard, licking, stroking her cleft and clit, even thrusting his tongue in her pussy hole. He was relentless as he flattened his tongue and moved it up and down the center of her slit, sucked her clit into his mouth, and hummed in pleasure.

  And when he licked her ass, ran his tongue right up the center of her cheeks, an unexpected orgasm tore through her. Marius was unrelenting, was never-ending as he continued eating her ass out, licking the tight hole, plunging his tongue into her, and clenching her cheeks in his hands. Her legs shook, and she couldn’t suck any more air into her lungs as her pleasure rose then slowly declined.

  His warm breath on her exposed flesh, on the tight little hole of her ass, had a shiver working through her. She was slick all over, and his groans fueled her pleasure again. The feel of him moving his tongue up and down her ass, twirling it around the puckered hole, and then dipping the muscle into her again, had her so inflamed with need she could have come once more from that alone. It was a different kind of orgasm, one she’d never had before, but one that was just as pleasurable.

  “I’m going to fuck you now, baby.”

  “I’m so ready.” She needed him desperately.

  A low, almost feral growl left him, and a shiver worked through her body. She felt the thick crown of him as he placed it at her entrance, and as if her body was thinking on its own, her inner muscles clenched, trying to draw him in when he hadn’t even entered her yet.

  “Mmm, you want my cock,” Marius said low and rough, possessively. Before she could say anything, he started pushing into her. The stretch and burn were instant as the thickness of his dick pushed through her body. She might not be a virgin and have already had sex with him many times, but he made her feel so full. She always felt this way with him.

  The pain was there, but she was wet, soaking in fact, and the more he pushed inside of her, the more that pain faded and the pleasure took over.

  “You feel how much I’m stretching you, how much your sweet cunt is taking my big fucking cock?”

  She nodded, not able to speak.

  He thrust inside of her all the way, and she knew he had every long, thick inch deep in her body. Marius started retreating from her, and she clenched around his cock, trying to keep him right there. When she thought he’d pull all the way out he shoved back inside of her hard and fast. The momentum had her upper body pressing more against the trunk now, and she had to grab onto the bark harder.

  Marius slammed inside of her forcefully, and a cry left her. It felt so damn good, and there wasn’t a part of her that he wasn’t touching. He thrust into her, and pulled out, each time harder and faster. Soon he was fucking her like a madman, and all she could do was hold on.

  “Yeah, baby.”

  She heard him grunt and pant behind her.

  “You take my cock like you were made just for me.”

  He was fucking her. There was no other way to put it. Maya looked over her shoulder again, and saw him watching her with half-lidded eyes.

  Oh. God.

  He used the leverage he had on her waist and pulled her down onto his shaft. It was such a sudden, hard thrust that her eyes rolled back in her head, and she gasped out in agony and ecstasy. She swore she could feel him touch every single part of her, hitting something deep within her, the part that left her brain a puddle of mush. Her breasts were shaking back and forth forcefully from the way he pumped into her.

  “Yes, Marius. Yes.” She felt her orgasm rise again.

  He groaned at the same time she felt her climax peak.

  “That’s it. I’m going to come, baby.” He thrust into her once, twice, three ti
mes, and on the fourth he pulled out of her and started jerking himself off. She still looked over her shoulder and watched him, saw the fast motion of his hand on his dick, up and down, faster and harder, and then he came.

  Long, thick jets of cum came from the tip of his cock, and the warmth of that fluid landed on her ass, coating her flesh. Once he finished coming they both stood there, breathing heavily, neither speaking for long seconds.

  “Baby, you okay?” he finally asked.

  She nodded, but couldn’t speak as she tried to gasp for air. He moved them away from the tree and made sure she was stable on her feet before he took a step back. “Come here, baby,” he said to her after she finished getting dressed and he had his cock tucked back in his pants. She walked up to him, and he pulled her into the hard warmth of his body.

  “Was that too hardcore?”

  She laughed softly. “It was exactly what I wanted.” She leaned up and kissed him on the cheek, loving the stubble that covered his flesh and slightly abraded hers.

  “Come on, baby.” He tightened his arm around her. “Let’s get back to the house and get cleaned up and get something to eat.”

  For a long time after she’d come to the farm, alone, scared, not sure where her life would lead, she’d never seen herself with someone that could make her this happy. The world was corrupted, frightening, and there were dangerous things out there, violent people that weren’t just infected. She might be strong, might be able to defend herself even if Marius wasn’t here, but to have him by her side, to have her back, meant they were stronger than ever. She didn’t have to worry about what the future held, because having Marius meant it was a little happier, a little brighter.

  They headed back to the farmhouse, their hands pressed together, their fingers entwined.

  “I love you so much,” Marius said and looked over at her, a soft smile on his face. “You’re it for me, my world, even when the one we live in has gone to shit.”

  “It’s you and me against everything else.”

  “It sure is, baby.” He tightened his hold on her hand. “Until the end.”

  Even the end of the world didn’t look so bad, not with Marius by her side.

  The End

  Other Books by Jenika Snow:

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