The Colony Ship Conestoga : The Complete Series: All Eight Books

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The Colony Ship Conestoga : The Complete Series: All Eight Books Page 178

by John Thornton

  The automacubes unlocked their appendages, and rolled apart. Eris noted the blood and gore were missing from the floor around the door, as was the dismembered body of the patrolman. Her own clothing had been washed, sanitized, and placed back on her while she slumbered. It felt surreal.

  Eris emerged, and as she did, she realized the com-link had been left back on the stand. She saw Jerome, Cammarry, and Monika slow their jogging.

  “We made it here. Sorry we were too late to help,” Monika said and walked over to hug Eris.

  “Better three hours too soon than a minute too late. Life's tragedy is that we get wise too late, and old too soon,” Jerome commented.

  “I could have been here sooner, but these two made me late helping them get inside. I had to sit and…” Cammarry began.

  “No one wants your explanations,” Jerome snapped.

  Eris screamed out at the top of her lung. “Stop quarreling! I hate it! People died here. Get a grip on yourselves.” She then turned around and marched back into the repository. She grabbed the com-link and tapped it on. “Sandie? I need some engineering automacubes to rebuilt the doors to this repository. Can you arrange for that?”

  “Yes, Captain Eris,” Sandie replied. “Please check the gravity conduit. Another package should have arrived. It has an additional com-link style device which bridges, or spans, the dysfunctional nonphysicality and is designed to interface with AI Batibat. Insert that into an access port and I will be better able to link and couple AI Batibat into the Alpha lattice. I have four engineering automacubes standing-by. When you connect in the nonphysicality spanning device, they will move out and should arrive shortly. They are reset to be under the direction of AI Batibat.”

  Monika walked inside the repository and looked around. “This place is functional. How marvelous. Eris you protected all these people. You should be pleased, but I know it cost you a lot. Sandie told me.”

  “Thank you Monika. The people that were here are crazy! They are on the way to Aston.” Eris unloaded the parcel from the gravity conduit. She then jacked the new spanning com-link device into the access port. “AI Batibat, you could have had one of the medical automacubes do this.”

  AI Batibat answered with some hesitation. “Captain Eris, I had the medical automacubes attend to you and to Inteus. They then did sterilization work, as I was unable to contact Mortuary Sciences for assistance in removing the bodies. Additionally, I was still disconnected at that time. I was not sure who could be trusted, as none of these events are typical for anything I expected on the Conestoga. Forgive me if I chose the wrong priorities.”

  Eris contemplated what was said for a moment. “Will Inteus recover?”

  Doctor 232 replied. “His condition is stable and improving. He would be better treated at the hospital in Aston, but his recover can take place here. Unless other criminal activity is inflicted upon him.”

  Sandie used the area wide speaker to address all four people. “SB Sherman reports that there is extreme fighting taking place in Aston right now.”

  “We better get there and help,” Jerome stated. “I think we did start all this. We are made better not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility we take for our own futures.”

  “Responsibility?” Cammarry huffed in anger. “Lead on, oh great responsible chieftain.”

  “Sarcasm is the last refuge of people, when the privacy of their soul is cruelly invaded. I did the best I could. Now we need to move on,” Jerome said with barely suppressed hostility.

  Monika looked at Eris and lifted her eyebrows and frowned.

  The four people set off, after Eris confirmed that the engineering automacubes were on the way, and that SB Sherman now had access to the doors and egress points about the repository. That system assured Eris it would prevent further attackers from physically entering the region.

  Eris led, and the three others followed in an uneasy silence. The hallways were clear of the bloody mess Eris remembered, but the charring in the one hall was still evident.

  Making their way, led by directional signs from SB Sherman, they found a large bank of elevators. The bright blue hand-shaped symbol lit up on one elevator. They entered it and pressed the button which was flashing. It was the symbol for the town of Aston.

  “SB Sherman relates that there is intense fighting in the town of Aston,” Sandie stated to each of them through the com-links. “This elevator will open on the ground floor of the Town Hall. That is where the fighting has slacked for a while, but our ability to perceive the situation is limited. Please be prepared.”

  12 the battle of aston

  Cammarry, Jerome, Monika, and Eris all had their weapons drawn as the elevator doors opened. However, surprisingly, the doors opened at the back of the elevator, and the four of them turned around quickly. They were struck by a barrage of water which blew against them in large drops.

  “Sorry, but there was an explosion on the ground level inside,” SB Sherman stated from the elevator doors. “There are multiple deaths and devastation. I believe this is a safer exit.”

  “Water?” Jerome asked in surprise.

  “You care about water?” Cammarry said and shoved Jerome. “We just heard that something exploded, and you care about water?”

  “Well, I know you did not cause this explosion,” Jerome retorted. “Not like you did in Terraforming.”

  “It must be rain day,” Monika said and stepped between Jerome and Cammarry. That defused Cammarry’s angry rejoinder. Monika then rushed out and took up a spot near the side wall of a large building. The sky tube overhead was obscured by gray clouds and more rain. The wind was blowing at over thirty kilometers per hour.

  Jerome followed her lead, as did Eris and then finally Cammarry. Tropical plants with large leaves were set in an arranged manner next to the building. It was three stories high, with windows on all levels. Looking out away from the building it was difficult to see very clearly in the rain. The houses of the town surrounded the building, with roads leading in a grid pattern.

  Rat-a-tat. Rat-a-tat. Rat-a-tat.

  The sound from a rapidly firing main gun of a red automacube echoed up from the surrounded buildings. Most of those buildings were single story and looked to be dwelling places, or domiciles. It did remind Cammarry and Jerome of Wolf City, but the ornamental trees, shrubs, and landscaping were different.


  An AWAD fired from somewhere in the distance.

  “That must be from those people who Eris let escape,” Cammarry commented. “Sandie sent them weapons.”

  Eris bit her tongue, and held back a nasty answer. She prayed for guidance.

  Bam. Zing. Bam. Bam. Bam. Zing.

  Bullets impacted all around the four people, but from what direction they came was a mystery. All four dove to the ground and sought some kind of cover. A small permalloy bench sat by the walkway, not too far from the elevator’s doors. They scrambled over to that and hunkered down. A dog ran off as they approached. It had been hiding under the bench. Its black fur was matted down by the rain, its tail hung low between its legs.

  Bam. Bam. Bam.

  More bullets struck around them, but not as near.

  “Sandie? Where is that coming from?” Jerome asked.

  “I cannot conjecture the shooter’s location. There are multiple reports, and the rain is inhibiting any accurate echo-location,” Sandie replied.

  Jerome saw someone on top of a house across the way. He aimed his Willie Blaster at the figure, but hesitated. It was too far and too obscured to see what that person was doing.

  “Oh, come on!” Cammarry glared at Jerome. She did not hesitate and fired her own Willie Blaster.

  Piff. Piff. Piff.

  The figure was gone from sight, whether hit or ducking, it was unclear.

  Eris scolded. “We have the AWAD to shut down the automacubes. You cannot just shoot randomly at whoever you see!”

  “Why not?” Cammarry snarled. “You just watch me.”
/>   Piff. Piff. Piff.

  Cammarry fired at some other target.

  “Jerome, there is a red automacube!” Monika said and pointed toward an alleyway between some of the houses.

  “Too far from here, for an AWAD, but a legitimate target,” Jerome replied as he lined up his Willie Blaster.

  Piff. Piff.

  Jerome’s shots struck the red automacube from its rear. It spun about once, and sparks shot out from the side to sizzle in the rain.

  “One down, lots to go!” Cammarry yelled and rushed out and ran toward the alleyway.

  Jerome followed her. “Cammarry we need tactics, strategy, and a plan!”

  “I have a plan. I will shoot at whoever is fighting.”

  Eris looked at Monika, and there was uncertainty in both their eyes. “I guess we follow them and try to limit the damage?” Monika asked.

  “Agreed, but do not get yourself killed over this,” Eris said. “Think of your children.”

  Monika grasped her hand, gave her a smile and said, “I am, believe me.”

  Water splashed up in the street as they ran through it. More gunfire was heard, but nothing seemed really close. When they reach it, the red automacube was still smoldering, despite the rain.


  Another AWAD was fired much closer this time. Cammarry changed her direction headed toward that sound at a dead run. “At least we know those are the good guys!”

  “Good guys?” Eris said to herself as she followed. After what she had seen them do to the wounded patrolman, she doubted she could ever think of them as good in any manner.

  Cammarry rushed through the rain and up to the nearest house. It was locked, with drapery covering over the windows from the inside. Cammarry let go of the door handle and sprinted to the end of the wall.

  Blam. Blam. Blam. Rat-a-tat. Rat-a-tat.

  An exchange of fire was happening on the next street over. As Cammarry looked around the corner, she saw overturned garbage totters with spilled junk spread across the lawns. A dead body was amidst that refuge. That body was dressed in simple clothing, not the kind the freed slaves had been wearing, nor the uniform of the patrolmen.

  “They went to the plantation,” a child’s voice said.

  Cammarry whirled and pointed the Willy Blaster at the voice.

  “No!” Eris yelled as she caught up to Cammarry. Jerome and Monika were close behind.

  Cammarry pulled up the weapon.

  The child was sitting at the door to a house. “After they killed mommy, they went to the plantation.” Tears cloudy the child’s words.

  “Who killed your mommy?” Monika asked, her heart aching for the child.

  “Everybody is killing. Mommy tried to get food from the shed, and they killed her.”

  A man rushed from inside and grabbed the child. “Leave her alone!” He turned his back, to the group and shielded the child with his own body. He rushed back inside, murmuring soothing words to the child. The door slammed shut.

  Jerome, Cammarry, Monika, and Eris all looked at each other.

  “To the plantation then,” Cammarry said. “That must be somewhere at the edge of the town, right?”

  “You nearly shot that child!” Monika raged.

  “No, I did not. Almost is not dead, right Jerome?” Cammarry turned to him, her wet hair sticking to her face. “It is all about timing. You almost came searching for me in time, right?” Cammarry mocked. Her heart was racing fast, and her face was covered in rainwater. The RAM clothing had absorbed it for recycling, but she had kept the hood and mask packed down in their compartments. “We almost connected back to Dome 17. Almost got the teleporter pad built in time. Almost escaped from Carter. Almost got out of the SCU. All barely in time. We got out of Beta in time, almost did not.” She turned back to Monika. “Almost does not count at all. I almost got pregnant, but you did!”

  Blam. Bam. Bam. Bang.

  Gunfire, from multiple sources, caused them all to duck down even further.

  Jerome glanced from Monika to Cammarry and back. He was sickened by all he had seen and was feeling responsible for the slave revolt. He steeled himself and said, “The plantation is where the slave owners will be. We must end this.”

  Boom. Bang. Blam.

  More gunfire erupted down the road from them, and several figures darted across between buildings. One looked to be carrying an AWAD, but they moved so quickly, and in the rain the visibility was so poor it was hard to tell.

  Piff. Piff.

  Cammarry fired at something as she darted after them. Jerome followed.

  Eris looked at Monika. “Monika, you could maybe stay with that man.”

  Monika shook her head and answered, “No. No one will trust anyone here. If we can help finish this, we… sorry. Not we, you can do what…. Oh, bother. I need to try to help. Beta is gone, Alpha is a nightmare, but at least it is here.”

  Eris hugged Monika and said, “I know, this is hard. I will help too. I am the Captain.” Eris smiled a weak smile, rain running off her nose. “I must do something to stop all this.”

  “Sandie?” Monika asked. “Do you have any information on where a plantation is located?”

  “I am sorry, no. The assets available to the lattice and me are extremely limited in the biome,” Sandie replied via a private channel. “I am deeply worried about Cammarry and Jerome. Will you try to protect them?”

  In Eris’ ear Sandie said the same thing, “I am deeply worried about Cammarry and Jerome. Will you try to protect them?”

  Eris looked at Monika and they both nodded. They each had their own unique reasons, responsibilities, and rationales. Both women knew things were building to a climax, and neither knew how it would turn out. They both wanted it to be a peaceful resolution, but doubted that was possible anymore.

  They ran after Jerome and Cammarry.

  Street after street they ran. They could hear Jerome and Cammarry ahead, by the firing of the Willie Blaster, and their arguing back and forth. The two Dome 17 adventurers seemed to be just enough ahead, that Eris and Monika had trouble catching up to them. Cammarry kept an ongoing rampage at anything which looked like a automacube.

  Piff. Piff. Piff.

  Things were destroyed; storage boxes, dumpsters, utility connections, and Cammarry did destroyed two actual automacubes. One a green one, and the other a yellow one. She fired at them before she knew they were no threat.

  When Eris and Monika finally caught up to them. They were in yet another heated argument. Perhaps it was the same argument which had never ended. The last of the town’s row of houses was before them. Past that the two adventurers were both out on the road, exposed and in the open. Jerome and Cammarry were standing in the middle of that roadway, which led to a plantation, yelling at each other. Rain pounding down on them. Large palm trees lined the roadway, but they offered no shelter or concealment. The fields on either side had head-high bushes or shrubs, set in neat and ordered rows. Those plants were pretty, even in the rain, with bell-shaped yellow flowers which hung downward from their vine-like boughs. Their dark green leaves were small and narrow, while their twisty trunks were a deep brown.

  “… what to do!” Cammarry yelled back stomping her feet and turning about. “They are just stupid machines. They could turn on us. Everything else has. People, systems, automacubes, and even you! Every single thing is a threat and is seeking to kill us. Everything!”

  “Haphazardly shooting at things will not help. I repeat, stop shooting everything in sight. Remember Terraforming? You shot up that place and the whole thing blew up. We need to use stealth and…”

  Cammarry spun and slapped Jerome. “I will never forget Terraforming! That is where you abandoned me! I was kidnapped there, you ignorant chump! Bigelow was right to call you a rube!”

  Standing in the rain, Jerome held his hand to the side of his face which she had slapped. “I did the best I could.”

  “Your best is never good enough. Look at where we are,” Cammarry gestured with
her arms wide, Willie Blaster in one hand. “On a haunted derelict colony ship, trapped on an alien world. It would have been better to die in Dome 17, than be in this endless horror story of the Conestoga.”

  “Cammarry?” Jerome said pleadingly “We are in this together. I know I have made mistakes, but…”

  Bam. Bam. Bam.

  Bullets flew up all around them, causing splashes in the pools of rainwater which sat on the road. That finally broke the quarrel and they dove toward what limited cover there was behind the palm trees, one to either side of the road. Eris saw that up the road was a red automacube which had just rolled out onto the roadway from the plantation house. It continued to fire at Jerome and Cammarry.


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